Governance, Legal Reform and Access to Justice
Submitting Institution
University of WarwickUnit of Assessment
LawSummary Impact Type
PoliticalResearch Subject Area(s)
Law and Legal Studies: Law, Other Law and Legal Studies
Summary of the impact
Professor Faundez's research has set out how legal reform projects should
be designed and implemented in order to be successful in the context of
existing local conditions and to ensure access to justice for indigenous
peoples and other vulnerable groups. His work as policy advisor both to
development agencies (the World Bank, the UK's Department for
International Development (DFID), and the Inter-American Development Bank)
and to Non- Governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Amnesty International, the
World Justice Project) has helped these organisations broaden their
approach to the design, implementation and evaluation of legal reform
projects. The range of his publications - from academic articles to
specially commissioned reports - has ensured a fruitful dialogue with
practitioners in the field of law and governance.
Underpinning research
The research underpinning this case study was carried out by Faundez from
1994 to the present. Throughout this period, he has held a full-time
appointment as Professor of Law at the University of Warwick. His work on
access to justice relies on his expertise and practical knowledge of
governance and legal reform issues in Latin America (Chile, Perú and
Colombia) and Southern Africa (Namibia and South Africa). In particular,
his research on governance and legal reform is informed by two main
insights relating to (1) the conception, scope and design of legal reform
projects; and (2) the capacity of state law to reach vulnerable people
living in areas where the presence of the state is limited.
On the first issue (1) his research shows that these projects, as
originally conceived, had serious shortcomings because they were based
upon the mistaken assumption that law is a purely technical artefact that
can be easily transplanted without taking into account local conditions.
Accordingly, his research argues that in order to succeed, legal reform
projects should focus on developing societies as a whole, rather than on
an ideal type of legal model based on developed Western democracies (see
3a, b, c and g).
On the capacity of state law to reach vulnerable people living in areas
where the presence of the state is limited, his research demonstrates that
the objective of achieving market-friendly legal systems cannot be
realised without taking into account the social and economic circumstances
of vulnerable groups, who, in developing countries, are largely outside
the formal economy and with no political or legal rights. Accordingly, a
key strand of his research is to examine in detail whether and, if so, how
law operates in areas where state institutions are either weak or absent.
This aspect of his research focuses on the plight of indigenous peoples
and other vulnerable groups such as workers in the informal economy. His
research draws on domestic law and international Law (as reflected in
International Labour Conventions) and human right standards, as
interpreted by international courts, in particular the Inter-American
Court of Human Rights (see 3e, f and g).
A distinctive feature of Faundez's work has been his continuous effort to
promote a dialogue between development practitioners and academics. His
1994 book, Affirmative Action— International Perspectives, was
published by the International Labour Organisation (3d) and Good
Government and Law (3a) was the main output of a conference that had
been funded by the British Council with the specific aim of building links
between academics and practitioners.
References to the research
Research on the design and scope of legal reform projects
(a) Faundez, J. (1997) `Legal Technical Assistance', in J. Faundez (ed),
Good Government and Law: Legal and Institutional Reform in Developing
Countries (Macmillan), pp. 1-24 [submitted to RAE 2001; cited in Social & Legal Studies 8:94 as an `excellent summary of the crisis of
the law and development movement'].
(b) Faundez, J. (2001) `Legal Reform in Developing and Transition
Countries: Making Haste Slowly', in R.V. Van Puymbroeck (ed.)Comprehensive Legal and Judicial Development (World Bank), pp. 369-396
[peer-reviewed chapter; submitted to RAE 2001].
(c) Faundez, J. (2010) `Rule of Law or Washington Consensus: the
evolution of the World Bank's approach to legal and judicial reform', in
A. Perry-Kessaris (ed), Law in Pursuit of Development: Principles into
Practice? (Routledge), pp 180-201 [peer-reviewed chapter; part of
submission to REF 2014]
Research on Access to Justice and Vulnerable Groups
(d) Faundez, J. (1994) Affirmative Action—International Perspectives
(International Labour Organization, ILO) [widely cited and influential
book, also translated into Spanish (2000)]
(e) Faundez, J. (2005) `Community Justice Institutions and
Judicialization: Lessons from Rural Perú', in A. Angell and R. Sieder
(eds.), The Judicialization of Politics in Latin America (New
York: Palgrave Macmillan), pp.187-209 [peer-reviewed chapter; submitted to
RAE 2008]
(f) Faundez, J. (2006) `Should Justice Reform Projects Take Non-State
Justice Systems Seriously? Perspectives from Latin America', World
Bank Legal Review: Law Equity and Development, pp.113-139
[peer-reviewed publication; submitted to RAE 2008]
(g) Faundez, J. (2011) `Legal Pluralism and International Development
Agencies: State Building or Legal Reform?' 3(1) Hague Journal on the
Rule of Law, pp. 18-38. Also published in B. Tamanaha, C. Sage and
M. Woolcock (eds), Legal Pluralism and Development—Scholars and
Practitioners in Dialogue (New York: Cambridge University Press,
2012), pp. 177-196) [peer-reviewed publication; submitted to REF 2014]
Research on Democracy and Legal Empowerment
(h) Faundez, J. (2005) `Democratization through Law: Perspectives from
Latin America' 12(5) Democratization pp.615-624 [peer-reviewed
publication; submitted to RAE 2008]
(i) Faundez, J. (2009) `Empowering Workers in the Informal Economy' 1(1)
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law pp.156-172 [peer-reviewed
Details of the impact
Faundez's research has had an impact on the development of legislation,
on policy-makers' understanding of legal reform and the implementation of
policy, and on the work of NGOs.
