The Enterprise Approach: Reshaping Entrepreneurial Education
Submitting Institution
University of DurhamUnit of Assessment
Business and Management StudiesSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy, Specialist Studies In Education
Summary of the impact
This case study details the impact of research at Durham University
Business School (DUBS) in changing the way that notions of enterprise are
used within education to develop the personal attributes of young people.
This "enterprise approach" has been widely adopted within primary,
secondary and tertiary educational institutions across the UK and
internationally. The impact of the research is significant in reshaping
curriculum and learning in different levels of education - towards
producing "enterprising young people" regardless of the subject being
studied. The reach of the research is reflected in its application across
all levels of education (primary, secondary and tertiary) as well as in
the numbers of institutions — across a wide range of countries — who have
adopted the model.
Underpinning research
The Centre for Small Business, founded by Gibb in 1971 (today known as
the Centre for Entrepreneurship), has enabled DUBS to engage in an
extensive range of research related to the theme of entrepreneurship that
has had many effects on practitioners. Since the 1980s, an important
element of its work has focused on developing entrepreneurial outlooks and
skills, at every stage of education by linking it to an enterprise
culture. The underlying theme of this stream of research is that, while
the "enterprise approach to learning derives its key components from the
organizational dynamics of the small business (Reference 1 p.16) ... the
learning goals [of the enterprise approach] may have nothing to do with
business: they can range from improving understanding of a particular
historical event, to enhancing appreciation of a poem, to improving
numeracy or writing ability" (Reference 1, p.23). This is because the
learning environment that faces people who run small businesses (i.e.
"learning under pressure, `how' to do things and, very substantially,
discovering for oneself `how to' do things and `who with'" (Reference 1,
p.18)) provides a valuable model for learning that can be generalized to
other contexts.
As Reference 2 clarifies, the enterprise model of education relates "to
ways in which people...behave in order to cope with and take advantage of
uncertainty and complexity and how, in turn, this becomes embodied in:
ways of doing things; ways of seeing things; ways of feeling things...and
ways of learning things" (p.16). Furthermore, Reference 1 asserts that it
"is the experience at Durham, with large numbers of teachers in both
primary and secondary education, that most teachers are very wary of
accepting a definition of enterprise that embraces the capitalist ethic.
They will, however, very warmly embrace the concept of developing the
enterprising behaviours and attributes of young people as a major goal for
education" (p.24).
Reference 1 also argues that much of the pedagogy of the traditional
education system stultifies rather than develops the requisite attributes
and skills to produce enterprising and entrepreneurial young people (i.e.
people characterized by "acting independently ... [with a] commitment to
making things happen ... persuading others ... taking risky actions in
uncertain environments ... coping with and enjoying uncertainty" and so on
— a full list is given in figure 3 of Reference 3, p.19). The enterprise
approach to education thus presents a challenge to traditional pedagogic
approaches. Specifically, it demands a shift in emphasis to educating
`through' enterprising modes of learning - modes contrasted with
traditional didactic approaches:
Didactic |
Enterprising |
Learning from teacher alone |
Learning from each other |
Passive role as listener |
Learning by doing |
Learning from written texts |
Learning from personal exchange and debate |
Mistakes feared |
Mistakes learned from |
Reference 1, p.24.
It follows that "the real challenge of the model... [for] the primary or
secondary school, is to create an enterprising environment, a project
management approach to learning under conditions of uncertainty and to
employ teaching staff with an orientation towards, and capability for,
enterprising modes of learning" (p.32). Indeed, Reference 1 provides
details of how this model can be applied in practical classroom
situations: the "students [at all levels of education] within the DUBS
model are asked to `manage' all the project tasks, construct a frame of
reference for the project and manage inter-relationships with a wide
variety of people (including adults) under conditions of uncertainty"
(pp.21/22). Once the conceptual basis of the enterprise model of education
was developed — as set out in References 1-3 — teams of local teachers
were directly involved in translating the research concepts for practical
application via classroom manuals. This activity has happened for a number
of years prior to 2008, but has continued to occur and develop throughout
the current REF period. Gibb led all this research activity, and was
active in its practical application, working through various teams. He
played a leading role in: (1) designing, developing, testing and
disseminating materials for incorporation into entrepreneurship curricula;
(2) providing training and support for those teachers/mentors who had
responsibility for delivering the curricula in various countries; and (3)
mobilising stakeholder backing in each country, including the necessary
financial support from international bodies and the private sector.
