3. Improving HIV/AIDS education and support in KwaZulu-Natal through comics drawing
Submitting Institution
Cardiff UniversityUnit of Assessment
English Language and LiteratureSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
[Key: Bold: REF guide text; Bold italic/italic:
emphasis; Superscript: refs to section 3 and 5]
Building on research by El Refaie on autobiographical comics, visual
metaphor and teenagers' response to cartoons, and on research by Sarangi
into communicating HIV risk, comics drawing workshops were designed for
use with teenagers who had, or were at risk of, HIV/AIDS. Run at the
Whizzkids United Health Academy in South Africa, the workshops helped the
teenagers create their own comics stories, enabling them to express their
feelings and explore different possible solutions to scenarios from their
life experiences. Teenagers who were HIV+ spoke for the first time about
their problems, sharing their concerns with each other and with Health
Academy counsellors. A booklet of the best comics was distributed to
teenagers in Edendale and via the Whizzkids United website.
Underpinning research
Research into visual communication, metaphor and autobiographical
comics: The research of Elisabeth El Refaie (Joined as
Lecturer '05, SL '11) examines the pedagogical uses of cartoons and
comics. Underpinned by a British Academy-funded study3-7 using
newspaper cartoons to encourage British teenagers to talk about their
identity and perceptions of major geopolitical events, El Refaie3-1,3-2
found that cartoons help young people grasp complex information
and engage with different points of view. Cartoons were found to be a
valuable way of teaching multimodal literacy skills.3-1,3-4 Her
research since 2007 has examined how visual storytelling conveys meanings
that are difficult to express in words. Her monograph on autobiographical
comics3-3 identifies unique characteristics of the medium,
particularly its heavy reliance on visual metaphor and humour, which
provide authors with new ways of representing aspects of their life
experiences. El Refaie shows how the genre of autobiographical comics has
opened up life writing to authors for whom traditional prose writing would
not have been a realistic option, including teenagers and underground
visual artists.
Research into HIV/AIDS education in high-risk communities:
Srikant Sarangi AcSS (Lecturer 93, SL 97, Reader 99, Professor 03-13) has
an extensive dossier of health communication projects worldwide. As part
of a £1.1m project3-8 held in the Unit's Centre for Language
and Communication Research, he examined the role of language in education
programmes for the prevention of HIV/AIDS in India.3-5 His work
demonstrated that HIV prevention programmes are most successful when the
target population is actively involved in their development and
implementation, and when they are delivered in a form that all the
participants can readily understand.3-6
Specific research for Whizzkids United (WU): Before
developing the training materials for WU, El Refaie conducted a literature
review of reports on health promotion and literacy campaigns that have
used comics, in order to identify the advantages and pitfalls of using
drawing classes to promote life skills development and disease prevention.
She also examined existing comics for HIV/AIDS education, and also the
non-educational comics popular in the primary target group of
KwaZulu-Natal teenagers. The analyses reveal a dominant external,
paternalistic approach to HIV/ AIDS education, characterised by generic
and directive text that might be difficult for teenagers to relate to
their own experience. In addition, cultural biases were apparent: in
S.African AIDS comic `The Fight', http://bit.ly/TIKnqy,
the good white blood cells are represented by white-skinned soldiers; in
Brazilian comics, http://bit.ly/XYolVQ,
superheroes are used to fight HIV/AIDS. In order to understand the
starting point for the workshops, a comics drawing competition was held
(cf. section 4). No superheroes were depicted, and the drawings entirely
lacked metaphor, being factual and direct. This observation was
significant in the development of the materials, because all entrants in
the competition had previously participated in WU life skills training,
where football is used as a metaphor (described below). WU staff were
satisfied that they had understood the football metaphor. Therefore,
attention was paid in the workshops to enabling the teenagers to transfer
their understanding of metaphor to this new domain.
References to the research
(All items are available from the HEI)
1. El Refaie, E. 2009. Multiliteracies: How readers interpret
political cartoons. Visual Communication 8,2: 181-205. DOI:
2. El Refaie, E. 2011. The pragmatics of humor reception: Young
people's responses to a newspaper cartoon. HUMOR 24,1: 87-108.
DOI: 10.1515/HUMR.2011.005
3. El Refaie, E. 2012. Autobiographical Comics: Life Writing
in Pictures. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. Shortlisted
for 2013 Eisner awards (Best Academic Book) http://bit.ly/17EB454.
