Submitting Institution
University of NottinghamUnit of Assessment
Area StudiesSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Language, Communication and Culture: Cultural Studies, Literary Studies
History and Archaeology: Historical Studies
Summary of the impact
Professor Zoe Trodd has contributed to changes in antislavery policy
debate and practice at local, national and international levels—from
lawyers' societies and school teachers, to national non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) and the European Parliament—through a series of
publications, consultations, public talks, and contributions to teaching
and digital resources about contemporary slavery and abolitionism. Drawing
on her own research, as well as research into historic forms of slave
resistance and literary abolitionism by two other professors in the UoA,
she has intervened in contemporary abolitionism by advising the government
bodies, NGOs and community organisations working to liberate slaves, pass
antislavery legislation and remove slavery from industries' supply chains.
Underpinning research
Judie Newman's research, undertaken as Professor of American Studies
(2000-present), has theorised the genre of the slave narrative, including
the neo-slave narrative, with attention to the wealth of variety in the
thousands of oral histories of former slaves, and hundreds of published
slave narratives, also examining the genre's influence as an abolitionist
tool in the 19th century (reference 1). John Ashworth's research,
undertaken as Professor of American History (2000-present), positions 19th-century
slave resistance as a key cause of the Civil War and a key factor in
slavery's abolition (reference 2). Both professors have therefore
traced specific antislavery strategies that Trodd has subsequently
presented to NGOs as a series of lessons that the 19th-century
abolitionist movement offers to 21st-century abolitionists.
In research undertaken and published as Professor of American Literature
(July 1, 2012-present), Trodd has written the most up-to-date assessment
available of contemporary slavery and antislavery efforts in Europe, with
recommendations for the European Union's future antislavery strategies, as
a 30-page commissioned study submitted in May 2013 and delivered as an
address at the European Parliament on July 10, 2013 (reference 4),
as well as comprehensive introductions to contemporary slavery and human
trafficking (reference 5). Since July 2012 she also has examined
the literary and visual culture of the 21st-century global
antislavery movement, a now 15-year-old movement to end the enslavement of
27 million people worldwide. For example, she has gathered and published
narratives by formerly enslaved people (source 4), then offered the
first and only scholarly theorisation of these narratives as a genre (the
Contemporary Slave Narrative) in a paper at a public international
conference in November 2012 that brought together academics and
antislavery activists before an audience of 200 that included Luis CdeBaca
(director of the U.S. State Department's Office to Monitor and Combat
Trafficking in Persons). Arguing that slave narratives need to be as
central to today's antislavery movement as they were to 19th-century
abolitionism, she has revealed former slaves making themselves subjects of
a story instead of objects for sale in their protest literature. In
addition, she has provided the first and only examination of contemporary
antislavery visual culture, in an open-access peer-reviewed journal
article in May 2013 (reference 3) that was featured by the
Education Outreach team at the Facebook page for the Department of Public
Information at the United Nations on June 15, 2013. Here Trodd identified
some of the same limitations of paternalism, dehumanisation and
sensationalism as dominated much of the first antislavery movement's
visual culture. Finally, the research thread that ties these multiple
elements together is Trodd's focus on what 19th-century
abolitionism has offered so far—and what more it could offer—to 21st-century
abolitionists. Across all this research, Trodd has argued that today's
abolitionists should learn lessons from the first antislavery movement's
failures, successes, contradictions and unfinished work. They should work
to replace nostalgia with protest memory—memory of protest and
memory used to protest—and salvage a literary and visual culture
of slave rebellion and black activism, rather than slave passivity and
white paternalism.
References to the research
1. Judie Newman, "Slave Narratives and Neo-Slave Narratives," Cambridge
Companion to the Literature of the American South, ed. Sharon
Monteith (Cambridge University Press, 2013), 26-38 [DOI:
2. John Ashworth, The Republic in Crisis, 1848-1861 (Cambridge
University Press, 2012) [listed in REF2].
