Accurate measurement of Vitamin D to develop guidelines for health
Submitting Institution
University of East AngliaUnit of Assessment
Clinical MedicineSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Neurosciences, Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
Use of our new Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS) technology for measuring 25
Hydroxy Vitamin D (25OHD) has had both major clinical and economic impacts
- patient care via the National Osteoporosis Society Guideline (April
2013) `Vitamin D and Bone Health — A Practical Clinical Guideline for
Patient Management'
- accredited laboratory assay methodologies where reports from the
Vitamin D External Quality Assessment Scheme show increasing use of
Tandem MS in recognition of the need to accurately measure both 25OHD2
and D3
- army recruits through the amended Ministry of Defence training policy
which now incorporates an approach to injury/stress fracture prevention
and improvements in Vitamin D status
- the NHS through uptake of the Tandem MS 25OHD assay.
Underpinning research
Before our development of Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Vitamin D was
measured by a variety of immunoassays with poor standardisation that could
result in over or under estimation of Vitamin D levels leading to
erroneous diagnosis and incorrect treatment. This case study stems from a
body of research into the measurement of 25OHD2 and D3
using a High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) tandem Mass
Spectrometry (MS) methodology developed by Fraser and Dutton. This work
commenced in Liverpool leading to an early method for Tandem MS analysis
(see for example: Dutton, J and Fraser, WD The Technical and
Clinical benefits from Measuring 25 OH Vitamin D by LC-MS/MS. Mass
Matters 2010 62:13-15) and continued with significant
scientific and technical developments to sample preparation and assay
technology following Fraser's move from Liverpool to UEA in April 2011.
The current technology allows measurement of both serum 25OHD2
and D3 with precision, accuracy and sensitivity, with
sufficient throughput to enable large-scale studies to be performed with
confidence. The major clinical advantage of the method is the ability to
estimate accurately both 25OHD2 and D3. All
immunoassays have poor Ab cross reactivity with D2 resulting in
underestimation of 25OHD2 and, depending on 250HD3
standardisation, total 250HD status. The specific detection of 25OHD2
also allows the detection of toxicity (hypercalcaemia) due to excessive
levels of 25OHD2 and hence the avoidance of unnecessary and
expensive patient investigation for malignancy as a cause of
The introduction at UEA of high-throughput extraction technology combined
with the excellent sensitivity of Tandem MS has allowed large numbers of
samples to be measured for several studies. This work has been underpinned
by grant income of £3.5M since 2005. The data obtained are unique as the
biochemical techniques developed allow measurement of Vitamin D
metabolites with a sensitivity, precision and accuracy not available to
the majority of researchers. This new technique has now superseded
immunoassays in many instances and has been used in a number of clinical
trials overturning the previously held consensus on Vitamin D therapy (1).
The studies performed at UEA to date, and where 25OHD2 has
significant association with, or effect on, disease, are extensive and
include prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease
(COPD), diabetes, depression, dermatological conditions, problems of
pregnancy including eclampsia, non-clinical psychotic experiences,
behavioural problems, academic performance, cortical bone development and
increased stress fracture incidence. A notable recent clinical result
arising from the research at UEA is that there is no association between
maternal Vitamin D status in pregnancy and offspring bone-mineral content
in late childhood (2).
During 2011-2013, research at UEA established that 25OHD2
supplementation at currently recommended doses is not effective in
changing several clinical outcomes. This is having major scientific,
social and economic effects, resulting in new approaches to investigation
of Vitamin D effects and altering data interpretation. This research has
been quoted extensively and incorporated into several meta-analyses of the
role of 25OHD2 in disease, and in attempts to define the
optimal therapeutic thresholds for circulating 25OHD2 (3).
Associations of low circulating 25OHD2 with poorer outcomes in
disease has led to the funding of many important prospective randomised
studies investigating Vitamin D supplementation in treatment and
prevention of disease.
UEA researchers:
William Fraser: UEA Professor of Medicine since April 2011 and
Principal Investigator of the UEA research team.
