China and the Changing Global Order: Informing Policy and Influencing Practitioner Debate
Submitting Institution
University of WarwickUnit of Assessment
Politics and International StudiesSummary Impact Type
PoliticalResearch Subject Area(s)
Economics: Other Economics
Studies In Human Society: Political Science, Sociology
Summary of the impact
The impact of Professor Breslin's research has spanned two programmes of
activity: 1) informing UK policy debates about EU-China relations by
engaging with Government and Opposition members; and 2) shaping debates
about Chinese politics among international practitioners through European
and East Asian policy networks. Based on two decades of research, Breslin
has systematically highlighted the importance of understanding the
domestic drivers of Chinese foreign policy in formulating responses to
China's rise. Most notably, he points to the way in which domestic
development agendas spill over into international relations. This core
insight has benefited a range of key governmental and non-governmental
stakeholders in formulating their strategies toward and engagement with
Underpinning research
In 2007 Breslin published a major academic study entitled China and
the Global Political Economy. He argued that, in a relatively short
period, the growth of investment to China and resulting increase in
Chinese trade had reconfigured the East Asian regional economy and was
altering global financial and resource flows. The project focused on the
interplay between domestic politics in China and the transition from
socialism on the one hand, and the on-going evolution of global production
networks on the other. The research findings demonstrated that while
events in China have considerable global significance, this importance
does not necessarily equate with the `power' that some already ascribe to
China. While recognising that global economic integration has contributed
to the reduction of poverty, it also pointed to the emergence of new
social cleavages and the changing basis of communist party rule.
Since 2007 Breslin's programme of research has focused primarily on the
state's management of economic and social change, and how these domestic
dynamics influence China's international behaviour. This includes
disaggregating different dimensions of China's growing external influence
— both material and ideational (including the concept of `soft power') —
and considering how these factors inform Chinese preferences within the
East Asian region, relationships with other developing states and
perceptions of the legitimacy of the current global order. It also entails
emphasising the increasing diversity of both interests and actors in
China's international interactions. This agenda has been pursued along two
related axes: i) Chinese political economy in the context of the 2008
financial crisis; and ii) the implications of China's growing economic
reach and assertive foreign policy for international relations more
Chinese responses to the global financial crisis (both in terms of policy
responses and also perceptions of Chinese power) provide an ideal context
to study these issues. China's performance during the crisis relative to
other (Western) states has led many to ask if China provides a better
`model' of development than Western paradigms. It has also resulted in a
stronger self-confidence in China in asserting and defending `core'
interests and calling for changes to the distribution of global power.
Nevertheless, there remains a reluctance to take on further global
leadership roles and within China itself there is a renewed focus on
long-term structural economic problems that need to be addressed.
The second stream of research has been specifically policy related work
on Chinese global reach and the political, economic and security
challenges this poses for EU-China relations in particular. Between 2006
and 2008 Breslin was a member of a six-party consortium awarded €400,000
under the EU FP6 programme to work on EU-Asia relations. In 2011 Breslin
was included in a successful €2 million bid from Chatham House to act as
the Politics expert for the EU-China Research and Advice Network (ECRAN).
This project was designed to enhance European policy-makers' understanding
of development in China and runs through to 2014. In addition, from 2011
Breslin has acted as Senior Scientist of `Global Re-Ordering: Evolution
through European Networks' (GR:EEN), an FP7 funded programme hosted at
Warwick involving 16 international universities and think tanks. Breslin's
own research is integral to the project and focuses on changing
conceptions of security in China, Chinese views of multi-polarity and
EU-China relations.
In summary, Breslin's underpinning research has yielded the following
conclusions, which form the basis of his impact work among UK policy
makers and international policy-making communities:
- Domestically, there is an increasingly diverse constellation of actors
and interests shaping Chinese foreign policy. There has been a decline
in the importance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs while economic
institutions and companies are becoming more influential in guiding
foreign policy preferences. Western policy makers need to understand
this complexity in order to reflect upon and update their relations with
- Externally, Chinese actors are evermore central to international
relations, particularly in the Latin American and Caribbean contexts.
This poses a new set of challenges to existing EU and US powers in those
regions and security relations in South East Asia. Western powers have a
diminishing ability to promote favoured policies in view of China's
global rise.
References to the research
1. S. Breslin (2012) `Paradigm(s) Shifting? Responding to China's
Response to the Global Financial Crisis' in Wyn Grant and Graham Wilson
(eds.) The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis: The Rhetoric
of Reform and Regulation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012),
pp. 226-46. Peer-reviewed book chapter.
