Using interaction technologies to help people tackle the effects of stroke and other impairments
Submitting Institution
Nottingham Trent UniversityUnit of Assessment
Computer Science and InformaticsSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
Our research studies demonstrate the efficacy of using Interactive
Systems in cognitive and functional rehabilitation, including working
memory, functional skills, choice reaction time, decision making and upper
limb function. Stroke is the third most common disease in the UK with over
100,000 cases annually costing the UK economy £8.9 billion/year, and
around 25/1000 people have mild or moderate Intellectual Disabilities (ID)
in the UK. Our research has changed practice in schools, improved the
employment skills of people with disabilities, informed standards, helped
sustain a social enterprise, and has influenced the way practitioners
across the EU conduct their own vocational training.
Underpinning research
One of the barriers to the adoption of new technologies such as virtual
environments, serious games, assistive technologies and robotics is the
lack of evidence of their efficacy and accessibility. In an attempt to
contribute to supporting evidence to demonstrate the positive effects of
using such new technologies in educational and clinical settings, the
Computer Science and Informatics (CSI) Unit has focussed on the user
sensitive inclusive design of new technological interventions and their
subsequent evaluation in conjunction with users and beneficiaries. These
studies emphasise significant changes over baseline measures of cognitive
and physical functioning after repeated intervention. We are committed to
Open Source development to ensure maximum impact.
1996: We demonstrated the potentials of using virtual environments for
people with ID (Ref 4: Section 3).
1999: We described a user sensitive design process with people with ID
(Ref 5, Section 3).
1999: First major ESRC award to investigate how human tutors can assist
people with ID in using virtual environments (Ref 1: Section 3).
2001: First major EPSRC award to investigate the design of more
appropriate interaction devices for virtual environments for use by people
with ID.
2005: Our research demonstrates the impact of virtual environments on the
developmental abilities of people with ID including categorising the help
human tutors needed to give these students (ESRC study); their successful
use in promoting self-directed activity; in improving decision making and
in defining more effective interaction devices (Ref 6, Section 3).
2006-2012: Nine major EU Awards to develop serious games to teach
functional and navigational skills to people with disabilities, to change
attitudes towards migrant workers and refugees, and to develop and
evaluate open source and accessible assistive technologies.
2009: We demonstrated the positive beneficial effect serious games can
have on choice reaction times, decision making, working memory and maths
skills of people with ID.
2011: We began to describe how serious games can be combined with
location based services for route learning applications for people with
disabilities (Ref 2, Section 3)
2011: We showed how popular, pervasive and affordable games controllers
can be as effective as established assistive technology devices for use by
students with a range of disabilities (Ref 3 Section 3).
2012: We developed two games technology based systems for Stroke
Rehabilitation. These included using Nintendo™'s Wiimote technology and
the Microsoft Kinect Sensor to track hand movements and identify hand
gestures. Funded by the National Institute for Health Research and the
Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care, the
first system has been evaluated in a large clinical trial, involving 29
patients (18-85 years), with the intervention group using a specifically
designed rehabilitation glove and a series of rehabilitation games
developed in XNA to facilitate highly intensive, task specific upper limb
2012: We demonstrated the efficacy of user interaction modelling that
analyses user characteristics and does not simply focus on their
disability or limitations.
2013: Our research showed that engagement of children with profound
learning disabilities can be significantly improved using programmable
humanoid robots.
References to the research
Three references to indicate the quality of the underpinning research:
1. Standen, P.J., Brown, D.J., Horan, M., and Proctor, T. (2002). `How
tutors assist adults with learning disabilities to use virtual
environments', Disability and Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, 11-12, pp.570-577.
(Cited 18, Google Scholar).
This peer reviewed paper was the major outcome from a peer reviewed ESRC
award (R/000/22/3018). It was the first study of its kind on strategies to
support learning in Virtual Environments for people with intellectual
disabilities, and allowed us to develop a methodology for evaluating
computer delivered learning which was used to leverage a later EPSRC and
EU Adapt project. The initial research led to an invitation to talk at
`Enter 2000' at the Millennium Dome, and the ESRC funded
`Interdisciplinary Approaches to Assistive Technology for Children'
seminar series at Kings College London in 2011.
2. Brown, D.J., McHugh, D., Standen, P., Evett, L., Shopland, N. and
Battersby, S. (2011) `Designing Location based Learning Experiences for
People with Intellectual Disabilities and Additional Sensory Impairments',
Computers and Education, Vol. 56, issue 1, pp.11-20. ISSN 0360-1315.
