New approaches in addressing sexual health and sex education
Submitting Institution
Coventry UniversityUnit of Assessment
Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and PharmacySummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
Research at Coventry University has produced innovative approaches to
addressing sexual health and wellbeing issues, sexual health promotion and
sex education. The research has resulted in:-
Impact on health and wellbeing (UK), an increase in
self-reported use of sexual health services (supported by an increase in
STI screening rates in some services) and increases in chlamydia
screening and detection rates (with the programme now being rolled out
nationally). Beneficiaries include young people, parents, GPs,
Warwickshire County Council and Coventry City Council.
Impact on society, culture and creativity through public
understanding and public debate (International), with more than
150,000 visitors from over 20 countries accessing the sexual health
resources, 30% of visitors returning to the website and an average of
6000 visits per month to the site, one year after launch. These
resources benefit young people (primarily 13-25 age group).
Impact on practitioners and services (International), with
training courses and tools facilitating the adoption of best practice,
with resources benefitting health practitioners and teachers and being
used as evidence of harmful cultural practices in the Asylum Appeal
Underpinning research
The underpinning research, which started in 2000, was developed by
members of the Studies in Sexual Health research group, including Wallace
(Professor employed at Coventry since 1998), Brown (Reader
employed since 2004), Newby (Research Fellow employed since 2002)
and Bayley (Senior Research Assistant employed since 2003).
Wallace et al [1] conducted one of the first theory-driven
large-scale sexual health surveys of young people. This was in
collaboration with the psychologists who developed the most widely applied
psychological theory of health behaviour change, the Transtheoretical
Model (TTM). The survey monitored 3820 young people, aged 13-16 years, in
10 schools across England between 2000 and 2003. Findings highlighted
important psychological predictors of condom use and motivation to use
condoms in the future among virgins and non-virgins; contributing to
literature about relevant targets for intervention design. Similarly,
qualitative research identified barriers to contraceptive use, useful for
informing sexual education intervention design [2].
As a result of their research the team developed `What should we tell the
children', a group intervention in collaboration with Coventry PCT's
Teenage Pregnancy team and the Mother's Union, to help parents communicate
with their children about sex and relationships [3]. Research into how to
engage parents [4], particularly fathers, created the evidence base for
translating the programme into a serious game format to engage fathers and
those unlikely to attend a `parent' programme and also supported the
development of a `Respect Yourself' campaign [5].
Another focus of sexual health research has been in support of chlamydia
screening. Incidence of the disease has been rising steadily over the past
decade, with approximately one in ten 15-24 year olds infected. In
recognition of this significant public health problem, the Department of
Health launched the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) to
increase detection and treatment of infection. Currently the number of
chlamydia diagnoses is short of the target required to bring about a
reduction in the prevalence of this infection. In 2008, the team worked
with the Health Protection Agency (now Public Health England) to develop a
theory-based intervention to increase offers of chlamydia screening to
sexually active 15-24 year olds within general practice.
Specifically Wallace advised on the theory-based content,
specifying evidence-based techniques most likely to be effective in
increasing the motivation of clinicians to offer screening. The
intervention was tested in a cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) and
was shown to be effective (see p3). To September 2013, 70 local
authorities have signed up to roll out the intervention in their areas and
351 GP practices have agreed to receive workshops (as of 4th
October 2013). The intervention, being rolled out across England in
2013/14, includes the principles and theoretical approach used in the
trial in which Wallace et al were involved, but has been modified
to include a broader sexual health offer including offer of condoms and
contraception as well as chlamydia and in some areas HIV screening.
Extending the sexual health research into Female Genital Mutilation
(FGM), Brown and Barrett have developed targeted sexual
health interventions which have led to significant international research
focused on addressing these harmful cultural practices [6]. This work is
interdisciplinary in nature (Barrett is submitted to UoA21). FGM
adversely affects the mental, sexual and reproductive wellbeing of
thousands of women; European Parliament indicated that as many as 500,000
women in the EU could be living with the consequences of FGM, and that
over 180,000 women and girls are at high risk of falling victim to the
practice each year. In 2010, Brown and Barrett led an
international, multidisciplinary team (with partners from Belgium,
Netherlands and the UK) in an EC Daphne III funded project (£93,607) to
tackle FGM. The team used highly innovative twin-track participatory and
behavioural change approaches to developing interventions with Somalian
communities in Bristol (UK) and in Amsterdam (Netherlands). Follow-on
funding from the EC (£485,602) was secured in 2013, extending the original
international research team to include partners in Italy (CESIE), Portugal
(APF) and Spain (Gabinet) to further develop the research and evaluate the
effectiveness of the toolkit developed in the pilot scheme.
References to the research
1. Wallace, L.M., Evers, K.E., Wareing, H., Dunn, O.M., Newby,
K., Paiva, A., & Johnson, J.L. (2007). Informing school sex education
using the stages of change construct: Sexual behaviour and attitudes
towards sexual activity and condom use of children aged 13-16 in England.