Gibb worked at DUBS from 1965 until 2000, where he remains an emeritus
professor. His contribution to entrepreneurship research was formally
recognised by the award of an OBE (2009) for "service to the small
business community" and by a Queen's Lifetime Achievement Award for
Enterprise Promotion (2009). In 2012 he was also awarded the first
European Entrepreneurship Award by the Sten K. Johnson Centre for
Entrepreneurship at Lund University in Sweden, for his "pioneering work
within entrepreneurship education".
References to the research
1. Gibb, A.A. (1993), `Enterprise culture and education: Understanding
enterprise education and its links with small business, entrepreneurship
and wider educational goals', International Small Business Journal,
11:3 11-34. 3* ABS journal) cited 431 times according to Google Scholar.
2. Gibb, A.A. (2000) `SME policy, Academic Research and the Growth of
Ignorance, Mythical Concepts, Myths, Assumptions, Rituals and Confusions',
International Small Business Journal, 18: 13-35. 3* ABS journal,
cited 226 times according to Google Scholar.
3. Gibb, A.A. (1994) 'Do we really teach (approach) small business the
way we should', Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship,
11:2, 1994, 11-28. Cited 43 times according to Google Scholar.
Details of the impact
Since 2003, a DUBS spin off company, The Virtual Centre (VC) —
established under the guidance of Gibb — has been the main pathway for the
impact of this research. It is through the VC that the educational
materials have been delivered to clients all over the world (,
and see Evidence 1). The VC is a private limited company (15%
University-owned), and specialises in the design, development and delivery
of software specifically for learning processes relating to enterprise and
entrepreneurship. Schools and other organizations subscribe to the VC in
order to use the platform and get access to the materials. The managing
director of the VC, Tony Coyle, was employed as a Senior Programme Tutor
[Learning Technologies] at DUBS from 06/06/1994 to 01/10/2007. He was also
a member of the Small Business Centre throughout this period and worked
alongside Gibb, to design, update and produce new enterprise educational
manuals based upon DUBS research. Supported by Gibb, Coyle also delivers
the training of teachers in the use of the manuals.
Between 2008 and 2013 teaching material for an enterprising model of
learning has been available for the following subjects in UK schools:
Maths, English, Technology, Geography, History (Evidence 2). There have
also been a wide range of bespoke educational manuals produced for many
international clients (Evidence 2). Typically each manual contains a
description of "What is meant by the enterprising approach?" i.e. it uses
the same terminology as References 1-3. Each manual is approximately 80
pages long and includes (for UK manuals) details of how the enterprising
approach can be incorporated into practical sessions that link to the
national curriculum (Evidence 3). The following five examples show the
significance of the impact on educational practice that has occurred due
to DUBS research during the REF period.
1) UK Schools: Between 2008 and 2013, approximately 130,000
children from over 500 Schools in the UK have accessed the teaching
materials that have been developed from the enterprise model of education
(for the list of schools see Evidence 4). According to Evidence 5,
"Altogether, with an absolute minimum of 10 `hits' per year for the
130,000 children, this brings a total of around 1.3m [hits] per year.
Basically, hits in this context include files uploaded (including
discussions). Our largest user in 2010 was...Durham Sixth Form College,
which managed 100,000 up-loads [by individual children] per year". As
retired senior inspector for Gateshead Education Authority (retired 2013)
explains in Testimonial 1: "It is against a background of innovation and
excellence that Gateshead Education Authority has collaborated with Durham
Business School, the Centre for Entrepreneurship and the Virtual
Centre...Gateshead brought a detailed knowledge and practitioner expertise
of the requirements of personalised teaching and learning strategies,
tracking recording and reporting. This assisted the university team to
enhance their underpinning pedagogy in relation to current National
Curriculum requirements, VAK [visual, audio and kinesthetic], Personal
Learning and Thinking Skills and Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning.
While the LA [Local Authority] and CLC [City Learning Centre] benefited
through CPD [continuing professional development] in cross, intra and
extra-curricular enterprise education methodology and a library of
resources, which are essential in all phase of education from early years
and primary schools to special and secondary schools." Thus, impact was
felt across a range of Schools in the UK in this way, as the enterprise
model was used to deliver education to a significant number of children.
2) Tanzanian Institute of Education: A similar programme to the
UK's is currently being undertaken on behalf of the Tanzanian Institute of
Education within the country's primary and secondary schools. The pathway
to the impact of Durham research in this case started with a study tour of
the UK in 2011. This tour involved six senior delegates from the Tanzanian
Institute, studying the DUBS model of enterprise education via the VC for
all levels and types of schools/colleges. The associated training course
they undertook on the tour (delivered by Coyle and based upon References
1-3) focused upon the country's senior education managers, who then are
responsible for training teachers and lecturers throughout their
respective education systems, using the methods, materials and resources
underpinned by Durham research and made available through the VC platform.
