Mentoring and Coaching in Education Practitioners' Professional Learning
Submitting Institution
Liverpool John Moores UniversityUnit of Assessment
EducationSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy, Specialist Studies In Education
Summary of the impact
During the past twenty years, mentoring and coaching has increasingly
been employed as a key strategy in the initial training and continuing
professional development of teachers in England and other European
countries with the aim of improving teaching and learning. This research
has resulted in regional and international impact on education
practitioners' continuing professional development and practice. These
(1) Primary and secondary teachers from the Merseyside region, who
participated in the LJMU Mentoring and Coaching programme to enhance the
effectiveness of their professional practice as individuals and to
facilitate professional learning and development within their schools.
(2) Education practitioners from teaching, nursing and social work across
Europe, who participated in the TISSNTE Intensive Course and attended
dissemination events and workshops in England (2012), Finland (2010),
Hungary (2008, 2011) and Norway (2009).
Underpinning research
The EU funded (£200k) TISSNTE (Teacher Induction: Supporting the
Supporters of Novice Teachers) project (February 2006-August 2009))
co-ordinated by Dr Joan Stephenson (Research Fellow, LJMU from September
2006-December 2009) focused on the needs of those supporting novice
teachers in their professional learning during the early years of their
career. It explored the mentoring dimension in education practitioners'
professional learning and generated insight and understanding in relation
to the complexity of the mentoring role, how it is perceived and enacted
in the practice setting and the potential tensions arising. The project
contained a research component (the TISSNTE needs analysis), which was led
by Professor Marion Jones with the aim of identifying key themes around
which common support strategies for teacher learning could be developed.
It involved a survey (semi-structured questionnaire and interview)
completed by 283 practising teachers associated with 21 initial teacher
education providers in the12 participating European countries. The
research outcomes consisted of the identification of support strategies,
skills and resources, which mentors considered essential in providing
effective support to novice teachers, and informed the development and
delivery of an Intensive Course (Budapest 12-17 October 2008)) attended by
30 teachers from 12 European memBer states (Course Reference Number
UK-2008-769-001 [].
Furthermore, it produced evidence of the reciprocal benefits of mentoring
and its potential to promote knowledge generation amongst education
A second, two-phase research project was concerned with the Impact of
ITE Partnerships on Schools. It was conducted collaboratively
between the universities of Liverpool John Moores (Jones), Manchester
(McNamara), Manchester Met (Craig) and the OU (Hurd). Phase 1 (Oct 05-May
06) consisted of a questionnaire survey, involving 1073 mentors from
primary and secondary schools in partnership with 5 ITE HEI providers in
the Northwest Government Office Region of England. One of the key findings
was that over three quarters of teachers believed that working with
trainee and newly qualified teachers afforded them opportunities for their
own professional learning and development. Following on from this survey,
the Teacher Development Agency (TDA) commissioned and funded a
small-scale, qualitative study. Phase 2 (Jan 08-Dec 08; Funding: TDA £13k)
was led by Jones in collaboration with McNamara (Manchester) and Campbell
(Leeds Met), with the aim of investigating the learning benefits accrued
by the mentors in the form of ten case studies for the TDA's resources ank
no longer a aila le online follo ing a olition of TDA The findings of this
research indicated that mentoring can: (a) facilitate high quality,
specific and contextual workplace learning that is intergenerational; (b)
promote leadership of learning by the practitioners themselves; (c) lead
to school wide innovations and dissemination of practice resulting in
positive effects on pupil behaviour and achievement.
The knowledge accrued from these projects was disseminated to teacher
education practitioners at Seminar 5 of the ESRC funded (£18k) Seminar
Series on Workplace Learning in Teacher Education (WLiTE) in June 2011,
managed by Prof Jones and Dr Stanley (LJMU) in
collaboration with Profs McNamara (P-I, Manchester University) and Murray
(C-I, UEL).
References to the research
Key Outputs:
Jones, M, Stanley, G, Mc amara, O & Murray, J(2011)
Facilitating teacher educators' professional learning through a regional
research capacity building network, Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher
Education, 39(3), pp. 263-275 doi: 10.1080/1359866X.2011.588313
Jones, M(2009) Induction mentors' needs — a needs analysis
approach: the English perspective and a comparison of findings from twelve
European countries, Research in Comparative and International
Education, 4 (1), pp. 4-21 doi: 10.2304/rcie.2009.4.1.4
Murray, J, Jones, M, McNamara, O & Stanley, G (2009)
Capacity = Expertise x Motivation + Opportunities: factors in capacity
building in teacher education in England, Journal of Education for
Teaching, 35 (4), pp. 391-408 doi: 10.1080/02607470903220455
Hurd, S, Jones, M, McNamara, O & Craig, B (2007) Initial
Teacher Education as a driver for professional learning and school
improvement in the primary phase, Curriculum Journal, 18(3), pp.