Journal of Health Psychology, 12 (1) 179-183. IF= 1.218; SNIP=
1,129; SJR= 0.073. Citations 5
2. Bayley, J., Brown, K., & Wallace, L.
(2009). Teenagers and emergency contraception in the UK: A focus group
study of salient beliefs using concepts from the Theory of Planned
Behaviour. European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health
Care, 14 (3), 196- 206. Impact factor = 1.808; SNIP = 1.05; SJR =
0.74. Citations 6
3. Newby, K., Bayley, J.,& Wallace, L.M.
(2011). "What should we tell the children about relationships and sex?"©:
Development of a program for parents using intervention mapping. Health
Promotion Practice, 12 (2), 209-228. SNIP = 0,658; SJR =
0.375. Citations 1
4. Bayley J, Wallace LM, & Choudhry K (2009) Fathers
and parenting programmes: barriers and best practice. Community
Practitioner. 82, (4), 28-31. SNIP = 0.124; SJR = 0.03. Citations 6
5. Brown, K.E., Bayley, J., & Newby, K.
(2012). Serious game for relationships and sex education: Application of
an intervention mapping approach to development. In S. Arnab, I. Dunwell,
& K. Debattista (Eds). Serious Games for Healthcare: Applications
and Implications. IGI Global: Hershey, PA.
6. Brown, K., Beecham, D., & Barrett, H. (2013). The
applicability of behaviour change in intervention programmes targeted at
ending female genital mutilation in the EU: integrating social cognitive
and community level approaches. Obstetrics and Gynecology
International, Volume 2013, Article ID 324362
Selected Grant Funding
• Bayley, Brown and Newby received funding from
the West Midlands South Health Innovation and Education Cluster (HIEC) to
further develop the `What should we tell the children' intervention, the
PR:EPARe serious game and the "Respect Yourself" website (£122,000).
• Brown and Barrett received two grants from the European
Commission to research FGM (JLS/2008/DAP3/AG/1193 and
JUST/2012/DAP/AG/3273) totalling £579,209
Details of the impact
This research has had direct impact on health and wellbeing; society,
culture and creativity, and practitioners and services.
Impact on health and wellbeing — measure of improved clinical
outcomes, public behavior and health services
A rigorous intervention mapping approach was used to develop the parents'
sex and relationships group programme `What should we tell the children'
[3], with 400 parents benefitting since 2006. Feedback collected in
December 2010 showed that parents' confidence in discussing sexual health
matters had increased as a result of undertaking the course (97% of
attendees thought that, as a result of the course, they were more likely
to talk to their children about relationships and sex) [a]. Subsequent
feedback from parents has shown that the programme has had a significant
impact on the way they interact with their children regarding sexual
health matters [b].
As a result of the programme, Coventry City Council continued to work
with the research team to launch a new web-based campaign `Be Savvy' (
to promote sexual health and wellbeing to teachers, parents and young
people. The website hosts a serious game version of `What should we tell
the children'. The team have also developed and promoted an interactive
PR:EPARe serious game for relationships and sex education (RSE) [5]. The
game is used by teachers as a resource to aid sex education; tackling
pressure and coercion in teenage relationships (see section below on
impact on practitioners and services).
Using the same rigorous intervention mapping approach, the research was
extended, in collaboration with Warwickshire Council, to redevelop their
`Respect Yourself' campaign website and develop a new web app (
The campaign is aimed at young people in Coventry and Warwickshire to
provide them with information about locally available resources. Brown
and Newby's research contributed to the successful `Respect
Yourself' campaign, which resulted in a decline in under-18 conceptions in
Warwickshire. Evaluation data indicated that the website and web app were
successful in increasing the uptake of sexual health services by young
people in Warwickshire, specifically amongst males. Involvement in the
development of the website and web app also had a positive impact on young
people. This is confirmed by written feedback from the young people
sitting on the project's consultancy board, e.g. "...this has been a very
beneficial experience for me, in the way that it has expanded my knowledge
and confidence" [c]. Amy Danahay, Respect Yourself campaign manager, said:
"These results prove we are giving young people the power to make positive
and informed choices about their relationships and sexual health and the
courage to speak out if they don't feel comfortable and safe."
The impact of the chlamydia screening intervention was evaluated between
2009 and 2011 in a prospective, cluster RCT with a modified Zelen design,
in which participating practices did not know that the intervention was
being evaluated. During this period, testing in intervention practices was
1.76 times greater than in the control practices and this persisted for
nine months post intervention. The number of chlamydia infections detected
increased within the intervention practices, from 2.08 per 1000 registered
15-24 year olds prior to the intervention, to 2.45 during the
intervention. Due to this evidence of substantial efficacy, the findings
have been widely discussed by Local Authority commissioners and public
health teams across England. Furthermore as a direct result, in April 2012
the NCSP commissioned the roll-out of the intervention across all GP
practices in England using a network of trainers. Training of the trainers
commenced in July 2013 and 70 upper-tier Local Authority areas in England
have elected to participate.
