Academic, educational and commercial benefits of effective textual search and annotation
Submitting Institution
Birmingham City UniversityUnit of Assessment
English Language and LiteratureSummary Impact Type
CulturalResearch Subject Area(s)
Information and Computing Sciences: Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences: Cognitive Sciences
Language, Communication and Culture: Linguistics
Summary of the impact
Based in the School of English, the Research and Development Unit for
English Studies (RDUES) conducts research in the field of corpus
linguistics and develops innovative software tools to allow a wide range
of external audiences to locate, annotate and use electronic data more
effectively. This case study details work carried out by the RDUES team
(Matt Gee, Andrew Kehoe, Antoinette Renouf) in building large-scale
corpora of web texts, from which examples of language use have been
extracted, analysed, and presented in a form suitable for teaching and
research across and beyond HE, including collaboration with commercial
Underpinning research
Over the past two decades, RDUES has built an international reputation by
taking a novel empirical and linguistically-informed approach to the
testing of hypotheses about the nature and regularities of word patterns
in text, with applications in the automatic identification of textual
topic, word meaning, and semantic equivalence. RDUES' greatest success in
recent years has been the WebCorp suite of online linguistic
search tools (
Released as a prototype in 2000 and developed through an EPSRC project
(2000-03), WebCorp Live was designed to test the hypothesis that
the web could complement traditional text corpora by providing evidence of
rare, new and changing language use. This was achieved through the
development of software which adds layers of refinement to conventional
web search engines such as Google to produce linguistic `concordances'
showing examples of words or phrases in context. In order to keep pace
with technological change and the metamorphic nature of the web, the
WebCorp tools have required on-going revision and redevelopment, funded
internally since 2004. The latest version, released in 2011, provides
support for languages beyond Western Europe (including Chinese and
Japanese) and offers improved performance. During the REF period, the team
has also developed an entirely new tool, the WebCorp Linguist's Search
Engine (WebCorpLSE). This was designed to bypass the commercial
search engines on which WebCorp Live relies as gate-keepers to the web by
creating a large scale web search engine for language study. WebCorpLSE
has crawled the web, downloading and processing texts to build a 10
billion word, linguistically-tagged web corpus, including sub-corpora for
specific research purposes: the Anglo-Norman Correspondence Corpus
and Birmingham Blog Corpus, as well as literary, news, and general
web corpora.
The Repulsion project (2006-07) took as its starting point the
established linguistic notion of collocation: the strength of association
between pairs of words, or how frequently they appear as close neighbours.
This project was novel in focussing on the inverse: dispreference between
word pairs. In the process, the team developed new techniques for the
measurement and visualisation of both lexical preference (collocation) and
dispreference (repulsion).
Research on WebCorpLSE and Repulsion has found a new audience beyond the
academic community through an AHRC Knowledge Transfer Fellowship.
This award and a partnership with Stratford Grammar School allowed the
development of a new interface and set of search functions tailored to the
requirements of A-Level English Language students. A series of `master
classes', with group activities and interactive quizzes, introduced
students to concepts, analytical techniques and software tools developed
during the course of the research projects detailed above, distilled into
a form suitable for the new audience.
The WebCorpLSE literary sub-corpora and technological knowledge
underpinning the system have also been used in the development of eMargin:
a web-based system for the collaborative annotation of texts (
This work began as an attempt to bridge the gap between two distinct
approaches to textual analysis: the top-down, quantitative approach of
corpus linguistics and the fine-grained, introspective approach of
literary close-reading. As the eMargin software has developed, it has
found new audiences beyond English and beyond academia (see section 4).
