French and British Africa policy. Enhancing Understanding, Improving cooperation
Submitting Institution
University of PortsmouthUnit of Assessment
Area StudiesSummary Impact Type
PoliticalResearch Subject Area(s)
Studies In Human Society: Political Science
History and Archaeology: Historical Studies
Summary of the impact
Political instability and insecurity in Africa have become increasingly
salient issues since the
1990s. For historical reasons the UK and France are the two EU member
states with long-standing
commitments in Africa. Chafer's research has had an impact in three main
ways: by providing
research-based evidence that has informed decision-making, by providing
policy recommendations
regarding opportunities for cooperation and by sustaining `institutional
memory' concerning the
Saint-Malo process, which promised enhanced Anglo-French cooperation on
Africa policy. In these
ways it has made a significant contribution to enhancing peace and
security on the continent.
Underpinning research
Since 1998 Chafer has built a body of highly regarded research on
Franco-African relations and
Francophone Africa that is unique in the UK. His 2002 book The End of
Empire (Ref 1)
demonstrated how and why sub-Saharan Africa became a key foreign policy
priority for France
after World War 2 and has remained so to the present day. Building on this
work, his 2002 and
2005 articles (Refs 2, 3) showed that French policy was moving away from
an exclusive focus on
its traditional sphere of influence in Francophone West and Central Africa
towards engagement
with the whole of the continent. In the context of this case study key
findings of the research were
that the French government wanted to shed its reputation as the `gendarme
of Africa', move away
from a unilateral approach to Africa and work with other external actors
to share the costs and
risks, of its engagement with the continent. This new approach opened up
possibilities for Britain to
cooperate with France on issues of mutual interest.
In 2007 Professor Chafer was awarded a British Academy grant as PI (in
collaboration with
Professor Cumming, Cardiff, who is a specialist notably on aid policy) for
a three-year research
project: `Towards a new policy partnership? France and Britain in Africa
since Saint-Malo', during
which over 160 interviews were conducted, in Europe, at the United Nations
and in Africa. This
practitioner-focused research remains unique, as the only externally
funded research project on
Anglo-French relations in Africa since the Saint Malo Franco-British
summit in 1998, when the two
countries agreed to cooperate on African issues. The project took as its
starting-point the
shortcomings of conventional unilateral and multilateral approaches in
dealing with many of the
challenges facing African societies, particularly those of insecurity,
poverty and governance. A
central issue addressed was the extent to which `bilateral' cooperation
between two external
actors, such as that proposed by the UK and France at Saint Malo, can
serve as a useful
complement to other approaches.
The project advanced understanding in two ways. First, it plugged
important empirical gaps by
explaining why cooperation is more advanced in certain fields (eg. peace
and security) than others
(eg. poverty reduction, development aid) and by producing the first
systematic study of Anglo-
French cooperation in crisis management in Africa. In so doing, this
research showed how and
explained why policy discourse on cooperation was not always followed
through in terms of actual
practice on the ground. Chafer's specific contribution in this respect was
in the field of security
cooperation (Refs. 4, 5, 6). Second, it provided an understanding of how
the two governments
came to their decision to move from rivalry to cooperation in Africa and
explained why Anglo-
French coordination often lacked substance. In particular, it showed the
importance of enhancing
policy coherence by deconflictualising positions and identified policy
synergies and opportunities
for cooperation in areas such as peace and security, poverty reduction,
human rights promotion
and governance. This has informed the policy-making process, notably by
explaining the
background to, and rationale for, UK and French positions on key issues
and indicating areas of
convergence where cooperation may be possible.
References to the research
1) Monograph: 2002 The End of Empire in French West Africa. France's
Decolonisation? (Oxford: Berg). `Chafer brings out beautifully a
complex web of actors
that shaped French West Africa's path to decolonization and independence .
. . the
clarity of argument and wealth of detailed information in this balanced
and attractive
account deserve a large audience of lay readers and specialists alike'
Mamadou Diouf, Ann Arbor University, Journal of African History,
45[1], 2004). `Tony
Chafer's fine survey of The End of Empire in French West Africa
questions much of the
[hitherto] received picture of French decolonization in Africa' (review
article, `Recent
Studies of Imperialism and Decolonization', Professor Stephen Howe,
Bristol University,
Journal of Contemporary History, 40[3], 2005). `How I wish I had
had this valuable study
as a text to offer to my students on the transfer of power in Africa a
decade ago!'
(Professor Kirk-Greene, Oxford University, African Affairs,
103[412], 2004).
Available on request.
2) Article: Chafer, Tony. (2002). 'Franco-African relations: no longer so
African Affairs, 101(404), Jan, pp. 343-63. ISSN 0258-9001
DOI: 10.1093/afraf/101.404.343.
3) Article: Chafer, Tony. (2005). 'Chirac and la Françafrique: no longer
a family affair',
Modern & Contemporary France, 13(1), pp.7-23. ISSN 0963-9489
DOI: 10.1080/0963948052000341196.