ISBN: 9781617036132
4. El Refaie, E. & Hörschelmann, K. 2010. Young people's
readings of a political cartoon and the concept of multimodal literacy. Discourse:
Studies in Cultural Politics of Education 31,2: 195-207.
DOI: 10.1080/01596301003679719
5. Mooney, A. & Sarangi, S. 2005. An ecological framing of
HIV preventive intervention: a case study of non-government organizational
work in the developing world. Health 9,3: 275-96. DOI:
6. Sarangi, S. 2008. The micropolitics of disclosure, stigma and
(dis)trust surrounding HIV/AIDS in India. In I. Markova and A. Gillespie
(eds.) Trust and Distrust: Sociocultural Perspectives. Charlotte,
NC: Information Age Publishing, 153-177. ISBN: 9781593118426.
Research grants
7. British Academy, 2005-7, £6973, Editorial cartoons and
geopolitical perceptions, SG-39469, PI: E.El Refaie [partly held at
University of Durham]
8. Leverhulme Trust, 2001-6, £1.1m Language and Global Communication,
F/00/407D, PI: T.van Leeuwen; Co-Is: S.Sarangi, N.Coupland, P.Garrett,
Details of the impact
Context: Whizzkids United (http://www.whizzkidsunited.org/)
is the youth outreach programme of the UK charity Africaid. Using football
as a metaphor for life, its six week course On the Ball (OtB)
harnesses explicit analogy (e.g. strategy, focus, hard work, teamwork,
self-determination) to teach life skills and HIV prevention to teenagers.
OtB graduates are encouraged to attend the WU Health Academy (HA) in the
Edendale district of Pietermariztburg, KwaZulu-Natal, a clinic and drop-in
centre offering testing, counselling and treatment for HIV/AIDS. Over 5.6m
people in South Africa have HIV/AIDS, with the highest prevalence recorded
in KwaZulu-Natal (39.5% of the adult population, according to UNAIDS in
2009). Most teenagers with HIV in the target group were born with it. Due
to taboos that prevent open discussion, children are deprived of clear
information about both risks and prevention, even though they are sexually
active from a young age.
The OtB programme is highly successful (25,000 graduates), but the WU
founder Marcus McGilvray contacted the Cardiff team in Autumn 2011 for
assistance with communicating the health messages. Only 14% of Edendale
OtB graduates had gone on to visit the HA, located some 5km from their
schools and villages. At the HA, teenagers can access the full range of
information and support they need. An estimated 70% of children taking an
HIV test at the HA were first reached through the OtB scheme. The Cardiff
researchers began, at his request, by examining the football-coaching
materials to suggest improvements, particularly in communicating the
importance of attending the HA. El Refaie's research on metaphor was
central to this evaluation. As part of their scoping study, the Cardiff
team asked the OtB coaches for their views on the teaching materials, and
it became clear that the images (photographs) were not well-targeted to
the teenagers. This raised the question of how comics (El Refaie's
research specialism) might be used instead.
Process: El Refaie proposed to McGilvray that the teenagers
might draw their own illustrations for OtB. To assess the feasibility of
the idea, a comics drawing competition was organised, judged by GP Dr Ian
Williams, whose website (http://graphicmedicine.org)
promotes the use of comics for healthcare professionals, patients and
carers. The idea of developing comics drawing as an activity in its own
right was partly inspired by written comments on some of the comics in the
competition, welcoming this alternative to football. Comics drawing was
developed as an alternative mainstream educational approach for WU, with
dedicated workshops teaching participants to create original stories in
the comics format. The first aim was to empower the young people to use
this creative narrative medium to express their feelings and concerns. The
second aim was to produce comics for distribution, reflecting the
teenagers' own perspectives on HIV/AIDS and thus appealing to other local
youngsters, as well as providing a way to promote the services of the HA.
El Refaie created the materials with reference to Sarangi's research into
HIV education. Stephen Silverwood of `Upside Comics', a charity that runs
comics drawing classes in UK schools and social clubs, assisted with
teaching ideas; Steve Marchant, a comics artist and educator who runs
comics drawing workshops with groups of underprivileged children and
adults and authored the `The Cartoonist's Workshop', inked and coloured
the comic strips produced by the teenagers.