307-326 doi: 10.1080/09585170701589942 [12 citations]
The Everton in the Community pan-disability coaching programme: A
study of an intervention in special and mainstream schools [June
2011-December 2012]
Funding: COMINO foundation. Funding: Comino Foundation £24k; Jones (P-I)
(LJMU) with Stanley (LJMU), Blundell (LJMU), May (LJMU), C Walker (LJMU)
& S Walker (LJMU)
Teacher Education Research Network (TERN): Building Research Capacity
in the Northwest Region of England, [Sept 08-Aug 09] Funding: ESRC
£110k (£61k allocated to LJMU), Jones (Co-I) (LJMU) and Regional
Co-ordinator with Murray (P-I) (University of East London) and McNamara
(Co-I) (University of Manchester) []
The impact of ITE partnerships on teachers' professional learning and
development:- a case study of examples of good practice [Jan 08-Dec
08] Funding: TDA £13k; Jones (P-I) (LJMU) with McNamara (Co-I) (University
of Manchester) and Campbell (Co-I) (Leeds Metropolitan University)
Teacher Induction: Supporting the Supporters of Novice Teachers
(TISSNTE) project European Comenius 2.1 Project [Feb 06-Aug 09]
(Ref. No. 128825-CP-1-2006-1-UK-COMENIUS-C21) Funding: EU £200k;
Stephenson (Project co-ordinator) with Jones (LJMU) who led the needs
analysis research component, which was concerned with the mapping of
induction mentors' needs across 12 countries []
Details of the impact
Our research in the context of teachers' professional learning has ena
led teachers to de elop a critical understanding of their role as mentors
and to enact this role effectively in the practice setting. The
development of the TISSNTE Needs Analysis tool was achieved through active
engagement with over 100 practitioners across the 12 European countries
involved in the TISSNTE project. Teachers with responsibility for CPD and
Local Authority staff took part in the piloting and evaluation of the
survey questionnaire and interview schedule. The outcomes of the TISSNTE
needs analysis exercise informed the development and delivery of a one
week Intensive Course on Mentoring (
held in Budapest (12-17 October 2008). It was aimed at practising teachers
supporting novice teachers in their professional development in the early
stages of their career. The event was attended by 30 teachers from 13
European member states, who had received financial support from their
respective regional National Bureaus. As evidenced in participant
feedback, the course contributed to teachers' and teacher educators'
professional learning by enhancing sensitivity to no ice teachers' needs,
facilitating a critical understanding of the complexity of the mentoring
role and developing skills and strategies employed in the effective
support of novice teachers. These include: classroom observation,
monitoring of progress, evaluation and assessment of competence and
providing constructive feedback. A further benefit of the TISSNTE research
was that the materials and resources produced for the Intensive Course are
used by the University of Lisboa (Portugal) to assist teachers in
supporting novice teachers' professional learning in schools.
On the basis of the EU and TDA funded research Jones received a number of
invitations to deliver key note lectures (Finland 2010; England 2013) and
run seminars/workshops (Norway, 2008; Hungary 2012) aimed at education
practitioners from education, health and social work. The participants of
these dissemination and professional development events reported benefits
in terms of an increased awareness of the complexity of the mentoring
role, the wide range of strategies and skills that effective mentoring
requires and the reciprocal benefits accrued for themselves as individual
practitioners as well as on a departmental and institutional level. For
example, a teacher educator, who attended the ESRC HEI KT Seminar on
Hybridity, Creativity and `New Professionalism' University of Chester,
June 2012 ( requested permission
(email sent on 02.09.2012) to use the resources developed by Jones in 4
training workshops attended by 120 novice teachers.
An invitation was received from the CPDUpdate Editor to report
the key findings of the TDA funded research on the Impact of ITE
Partnerships on Schools. CPDUpdate is a widely circulated magazine
amongst education professionals in schools. One of its aims is to present
research findings in a digestible, easily accessible form to practitioners
(See Jones, Campbell, McNamara & Stanley, Developing professional
learning communities — the hidden curriculum of ITE mentoring, May 2009,
Issue 116, pp. 6-9).
Regionally, the research has informed the mentor training and development
programmes attended by education professionals, such as the modules
available within the Advanced Educational Practice (AEP) programme and the
free standing units of the Pick & Mix programme. Thus the research has
influenced the professional practice of over 100 individual classroom
practitioners, senior managers and teaching assistants in primary and
secondary schools and shaped the development of departmental and whole
school initiatives. Examples include:
- Enhanced mentoring coaching support for ne ly qualified teachers at
Merchant Taylors' Boys' School (Crosby);
- Following completion of the Mentoring and Coaching module in 2011, a
teacher from Bebington High School (Wirral) was promoted to his school's
leadership team and set up a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) forum
with a long-term objective to develop a multiple mentor network with the
aim of improving the quality of teaching and the school's Ofsted
nspection result
- Implementation of active listening skills as part of an effective
mentoring strategy employed in supporting adolescents at Notre Dame
Catholic College (Liverpool).
