Radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ reduces recurrence
Submitting Institution
Queen Mary, University of LondonUnit of Assessment
Clinical MedicineSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Oncology and Carcinogenesis
Summary of the impact
The primary treatment for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS, cancer confined
to the milk ducts of the breast) is surgery, and breast-conserving surgery
is increasingly preferred over mastectomy. The UK/ANZ DCIS trial, co-led
by Queen Mary researchers, showed that following surgery, women with DCIS
are significantly less likely to develop invasive disease if given
radiotherapy, and that this protection persists long term. NICE recommends
that, following adequate breast conserving surgery, adjuvant radiotherapy
should be offered to patients with DCIS. This recommendation is also
current in the United States, Canada, Australia, and many European
countries. Based on current figures, we estimate that in UK alone, around
260 women each year are spared a recurrence of breast cancer as a result
of this research.
Underpinning research
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS), cancer in the milk ducts of the breast,
is the commonest type of non-invasive breast cancer in the UK with around
4,650 women diagnosed annually. Following the introduction of the UK
National Health Service Breast Screening Programme in 1988, there emerged
a substantial increase in the diagnosis of DCIS, which represents 20-25
per cent of screen-detected breast cancers in the UK. The primary
treatment is surgery, with breast conserving surgery preferred over
mastectomy (which is perceived by many as an over-treatment and is
unpopular with patients). Survival following treatment is about 98 per
cent, but the risk of local recurrence and a new cancer in the opposite
breast is high.
In the early 1990s the question of which standard treatments should
follow after breast-conserving surgery for DCIS was uncertain. The UK/ANZ
DCIS trial was designed to establish whether adjuvant treatment with
radiotherapy, tamoxifen, or both tamoxifen and radiotherapy could reduce
the likelihood of cancer returning after surgery aimed at completely
removing DCIS. Between 1990 and 1998, 1701 women from the UK, Australia,
and New Zealand were enrolled in the study. Participants had had complete
surgical excision of the lesion.
Professor Jack Cuzick, (Head of Centre 1998 — present) was co-designer of
the trial, and conducted the data analysis of both the original 2003
report and the 2010 update. He was lead author of the 2010 long-term trial
report. The trial was funded in the UK through the UK Coordinating
Committee on Cancer Research and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, and by
grants from the Cancer Research Campaign (C569-A10404), and the Medical
Research Council.
In 2003, initial results (median follow-up 4.4 years) published in the
Lancet suggested that radiotherapy reduced new invasive and local
recurrences by about half, but no significant effects were noted with
tamoxifen treatment [1]. The report on the long-term follow up (median
12.7 years) was published in 2010 [2]. Results showed that radiotherapy
after surgery reduced the relative risk of developing invasive cancer in
the same breast by almost 70 per cent and decreased recurrent DCIS in the
same breast by over 60 per cent, corresponding to an absolute 10-year
reduction in local cancer recurrences of 12.3 per cent. Treatment with
radiotherapy had no observed effect on cancer risk in the other breast.
The trial reported a benefit for tamoxifen in reducing contralateral new
breast events.
The UK/ANZ DCIS trial results confirmed the long-term beneficial effect
of radiotherapy for women with DCIS treated by complete local excision.
Women with DCIS are significantly less likely to develop invasive disease
if they are given radiotherapy after surgery, and the effect is long
lasting. The results, which have been further analyzed in relation to
grade of DCIS [3,4], emphasized the importance of radiotherapy for women
who have had surgery for high-grade (ie more quickly growing and more
likely to spread) DCIS.
References to the research
1. UK Coordinating Committee on Cancer Research (UKCCCR) Ductal carcinoma
in situ (DCIS) Working Party. Radiotherapy and tamoxifen in women with
completely excised ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast in the UK,
Australia, and New Zealand: randomised controlled trial. Lancet
2003; 362: 95-102.
2. Cuzick J, Sestak I, Pinder SE, Ellis IO, Forsyth S, Bundred
NJ, Forbes JF, Bishop H, Fentiman IS, George WO. Effect of tamoxifen and
radiotherapy in women with locally excised ductal carcinoma in situ:
long-term results from the UK/ANZ DCIS trial. Lancet Oncology
2011: 12: 21-29.
3. Cuzick J. Treatment of DCIS — results from clinical trials. Surgical
Oncology 2003; 12: 213-219.
4. Pinder SE, Duggan C, Ellis IO, Cuzick J, Forbes JF, Bishop H,
Fentiman IS and George WD on behalf of the UK Coordinating Committee on
Cancer Research (UKCCCR) Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) Working Party. A
new pathological system for grading DCIS with improved prediction of local
recurrence: results from the UKCCCR/ANZ DCIS trial. British Journal of
Cancer 2010; 103: 94-100.