(Cited 29, Google Scholar)
This peer reviewed paper was the major outcome of an EU peer reviewed
award (RECALL, 504970). This research has led to new and enhanced
relationships with the Laboratory of New Technologies in Communication
Education and the Mass Media, University of Athens, the University of
Nottingham, and `Access Advisr' to crowd source the accessibility of
transport networks (
Further grants to extend route learning as a means to relieve anxiety in
people with mental health issues have been submitted as part of `An
Internet of Soft Things' (EPSRC, Research in the Wild 2013, David Brown
3. Standen, P.J., Camm, C., Battersby, S., Brown, D.J. and Harrison, M.
(2011) `An evaluation of the Wii Nunchuk as an alternative assistive
device for people with intellectual and physical disabilities using switch
controlled software', Computers and Education, Vol. 56, issue 1, pp.2-10.
ISSN 0360-1315. (Cited 22, Google Scholar)
This research in this peer reviewed paper was used as part of the body of
evidence to demonstrate NTU's skills and experience in the field of
contemporary approaches to the development and evaluation of assistive
technology leading to partnership in the EU Framework 7 AEGIS project
(224348) and the EU Competiveness and Innovation Framework Programme grant
ETNA (270746). It also contributed to being invited to present in the ESRC
funded `Interdisciplinary Approaches to Assistive Technology for Children'
seminar series at Kings College London in 2011.
Additional key references that underpin the impact in this case study:
4. Cromby, J.J., Standen, P.J. and Brown, D.J., (1996), The Potentials of
Virtual Environments in the Education and Training of People with Learning
Disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Research, Vol 40, part
6, pp.489-501, Dec. (Cited 73, Google Scholar)
5. Brown, D.J., Neale, H., Cobb, S.V., and Reynolds, H. (1999), The
development and evaluation of the virtual city. International Journal of
Virtual Reality. 4(1). pp.28-41. (Cited 54, Google Scholar)
6. P J Standen, D J Brown (2005), The use of virtual reality in the
rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities, Cyberpsychology
and Behaviour, 8, 3, pp. 272 - 282. (Cited 88, Google Scholar).
Major peer reviewed funding supporting this research which underpinned
the impact in this case study:
The National Lottery. A Virtual City to teach life skills to people with
severe learning difficulties. Awarded 1/03/97, value: £95,474
ESRC. Helping adults with learning disabilities to use virtual
environments. Awarded 1/08/99, value: £40,000 (with Prof PJ Standen,
University of Nottingham)
EPSRC. An investigation into the design of input devices for use by
people with disabilities interacting with virtual leaning environments.
Awarded 01/06/01, Value £125,141 (with Prof PJ Standen, University of
EU LLP KA3 ICT. RECALL — Reconnecting Communities And Lifelong Learning
(using Android). Awarded 1/11/09, total value €585,000, NTU Lead and
Coordinating Partner (£174,760 to NTU).
EU FP7. AEGIS — Open Accessibility Everywhere. Awarded 1/05/11, value to
NTU £141,802.
Details of the impact
Beneficiaries: These include people with Intellectual and Physical
Disabilities (congenital and acquired), Sensory Impairments (e.g., hearing
& sight), and those at risk of exclusion (e.g., migrant workers).
Process & Collaboration: The Unit has demonstrated the
benefits of interaction technologies for cognitive and physical
rehabilitation stemming from our user sensitive design methods and
evidence of the efficacy of these new technologies. This underpinning
research was then used to leverage substantial applied EU funding to
develop impact, disseminated via our own academic/practitioner conference
to encourage adoption and mainstreaming of open source and freely
available research results (,
has been applied in a wide range of user communities by the NTU jointly
developed social enterprise Greenhat Interactive (GHI), and has changed
practice within special educational needs schools involved in longitudinal
research. This involves collaboration with other universities (e.g.,
Nottingham, Athens, UPM, Stuttgart), SMEs (e.g., GHI), Regional
Authorities (e.g., Provincia di Parma), and Schools (e.g., Oak Field).
Health Impacts: The Unit has carried out user sensitive
design and implementation of serious games for upper limb stroke
rehabilitation (with University of Nottingham). This new home-based
intervention was tested with patients after stroke as part of a large
scale feasibility trial. Results showed that those who used the
intervention approaching our recommended guidelines experienced
significant increase in their grip strength. One participant reported `I
was able to regain a lot of my manual dexterity in my left hand....the
knock on effect to self-esteem and general wellbeing is enormous'
(Source 3 section 5, 2011-2013).
