International trade fisheries and development
Submitting Institution
Queen Mary, University of LondonUnit of Assessment
Business and Management StudiesSummary Impact Type
PoliticalResearch Subject Area(s)
Economics: Applied Economics
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration, Political Science
Summary of the impact
Liam Campling's (Lecturer in Work and Organisation at QMUL since 2009)
research on the global
tuna industry, the international trade regime and developing countries,
and his ongoing policy
collaboration with development agencies, trade unions and NGOs (a
combination of commissioned
and pro-bono work), has contributed to three sets of impacts: (1)
influencing trade policy,
regulation and legislation to support developing countries, including at
the WTO; (2) improving
labour conditions in tuna processing facilities in Papua New Guinea (PNG);
and, (3) influencing
public debate and understanding of fisheries industry and policy.
Underpinning research
The limited creation and capture of benefits by developing countries from
the extraction of their
natural resources has long been a concern of development policy.
Campling's research focuses on
the global connections which construct, exploit and sustain resource
extraction, and form the
socially and ecologically fraught foundations of the multi-billion dollar
tuna industry. His framework
for analysing the global processes shaping the tuna industry stresses the
intersection of business
decisions, geopolitical relations, state-firm relations and conservation
efforts. His research shows
the interconnectedness of problems: the role of multinational firms in
tropical tuna fisheries; the
hierarchy in the international state system in shaping fisheries trade and
resource access policies;
and the strategies available for developing countries to capture equitable
and environmentally
sustainable, socio-economic benefits from this industry.
The primary underpinning research consists of: (i) 15 commissioned
reports (single
authored or led by Campling) for regional government agencies in Africa
and the Pacific islands,
international development organisations, and NGOs between Dec 2005 and Aug
2009, which
included semi-structured interviews with 450 government officials,
industry representatives and
other stakeholders in 18 countries; (ii) research in 2010/11 commissioned
by the European
Commission (Hamilton et al. 2011a) and the Pacific Islands Forum
Fisheries Agency (FFA) (eg
Hamilton et al. 2011b) based on semi-structured interviews with
205 government officials, industry
representatives and other stakeholders in 14 countries, telephone and
email consultation, and
desk-top study; (iii) participant observation as representative to the
Pacific Island WTO members
(Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Tonga) for two to three days
every month between
Dec 2007 and Mar 2011 at WTO Doha Round Negotiating Group on Rules
multilateral clusters and
bilateral meetings in Geneva; (iv) participation observation as expert in
fisheries trade negotiations
in Brussels (EU-Pacific Islands, Sept 2009) and Zanzibar (East African
Community, Aug 2011);
and (v) a series of academic publications (see s. 3) that stemmed from the
research described in
Campling's research and policy work on tuna commodity chains places him
as a world-leading
expert on the industry and the international fish trade. His research
shows, in the EU-and
US-centred commodity chains in canned tuna, the operation of chain
governance by lead firms,
regulatory mechanisms and industrial upgrading. The work traces the
historical and contemporary
`economic' dynamics in the chain: horizontal and vertical competitive
relations among firms
involved in fishing, manufacturing, branding and retail (eg Campling 2012;
Hamilton et al. 2011a
and 2011b). His work also examines the `political' dimensions of the chain
through the
mechanisms regulating resource access by industrial fishing firms and the
regimes shaping trade
in tuna products (eg Guillotreau et al 2012). Campling's work
combines the `economic' and the
`political' through case studies of upgrading in developing states in the
Pacific and the Indian
oceans, showing how combinations of structural, environmental and
conjunctural dynamics,
including those of domestic politics, shape tuna chains (Havice and
Camping 2010 and 2013;
Hamilton et al. 2011a). Finally, Campling's research has
influenced policy, providing robust
evidence for trade negotiations, which he has also participated in as a
representative of developing
countries. This work has then fed back into academic outputs (eg Campling
and Havice 2013).
References to the research
** submitted to REF2014
**Havice, Elizabeth and Campling, Liam (2010) `Shifting tides in the
Western Central Pacific Ocean
tuna fishery: The political economy of regulation and industry responses',
Global Environmental
Politics, 9(1): 89-114. [GEP is the #3 journal in Political Science
and the #10 journal in
Environmental Sciences (ranking by the 2012 Thomson Reuters Journal
Citation Reports)],
**Campling, Liam and Havice, Elizabeth (2013) `Mainstreaming environment
and development at
the WTO? Fisheries subsidies, the politics of rule-making and the elusive
"triple win"', Environment
and Planning A, 45(4): 835-852, doi:10.1068/a45138
**Havice, Elizabeth and Campling, Liam (2013) `Articulating upgrading:
Island developing states
and canned tuna production', Environment and Planning A, 45.
[Early View: doi:10.1068/a45697]
Campling, Liam (2012) `The tuna `commodity frontier': Business strategies
and environment in the
industrial tuna fisheries of the Western Indian Ocean', Journal of
Agrarian Change, 12(2-3): 252-278.