1. Feb-Jul 2012: Bespoke research (see above), including an analysis of
the comics drawn by OtB participants for a competition (105 entries, two
prizes awarded). At a consultation meeting with McGilvray, it was agreed
to develop the materials in a manner that did not rely on the teachers
having previous experience of comics drawing.
2. Aug-Nov 2012: El Refaie constructed the Workshop 1 content, focusing
on the core themes that her research showed best enabled teenagers to
understand visual forms of storytelling and use them effectively to
express their own thoughts and experiences, including different ways of
depicting character traits and emotions. Workshop 1 consists of basic
drawing skills classes (3 x 60-90 minute sessions). From Nov 2012 it was
delivered both at the HA (>100 teenagers) and in local schools
(>75) by Mar 2013.
3. Nov-Dec 2012: El Refaie assembled a library of c.30 graphic novels for
the HA, to raise the teenagers' awareness of different styles and
narrative techniques. She developed materials for Workshop 2, an
intensive two-day comics drawing course for selected graduates of the
introductory workshops, focussed on visual metaphor and comics story
structure. The Powerpoint slides for both Workshops were colour-printed
and laminated for use in venues without computers/electricity. `I love
drawing comics' T-shirts with the Cardiff University and WU logos were
designed, printed and donated by the Unit for Workshop 2 participants.
4. Jan-Apr 2013: Workshop 1 artwork and feedback from participants and
the local trainers was received and analysed. On 23-24th Feb,
McGilvray and 9 colleagues including counsellors ran Workshop 2 for the
first time, with 29 15-20 yr olds (HIV+ ♀9/♂7; HIV- ♀7/♂6),
travelling up to 40km each day (3 buses) to attend. A full report of the
weekend was written by a researcher at WU.5-1 The input
included a `tree of life' metaphor to help the teenagers develop a
visual image of their identity in the context of family and friends,
culminating in discussing the power of a `forest' of such trees.5-1
In line with El Refaie's research the workshop helped the participants
use metaphor to talk about HIV. Evidence of the success of this
includes: "HIV is like an octopus" (♂); "I think the virus is the
soldiers that killed the soldiers of the body" (♂); "It's like a
snake, maybe cobra if I may say because it's a dangerous animal" (♂).5-1
Within four teams, role play was used to construct story episodes for
six-frame comics. The artwork was scanned in Cardiff, and selected
originals were sent to Steve Marchant for collation into a colourful
booklet of the comics stories which can be viewed and downloaded at http://bit.ly/19HSuyD. Between its
launch on 05/06/13 and 31/07/13, visitors from at least 26 countries had
viewed the booklet, including 111 in the UK and 65 in the US.5-8
The booklet was distributed in the UK at the `Making Sense of HIV'
conference, Cumberland Lodge, 12-14.06.13 and in KwaZulu-Natal through
the OtB program and the WU Health Academy.
Evidence of impact: Workshop 1s were initially held at the
Health Academy (HA), but they were so popular that schools asked to run
them in their Life Orientations classes,5-3 increasing
the reach by 75%.5-4 The commitment to Workshop
2 attendance surprised McGilvray. There was a full turn out, and "All the
kids were there at 8 am on the dot both mornings, which is not usual, in a
place that works on `African time'. We'd expected not being ready to start
until 9.30."5-5
Impact of Workshop 2 on the teenagers: Two of the teams
were composed only of HIV+ participants. McGilvray said, "One of the most
amazing things ... was when they opened up and realised they all had the
same problem. There was a surge of emotion and relief when they found out
they were all HIV positive".5-5 They spoke of how they
feared disclosing their status, in case the others found out and
ostracised them.5-1,5-5 Both HIV+ teams developed this theme in
their comics (while the HIV-negative teams focussed on the importance of
being tested).