These include four manuals (each approximately 150 pages long) detailing
`Primary Enterprise', `Secondary Enterprise', `Business Enterprise' and
`Embedding Enterprise in Education' that act as learning resources for
children and teachers (Evidence 6). The popular `duck production' exercise
(a fun way of teaching via the enterprise model) used widely in the
educational programmes in the UK, is one of a number of features (Evidence
3 and 6). As Testimonial 1 suggests Gateshead were also involved: "in
2011, we were able to showcase 8 of our schools' Enterprise Education
expertise when another delegation from the Tanzanian Institute of
Education visited the authority." The Tanzanian project's own targets for
2011-2015 (Evidence 2) are that the programme will train: 20 National
curriculum developers; 400 primary and secondary teachers (working in 40
schools) and therefore have impact on 8,000 learners — all of whom will be
trained in the enterprise model of education elaborated in References 1-3.
3) Slovenian entrepreneurial education project: In
this project the training of the trainers (also delivered by Coyle) took
place before 2008, but the latest evidence provided (Evidence 7), shows
that between 2008 and 2013, 103 Slovenian Vocational Educational and
Training schools have offered courses based on the enterprise model (out
of a total of 129 similar schools in the whole country) — courses that are
modelled on References 1-3. As Evidence 7 suggests about a specific
example of the impact of DUBS research: "In 2009, from January to June, 15
teachers from VET [the Slovenian National Institute for Vocational
Education and Training] schools from health and social care and from
chemistry schools were trained to introduce entrepreneurship. The
materials [based on Durham research]: `Working for Myself' and
`Experiencing the Entrepreneurial Way of Life' were used to prepare and
support teacher's...awareness of the culture of enterprising teaching and
learning" (Evidence 7).
4) Samara, Russia: Here the DUBS enterprise education manuals are
used by the International Market Institute for seminars for school
principals and teachers. On the basis of 50-60 people trained per year
from 2008, "around 300 teachers from around 100 schools of Samara... were
trained with many elements of entrepreneurial education" (Testimonial 2).
5) Application in universities: Finally, although References 1-3
were primarily concerned with educational programmes in schools, similar
concepts have also been widely applied in universities within at least
three countries in the REF period. Thus, the impact of DUBS research can
be seen, for example, in Indonesia. Bogor University of Agriculture's
programme is heavily based upon the Durham concepts and materials.
Delivery is underway to meet 2011- 15 targets of training 40 staff and 400
students directly through the enterprise model, and `the whole university
indirectly' (Evidence 2).Similar projects are also being carried out
within 13 newly established universities in Ethiopia between 2011 and
2015; four Liberian universities between 2012 and 2018 (Evidence 2).
In summary, DUBS research concerning the enterprise approach to education
has both reach and significance. The reach can be demonstrated by the fact
that the model has been applied in at least seven countries during the REF
period and at primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education. As
senior inspector for Gateshead Education Authority puts it in Testimonial
1: `Enterprise Education should be a critical component of every child's
education whether in Gateshead, the UK or any country of the world.' The
significance can be shown by the numbers of teachers trained in the
approach since 2008 — a minimum of 775 — who can then go on to teach
children using the enterprise approach. The impact on the children
themselves can be demonstrated, in part, by the hits on the various
Virtual Centre website platforms (estimated to be 10 million hits in total
on the relevant platforms within the VC since 2008 — Evidence 5). Finally,
versions of the manuals have been widely used since the 1980s and since
then have continued to be revised and used by hundreds of schools across
the world during the REF period. This being the case in itself shows both
the reach and significance of the impact of DUBS research in to enterprise
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Virtual Centre Guide: Includes screenshots and description for
clients. Log in details to a VC platform available on request.
- Summary of international enterprise and entrepreneurship projects
utilising DUBS models/materials.
- Enterprise library detailing the Manuals used in different UK subject
areas — copies of individual manuals available on request.
- List of schools with the virtual platform, taken from the virtual
centre platform webpage.
- Statistics provided on downloads by the MD of the Virtual Centre.
- Tanzania Educational Manuals, developed by the MD of the VC.
- Supporting evidence on Slovenian project: "Sustainability of
DUBS/Slovenian enterprise education projects".
- Retired senior inspector for Gateshead Education Authority, UK (email
29th August 2013)
- Coordinator, DUBS/Enterprise Education project for secondary schools
in Samara, Russia (email 11th June 2013)