The user experience and involvement in research has also improved as a
result of our user sensitive design methods at the Oak Field School. `The
involvement of people with intellectual disabilities in research has
improved the quality of outcomes and impact on learners.' There has
also been impact of the families of students with disabilities `The
impact on self-esteem, expectations and hope has been immeasurable.
(Source 1, 2008-2013).
Impact on public policy and services: The Unit acted as
testing partner for all AEGIS prototypes. AEGIS has built on existing and
widely used open standards (WAI-ARIA of the W3C, etc.) and will further
contribute to such standards (source 7, 2011-2012).
The Unit investigated the efficacy of interaction technologies in special
educational schools. This work has changed education practice. `Working
with the team at NTU had allowed us to bring about changes in
educational and pedagogical practices in school....influenced the
adoption of serious games in the on virtual
reality, then in its infancy, is now part of everyday teaching....more
recently work on robotics is generating a lot of interest amongst
teachers and is likely to have a big impact moving forward'. (Source
1, 2008-2013).
Our research in the EU GOAL and RECALL projects (source 4, 2007-2009;
source 6, 2009-2012) led to curriculum changes and adoption of training
resources (Theotokos Foundation Greece, University of Athens, Nea
Filadelfia Toy Library).
Economic Impacts: Our research to assess the efficacy of
3rd generation access techniques in the AEGIS project contributed to the
production of accessible open source results to ensure widespread
adoption, and contributed to EU global leadership. These results increase
the work-ability of people with disabilities and dramatically reduce the
burden on developers to make applications and services accessible (source
7, 2011-2012).
The EU GOAL Project built upon our research demonstrating the efficacy of
serious games for students with intellectual disabilities. Two
beneficiaries got a job as a direct result of using the project's games to
develop their employment skills. Adoption of our methodologies in user
sensitive design has led to the sustained employment of five people in GHI
(source 2, 2008-2013).
Impacts on society, culture and creativity: Our approach to
user sensitive design has improved the ability of our user groups to make
informed decisions by engaging them in the research process (e.g., 1,542
beneficiaries involved in the design of serious games in the EU GOAL
Project). We have also engaged with people who can make a difference in
dissemination including with the Oak Field School's international network
of special educational schools (source 1, 2008-2013), EU SchoolNet
(keynote, 2013), and via lab talks (Rt. Hon. David Willetts MP, Sir John
Savill Chief Exec. of MRC, and Prof. Eric Thomas, President of
Universities UK — 2013).
Impacts on practitioners and professional services: our
research in developing serious games to improve the employment skills of
people with disabilities has influenced the way practitioners conduct
their own vocational training (9,862 professionals in the EU GOAL project;
7,585 professionals and trainees in the EU GOET project, source 5,
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Factual statement provided to NTU by the Oak Field School (to support
claims about research in virtual environments, serious games and
robotics for students with ID, and how it has had a major influence on
changing their educational and pedagogical practice).
- Factual statement provided to NTU by Social Enterprise Greenhat
Interactive (to support claims about our contribution to the
sustainability of their organisation via the adoption of our
participatory design approaches, and on improving the experience of
people with disability and those at risk of exclusion via the adoption
of these approaches).
- Factual statement provided to NTU by a person recovering from Stroke
who was a participant in the home based Feasibility Trial, and how
participation affected the recovery of their motor skills and their
- Final Report to EU of the GOAL Project (UK/07/LLP-LdV/TOI-009)
(Describes the overall impact of this project on our target group,
including the total number of beneficiaries involved in the project's
research, participatory design, evaluation and dissemination phases, and
the impact of these processes on their employment and related soft
skills. It also describes the geographical and sectoral impact of the
project on professionals, beneficiaries, and national vocational
education training systems).
- Final Report to EU of the GOET Project (UK/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/163_181)
(Same detail contained in this report as for GOAL Project).
- Final Report to EU of the RECALL Project (2009_11802) (describes the
short and long term impact of the project, and the organisations
continuing to use the application).
- Final Report to the EU of the AEGIS Project (224348) (supports claims
on the economic impact of the project, envisaged adoption contributing
to EU global leadership, and building on, and contribution to, widely
used open standards).
Resulted in numerous invitations for invited papers, talks and keynotes
to present the results nationally, and in other countries, including:
- `Multidisciplinary approaches to designing and evaluating assistive
technologies for use by children'. ESRC seminar series on Assistive
Technology, Kings College, 22nd June, 2010.
- `Exploiting games technologies for cognitive and functional
rehabilitation'. Swedish National Adult Rehabilitation Conference,
Keynote Lecture, September 2011, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- `Special Needs and games: State of the Art'. European Schoolnet,
Special Educational Needs Network, Brussels — 13th June 2012