4. Zoe Trodd (with Kevin Bales), Addressing Contemporary Forms of
Slavery in EU External Policy (European Union 2013) [available on
5. Zoe Trodd, "Slavery" and "Human Trafficking," Sociology of Work,
ed. Vicki Smith (Sage, 2013) [DOI: 10.4135/9781452276199.n149 and
Details of the impact
This research has informed antislavery debate, policy and practice on the
part of 1) the European Parliament; 2) NGOs; 3) specific communities (of
teachers and lawyers).
Influencing the debates of the European Union
Trodd's research (reference 4) has had an impact on the
antislavery discourse of the European Union. She presented the findings of
her commissioned study (reference 4) to the European Parliament's
Subcommittee on Human Rights on July 10, 2013, then engaged in an exchange
of views with Myria Vassiliadou, the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator. The
study assessed the EU's antislavery efforts so far and recommended new
courses of action, including an EU Directive on Transparency in Supply
Chains, national anti-slavery plans and slavery inspectorates for Member
States, a systematic regulation of labour recruitment agencies, a better
use of historic antislavery imagery in its own reports and resources
(rather than its current use of famous 19th-century icons like
the crouching, pleading slave from "Am I Not a Man and a Brother"), and
dozens of other recommendations centred around the suggestion that the EU
shift its focus from just trafficking (the process of enslavement)
to slavery itself, and do so with reference to earlier forms of slavery
and antislavery. In response, the Vice-Chair of the Subcommittee on Human
Rights, Metin Kazak, said he wanted to "underline the message of the paper
that there is a clear recommendation to the EU to cease referring to
trafficking as slavery and rather recognise trafficking as a
method by which a minority of the world's slaves are brought to slavery" (source
1). MEPs then debated the value of this proposed shift. Here Trodd
introduced a new element to the EU's debate on its approach to combatting
contemporary slavery and human trafficking. Other policy recommendations
have the potential for impact over the next two-three years.
Making suggestions to NGOs about elements of their abolitionism
Trodd presented research to antislavery NGOs about how best to translate
the lessons and methods of 19th-century abolitionism and
antislavery writing into 21st-century antislavery strategies
and campaigns. The NGOs with which Trodd engaged subsequently changed an
element of their approach. As well as her own research into antislavery
imagery and contemporary slave narratives (reference 3), she used
that of Ashworth (reference 2) to suggest that antislavery
organisations should support grassroots organisations that empower
enslaved people to take and sustain their own freedom, rather than
organisations that buy people out of slavery; and that of Newman (reference
1) to suggest that organisations should work to gather the
narratives of contemporary slaves, publish them without what Newman terms
the "straitjacket" of editorial interference and authenticating
testimonials by sponsors, and make the slave narrative as central to
contemporary abolitionism as it was to 19th-century antislavery
- Free the Slaves (the leading American antislavery NGO) applied the
suggestions based on Trodd and Newman's research into slave narratives
by launching a digital collection of testimonies (source 2).
- The Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives (FDFI) (a high-profile
antislavery NGO run by Frederick Douglass' direct descendants) applied
the advice based on Trodd's research into antislavery imagery in its
contributions to the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History's
National Youth Summit on Abolition, held on February 11, 2013, and
attended by 4200 high school students and teachers from the U.S., Kenya,
Canada, Pakistan, Malta and Brazil onsite and online. The FDFI
president, Kenneth B. Morris (Douglass' great-great-great-grandson)
participated in the panel discussion and contributed material to the
summit's Conversation Kit, a document circulated a week in advance of
the event. Here he applied Trodd's suggestions, quoting her directly (source
3, p.8). Advice to The National Underground Railroad Freedom
Center (NURFC) (which is both a museum about the historic underground
railroad and a contemporary antislavery organization based in Ohio),
shaped its contributions to the same Summit, where it applied Trodd's
warning about sensationalising depictions of slavery, quoting her
directly (source 3, p.9).