2. S. Breslin (2011) `The `China Model' and the Global Financial Crisis:
From Friedrich List to a Chinese Mode of Governance?' International
Affairs 87(6), pp. 1323-1343 [2012 impact factor 1.062].
Peer-reviewed journal article.
3. S. Breslin (2010) `China's Emerging Global Role: Dissatisfied
Responsible Great Power', Politics, 30(1), pp. 52-62 [2012
impact factor 0.604]. Peer-reviewed journal article.
4. S. Breslin (2010) `The EU and Asia Within an Evolving Global Order:
What is Europe? Where is Asia?' East Asia: An International Quarterly
27(1), pp.1-13. Peer-reviewed journal article.
5. S. Breslin (2009) `Understanding China's Regional Rise:
Interpretations, Identities, and Implications', International Affairs,
85(4), pp. 779-813 [2012 impact factor 1.062]. Peer-reviewed
journal article.
6. S. Breslin (2007, 2009) China and the Global Political Economy
(Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan). Single-authored
peer-reviewed research monograph published as part of the International
Political Economy Series.
Associated grants:
1. S. Breslin, Senior Scientist, `Global Re-Ordering: Evolution through
European Networks' (GR:EEN). FP7 programme hosted at Warwick with a total
value of €10M (2011-15).
2. S. Breslin, Co-Investigator, `EU-China Research and Advice Network'
(ECRAN). Hosted at Chatham House with a total value of €2M (2011-14).
Details of the impact
Breslin has used his extensive knowledge of Chinese politics and
international relations to inform and advise a range of non-academic
beneficiaries including policy-makers, businesses, journalists and the
wider public. His expertise has been sought both formally and informally
and he has become established as one of the leading providers of advice to
national and international government officials on issues around UK and EU
relations with China. He regularly engages in and helps to shape public
debate via contributions to major international media outlets such as The
Global Times, The Guardian and The Independent.
Informing UK government policy towards China
Breslin has harnessed the key insights of his underpinning research to
inform and shape the UK government's policy towards China via sustained
expert briefings delivered directly to Ministers and officials (sources 1,
2, 3 and 6). In 2010 Breslin provided oral evidence based on his EU-China
research to the House of Lords Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee. A report
entitled `Stars and Dragons: The EU and China' (2010) was published, which
features Breslin's commentary on the decline in Chinese interest in EU
governance relative to individual EU Member States (source 2).
In October 2012 Breslin gave a briefing on `Major Policy Challenges for
the New China Leadership' to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee. This
fed the findings of his research directly into elite UK thinking about the
political and economic challenges facing the new Chinese leadership. The
Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee described the presentation
as "brilliant" and "essential" to the work of the Committee (cited in
source 5). In the same month, Breslin also delivered a presentation on
`China Engages Africa: Who (or What) is China and What does it Want?' to
the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). This informed FCO thinking
around how the UK might find ways of working productively with China on
joint development projects in Africa (source 3). The event led to
subsequent participation in policy discussions, a new FCO strategy on
responding to China's relationship with Africa and a policy conference in
Beijing on Chinese involvement in the Maxone River Development Zone
including the Ambassadors of Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia (source 3).
In July 2013 Breslin was invited to act as one of the expert witnesses for
the Foreign Affairs Committee's one-off evidence session on government
policy towards China in view of the leadership change, Beijing's foreign
policies and Chinese overseas economic activities. The Chair of the
Committee said that Breslin's evidence "greatly enhanced the Committee's
understanding" of these issues, "informed Members' thinking" about them
and "influenced any future work of the Committee" on UK policy towards
China (source 1).
One of the primary impact mechanisms through which Breslin has informed
UK policy debates is via his Associate Fellowship of Chatham House, London
(source 5). In 2011 the University of Pennsylvania's Global Go-To Think
Tanks Survey ranked Chatham House as the world's number one think tank
outside the US. Through his Fellowship, Breslin has prepared numerous
policy briefing papers and presentations based on the findings of his
underpinning research. He has shared these findings with a wide range of
key stakeholders in debates about UK policy towards China. In 2010 Breslin
was invited to give the prestigious Chatham House `Director's Nominee's
Breakfast' talk on `Domestic Drivers of China's Global Role' to a
specially-invited audience of leading policy-makers and business people.
He has produced policy briefings that are available online and in hard
copy on request including:
The latter, which has also been translated into Chinese, was launched on
29 October 2012 at Chatham House to an audience of over 100 invited guests
with a pre-launch at the Houses of Parliament (source 4). It was described
by the Amnesty International Representative to the United Nations in
Geneva and former Canadian diplomat as "a must read for anyone doing UN
human rights work" (cited in source 5). The Director of Chatham House
acknowledges that "we benefit enormously from [Breslin's] involvement in
events [...] and in the support that [he] provides overall to our on-going
programme of research" (source 5).