References to the research
2006: A. Kehoe `Diachronic Linguistic Analysis on the Web with WebCorp'
in A. Renouf & A. Kehoe (eds.) The Changing Face of Corpus
Linguistics, Amsterdam: Rodopi:
(returned to RAE2008)
2007: A. Kehoe, A. & M. Gee `New corpora from the web: making web
text more "text-like"' in Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in
English Volume 2: Towards Multimedia in Corpus Studies, University
of Helsinki:
(returned to RAE2008)
2007: A. Renouf & J. Banerjee `Lexical Repulsion between
sense-related pairs' in International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
12:3, 415-443, DOI: 10.1075/ijcl.12.3.05ren (returned to RAE2008)
2009: A. Kehoe & M. Gee `Weaving Web data into a diachronic corpus
patchwork', in A. Renouf & A. Kehoe (eds.) Corpus Linguistics:
Refinements and Reassessments, Amsterdam: Rodopi:
(listed in REF2)
End of award peer assessments for EPSRC projects GR/R16884/01 (WebCorp)
and EP/E001300/1 (WebCorpLSE) projects: both graded as `outstanding' on
Key Grants:
2006-07 |
Repulsion: The
investigation of an organising force in text PI: A. Renouf EPSRC: £125,855 (EP/D502551/1) |
2006-08 |
WebCorp Linguist’s Search Engine PI: A. Renouf EPSRC: £124,954 (EP/E001300/1); HEFCE-SRIF: £90,000 |
2009-11 |
Introducing A-level English
Language students to empirical text study using the WebCorp Linguist’s Search Engine PI: A. Renouf AHRC Knowledge Transfer Fellowship: £75,136
(AH/H01716X/1) |
2011-13 |
eMargin — an online collaborative
textual annotation resource
PI: A. Kehoe JISC Learning & Teaching Innovation Grant: £44,336
PI: A. Kehoe JISC Embedding Benefits Grant: £15,000 |
Details of the impact
Academic Beneficiaries:
The impact of the WebCorp tools extends significantly beyond Birmingham
City University and beyond the UK, with over 15,000 searches per month
throughout the REF period from users in 170 countries (with particular
growth in China — see Fig. 1). The tools allow users to carry out
quantitative analyses of the kind previously impossible on the web. As a
result, WebCorp has been used by researchers internationally as a source
of data and analyses for monographs, chapters, and articles in
peer-reviewed journals, on topics ranging from Historical Linguistics to
Legal Discourse and from C19 Fiction to Climate Change [1]. To give a
specific example, the Anglo-Norman Correspondence Corpus, a
unique resource built by the RDUES team and searchable through WebCorpLSE,
was used as a data source for an article on historical pragmatics in Lingua.
In terms of teaching, usage records and user feedback show that hands-on
sessions using WebCorp Live are included in university linguistics syllabi
at Toronto, Paris, Washington, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, and the Open
University, amongst other institutions. The software is included in the
meta-search tool at, the world's largest community of translators
and is used heavily in translation work as a result. The WebCorp tools
were and continue to be developed iteratively in response to feedback from
users, some examples of which include:
This search tool is a very good idea. As a Dutch teacher of English I
use it to check, for instance, the idiomaticity of my students' work.
(University of Nijmegen; October 2009)
I am a Linguistics graduate student at Udayana University, Bali doing
research on polysemy in Indonesian. I have found the WebCorp tools
beneficial for my research [...] since no Indonesian corpus like the BNC
is available (Udayana University; August 2010)
We are working on a research project dealing with gender issues,
discourse analysis and corpus linguistics. Thank you so much [...] and
congratulations for your fantastic work. (GENTEXT, University of
Valencia; April 2011)
I'm currently using WebCorp as the search tool in a project funded by
a Brazilian research agency called Fapesp. Because the collocations
[being studied] are new in Brazilian Portuguese, WebCorp seemed perfect
for our project. (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil; June
2011) [2]
The open-source eMargin annotation tool has addressed the limitations of
the traditional approach to close reading and opened up new possibilities
for collaborative study. The academic benefits of eMargin are being felt
increasingly across the HE sector, with more than 800 registered users
from over 100 institutions worldwide. The wide range of academic uses are
evident in the names of the groups created by eMargin users, with examples
including `University of Leicester mdash; MA Editing and Textual
Criticism', `Lancaster University — LING 450 Stylistics', `Central
Methodist University — EN216 Imaginative Writing', `VU University
Amsterdam — Metaphor in Language', `University of Leicester — American
Studies Centre', `University of Huddersfield — Music, Humanities and
Media', and `University of Edinburgh — Divinity — Jesus & the
Gospels'. Several institutions have taken maximum advantage of eMargin by
integrating the tool with their own Virtual Learning Environments (Moodle,
Blackboard, etc.) using its IMS-LTI connectivity [3]. Researchers at
Lancaster University used eMargin to annotate interview transcripts in an
ESRC-funded project investigating the role of metaphor in the experience
of end-of-life care in the UK (
The impact of this project, to which eMargin has made a substantial
contribution, will be felt fully beyond academia in the next period.