- John Brown Lives (JBL) (a human rights organisation based in upstate
New York) applied the suggestions based on Ashworth's research to
organize a public event in New York City in April 2013 where Trodd
discussed the potential value of the John Brown method (violent direct
action) and slave rebellion (central to Emancipation, as Ashworth has
argued), to today's antislavery efforts. In direct response to this
event and the awareness it raised, New York City declared April 7—the
day of the event—John Brown Day. A councilman proclaimed at the event
itself: "whereas John Brown.... is a figure of particular importance in
American history who spent his life fighting against the endemic
injustice of slavery and.... whereas an important event in recognition
of the efforts of Mr Brown is promoting knowledge through academic
discourse and educated discussion; now, therefore, April 7 is John Brown
Day" (source 4). Creating a John Brown Day in New York that
highlights contemporary slavery and the antislavery strategy of armed
resistance and slave rebellion has, according to the Executive Director
of JBL, "engaged the communities of New York in the freedom history of
their region, promoted social justice and human rights, and encouraged
people to see who else is out there working on the question of human
equality today" (source 5).
Initiating the establishment of Britain's first antislavery taskforce
Following a lecture and seminar on contemporary slavery (based on research
in reference 4) that Trodd delivered in May 2013 to the Young
Public Lawyers Group (an industry-wide London-based network that
facilitates links between public lawyers and hosts events of interest to
this sector), the group (with Trodd as Advisor) established Britain's
first antislavery taskforce. The London-based taskforce is initially
comprised of lawyers and NGO representatives, and will also include
A&E doctors, police, social workers and local government officials.
The task-force is training and planning for trafficking and slavery cases,
addressing and resolving areas of potential overlap or conflict, and
ensuring that open lines of communication exist. As shown in the U.S.,
where most major cities have such a group, local taskforces smooth the
movement of survivors to appropriate service providers, increase the
viability of prosecutions, and raise levels of public awareness and
Helping teachers promote antislavery awareness among students
Trodd drew primary material from her research (references 3-5) to
publish a collection of contemporary slave narratives online at the
Antislavery Literature Project (ALP)—an educational non-profit that
provides free access to the literature and history of the antislavery
movement (source 6). The collection was accessed 536,796 times (as
of July 2013), with 87,336 unique visits. A "Contemporary Slavery
Teachers' Resource" and accompanying website produced by the International
Slavery Museum with support from UNESCO used Trodd's narratives as the
basis for case studies (source 7) and was accessed 17,552 times
online by July 2013. The resource has been used by teachers to educate
students aged 10 to 14 in England and Wales on contemporary slavery as
part of their education in Citizenship. Trodd also adapted her
research (references 3-5) for numerous public talks, including in
Portland, New Haven and New York in March and April 2013; for a Youtube
lecture posted on February 27, 2013 that had reached 9200 views and 142
comments by July 2013 (source 8); and for two different 2-day
courses for 50 high-school teachers in Boston about contemporary slavery
in March and July 2013. The teachers went on to adapt the course content
for their own teaching (which reaches around 1200 students, with average
class sizes at 25 students). The teachers shared their reflections on the
course and also the lesson plans they had written and used as a result,
demonstrating the impact on their teaching (source 9). For
example, one teacher had asked her students to complete a project about
the products they use that are connected to slave labour, then asked the
students to write letters to newspapers about contemporary slavery.
Working with students rather than teachers, Trodd also adapted her
research (reference 5) for a Widening Participation session about
contemporary slavery offered to 30 high-achieving and low-income local
Year 12s in the Nottingham area (March 2013) and successfully supported
the pupils in developing new knowledge and understanding. Before the
session, questioning of students revealed they knew nothing about the
topic. In a follow-up survey a week later, all students were able to
explain important facts and figures about today's slavery (source 10).
Sources to corroborate the impact
- European Parliament responses to Trodd's commissioned study (viewed
12/11/13), available from:
- Example of an NGO using Trodd's research (viewed 12/11/13), available
- Example of NGOs using Trodd's research (viewed 12/11/13), available
- The Official Proclamation of John Brown Day in New York (available on
- The Executive Director of John Brown Lives (contact details on file).
- Link to Trodd's collection of contemporary slave narratives (viewed
12/11/13), available from:
- Teaching resource that features Trodd's collected narratives (viewed
12/11/13), available from:
- Link to Trodd's YouTube talk (viewed 12/11/13), available from:
- Sample teacher lesson plans and reflections (available on file).
- Surveys with Widening Participation Students (available on file).