This article has, since its publication, been one
of the journal's most downloaded articles. In 2012 it was still the
journal's most
downloaded article and, as a result, Chafer was invited to give a podcast
updating the article's key findings. It remains the journal's second most
article in 2013 (podcast available at:
4) Article: Chafer, Tony and Cumming, G. (2010). `Beyond Fashoda:
Security Cooperation in Africa since Saint-Malo', International
Affairs, 86(5), pp.1129-1147.
ISSN 1468-2346. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2010.00932.x.
5) Article: Chafer, Tony. (2011). `The AU: a new arena for Anglo-French
cooperation in
Africa?, Journal of Modern African Studies, 49(1), pp.55-82. ISSN
DOI: 10.1017/S0022278X10000650.
6) Book: Chafer, Tony and Cumming, G., eds. (2011). From Rivalry to
Partnership? New
Approaches to the Challenges of Africa. Farnham: Ashgate. ISBN
`[The authors] evidently had excellent access to informed sources . . .
Policy-makers in
both London and Paris would profit from paying close attention to the
analysis ... in this
book' (Sir Emyr Jones Parry, former UK Permanent Representative to the UN,
p. 1). `This is an important book on Anglo-French cooperation in Africa' (African
125 [448], 2013. Available on request.
Refs. 4, 5 and 6 represented three of the outputs from a British
Academy-funded Large Research
Grant (£74,046), undertaken from 2007-10 (see above).
Details of the impact
This research has had impact on UK and French policy and on peace and
security in Africa.
Following the 9/11 attacks on the US, the Saint-Malo process was
relaunched and Chafer was
invited to act as a Foreign Office consultant, briefing outgoing UK
ambassadors to Paris and to
Francophone Africa on French Africa policy. Building upon this established
record, Chafer's
research has, since 2008, had an impact on both the policy-making process
and decision-making.
Four different types of impact have resulted from the research:
Policy-making impact In September 2009, at the request of the FCO,
Chafer and Cumming
produced a private report (`France and Britain in Africa since Saint
Malo') for its Africa Strategy
Group, which was reviewing its representation in West Africa. It stressed
the importance of
engaging with francophone countries in West Africa: 'we got a lot from the
meeting' which `fed
usefully into the analysis' and provided `key insights into the
francophone piece we're examining as
part of the West Africa project' (email, 23.11.09, Strategic Policy
Adviser, FCO, source I). Following
this review the UK decided against closing some African missions, in Mali
for example, which
would have negatively impacted on HMG's ability to engage in the country
in 2013. Subsequently,
on 3 November 2010, hours after a groundbreaking UK-French defence
agreement, Professor
Chafer was invited to brief Henry Bellingham, FCO Minister of State, on
ways of improving UK-
French cooperation in Africa ahead of his visit to Paris for discussions
with his French counterpart.
`Mr Bellingham found the meeting very useful and interesting' (source VI).
`Your research project
on French and British Africa policy: understanding and improving
cooperation' was very timely. It
helped underpin the policy decision to burden-share with the French the
response to the crises in
the Sahel and North Africa, each contributing their respective strengths
in the area in a coordinated
way. Your meeting with the Africa Minister in late 2010 was very helpful
in setting the context for
this, as well as pointing out the imbalance between French and British
resources given to
ECOWAS . . . You followed this up with a well-received presentation in
late 2012 in Chatham
House for senior FCO and MOD staff on the opportunities for security
co-operation with France'
(source II).
Changing practice In November 2011, Chafer was invited to give a
briefing to MoD, FCO and DfID
officials on the research project's key findings and specifically to look
at opportunities for improving
HMG's engagement with the francophone countries in ECOWAS. As a result of
this briefing, the
FCO undertook to get a full time senior diplomat posted to Abuja to lead
on ECOWAS issues:
`Your contribution was thought provoking, and I am pleased that we are
already acting on getting a
full time senior diplomat posted to Abuja to lead on ECOWAS issues. I will
definitely be making
enquiries about getting a fluent French speaker in that role'. This advice
was subsequently taken
up and a French speaker appointed to this new post in Abuja (source V).
Policy legitimising impact: The research described here has had an
impact by providing a solid
evidence base for policy decisions that were being taken. For example, in
September 2012, Chafer
was invited to present the research findings to the influential France-UK
Defence Forum, which for
the first time included a session on military cooperation in Africa:
`British and French government
officials have looked into areas of convergence where security cooperation
might be possible and
your research has been very useful in serving to confirm and clarify
thinking that was already being
formulated with regard to cooperation, particularly on security issues in
Africa - as confirmed by
the French intervention in Mali and the support provided by the UK'
(source IV).