Impact on the development of legislation: The publication of Affirmative Action (3d) led to Faundez being invited by the ILO to assist the
Governments of Namibia and South Africa in drafting their affirmative
action legislation in employment. The legislation was enacted in each
country in 1998. It was the first affirmative action law enacted in a
developing country that was consistent with the principles of
international law, and continues to have an impact on the rights of
individuals in those countries today (5c). This is reflected in the
positive evaluation of affirmative action by the US State Department in
its 2012 report (5g): it noted that `Namibia's Affirmative Action Act
strives to create equal employment opportunities, improve conditions for
the historically disadvantaged, and eliminate discrimination. The
commission facilitates training programs, provides technical and other
assistance, and offers expert advice, information, and guidance on
implementing affirmative action in the work place.' It also noted how
practical steps had been taken in different industries to embed
affirmative action and increase Namibian participation, with companies in
the fishing sector paying lower quota fees `if they operate
Namibian-flagged vessels that are based in Namibia, with crews that are
predominantly Namibian' and that the Minister of Mining and Energy `has
made clear that prospective mining companies must "indicate and show
commitment to empower previously disadvantaged Namibians" in their
applications for exploration and mining licenses."' One empirical study
(5h) has noted that the affirmative impact legislation has had a positive
impact in both South Africa and Namibia, with enhanced representation of
people from designated groups in positions of responsibility, although
progress has been slower for women and people with disabilities.
Impact on policy-makers' understanding of legal reform: Faundez's
research on access to justice and on empowerment and democracy (see 3e-i)
has been influential in shaping the policy of inter-governmental
organisations, such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development
Bank, and of bilateral donor agencies, such as DFID. It has contributed to
shifting the focus of legal reform projects from an almost exclusive focus
on an ideal-type vision of state institutions towards the wider
institutional approach that takes into account the plight of vulnerable
groups (5b).
On the basis of his work on democracy and legal empowerment (see e.g.
3h), in 2007 the ILO invited Faundez to carry out a study on whether
international labour standards, as embodied in relevant treaties and
recommendations, benefit workers in small and micro-enterprises, most of
which are in the informal sector. The ILO published his resulting report
in 2008: A View on International Labour Standards, Labour Law and MSEs
(ILO: Geneva, Employment Working Paper No. 18). This has provided valuable
research evidence to inform policy debates in this area. It also achieved
a wide readership by being available to download from the ILO's website,
thus contributing to improved understanding of this area (5c).
His work on non-state justice was cited in the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development's 2008 paper, Enhancing the Delivery of
Justice and Security. Building on his body of work in the area of
non-state justice and security systems, in 2009 he (together with Alison
Lochhead and Lt. Col. Hugh Evans) was then requested by DFID to prepare a
report on these issues. The resulting report, Lessons Learned From
Selected DFID Justice and Security Programmes—Study to Inform the White
Paper Process (2009) advised that `DFID should reaffirm its
comprehensive and pro-poor approach to justice and security, but should
ensure that its programmes are firmly linked to sustainable development
outcomes'. This Report was used as one of the background papers for the
DFID's White Paper Eliminating World Poverty: Building our Common
Future (2009). This White Paper drew specifically on the insight
that security and justice projects should not lose sight of the close link
existing between security, justice and sustainable economic growth (5f).
In 2010 Faundez was invited by the World Bank to participate in its Legal
Pluralism and Development Policy workshop. This workshop led to the
publication of an edited collection, published by Cambridge University
Press in 2012, entitled Legal Pluralism and Development Scholars and
Practitioners in Dialogue. This collection (see 3g), is the first
World Bank-sponsored publication to include articles by leading
international scholars and development practitioners with expertise in
legal pluralism, reflecting an important development in the provision of
research evidence to policy-makers (see 5b).
Following this publication, in 2012 the World Bank invited Faundez to be
part of a group of experts to address issues relating to the
justice-security-development nexus with special reference to fragile and
conflict-affected countries. The aim of the project is to provide
practical guidance on how the World Bank might promote legitimate and
effective institutions to manage injustice and insecurity in fragile
states. At the expert group meeting, held in November 2012, Faundez was
invited to comment on the practical problems arising from the efforts to
link justice with security and development concerns (5e). His comments,
together with those of other participating experts, led to a revision of
the World Bank's discussion paper on this topic (The
Justice-Security-Development Nexus: Theory and Practice in Fragile and
Conflict-Affected States). This discussion paper was published in
2013 by The Hague Journal on the Rule of Law (5(2)), a journal of
which Faundez is co-editor-in-chief, again reflecting his role in
promoting dialogue between practitioners and academia.
