Better measures of fuel poverty
Submitting Institution
London School of Economics & Political ScienceUnit of Assessment
Social Work and Social PolicySummary Impact Type
EconomicResearch Subject Area(s)
Economics: Applied Economics, Econometrics
Summary of the impact
Fuel poverty is a serious social problem. Research within the Unit has
changed official
understanding and measurement of fuel poverty. High quality work within
the Unit examining
poverty measurement, specific issues around fuel poverty, impacts of
energy efficiency measures
for housing, and of the distributional effects of energy price increases,
resulted in the Government
inviting Professor Hills, in 2011, to lead a review of how fuel poverty is
measured. His March 2012
report recommended a new `low income high costs' framework as the
indicator for fuel poverty. In
September 2012, the Government's consultation paper proposed that this be
adopted for future
official statistics. The Government confirmed this decision in July 2013
and published a Framework
for Future Action on the problem, based on the review's analysis.
Underpinning research
Research Insights and Outputs: Since 1997, the Centre for Analysis
of Social Exclusion (CASE)
has examined the measurement and extent of poverty and the impact of
policy on it, stressing its
multi-dimensional nature [1]. It has taken a particular interest in
housing, including the quality of the
housing stock.
In the early 2000s, CASE research examined fuel poverty and the
effectiveness of policies towards
it, pointing to conflicts between official measures of who was classified
as `fuel poor' and the ways
programmes were targeted [2]. It used data from the English House
Condition Survey and the
British Household Panel Survey to look at the extent to which being in
fuel poverty persisted over
time, and the effects of turnover in the housing stock [3].
Following this work, CASE was commissioned by government to carry out a
`peer review' of the
methodology used in creating the official statistics [4]. Several of this
review's suggestions for
technical improvements were incorporated into the official statistics; the
review also raised other
issues, such as the treatment of housing costs. However, the review's
terms of reference ruled out
examination of the fundamental form of the measure, which was based on a
ratio between required
energy costs and income.
Since 2005, research within CASE has examined the impact and
implementation of energy
efficiency measures for the housing stock, and the lessons that could be
drawn from experiences
in other countries, such as Germany. It also examined the distributional
impact of measures
intended to mitigate climate change by increasing energy prices. This
showed the regressiveness
of policies that increase the price of domestic fuel, but also the
existence of low-income losers —
disproportionately high energy users — even if other tax and benefit
measures removed this
regressiveness between income groups on average [5].
In Spring 2011 Professor Hills was invited by the Secretary of State for
Energy and Climate
Change to undertake an independent review of how fuel poverty has been
measured officially,
examining the problem from first principles. He published an Interim
Report in October 2011,
exploring the reasons why `fuel poverty' constitutes a distinct problem,
pointing to flaws in the
fundamental design of the existing measure, and suggesting an alternative
approach [6]. Following
public consultation and further analysis, he produced his final findings
and recommendations in
March 2012 [7].
Hills suggested that fuel poverty was a concern from three overlapping
perspectives: health and
well-being; compounding of hardship; and for climate change. At the core
of the problem are
people with both low incomes and disproportionately high energy
requirements. However, this
situation is not what is captured by the existing official `10 per cent'
measure, which sometimes
includes relatively high income households as `fuel poor' and can exclude
others with low incomes
and high energy costs. The picture it gives of the changing extent of the
problem over time
produces dramatic fluctuations unrelated to progress on the ground. The
design of the existing
measure can encourage a policy focus on those with the smallest problems.
Drawing on this analysis, Hills put forward an alternative approach,
which replaced the official `10
per cent' measure by the combination of (i) an indicator of the extent of
the problem, given by the
number of people with both low income and relatively high energy
requirements (the `Low Income
High Costs' indicator), and (ii) a new `Fuel Poverty Gap' indicator
capturing its depth. His final
report [7] pointed not only to the gravity of the problem and the fact
that it was likely to grow rather
than be eliminated by 2016 under current policies, but also to the
effectiveness and high social
returns from energy efficiency measures aimed at those with low incomes
living in the hardest-to-heat
Key researchers: Professor John Hills has been at LSE since 1986;
Mr Tom Sefton (Research
Fellow, CASE, 1997-2009)
References to the research
[1] Hills J (2004) Inequality and the State. Oxford University
Press, Oxford. LSE Research Online
ID: 4299
[2] Sefton, T (2002) `Targeting fuel poverty: Is the government getting
warm?', Fiscal Studies, 23
(3): 369-399. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-5890.2002.tb00065.x
[3] Sefton, T. (2004), Aiming High: An evaluation of the potential
contribution of Warm Front
towards meeting the Government's fuel poverty target, CASE report
28, London: LSE. LSE
Research Online ID: 28322
[4] Sefton, T and Chesshire, J. (2005) Peer review of the methodology
for calculating the number
of households in fuel poverty in England: final report to DTI and Defra.
London: DTI and Defra.
LSE Research Online ID: 51675
[5] Hills, J (2009) `Future pressures: intergenerational links, wealth,
demography and sustainability'
in J Hills, T Sefton and K Stewart (eds) Towards a More Equal Society?