Impact of workshop on Health Academy staff: The staff had
not anticipated the power of the experience, nor the extent to which they
would for the first time gain access to such deep levels of disclosure:
"when the children come to the clinic we focus on the services...but for
this weekend we try to sit down with them and they were expressing
themselves. How do they feel about them-selves. Now we can understand each
other. How this person feels."5-1 Staff learnt that the most
significant concern for HIV+ teenagers is isolation and fear of rejection,
and not knowing who they can trust.5-2 This extends to fear of
breaking up the family by implicating their parents as HIV+ and worry
about siblings' status.5-5 Directly resulting from Workshop 2,
the HA will develop new programmes that create opportunities for HIV+
teenagers to talk to each other and work together.5-5 Staff
also came to understand better why teenagers sometimes fail to take their
antiretroviral (ARV) medication: not only does it stigmatise them, but
many, taking it from childhood, had never been told what it was for (and
did not know they were HIV+).5-5
Impact on individuals: Comments from participants recorded
during the workshop (translated from Zulu) 5-1 exemplify their
first disclosures of intensely private information: "I don't know how I
got HIV and I never did find out. I do find it hard to let other people
know my status. I feel bad when other people talk about HIV/AIDS." (♂).
"I was so scared. I was not drinking my medicine. So, I was so angry, why
me! Only me! Why was HIV in my body?" (♀). "When I found out I was HIV
positive, I didn't want to tell my parents and my friends, because I was
afraid. I felt that if they knew my HIV status they would chase me away"
(♀). "It's very challenging to see your friends coming from hospital,
they have a negative status, and you are the only one who is positive."
(♂). They also commented on the impact of the workshop: "I used to be
confused. But now I'm not confused because there are other people who have
the same problem" (♂). "I feel happy... because they shared my problem"
(♀). One 19-yr-old who impressed staff as a listener and supporter in
his (HIV+) group has been offered a part-time job at the HA (with
training) to set up a youth-led support group. This could not have
happened without the workshop.5-5,5-6,5-7
Nature of the impact: The workshops have made an impact on
the health and quality of life of teenagers with, or at grave risk
of, HIV.5-5,5-7 The activities have affected their attitude,
awareness and behaviour, and make a major contribution to WU's work
in creating new opportunities for empowerment and a positive
future.5-5 The main claim made here is for significance,
in creating life-changing experiences, new peer support networks,
reduction of isolation, improved use of medication for the participants,
and, for one participant, a career opportunity. Also significant is the
new information for staff, that has enhanced the HA's services for the
entire community. 5-1,5-5 Reach is inevitably more
modest, because of the need for qualified counsellors to work with small
groups and individuals and the associated high costs, which require
fund-raising.5-7 Nevertheless, Workshop 1 was delivered to 175
teenagers between Nov 2012 and Mar 2013, and funding for the next round of
Workshop 2 was secured in Sep 2013. Although limited, the reach is
effective: "I would confidently say that as a result of Comic Strip more
youth have accessed HIV testing and counselling."(McGilvray)5-4
Additional reach occurred when, in Mar 2013, McGilvray ran
Workshops 1 & 2 at the WU Health Academy in the Sahel region of North
Ghana, with 20 participants aged 12-14.5-3,5-5 The materials
remain at the clinic, so repeat workshops can run.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Report by the Whizzkids United Health Academy research officer (Feb
2013). This 18 page report is the primary source of impact evidence. It
chronicles the events, summarises observation notes and presents
extensive interview data from the teenagers and staff. As the report
contains the teenagers' names, HIV status and many photographs, it is
- The WU February 2013 newsletter http://bit.ly/VdoR3f
has a feature about the Comics workshop 2.
- The WU April 2013 newsletter http://bit.ly/108xTys
reports that the Comics workshops in South Africa are so popular that
they have been adopted by a local school (one of several doing so) (see
last item of newsletter), and that the workshops were also piloted in
Ghana (see CEO message).
- E-mails from the CEO of Africaid, founder of WU, about the plans for
running future workshops and the increased take up of HA services due to
the workshops (2013).
- Testimony from CEO of Africaid, founder of WU (Jul 2013). This 8 page
account of the workshops in RSA and Ghana verifies the positive impact
on teenagers and HA staff, including new insights into how to offer
effective and relevant support.
- The WU July 2013 newsletter http://bit.ly/15RLJZq
features an extract from one of the comics, and reports the important
finding that "the youth feared being ostracised rather than death."
- Blog from volunteer in charge of the comics workshops. http://bit.ly/18y8k19
(22/07/13), confirming the success of the project so far, and the plans
for the next few months.
- Bit.ly statistics on the visits to the comic booklet on line,
confirming the claim about the number of countries and the numbers from
the UK and US.
1, 4, 5, 8 available from HEI as are copies of 2, 3, 6, 7 saved as pdf
on 5.7.13 and 25.7.13