Faundez's 2003 Report for the DFID on non-state justice in Latin America
has also contributed to improve public understanding of the issues, having
been widely disseminated among development practitioners. This Report is
also cited in the DFID's influential Briefing Note on Non-State
Justice and Security Systems (DFID 2004), which continues to be a
key reference point in this field (5a).
Impact on the evaluation of legal reform projects: Faundez's
research into the design and scope of legal reform projects has also
provided evidence to inform practice and the implementation of policy (see
5b). One example of a project benefiting from Faundez's expertise is the
Capacity Building of the Sudan Judiciary Project, funded by a Multi-Donor
Trust Fund administered by the World Bank. The aim of the project was to
strengthen judicial independence so as to enable the judiciary to
effectively and fairly apply the law. Faundez was invited by the World
Bank to carry out a Mid-Term Review on the implementation of the project.
Drawing on his experience evaluating justice reform projects for the World
Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (see in particular 3c and f),
his report, Capacity Building of the Sudan Judiciary (Sudan Multi
Donor Trust Fund) Mid-Term Review (2008), highlighted the problems
inherent in the design of justice reform projects in contexts where the
institutional environment is fragile and external intervention on matters
concerning the judiciary are regarded as sensitive because of the
authoritarian nature of the regime and the close link between legal and
religious principles. Faundez also noted that the project had greatly
underestimated the difficulties involved in delivering training programmes
aimed at improving the capacity of officials working in the justice
system. The project was adjusted accordingly and training has formed an
important part of Phase II of the project (5i).
Impact on non-governmental organisations: Faundez's research on
community justice and legal pluralism has also influenced the work of
NGOs. Drawing on his research (in particular 3e, f and h), he helped
Amnesty International understand the complex legal issues relating to
indigenous peoples in Latin America. In particular, his research helped
Amnesty to clarify aspects of Bolivia's legislation relating to the
relationship between state judicial systems and dispute resolution
mechanisms employed by indigenous peoples in rural areas (Ley de
Deslinde Jurisdiccional). As a consequence, in 2010 Amnesty issued
an open letter to the Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia, which
identifies the issues that legislators should take into account when
defining the jurisdiction of various parallel systems of justice (5d).
Since 2009, Faundez has been actively involved in the activities of the
World Justice Project, an NGO based in Washington that publishes the
prestigious Rule of Law Index and constitutes a multinational and
multidisciplinary initiative to strengthen the Rule of Law worldwide. He
participated in their major research project on access to justice, which
culminated in the publication of two edited collections (Global
Perspectives on the Rule of Law and Marginalised Communities and
Access to Justice) in the series Law, Development and
Globalization, of which he is the sole editor (see 5k). Faundez also
supported the World Justice Project in a study on the use of indicators
for measuring the impact of rule of law and governance. The findings of
this study were published as a special issue of The Hague Journal on
the Rule of Law in 2011 (see 3g and 5k). His impact on this
organisation was reflected in their invitation to him to serve as a
Moderator for their Rule of Law Keynote Panel at the 2010 Latin America
and Caribbean Rule of Law Conference: expressing their admiration for
Faundez's long-standing multidisciplinary commitment to upholding the Rule
of Law, they acknowledged his role as `an inspirational leader' and his
undertaking of `a diverse array of noble and noteworthy causes, all of
which have helped to promote effective Rule of Law for the development of
communities of opportunity and equity' (5j).
Sources to corroborate the impact
(a) Director General of Policy and Global Programmes, UK DFID [can
confirm impact of work on non-state justice systems].
(b) Chief Counsel, Justice Reform Practice Group, Legal Vice-Presidency,
World Bank [can confirm impact of work evaluating legal and judicial
reform projects for the World Bank and the Inter-American Development
Bank, where she was previously employed].
(c) Director, Bureau for Gender Equality, International Labour Office
[can confirm impact of work on affirmative action in Namibia and South
Africa, as well as of the work on international labour standards and the
informal sector].
(d) Research Department, Amnesty International (London) [can confirm
impact of advice on the rights of indigenous people in Bolivia.]
(e) Senior Counsel, Director of Justice for the Poor Programme, World
Bank [can corroborate impact on issues relating to legal pluralism and the
justice-security-development nexus].
(f) DFID (2009), Eliminating World Poverty: Building our Common
Future, ch 4 para 10 [drawing on 2009 report Lessons Learned
From Selected DFID Justice and Security Programmes—Study to Inform the
White Paper Process]
(g) US State Department (2012), Investment Climate Statement -
Namibia [evaluating impact of affirmative action legislation in
(h) Sifani, J.N., (2009), The Impact of Namibia's Affirmative Action
Policy on Employment of the Designated Groups, University of
Namibia, Faculty of Economics [evaluating impact of affirmative action
legislation in both Namibia and South Africa]
(i) Capacity Building of the Sudan Judiciary:
[overview of achievements in training since 2008 review]
(j) Invitation to serve as Moderator at 2010 Rule of Law conference
[letter on file confirming Faundez's long-standing impact in the field]
(k) World Justice Project webpage on research:
[illustrating Faundez's role in promoting and facilitating dialogue
between NGOs and academic researchers]