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CO2 Leakage

Summary of the impact

Geological storage of CO2 requires prediction of the fate of stored CO2 for ~ 10,000 years after injection, a period much longer than can be observed in injection experiments or modelled. The only way to directly observe the behaviour of CO2 in crustal reservoirs over such time periods is to study accumulations of natural CO2. This case study developed from research undertaken in the Department of Earth Sciences by Bickle between 2006 and 2011 on one such natural accumulation at Green River, Utah, USA. As a result of this research, Shell Global Solutions International BV, identified Green River as a location where they could evaluate the long-term response of caprocks to CO2accumulations. In 2011 they commenced a major drilling and research program to recover and study caprock, reservoir rocks and fluids. The data we have generated from this work is being used to evaluate large-scale CCS projects including the proposed Goldeneye project in the UK North Sea.

Submitting Institution

University of Cambridge

Unit of Assessment

Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Geochemistry, Geology, Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience

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