Jonathan Tang: UEA Bio-analytical Facility Manager since April
There has been close collaboration in the clinical studies with
investigators from Bristol and Aberdeen.
References to the research
(UEA authors in bold)
1) Fraser WD, Milan AM
Vitamin D assays: past and present debates, difficulties, and developments
Calcif Tissue Int. 2013 92:118-27
doi: 10.1007/s00223-012-9693-3
Significance: Quoted in the National Osteoporosis Society
Practical Guideline on Vitamin D for UK physicians. The basis for the
analytical recommendations in the guideline.
2) Lawlor DA, Wills AK, Fraser A, Sayers A, Fraser WD, Tobias JH
Association of maternal Vitamin D status during pregnancy with
bone-mineral content in offspring: a prospective cohort study
Lancet 2013 381:2176-83
doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)62203-X
Significance: Editorial Comment on Vitamin D supplementation of
pregnant women in the UK.
3) MacDonald HM, Wood AD, Tang JC, Fraser WD
Comparison of Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3
supplementation in increasing serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D status: a
systematic review and meta-analysis
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2012 96:1152-3
(author reply 1153-4)
doi: 10.3945/ajcn.112.046110
Significance: Discussion of the importance of using Vitamin D3
supplementation in preference to Vitamin D2 in deficient
Key grants supporting this research:
MRC Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
(ALSPAC) (2008-12)
Lawlor DA, Davey Smith G, Evans DMF,
Fraser WD, Guthrie
P, Hypponen ET |
£1,280,874 |
MRC (2008-13)
Fraser WD, Selby P, Langston
A, Ralston S |
£663,429 |
Arthritis Research UK (2009-14)
Ralston S, Langston A, Campbell M, Fraser
£483,127 |
Arthritis Research UK (2010-13)
Hauser B, Riches P, Fraser WD,
Ralston S |
£211,899 |
MRC Population and Systems Medicine Board (2011-14)
Parekh D, Dancer RC, Lax S, Cooper MS, Martineau AR, Fraser
WD, Tucker O, Alderson D, Perkins GD, Gao-Smith F, Thickett
DR |
£489,444 |
Details of the impact
Our new Tandem MS technology for simultaneous measurement of both 25OHD2
and 25OHD3 has had both clinical and economic impacts.
Impact on Patient Care: For the wider population the common
Vitamin D supplements provide Vitamin D2 whereas the common
(immunoassay) techniques for measuring Vitamin D levels are unable to
recognise this form, frequently resulting in significant underestimation
of total Vitamin D levels. The ability to detect both 25OHD2
and 25OHD3 simultaneously therefore has two major patient
benefits: the avoidance of over-supplementation — with the associated risk
of toxicity; and the unnecessary investigation of possible causes of
non-parathyroid related hypercalcaemia.
The 2013 National Osteoporosis Society guidelines `Vitamin D and Bone
Health. A Practical Clinical Guideline For Patient Management'
recommend that 25OHD should be measured by a method able to clearly
distinguish 25OHD2 and D3. Authorities involved in
Vitamin D research now recognise the problems arising from the lack of
specificity inherent in immunoassays and therefore recommend the use of
Tandem MS technology. (corroborating source A)
Impact on National Quality Assessment Methodologies: The
importance of the Tandem MS measurement technology has been recognised by
laboratories accredited to analyse samples for Vitamin D resulting in
significant expansion of use of this technology in NHS laboratories and
research establishments. This is clearly apparent from the regular reports
of the Vitamin D External Quality Assessment Scheme (DEQAS). The DEQAS
reports over a 10 year period highlight the increasing use of Tandem MS
technology by participants. For example, there were no users of Tandem MS
technology in 2004 and, following our development of the new assay, Tandem
MS usage rose to 12.8% of users in 2013. (corroborating source B)
Impact on Army Recruits via MOD Training Programmes: Based
on the underpinning research reported in references 1, 2 and 3 in section
3, Fraser wrote confidential reports for the MOD which led to three
collaborative programmes of work between the Army Recruitment and Training
Directorate and UEA. As a result, the MOD recognised that a high
percentage of recruits have significant Vitamin D deficiency and that
female recruits have a particular problem leading to high bone turnover
and predisposition to injury, especially post-partum.