Shaping international policy and practitioner debates on China
Breslin has shaped international policy and practitioner debates on
Chinese domestic and international politics through the organisation of
high-profile events designed to stimulate knowledge exchange between
academics and policy-makers (sources 8, 9 and 10). At the 2011 launch
event of the GR:EEN programme in Brussels he spoke alongside the Chief
Economist (DG Trade) and DG Research and Innovation from the European
Commission and the Chief Economist from the World Trade Organization. In
direct response to requests from foreign policy experts in the Commission,
GR:EEN organised a special workshop where an invited group of specialists
from the BRICS discussed with the Bureau of European Policy Advisors
(BEPA) their views of the EU's global role in April 2011. In 2012 Breslin
was asked to talk to the Caribbean Council (a specialist trade advisory
and public affairs company) on China's growing interests in the region
(source 7). As a result of this meeting, and having read a number of
Breslin's scholarly publications, in January 2013 the Council decided to
set up a specialist China Discussion Group including members from the
private sector, government and NGOs (source 7). Breslin was invited to
become one of the core members and organisers.
Breslin has worked extensively with influential European think tanks to
provide expert briefings and analysis (source 8). He has given policy
briefings at two think tanks associated with the Italian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs. In April 2012 he presented on the nature of China and the
multipolar world at a workshop on `The West and the BRICs' at the Italian
Istituto Affari Internazionali. He has also delivered two
presentations at the Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale
(IPSI) in Milan, the second of which has been published as an ISPI policy
paper on China and the Arab Awakening.
Breslin is also the Key Expert in Politics for the Europe China Research
and Advice Network (ECRAN), a programme run by Chatham House designed to
further enhance the capacity of European policy-makers to monitor and
assess current developments in China and their impact on the EU and on
EU-China relations (source 5). This entails identifying areas of interest
to the European External Action Service (EEAS), commissioning papers and
evaluating reports prior to their submission. The EEAS also request short
papers and briefings. In addition to these core functions, in 2011 Breslin
spoke at an ECRAN policy event in Berlin attended by representatives from
the German Council of Foreign Relations and the German Ambassador to China
on the foreign policy objectives of the Chinese leadership. This was
followed in 2012 by a presentation at an event to accompany the EU-China
Strategic Dialogue on how Chinese conceptions of the global order
influence policy towards Europe. In January 2013 Breslin was invited to
brief the EEAS Asia team on the rise of nationalism in China and the
implications for EU politics.
Sources to corroborate the impact
Evidence of informing UK government policy towards China
UK Foreign Affairs Committee. A letter dated 4 July 2013
received from the Chair of the Committee confirms Breslin's role as an
expert witness for the 2 July evidence session on Government policy
toward China (available on request). The source corroborates claims
about Breslin's role in informing the Committee's understanding of
China's domestic and international politics.
House of Lords Foreign Affairs Committee. `Stars and Dragons:
The EU and China', 7th Report of Session 2009-10 cites
Breslin's evidence and role in enhancing the Committee's understanding
of contemporary Chinese politics throughout (pp.12, 17-18, 25, 30, 34-5,
50,74, 88). Available on request and online:
UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. A letter from the FCO dated
9 July 2012 provides evidence of the adoption of Breslin's advice about
the importance of engaging African regional organisations to triangulate
relations with China (available on request).
Chatham House Human Rights Report. The Report cites the impact
of Breslin's research findings on human rights in China. Available on
request and online:
Director of Communications, Chatham House. An email from the
source dated 30 October 2012 corroborates claims about Breslin's impact
work with the Royal Institute of International Affairs (available on
Commons Select Committee. `MPs take evidence on the UK's policy
towards China', 27 June, 2013. Available on request and online:
Evidence of shaping international policy and practitioner debates
on China:
Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone, China. On
request the source can confirm the influence of Breslin's work on the
Caribbean Council.
Chairman of ISPI. Letter dated 11 October 2012 demonstrates the
impact of Breslin's engagement with and ability to influence the work of
leading think tanks (available on request).
J Fox and F Godement `A power audit of EU-China Relations',
European Council on Foreign Relations. A policy report that cites
Breslin's research on EU-China relations available on request and
Newsweek, `The Party Reaches Out Online'. Breslin's research on
the internet in China was the subject of an article published on 3
October, 2010. Available on request and online: