Children's participation in decision-making in primary classrooms
Submitting Institution
University of East AngliaUnit of Assessment
EducationSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy, Specialist Studies In Education
Summary of the impact
The case study addresses the impact of the project `Children Decide:
power, participation and purpose in the primary classroom' (2004-6)
regarding its two aims: developing collaborative approaches to
decision-making in schools, and advancing methodological understanding of
children as action researchers. The project made a subsequent
methodological contribution (children as researchers) to educational
evaluation and policy in two international organisations. Since 2008, the
project has had a direct and significant impact on children's
participation in decision-making in Norfolk schools, as reported by the
teachers and those who attended dissemination conferences and professional
development initiatives, and nationally by educators who used the
published report.
Underpinning research
The `Children Decide' project focused on children researching their role
in decision-making in their classrooms and schools, with a view to
increasing their involvement. Led by co-investigators, Sue Cox (Senior
Lecturer), at the University of East Anglia (UEA), 1999-present, and Anna
Robinson- Pant (Professor) at UEA 2000-present, the action research
project was carried out by children and their class teachers in six
Norfolk primary schools from 2004 to 2006. Recognised as fulfilling their
aim to support practitioner and policy-focused research, the project was
funded by the CfBT Education Trust.
As the project aimed to introduce more participatory approaches to
decision-making in classrooms, this necessarily had implications for the
ways in which adults worked with children as action researchers. The
project explored the constraints encountered by both children and teachers
in sharing decisions, and in carrying out action research, and identified
two dimensions of impact: the teachers' thinking and action, as well as
children's research and decision-making. Children researched their own
decision-making and began to take more ownership of decision-making in
their classrooms. Teachers developed more insight into children's values,
priorities and practices, though they struggled with their need to mediate
the project aims in the context of their professional role in the current
target-driven school culture.
Key research insights were related to methodological innovation, as well
as the empirical findings around the classroom context of decision-making
noted above (see reference 3). Building on the long-established
methodological contribution of the School's Centre for Applied Research in
Education to action research in schools, the project pioneered the idea of
engaging young children as action researchers. As well as developing
child-friendly methods for data collection and analysis, the project
influenced children's roles and identities in the classroom as a result of
their involvement as action researchers. In academic publications, Cox and
Robinson-Pant (see references 4 and 6) explored the methodological
findings around facilitating children's action research in relation to
negotiating differing identities, communicative practices and notions of
risk. Their earlier CfBT project, `Empowering Children through Visual
Communication' (2002-3), explored how adult-child power relationships in
school councils were being affected by the promotion of literacy practices
common in adult meetings, such as a written agenda and minutes (references
1 and 2). These research findings shaped the facilitation methods used in
the `Children Decide' project and its aims (see reference 3).
Both projects brought together Cox's expertise in primary pedagogy and
practice, and Robinson- Pant's expertise in participatory research in
international development (particularly in adapting visual methods from
Participatory Rural Appraisal, a methodology widely used in the South to
empower marginalised groups). This partnership developed dynamic
relationships between international, national and regional perspectives,
shaping their subsequent ESRC seminar series on `Children as Decision
Makers' (2007) which led to the international dissemination and impact of
the original `Children Decide' research findings in contexts beyond
schools and beyond the UK. Educators, activists and researchers working in
countries of both the South and North came together to share and reflect
on approaches to facilitating children's participation in educational
decision-making (see reference 5). This included hosting an international
research seminar in one of the Norfolk partner primary schools so that
teachers and children involved in the original Children Decide project
could contribute to these wider debates.
References to the research
1. Cox, S. and Robinson-Pant, A. (2004) `Communication practices
in primary school councils', in Street, B. (ed.), Literacy across
educational contexts, Caslon Press, Philadelphia, ISBN 0-
9727507-2-X, pp 43 -64
2. Cox, S. and Robinson-Pant, A (2006) `Enhancing participation in
primary school and class councils through visual communication', Cambridge
Journal of Education, 36/4, 515-532
3. Cox, S.,Currie, D., Frederick, K., Jarvis, D., Lawes, S.,
Millner, E., Nudd, K., Robinson-Pant, A., Stubbs, I., Taylor, T. and D.