[Impact Factor: 2.191 ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2012: 6/55
(Planning &
Development); 36/332 (Economics)], DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0366.2011.00354.x
Guillotreau, Patrice, Campling, Liam and Robinson, Jan (2012)
`Vulnerability of small island fishery
economies to climate and institutional changes', Current Opinion in
Environmental Sustainability,
4(3): 287-291 [Impact Factor 2012: 3.168; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.391 —
Thompson Reuters
journal citation reports 2013],
Reports targeting end users referenced above and below
Hamilton, Amanda, Antony Lewis and Liam Campling (2011a) Report
on the implementation of the
derogation to the standard rules of origin granted to the Pacific ACP
States in the framework
of the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement, Brussels:
Directorate-General for Trade,
European Commission.
Hamilton, Amanda, Antony Lewis, Mike A. McCoy, Elizabeth Havice and Liam
Campling (2011b)
Market and Industry Dynamics in
the Global Tuna Supply Chain, Honiara: Pacific Islands
Forum Fisheries Agency.
Details of the impact
1) Influencing trade policy, regulation and legislation
Campling's research was central to the Pacific Islands negotiating a new
`rule of origin' (RoO) with
the EU in 2007, which allows these developing countries to export canned
tuna to the EU duty-free
without having to use fish caught by EU boats. The restrictiveness of the
old RoO was a source of
controversy for the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states since
1976. The European
Parliament (2012) estimates that new investment stemming from the reformed
RoO will see PNG's
local benefits from tuna processing grow from US$21m in 2012 to $70m by
2018 and employment
increase from 5,770 (mostly local women) to 20,000. The Director of the
Marine Resources
Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, said: "[Campling] provided
the [Pacific Islands]
region with the first comprehensive reference work on the subject of
fisheries trade rules... for
countries like PNG... [this] has contributed to the attraction of major
foreign investment and job
Since 2008, Campling has worked on the European Commission's impact
assessment of
this RoO (Hamilton et al. 2011a). The DG TRADE, European
Commission said: "The study was — and
continues to be — highly relevant for the implementation of the EPA
[Economic Partnership
Agreement], and the wider dialogue with the stakeholders. It was
particularly important because it
provided detailed data and thorough analysis on a subject which until then
had been discussed on
the basis of hearsay and anecdotal evidence. The analysis of the wider
(social and environmental)
impact of the derogation also helped us to better define our position in
the on-going negotiations of
the relevant chapters of the comprehensive EPA with the Pacific region."
Campling's research underpinned another major report, commissioned by FFA
(Hamilton et
al. 2011b). It is now a standard reference work used by media and
tuna firms (it has 5,823 hits on
the FFA website and 4,596 on at 26/09/13) and is cited by
Greenpeace, International
Seafood Sustainability Foundation, Technical Centre for Agricultural and
Rural Cooperation ACP-EU
(CTA), and the Philippines Socsksargen Federation of Fishing and Allied
Industries. The Policy
Advisor, DG MARE, European Commission said: "[Campling's] work as an FFA
consultant [eg
Hamilton et al. 2011b] concretely impacted on the stance of
Pacific states at the international level
and allowed them to start integrating their fisheries sectors in the
global tuna supply chain."
At the World Trade Organisation, Campling provided an evidence-based
contribution (2007
to 2011) to the negotiation positions of four alliances of developing
countries in the Doha Round.
The main users were the Pacific Island countries and small, vulnerable
economies (SVEs)
groupings, but also the African group and the least developed countries
(LDCs). The main impacts
were in the development of positions on proposed new trade rules
disciplining fisheries subsidies
(Campling wrote the analytical room documents and speeches and personally
engaged in bilateral
and multilateral negotiations). Campling contributed to formal SVE
positions on enhancing
differentiation for small vulnerable economies, a special exemption from
rules for subsidised
fisheries access fees, and relaxing rigid proposed rules for artisanal /
subsistence fishers.
Counsellor at the Office of the Director General, WTO, noted that
Campling's work: "was crucial in
helping the group of SVEs have a better grasp of the conceptual and
practical link between the
possible rules and disciplines on fisheries subsidies and what was
happening on the ground in
countries... His work on tuna in Hamilton et al. (2011b) and
Havice and Campling (2010) shed light
on an issue on which there was only sporadic exposure to in the WTO
negotiations and resulted in
there being a greater appreciation for the role of the fisheries' industry
in Small Island States and a
more nuanced negotiating position on behalf of the group of SVEs."
(2) Improving labour conditions in PNG tuna processing facilities
In 2010/11 Campling was involved in the European Commission review of
PNG's new RoO with
the EU (Hamilton et al. 2012a). The review recommended improving
working conditions in PNG
tuna factories, a recommendation that was carried through in a public
policy agreement between
PNG and the EU, with the former agreeing to enhance working conditions.