Formal participant evaluations indicate the extent to which participants
have benefited from these programmes:
- All 3 participants from Clare Mount Specialist Sports College
attending the `Mentoring skills for Teaching Assistants' training
session in Fe ruary and June 2013 stated that it had had a `significant'
`good' impact on their understanding of the mentoring concept and its
application in the practice context.
- 97% (28/29)of the teachers attending the `Outstanding Mentoring'
session in Fe ruary 2013 stated that it had deepened and clarified their
understanding of hat constituted `outstanding mentoring' as defined y
- 97% (31/32) of the participants completing the A P Mentoring and
oaching modules rated the professional relevance of the course as either
`good' (3), `Very good' (14) or `excellent' (14) and reported
`significant'/`Very significant' impact in relation to their own
professional de elopment, teaching skills, pupils' learning outcomes and
practice ithin their institution They reported benefits in relation to
their personal/professional development and their practice within the
school as well as learner development. The course had enabled them to
extend their range of mentoring and coaching techniques, for example,
the use of `clean language' in feedback, hich resulted in improved
student responses in class and getting students to talk more and
generally improved relationships between teaching staff and students.
The coaching techniques acquired by school staff attending the LJMU
programme led to the introduction of peer mentoring and staff focus
groups for collaborative planning and development of learner support in
the school's professional development programme.
- Feedback from the 16 teachers who completed the LJMU Mentoring and
Coaching module delivered at Notre Dame High School, Liverpool, in 2011
as part of the school's continuing professional development programme
indicates benefits accrued in relation to: informing professional
practice (12/16). As particular benefits were highlighted: stronger
relationships with peers and pupils (6/16), mentoring techniques used
with pupils (8/16) and staff (6/16) and improved communication skills
(9/16). This is what the participants said:
"I am able to use some of the mentoring techniques from the course with
pupils in the classroom, especially around listening and questioning "
"I have a deeper understanding of the mentoring process My new knowledge
now allows me to understand pupils better and access their needs at a
higher level "
"There has been an impact on our pupils from the staff who have engaged
in this course Some pupils have become more cooperative and open with
feelings and emotions."
"I now use learning communities more extensively within my role to focus
staff and encourage professional dialogue."
Sources to corroborate the impact
1 ITE Subject Mentor for Information Technology (Alsop High School) can
confirm the influence of the LJMU mentoring programme on his professional
practice in terms of developing innovative mentoring practices and
techniques, which benefit trainee teachers in their professional workplace
2 Learning Mentor (Notre Dame Catholic College) can confirm the
beneficial impact of the LJMU mentoring programme on her professional
practice enabling her to provide effective one-to-one support to improve
learning outcomes and students' personal development.
3 Teacher of ICT and Business Studies (University of Chester Academy),
who as a trainee teacher spent 5 months on school-based practice at Alsop
High School, can confirm the excellent mentoring support he received:
"[His] mentoring enabled me to successfully become a confident teacher. I
now endeavour to soon become a mentor."
4 Teacher/ITE mentor and Staff De elopment Coordinator Merchant Taylors'
Boys' School) can confirm the beneficial impact of the LJMU
mentor/coaching programme on ITE mentors' professional practice, support
provided to 24 newly qualified teachers and staff in career progression
and the development of a learning community.
5 CPD Coordinator (Bebington High School) can confirm the beneficial
influence of LJMU's mentor/coaching programme on the quality of support
provided to trainee and newly qualified teachers in their professional
learning and staff undertaking professional development.
6 The EU Impact of Comenius Centralised Actions Final Report
(p.37) [ISBN 978-92-79-27805-1 doi:10.2766/40756] acknowledges the impact
of the TISSNTE project.
7 Teacher Educator at the University of Lisboa (Portugal) can confirm use
of TISSNTE resources in the preparation of teachers to support novice
teachers' workplace learning (Email sent on 08.07.2013)
- TISSNTE website [];
Intensive Course, Budapest, 12-17 October, 2008
[]; `Suitcase of
Support', including a irtual library of support material for those
mentoring novice teachers and a user manual (book and CD-rom) in 10
European languages
- LJMU Advanced Educational Practice Mentoring in Education Module
Stephenson, J. (2009) A Learning Framework for Novice
Teachers and Mentors — user manual for staff development course.
This CD-Rom provides guidance for the use of a range of activities and
resources which can form the basis of a staff development course for
teachers and those supporting novice teachers and is freely available on
the TISSNTE website subject to registration.
Jones, M. (2009) Interview on research project on mentors'
professional learning, DVD The Impact of Trainee Teachers on School
Achievement: how primary schools use trainee teachers to improve
pupils' achievements, PFM Media, CD-Rom the production of which
was funded by the Teacher Development Agency was distributed to over
1,000 schools.