White (2007) Children Decide: Power, participation and purpose in the
primary classroom, A guide for teachers based on a research project,
funded by CfBT Education Trust, CfBTGuidance series, available on:
4. Cox, S. and Robinson-Pant, A. (2008) `Power, participation and
decision making in the primary classroom: children as action researchers',
Educational Action Research, 16/4, 457- 468
5. Cox, S., Dyer, C., Robinson-Pant, A. and M. Schweisfurth (2010)
Children as Decision Makers in Education: Sharing Experiences Across
Cultures, Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd: London
(edited volume)
6. Cox, S. and Robinson-Pant, A. (2010) `Children as researchers:
a question of risk?' in Cox et al (ed) Children as Decision Makers in
Education, London, Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.: pp
`Children Decide: power, participation and purpose in the primary
classroom', £52,000 awarded by CfBT Education Trust to Sue Cox and Anna
Robinson-Pant. Project ran from 2004-2006.
CfBT awarded a follow-up grant for production of booklets about `Children
Decide' project for wider distribution to schools and educational policy
makers in the UK (01/1/2007-01/03/2007)
An earlier CfBT-funded project on school councils in primary schools
(2002-3, co-directed by Cox and Robinson-Pant, £27,796) `Empowering
Children through Visual Communication' influenced the methods and aims of
`Children Decide', as noted above.
Evidence of quality of research
The quality of the research is evidenced by an unsolicited approach from
a major international NGO to conduct commissioned child-led research based
on the `Children Decide' methodology: `Exploring the global dimension: a
study of attitudes, values and understanding among teachers and pupils in
four Cambridgeshire schools' (Campaign for Female Education, Camfed
International, £10,500, 1/05/2008-1/09/2008, Robinson-Pant (Principal
Investigator), Cox, Watson, Yarker); and the success of an ESRC seminar
proposal, which built directly on the project findings: `Children as
Decision Makers' (Principal Investigator Sue Cox, with Anna Robinson-Pant
(UEA), Michele Schweisfurth (Birmingham University) and Caroline Dyer
(University of Leeds), £15,323, 1/9/06 - 30/9/07). The funding agency,
CfBT Education Trust, identified the `Children Decide' project as of
particularly high quality and impact (in relation to their other funded
projects) and selected it to be profiled in a TES article. The project
report and articles based on the findings (Cox and Robinson-Pant (2008,
2010)) have been cited in 13 high quality peer reviewed articles in
educational journals. The `Children Decide' study has also been referred
to within key research literature in the field of participation.
Details of the impact
This case study considers the evidence of reach and impact on teacher
professional development, educational decision-making and classroom
practice in the schools directly involved at the time, as well as on
organisations that adopted the approach after reading about the project.
Dissemination strategy: Immediately after and during the project
lifetime (2005-7), dissemination took place at the local level through the
following channels:
- Ongoing development of children's and teachers' practices related to
children's participation and decision-making through meetings at the six
schools directly involved.
- In Service Training Sessions in local schools given by teachers in the
research team.
- The project team published a report (see reference 3) and organised
conferences attended by head-teachers and teachers to disseminate ideas
and approaches.
- A conference was organised by the children, teachers and researchers
in order for children in the six different schools to share the research
- The UEA researchers were interviewed by local radio about the project.
In 2007, in order to reach a national audience, CfBT Education Trust
commissioned the team to produce a guide for teachers/educational decision
makers across the UK (distributed in hard copy and on CfBT Education
Trust's website:
The project was also profiled in a Times Educational Supplement feature
(`From tiny decisions, great leaders grow', April 2007, see source 2). In
2007, Cox shared the approach with teachers and children in six primary
schools in New Zealand. In 2006, Cox and Robinson-Pant obtained ESRC
funding for a seminar series on `Children as Decision Makers', bringing
the project into international policy and practice contexts through
involving researchers, activists and policy- makers (including
Non-Governmental Organisations: Forum for Popular Education Nepal, Oxfam
GB, People's Action Forum Zambia, EveryChild, and Diganter India). A
substantial set of materials was developed into an edited book published
by Continuum (reference 5).