Pro-bono work (drawing
on Campling's published research) has also fed into a campaign by the
International Transport
Workers' Federation (ITF) since Feb. 2011 on unionising this new
industrial workforce in PNG. ITF
organising work resulted in the unionisation of tuna processing workers
with employer
commitments to improved working conditions and pay (ITF 2013a, 2013b). The
ITF Fisheries
Programme Leader said Hamilton et al. (2011b) and other work by
Campling "played a vital role in
evidencing the value of investing in a pilot project in PNG" which
"directly led to the unionization of
over 5,000 workers in the fisheries sector in the country". ITF draws on
"the evidence base in his
publications that is invaluable in our training and education programmes
around the world and
have so far been used in the training of over 400 union leaders and
industry specialists". In
addition, Campling (2012) and Havice and Campling (2013) "provided
evidence that there is value
in further research being commissioned in the Africa region to start
expanding our work
programme there". ITF has commissioned Campling to do this work in Dec.
(3) Influencing public debate and understanding of fisheries industry
and policy
Campling's research and pro-bono advice contributed to a successful
Greenpeace UK campaign in
2010/11 that resulted in a complete overhaul of UK canned tuna brands and
supermarkets' tuna
sourcing policies. Campling's research underpinned the understanding that
lay behind that
campaign. The former head of Greenpeace UK Oceans Campaign, now CEO
Australia, who was deeply involved in the campaign says: "The work of
Campling was absolutely
crucial in assisting Greenpeace in understanding the nature of the global
tuna trade. We
specifically drew guidance from [his] work on the political economy of the
global tuna trade, and
have quoted him in Greenpeace publications." Environmental journalist
Martin Hickman called this
"one of the most successful environmental campaigns in years" (The
Independent, 12 April 2011).
Campling's research has also deepened the understanding of change in the
global fishing
industry and associated policy regimes. He produces a bi-monthly
publication FFA Fisheries Trade
News (since Dec 2007) for FFA, frequently cited in the media and by
development agencies. It
provides timely analysis of fisheries trade policy, regulation, markets
and industry, with emphasis
on issues of relevance to the independent Pacific Island countries. The
Chairman of the Pacific
Islands Tuna Industry Association says: "Both in the Association and
private company role I am a
regular user of, and rely upon [...] FFA Fisheries Trade News...
This is the prime and often the first
information source on trade matters effecting Pacific Island nations." The
coordinator for the
Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements (representing a coalition of
development and
environmental NGOs in Brussels) notes that Campling: "Informed our own
research and facilitated
our lobbying of the European Parliament and European Commission on
environmental and social
sustainability issues in fisheries." Available online FFA Fisheries
Trade News is also distributed by
email by FFA's Fisheries Development Division to around 150 recipients
(key FFA Fisheries and
Trade Officials, FFA professional staff and external contacts) and by the
authors to their own
network of contacts (around 200 recipients). In addition to these direct
mailings, from July 2012 to
June 2013 it recorded monthly average online reads of around 2,500.
In other pro-bono contributions to public debate, Campling was guest
speaker at
Greenpeace's launch of the Tinned Tuna League Table 2011, alongside
Charles Clover (journalist
and author), Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (chef and campaigner) and Zak
Goldsmith (MP). In 2012
he advised the UN's Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food at a meeting
in Nairobi on issues
related to fish production, access and the right to food. This culminated
in a report to the UN
General Assembly (A/67/268, 2012), which referenced Campling's work. In
2013, Campling was
invited by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs to a meeting
of experts on new and
emerging issues of small island developing states (SIDS); the report from
which will feed into the
20-year review of the UN Barbados Plan of Action for SIDS in 2014.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- A/67/268, 2012, The
right to food; Note by the Secretary-General — Interim report of the
Rapporteur on the right to food, United Nations Secretary
General. [influence over public debate at
the UN]
- European Parliament (2012), `Application
of the System of Derogation to the Rules of Origin of
Fisheries Products in Papua New Guinea and Fiji', requested
by the Committee on Fisheries,
Brussels. [trade policy impacts in the EU and the Pacific Islands]
- Martin Hickman, `Fresh
triumph for ethical tuna fishing campaign.' The
Independent, 12 April
2011. [influence over UK public debate and private sector sustainable
fish sourcing by Greenpeace
which Campling's research supported]
- ITF (2013a and b), `Papua
New Guinea's emerging collectivism', Fisheries eBulletin,
2013.; `Papua
New Guinea workers win right to organise', 30 August. [PNG
labour conditions
impact by International Transport Workers' Federation which Campling's
research supported]
- Director General, Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency [trade policy
impacts in the Pacific
Islands, Pacific Island-EU relations and at the WTO]
- Economic and Trade Affairs Manager, Directorate General for Trade,
European Commission
[trade policy impacts in the EU and EU-Pacific Island relations]
- Counsellor, Office of the Director General, WTO [trade policy impacts
at the WTO]
- Former head of Greenpeace UK Oceans Campaign, now CEO Greenpeace
Australia: [influence
over UK public debate and private sector sustainable fish sourcing]
- ITF/IUF Fisheries Programme Leader, International Transport Workers
Federation [PNG labour
conditions impact]