Impact UK Location: Chipping Sodbury

REF impact found 1 Case Studies

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The Clarendon Park Project

Summary of the impact

Over the last 20 years the Clarendon Park Project (CPP) has investigated and sought to conserve the royal palace, park and hunting lodge of England's Norman and Plantagenet kings at Clarendon, Wiltshire. CPP has broken new ground in both the approach taken and the results obtained, namely in:

  1. Opening of an architecturally and historically important site (Clarendon Palace) to the public.
  2. Communicating new ideas on the organisation/management of medieval 'country' palaces.
  3. Establishing an approach whereby building conservation can take place with involvement/funding from a statutory body (English Heritage), a private landowner, volunteers and a University.

Submitting Institution

University of Winchester

Unit of Assessment

Geography, Environmental Studies and Archaeology

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Built Environment and Design: Architecture
History and Archaeology: Archaeology, Historical Studies

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