Impact on society, culture and creativity — impact on public
understanding and public debate
Although the `Respect Yourself' and `Be Savvy' websites were set up for
use within the West Midlands, they have had significant international
reach. In the 9 months between July 2012 and March 2013 the `Respect
Yourself' website was visited 164,463 times (data from Google analytics),
with visitors from over 20 countries worldwide. The significance of the
resource is demonstrated by good repeat use of the site, with 30% of
unique users having visited the site previously. One year after its launch
the resource is still attracting more than 6000 visitors per month (data
from Google analytics August 2013). On average 2-3 questions are submitted
to the site each week, proving the ongoing value of the website and the
continued engagement of young people in the resource. Similarly, the
`Respect Yourself' app has been accessed 20,000 times by 11,042 users
(data from Diva Creative Ltd). There are 22,000 visits a year to the `Be
Savvy' website, on which the PR:EPARe and `What should we tell the
children' serious games are both hosted [d].
Both the PR:EPARe serious game and `Respect Yourself' website have
received significant media attention, promoting and stimulating public
awareness. The PR:EPARe serious game received both business and
educational media coverage and the `Respect Yourself' campaign was
featured in the Guardian [e], on YouTube [f], on Channel 5 evening news,
& ITV's `This Morning' programme [g]. International press coverage
included China and Mexico [h]. In addition, the website and app were
featured in a presentation at the Public Policy Exchange's `6th Annual
Sexual Health and Young People Symposium: A New Framework for Tackling
Teenage Pregnancy', held in Westminster on 9th July 2013[i].
The positive early evaluation findings and considerable media attention
have meant that a number of other local authorities in the UK have shown
an interest in replicating the `Respect Yourself' website and app for
their own locality. This has led to the original partners in the project
putting together a licensing agreement so that other authorities can
purchase the right to replicate it. The research team at Coventry
University remain the behaviour change experts and evaluation providers
for each new license purchased. Four local authorities are currently in
the process of purchasing the license [j].
Impact on practitioners and services — evidence of adoption of best
Building on intervention mapping methods, Brown and Barrett
applied asset-based approaches to develop FGM research. FGM is a problem
that presents locally, within migrant communities in the UK, but stems
from traditional, deep-rooted cultural practices in Africa, the Middle
East and Asia. The EC-funded REPLACE project resulted in the development
of a pilot toolkit promoting the application of community-based
participatory and behaviour change approaches to interventions, aimed at
ending the practice of FGM within the EU amongst FGM affected diaspora
communities. This has had an impact on and been supported by a number of
organisations working to end FGM including original partners (FORWARD UK
and FSAN (Netherlands)) and organisations from outside the project, such
as the European Institute for Gender Equality and the UK Government.
REPLACE II has just been funded to implement and evaluate the REPLACE
toolkit developed during the pilot phase, working with various FGM
affected diaspora communities across five EU countries. The Daphne REPLACE
framework, developed as part of the project, is now being used by other
practitioners, for example, in a separately funded Daphne [k] project and
by Bristol NHS Trust. Brown and Barrett's FGM work has
been featured in the national press (The Parliament Magazine — Nov 2011,
and London Evening Standard and The Conversation - June 2013) and Barrett
has been invited to contribute to a to a government-funding consultation
at DFID on FGM prevalence rates and has been part of the "huddle" to
inform forthcoming research priorities on FGM. Barrett has been
called upon by the Asylum Appeal Court to prepare almost 30 expert reports
on FGM in Gambia, and she has appeared as an expert witness in two cases.
The PR:EPARe game has also had impact on practitioners, being available
as a resource to teachers in Warwickshire to support their delivery of
relationships and sex education. Warwickshire Council ran training courses
for teachers every two months and in the first year (2010) 900 completed
the course, indicating the reach of the programme. Feedback from teachers
stated they found the game to be " excellent stimulus for discussion"
and "...engaging".
The chlamydia screening intervention has impacted on staff in GP
practices, supporting them to achieve a significant increase in
opportunistic screening and detection of chlamydia. As detailed
previously, this intervention is being rolled out nationally in 70 local
This case study demonstrates that the Unit's research had impact on
health and wellbeing supporting a decline in under-18 conceptions,
an uptake of sexual health services and increasing chlamydia screening
rates. The materials developed have also had an impact on society,
culture and creativity, increasing public awareness on sexual health
issues. Internationally, the research has had impact on practitioners
and services working to reduce female genital mutilation.
Sources to corroborate the impact
a) Coventry Teenage Pregnancy needs Assessment report, 2012 <RAND
appendix 1 PR-522-CU>
b) Item (4) RAND Memo "Addendum to summary impact evidence collection
exercise", 9/7/13
c) Appendix 3, RAND Memo Document No. PR-522-CU "Summary of impact
evidence collection exercise", 24th April 2013
d) Google analytics information on `What should we tell the children'
programme and Be Savvy and Respect Yourself websites available on request
g) Channel 5 News - 23/10/12 6:30pm and 11/12/12 and This Morning -
h) Mexico
and Chin
i) Amy Danahay public policy exchange event
j) Commercially confidential communication from other authorities about
interest in app/website technology and the latest information on licence
purchases is available on request