This has resulted in:
- a review of the nutritional recommendations for all recruits in
- a revised medical policy to protect postpartum service personnel in a
medically downgraded capacity for 12 months postpartum
- an alteration in the training programme for female recruits — who are
now trained separately to male recruits.
(corroborating source C)
These changes were based on the following findings from the collaborative
a) Vitamin D and bone health: We have confirmed an association
between Vitamin D deficiency and impaired bone health in female Army
recruits, and a high incidence of Vitamin D deficiency in both men and
women entering / exiting training.
b) Pregnancy and postpartum: The postpartum period is recognised
to be a vulnerable time for female military personnel on return to
physically demanding roles with an increased risk of musculoskeletal
injury. Our work has shown increased bone turnover in a representative
population of women over a 6-month period.
c) Gender differences in bone density and morphology: It is
generally known that women are more likely to sustain a stress fracture
injury during training than men. Our collaborative work has shown that
this is due to differences in bone morphology between male and female
recruits. These findings have also provided evidence for individual
consideration of female-to-male transgender cases.
Impact on the NHS Economy: The Tandem MS technology has had
significant economic impact on the NHS. For example, the Norfolk and
Norwich University Hospital is an early adopter of this new assay where it
is now the routine method for measurement of 25OHD. The cost per sample
for a Tandem MS analysis is currently £12.50 compared to the cost of
analysis by immunoassay (the previous method of choice) which is £18.50.
The NNUH `hub' currently requests analysis of 3800 samples per annum
resulting in a cost saving of £125,000 in this region alone.
(corroborating source D)
Sources to corroborate the impact
A. Vitamin D and Bone Health. A Practical Clinical Guideline For
Patient Management (2013) National Osteoporosis Society
The guideline is endorsed by the Bone Research Society, British
Geriatrics Society, British Orthopaedic Association, International
Osteoporosis Foundation, Primary Care Rheumatology Society, Royal College
of Nursing, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Society for Endocrinology,
British Dietetic Association, UK Clinical Pharmacy Association and the
Paget's Association.
Specific references to UEA work are on pages 9, 10, 22, 24.
The guideline states (page 11):
Notwithstanding the various technical aspects of measuring Vitamin D,
there are a few simple considerations that need to be applied from a
clinical perspective:
- Measurement of serum 25OHD is the best way of estimating Vitamin D
- The assay used should have the ability to recognise all forms of
25OHD (D2 or D3) equally. In practice, this means that it should use
either HPLC or, more likely, tandem MS. None of the immunoassays offer
the ability to recognise all forms of 25OHD.
(copy held on file at UEA)
B. Vitamin D External Quality Assessment Service (DEQAS)
comparison data between 2004 and 2013:
Date |
Sample |
N |
percentag |
Apr-2004 |
251 |
97 |
0 |
0.00% |
Apr-2005 |
271 |
141 |
2 |
1.42% |
Apr-2006 |
291 |
161 |
9 |
5.59% |
Apr-2007 |
311 |
229 |
20 |
8.73% |
Apr-2008 |
331 |
339 |
35 |
10.32% |
Apr-2009 |
351 |
565 |
53 |
9.38% |
Apr-2010 |
371 |
774 |
86 |
11.11% |
Apr-2011 |
391 |
986 |
104 |
10.55% |
Apr-2012 |
411 |
1116 |
133 |
11.92% |
Apr-2013 |
431 |
1102 |
141 |
12.79% |
(data held on file at UEA)
C. Letter on behalf of the Ministry of Defence / Army Recruitment and
Training Directorate, which details the recommendations on army
training and dietary intake of Vitamin D for all new recruits.
(held on file at UEA)
D. NHS Vitamin D analysis sample figures: data provided by the
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and held on file at UEA.