The RDUES team worked in collaboration with staff from the English,
Student Development, and Course Design departments at the University of
Leicester to test eMargin in a classroom environment. 96% of their English
students found eMargin `easy' to use and 92% agreed that `reading others'
comments helped me formulate my own ideas' [4]. The Leicester team ran a
workshop using eMargin at the 24th Annual Lilly-West Conference on
College and University Teaching in California (March 2012), and
invited Kehoe and Gee to speak at an HEA workshop in Leicester on social
annotation (July 2012). Kehoe was also invited to present eMargin to
postgraduate research students at a cross-disciplinary AHRC `Hidden
Collections' training event (University of Nottingham, November 2012). One
participant, a PhD student in early cinema at the University of Glasgow,
wrote afterwards
I think eMargin is a remarkable tool, especially for teaching, as it
makes the most of well-established practices but puts them in a context
where collaboration becomes second nature. [5]
The Programme Manager for e-learning at JISC summarised the experiences
of eMargin users across HE when he wrote
It's perfect for critiques of papers (especially policy papers in my
world), deep analysis of research publications, giving feedback on written
work, looking at the structure of poetry or prose... the possibilities are
endless. [...] What really shines through with eMargin is that it meets a
clear need, and it is designed around the practices and expectations of
learners and educators. [6]
Non-academic Educational Impact:
The AHRC KT Fellowship project brought direct benefits to students and
teachers at the partner school. The project had a major impact on the
teaching of English Language at A-level through the introduction of
concepts, analytical techniques and software tools not previously found in
pre-university study. For example, work on Repulsion has informed the
development of an online quiz in which students had to decide which of the
words `road' and `street' was most appropriate in a given context. This
reveals that, whilst we may assume `road' and `street' to be synonymous,
they actually behave in subtly different ways in text, collocating with
(`toll', `rage') and (`cred', `robbery') respectively. The Head of English
at the school explained how
this very powerful tool [...] proved very useful for highlighting key
areas of language change that are essential to the A2 course which
students pursue; and the activities you devised and the resource itself
helped develop student understanding to a very high degree. Several
students went on to incorporate elements of recent lexical language change
into their A2 coursework investigations; and we continue to have access to
the resource to develop further our research of language change as and
when we need. It was also highly useful to the students to work first-hand
with experts in their field. [7]
Teachers also found Continuing Professional Development benefits from the
work through increased awareness of the latest developments in
linguistics. This is especially important for teachers of English
Language, many of whom have not studied the subject as a significant
element of their own first degree. The RDUES team sought to maximise
future impact of the work by providing a workshop for 30 trainee teachers
in the School of Education at the University of Birmingham in 2011. An
AHRC peer-reviewer called RDUES' KT Fellowship bid `tremendously exciting'
and `in many ways the model of a KT project'.
Commercial Impact:
RDUES' expertise, data resources and WebCorpLSE technology have been
exploited in commercial work with Grey London, one of the largest
communications agencies in the UK. Kehoe and Gee were employed as
consultants on the language used by young people in social media, as part
of a product launch by the sportswear brand Puma and Procter & Gamble,
manufacturer of Puma's Sync fragrance range (May 2013). The `Puma Dance
Dictionary' campaign centred on a website (
translating user messages into videos of dance moves, shareable via social
media. This was accompanied by television advertisements across Europe.
The Digital Producer leading the campaign described how the researchers
an insight in to the language of social media that we would not have been
able to gain through other means. [...] The fact that the linguistic
output [...] provided was categorized allowed us to reduce costs by
identifying words with a similar meaning. [...] The consultancy [...]
allowed us to reflect the actual language used by our target audience more
closely. [8]
The resulting campaign was well received by the target market and in the
trade press, with Marketing magazine calling it `innovative' and
`a great interactive experience'. [9]
Sources to corroborate the impact
- For outputs by other researchers using WebCorp see
Lingua article (P. Larrivée, 120:9, 2240-2258, DOI:
- Extracts from WebCorp feedback log, submitted via
- eMargin user database available on request.
- Further student comments at
- Blog, María A. Vélez-Serna:
- Blog, David Kernohan, JISC:
- Testimonial letter from Head of English at Stratford Grammar School,
available on request.
- Testimonial letter from Digital Producer at Grey London, available on
Marketing magazine (10/05/13):