Nature of the impact: In the period 2008-2013, we identify the
impact of Children Decide in relation to its two differing but
interconnected aims. With regard to enhancing children's participation
in educational decision-making, there is evidence of on-going impact
on how teachers involve children in decision-making within their schools
and classrooms in the local area. This was particularly so in schools
where the research was intensively carried out: a teacher commented that
the approach is embedded as it still influenced school council activities,
with children taking more responsibility for their own learning (source
3). Impact after 2008 was also noted by those who had attended
dissemination events, read the CfBT report or engaged with the research at
the later ESRC seminar series. A head teacher who attended a dissemination
conference in 2007 reported the impact of the approach on the development
of their Early Years curriculum (see source 4). The director of an
educational NGO working in Zambia who attended the ESRC seminar series
noted that the work had led her to explore children's participation
further, particularly in relation to school governance (source 5).
Evidence of the impact on methodological approaches to working with
children as researchers has come from NGO practitioners,
international policy makers, teachers, head teachers and teacher
educators. The significance of this impact, within the policy context, is
that international development organisations have adapted the research
approach for planning and evaluation purposes. In 2011, the Education
Chief of UNICEF Bangladesh noted the influence of the `Children Decide'
approach on the development of their Child Friendly School Initiative
(source 7). An environmental researcher working with an indigenous
community in Mexico drew on the approach to involve children in developing
a participatory environmental education curriculum for a small NGO (source
8). In 2008 Camfed International commissioned Robinson-Pant and Cox to
conduct a child-led baseline study incorporating research methods from the
`Children Decide' project, in order to monitor their development education
programme in Cambridgeshire schools (source 6).
The project also continues to have an impact within schools and higher
educational institutions, beyond Norfolk. Within a School of Education in
the Midlands, a teacher educator described how the ethos and activities
described in the research reports had been incorporated into the BA course
for classroom assistants. Since she left the university, certain elements
which she designed on the basis of the Children Decide project have been
retained in the course (source 9). A head teacher in Cambridgeshire
commented on the impact on her current work in schools, enabling her to
develop her own practice methodologically (source 10).
Sources to corroborate the impact
- CfBT commissioned Teachers' Guide. Available from the project team and
the CfBT website at
- TES profile : http
- Norfolk teacher-researcher from the original project: `We have a very
active school council now, with a group of children implementing and
carrying out an action plan to achieve Eco School silver status at the
moment...Most classes now start a topic with the children deciding what
they want to find out. They also take much more responsibility for how
well they are doing and what they need to learn next' [Email
communication, 17/11/11]
- A head teacher who had attended a Children Decide schools'
dissemination event in 2006: `Working with the EYFS [Early Years
Foundation Stage] we have used the approach in planning with the
children to make their learning more effective...We have regularly
incorporated these principles in their learning and I consider the
approach to be very effective in developing children's confidence in
communication, negotiation, democracy and project management' [Email
communication, 18/11/11]
- An NGO director in Zambia who attended the ESRC seminar series: `This
work led me to decide to study children's participation
further...finding out what the prevailing situation is, to examining how
communities and schools can be encouraged to allow and enhance
children's participation' (Email communication, 05/03/10).
- Contract from Camfed International (1/4/2008) to carry out study using
`children as researchers'' approach and report: `Exploring the global
dimension: a study of attitudes, values and understanding among teachers
and pupils in four Cambridgeshire schools'
- Education Chief, UNICEF Bangladesh, as a result of reading the full
research report and discussing with Cox and Robinson-Pant about how to
adapt this approach to the Bangladesh school context: `We remain
interested in the Children Decide approach and intend to use the
approach as part of our Child Friendly School Initiative that starts
from January 2012'. [Email communication, 20/11/11]
- Project Coordinator, having read the research report and discussed
ideas for incorporating into an environmental curriculum with Cox and
Robinson-Pant [Email communication, 7/12/11]
- A teacher educator who had read research reports and attended ESRC
seminar: `the thinking involved in this research was enormously
influential on my subsequent work. The casting of both the students and
their future pupils as researchers provided an accessible way into
academic study for aspiring teachers from non-academic backgrounds'.
[From face-to-face comments, 15/11/11]
- A primary head teacher who had attended the ESRC seminar series and
used the project report and Continuum book: `The research has been
particularly helpful to me in my work with schools. The range of
contributions from people working in different cultural contexts,
sectors and phases of education [at the ESRC seminar series] was very
enriching and enabled me to develop my own practice methodologically and
extend that of others with good examples from the research.' [Email
communication, 21/11/11]