Institutional memory: The research project has served to sustain
the momentum of the Saint-Malo
process, in a context in which officials move posts every 3-4 years, with
the result that institutional
memory, particularly at middle and lower levels of government bureaucracy,
relating to
commitments made, lessons learned and opportunities identified, is often
uneven and patchy.
These exchanges refreshed and sustained institutional memory about the
Saint Malo process,
provided opportunities to discuss areas of Anglo-French convergence and
ensured that UK and
French officials were better aware of who they needed to talk to on the
French and UK side
respectively, something which is not always clear because of the different
institutional set-ups for
Africa policymaking in the two countries. The impact of the research was
to contribute to
embedding the practice of collaboration, particularly between
middle-ranking French and UK
officials `on the ground' in Africa thereby saving time, as officials did
not have to constantly
`reinvent the wheel', and reducing possibilities for misunderstanding.
Its significance can only be understood with reference to past
Anglo-French rivalry in Africa. The
two governments' decision to move from rivalry to cooperation in Africa
represented a paradigm
shift in policy. They now recognized that Anglo-French cooperation was
vital for security and
believed that, by working together, the UK and France could better tackle
the challenges facing
Africa while providing better value for money. However, they did not
sufficiently understand the
other country's outlook, approach, agendas and priorities, obstacles which
this research has
helped to overcome. By undertaking over 160 interviews with highly placed
officials and decision
makers and disseminating the key findings of the research widely through
academic publications,
policy briefings and high-level presentations to international thinktanks
(also published in open
access on their websites, sources VIII-X), the project contributed to
officials' understanding of each
other's policy agendas and priorities by identifying obstacles to enhanced
cooperation. In so doing
it helped to build trust and provided research-based policy
recommendations that fed into debates
that were taking place between policymakers about how and in what policy
areas to collaborate. It
thus formed part of the underpinning for these policy decisions.
The reach of its impact is national and international. This may
be gauged from the fact that the
presentations of the research findings were attended by officials from the
FCO (including Research
Analysts and Strategy Unit), MoD (International Policy and Planning),
DfID, the French Ministry for
Foreign Affairs (including the Director of the `Pôle politique européen de
développement'), the
Agence Française de Développement (including the Head of its Fragile
States Unit), as well as
officials in Brussels, development practitioners and journalists. Chafer
also briefed the Foreign
Office Minister for Africa, Henry Bellingham, and Lord Chidgey,
identifying areas of convergence
and opportunities for cooperation and putting forward parliamentary
questions for Lord Chidgey to
ask in the House (source VII). `Your research has been most helpful in
serving to confirm, shape
and clarify the thinking that is beginning to be formulated in government
circles with regard to
cooperation . . . a number of the recommendations from your research were
subsequently taken up
by HMG'.(source III).
Sources to corroborate the impact
I. Email from Strategic Policy Adviser, West Africa Strategy Group,
Foreign and
Commonwealth Office (FCO), 23.11.09, confirming input into the West Africa
II. Letter from Senior Principal Research Officer, Africa Directorate,
FCO, 21.10.2013,
confirming impact of this research on the Africa Directorate in the
Foreign and
Commonwealth Office with regard to improving Anglo-French understanding
and identifying
opportunities for enhanced cooperation.
III. Letter from special adviser to Lord Chidgey, Liberal Democrat
Spokesperson, Foreign
Policy on Africa, House of Lords, 18.10.2013, confirming impact on
specifically with regard to opportunities for, and obstacles to,
IV. Letter from International Security Research Analyst, Chatham House,
confirming impact on French and British government officials' thinking on
security cooperation in Africa.
V. Email from FCO Desk Officer, Regional Issues, Nigeria & Central
Africa Section (with
responsibility for relations with ECOWAS), 28.11.2011, confirming input
strategy meeting. This was followed up by an email, dated 5.11.13,
confirming that a
French speaker was subsequently appointed to the post.
VI. Email from special adviser to FCO Minister for Africa, Henry
Bellingham, 08/11/2010,
relating to briefing of the Minister.
VII. Parliamentary questions regarding opportunities for enhanced
Anglo-French cooperation
asked by Lord Chidgey, provided by Professor Chafer 2011, 2012, including
two on Saint-
Malo: Hansard, HL 7157, 2 March 2011, c354WA and .HL 1855, 22 August 2012.
VIII. Presentation: Punching Below Their Weight? Critical Reflections
on Anglo-French
Cooperation in Africa (with Gordon Cumming), given at Chatham House,
June 2010, report
available on the Chatham House website at
IX. Presentation: La coopération entre la France et le Royaume-Uni en
Afrique : Des capacités
sous-utilisées, given at the Institut Francais des Relations
Internationales (IFRI) Paris,
November 2010, report available on the IFRI website at
[French version of report above]
X. Presentation; La coopération franco-britannique en Afrique. une
façon de renforcer ou de
contourner l'UE?, hosted by the European Commission and given at
IFRI Brussels, Nov
2010, available on the IFRI Brussels website at