Poverty, inequality and
policy since 1997. Bristol: The Policy Press. LSE Research Online
ID: 31329
[6] Hills, J (2011) Fuel Poverty: The problem and its measurement,
CASE report 69. London:
London School of Economics and DECC. LSE Research Onlne ID: 39270
[7] Hills, J (2012) Getting the Measure of Fuel Poverty: Final report
of the Fuel Poverty Review,
CASE Report 72. London: London School of Economics and DECC. LSE Research
Online ID:
Evidence of quality: References [1] and [5] are books with
well-respected publishers; [2] is a peer-reviewed
journal article. The work of the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion
was supported by
the ESRC's grant to it as a Research Centre held by Hills and colleagues,
with funding of £2.7
million in the period 1997-2008. The funding was secured from the ESRC's
annual centres
Details of the impact
Nature of the Impact
The Warm Homes and Energy Conservation Act 2000 committed government to
publishing a
strategy to ensure that `so far as reasonably practicable persons do not
live in fuel poverty', its
wording implying by 2016. The ensuing strategy document adopted a measure
used in previous
academic literature, that a household is `fuel poor' if modelling of the
energy efficiency of its home
suggests more than 10 per cent of net income would have to be spent on
fuel to reach particular
temperature standards and meet other needs. There have been technical
changes over time,
including several following the Sefton/Chesshire `peer review' [4], but
this measure has continued
to be used in the annual official fuel poverty statistics.
The 2010 Autumn Statement announced that government would commission an
review of the fuel poverty measure from first principles. Professor Hills
was subsequently asked to
carry this out, supported by a team based in the Department of Energy and
Climate Change
(DECC). The review drew on insights from earlier research within CASE,
from other institutions,
and new analysis by the review team [7]. The report's statistical analysis
shared the Royal
Statistical Society's 2012 award for `excellence in official statistics'.
On publication in March 2012, the government announced that later that
year it would issue a
consultation paper in response. Shortly afterwards, the Deputy Prime
Minister announced that a
further part of the resources which energy companies must provide to
support energy efficiency
measures under the Energy Company Obligation (ECO), equivalent to £190
million per year, would
be ring-fenced for a `Carbon Saving Communities Obligation'. This reacted
to analysis in the
report and by others pointing to the potential regressiveness of ECO as
previously designed
(because its costs will be met by consumers), unless a sufficient
proportion of its benefits went to
those with low incomes.
The consultation paper published in September 2012 welcomed the
`considerable insight that
[Professor Hills' review] has brought to this issue, as well as the
renewed focus the Review has
generated on how we tackle the problem' [A, p.3]. Following the review's
key final
recommendation, it announced that an `updated, refreshed' [A, p.3]
strategy for tackling fuel
poverty would be published in 2013. It committed the government to moving
away from the current
official definition and put forward a new framework for measurement. It
stated that the government
agreed with `Professor Hills' assessment of the weaknesses of the current
definition, and ... that
the Low Income High Costs framework [developed by Hills] provides a better
approach to
understanding the issue of fuel poverty and intend to adopt it as the main
measure of fuel poverty
in future' [A, p.24].
In terms of technical construction of the indicator, the consultation
proposed adoption of all but one
of the review's detailed recommendations, including measurement of income
after housing costs
and adjusted for family size, how relative energy costs should be
measured, and how thresholds
for low income and high costs should be set (the exception was the
treatment of certain disability
benefits, although DECC later said that parallel statistics will be
published reflecting both
treatments). DECC's 2013 Fuel Poverty Statistics, which cited Hills' work
extensively, included
data on the new proposed basis, alongside the current measure [B].
In July 2013 the government published its response to the consultation,
announcing that it will
`adopt the overall Low Income High Costs framework as the new indicator of
fuel poverty. This will
be used in future assessments of fuel poverty in England' [C, p.6].
It also published a `framework for future action', announcing that it
would be proposing
amendments to the 2013 Energy Bill to underpin a future government
strategy for fuel poverty (to
follow enactment of the Bill). The document suggested that the `new
definition is a powerful tool' to
`design effective solutions' [D, p.5], using the basis of the `outstanding
work' undertaken by
Professor Hills [D, p.5 and p.7].
Wider Implications: The citation for Professor Hills's knighthood
in June 2013 stated that: `His
independent review of fuel poverty will help to target assistance at those
who need it most, with a
long-lasting impact through quality of life improvements for some of the
most vulnerable in society'.
The Unit's research therefore led to a significant change in official
understanding and
measurement. In turn this has contributed to a change in the focus of
policy and distribution of
resources available for energy efficiency improvements, potentially
leading to more effective
policies benefiting several million people. This should have benefits in
reducing hardship, health
problems, and mitigating adverse side-effects of climate change policies.
Sources to corroborate the impact
All Sources listed below can also be seen at:
[A] Department for Energy and Climate Change (2012) Fuel Poverty:
changing the framework for
measurement Cm 8440. London: DECC.
[B] DECC (2013) Annual Report on Fuel Poverty Statistics 2013. London:
[C] DECC (2013) Fuel Poverty: changing the framework for measurement
Government response.
London: DECC.
[D] DECC (2013) Fuel Poverty: A Framework for Future Action. London:
[E] Users/beneficiaries who could corroborate:
The Deputy Director, Fuel Poverty, DECC and Secretary to the Fuel Poverty