Details of the impact
4a: Change in policy / guidelines
The results of the DCIS trial have had a direct and major impact on
health policy and guidelines around the world. Examples include:
UK: The current UK National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence Clinical Guideline on treatment for early and locally
advanced breast cancer recommends: "Offer adjuvant radiotherapy to
patients with DCIS following adequate breast conserving surgery"
(paragraph 1.11.2) [5].
USA: Following the publication of long-term follow-up findings
from the UK/ANZ trial, the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Appropriateness Criteria were amended to include the following
recommendation: "Breast conservation therapy (consists of
breast-conserving surgery to achieve negative margins followed by
adjuvant radiation therapy to the whole breast) is an acceptable
treatment alternative to mastectomy for women with localized DCIS
wishing to conserve their breast." [6]
USA: A review by US authors in the International Journal of
Surgical Oncology in late 2012 stated that for DCIS, "Postoperative
radiation therapy in combination with breast-conserving surgery is
considered the standard of care, with demonstrated decrease in local
recurrence with the addition of radiation therapy." [7]
CANADA: According to the Canadian Cancer Society, "External
beam radiation therapy is given after breast conserving surgery,
unless there is a medical condition that prevents a woman from
receiving radiation" [8]. Using data from our trial, Canadian
clinical practice guidelines developed in 2008 and revised in 2012 state
that for patients with DCIS, following breast conserving surgery,
adjuvant whole breast radiotherapy is recommended [9]. 2028
4b: Change in clinical practice
Changes in policy and guidelines have been followed by changes in
practice. For example:
UK: British Association of Surgical Oncology audit figures show
that in 2001-02 only 46% of UK patients with non-invasive breast cancer
who had undergone breast-conserving surgery received radiotherapy, but
by 2010-11 this had increased to 60% and the trend was rising (see
Figure 1 overleaf) [10,11].
USA: An audit of a large US Health Maintenance Organization,
Kaiser Permanente, in 2010 showed that 57% of 3,000 women treated for
DCIS in this organisation in the previous 10 years were given adjuvant
radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery, and that the odds of a
woman receiving radiotherapy rose significantly over the time period of
the study [12].
Figure 1: Percentage of non-invasive breast cancers in the NHS
Breast Screening Programme treated by breast conserving surgery receiving
4c: Change in morbidity
The greatest impact of adjuvant radiotherapy treatment for the affected
women is decreased morbidity resulting from reduced recurrence rates. In
the UK each year, around 3,115 of the 4,650 women diagnosed with DCIS opt
for breast conserving surgery [13]. Without adjuvant radiotherapy 623 of
these women would face recurrence within ten years, but with adjuvant
radiotherapy, recurrence risk is reduced by almost 70%. Based on current
figures, 60% of women who undergo breast-conserving surgery now receive
adjuvant radiotherapy (1869 women) each year, among whom 261 recurrences
are prevented.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- NICE Guideline 2009 `Breast cancer (early and locally advanced):
diagnosis and treatment
(reviewed 2012 and confirmed still current).
- American College of Radiography Appropriateness Criteria for Ductal
Carcinoma in Situ.
- Lee RJ, Vallow LA, McLaughlin SA, Tzou KS, Hines SL, and Peterson JL.
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast. International Journal of
Surgical Oncology 2012; doi:10.1155/2012/123549
- Canadian Cancer Society recommendations for treating early breast
- Alberta Health Services. Clinical Practice Guideline BR-006: Adjuvant
Radiation Therapy for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (reviewed April 2012).
- NHS Breast Screening Programme and Association of Breast Surgery. An
Audit of Screen Detected Breast Cancers for the Year of Screening April
2010 to March 2011. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes 2012.
- NHS Breast Screening Programme and British Association of Surgical
Oncology Breast Group. An audit of screen detected breast cancers.
NHS Cancer Screening Programmes 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. See previous reference and similar data for past
years from
- Haque R, Achacoso NS, Fletcher SW, Nekhlyudov L, Collins LC, Schnitt
SJ, Quesenberry CP, Jr., Habel LA. Treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ
among patients cared for in large integrated health plans. The
American Journal of Managed Care 2010, 16: 351-360.
- McGuire KP, Santillan AA, Kaur P et al. Are mastectomies on
the rise? A 13-year trend analysis of the selection of mastectomy versus
breast conservation therapy in 5865 patients. Annals of Surgical
Oncology 2009; 16: 2682-90.