Improving Quality of Life for Hay Fever Sufferers
Submitting Institution
University of WorcesterUnit of Assessment
Biological SciencesSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Biological Sciences: Genetics
Medical and Health Sciences: Immunology
Summary of the impact
In the UK, 20-25% of the population (around 15 million people) sufferer
from allergic rhinitis (hay
fever) resulting in about 4 million `sick days' per year. Research
undertaken by the National Pollen
and Aerobiology Research Unit (NPARU) over a period of 20 years has
resulted in the
development of a national pollen forecasting system for the UK which has
had direct benefits on
the health and wellbeing of hay fever sufferers. This research has also
raised awareness of the
importance of pollen information for sufferers, fed into policy on allergy
services (and subsequently
practice of these services), underpinned training of health professionals,
and informed clinical trials
of anti-allergy products and devices.
Underpinning research
Over a period of 20 years, the National Pollen and Aerobiology Research
Unit (NPARU) has
engaged in research into pollen and the effects of pollen on those
suffering from a range of
allergies, first under the leadership of Professor Jean Emberlin
(Director, 1993-2010) and
subsequently Professor Roy Kennedy (Director, 2010-present) with
particular support from Dr
Matthew Smith (Researcher, 2004-2011).
This research can be divided into three areas:
- Research into pollen assay methods
Research has led to the development and testing of different types of
air sampling equipment
including volumetric traps for pollen (and technology for the assay of
inorganic particles)
(Reference 3, Grant a). Expertise in preparation of air sampled
material and in pollen
identification using microscopy has been developed to a very high level.
Methods for the
immunochemical measurement of specific pollen types have been developed
antibodies to some of the most allergenic proteins present on pollen
grain coats (e.g. Betv1
on Betula: the birch genus) (Reference 6; Grants b and e).
Building on the published
research, current work involving a specialist in monoclonal antibody
production, cross-over
with recent developmental work on immunochemical methods on fungal
spore, dust mite and
cat dust assays, and ongoing collaboration with an engineer skilled in
Systems (MEMS) technology, are resulting in significant innovation in
this area.
- Research into the variation of airborne pollen loads with time
Phenological research has examined the possible effects of climate
change on the profile of
the `pollen season' (during which pollen is released into the air).
There has been a focus on
the timing of flowering of Betula and other trees across Europe
— the first sources of
allergenic pollen in the atmosphere in spring (References 4 and 6).
Critically, the
combination of expertise in airborne pollen monitoring has been combined
with mathematical
modelling using geographical and meteorological parameters to develop
protocols for the
forecast of pollen abundance in the air (References 2 and 5). The
accuracy of these
predictions has been assessed by using `back trajectory' analysis. A key
outcome has been
the development of the national pollen forecast for the UK.
- Collaborative work with clinicians
This has included a range of funded joint research activities with
clinicians (Grants a, b, c, d,
and e). There has been specific work on allergic rhinitis (hay
fever) and other chronic
inflammatory disorders, such as asthma (Reference 1). Work has
included research into the
effects of local environmental conditions, such as thunderstorms,
pollution and `urban
canyons' on the allergic reaction of hay fever sufferers to pollen. It
has included research into
variation in the `potency' of pollen grains of a single species (Reference
References to the research
1. Anderson, H.R., de Leon, A.P., Bland J.M., Bower J.S., Emberlin,
J. & Strachan D.P. (1998) Air
pollution, pollens, and daily admissions for Asthma in London 1987-92. Thorax,
53: 842-848.
2. Emberlin, J., Mullins, J., Corden, J., Jones, S., Millington,
W., Brooke, M. & Savage, M. (1999)
Regional variations in grass pollen seasons in the UK, long-term trends
and forecast models.
Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 29: 347-356.
3. Carinanos, P, Emberlin, J, Galan, C, Dominguez-Vilches, E.
(2000) Comparison of two pollen
counting methods of slides from a Hirst type volumetric trap. Aerobiologia,
16: 339-346. DOI:
10.1023/A:1026577406912 .
4. Emberlin, J., Detandt, M., Gehrig, R., Jaeger, S., Nolard, N.,
& Rantio-Lehtimaeki, A. (2002)
Responses in the start of Betula (birch) pollen seasons to recent changes
in spring
temperatures across Europe. International Journal of Biometeorology,
46: 159-170.
5. Smith, M. & Emberlin, J. (2005) Constructing a
7-day ahead forecast model for grass pollen at
north London, United Kingdom. Clinical and Experimental Allergy,
35: 1400-1406.
6. Buters, J.T.M. Thibaudon, M., Smith, M., Kennedy, R.,
Rantio-Lehtimaki, A., Albertini, R.,
Reese, G., Weber, B., Galan, C., Brandao, R., Antunes, C., Jackowiak, B.,
Sauliene, I.,
Weichenmeier, I., Pusch, G., Sarioglu, H., Ueffing, M., Behrendt, H.,
Prank, M., Sofiev, M. &
Cecchi, L. (2012) Release of Betv1 from birch pollen from 5
European countries. Results of the
HIALINE study. Atmospheric Environment, 55: 496-505.
a. Jean Emberlin (Co-I), SPRING (System for Pollen
Related Information Gathering), eTEN (EU
Programme), (01/2001-07/2002), €490,000.
b. Jean Emberlin (Co-I), MONALISA (MOnitoring
Network of Allergens by Immuno-Sampling),
(EU Programme), (01/2005-04/2008), €667,362.
c. Matthew Smith (Member), Assessment of production, release,
distribution and health impact of
allergenic pollen in Europe (EUPOL), COST Action (09/2007-09/2011).
d. Jean Emberlin (Co-I), AIRPATH — Working Group on Outdoor
Environments, Pathogens in Air,
and Human Health, NERC, (07/2007-12/2008), £12,594.
e. Roy Kennedy (Co-I), HIALINE (Health Impacts of
Airborne Allergen Information Network)
Health (EU Programme), (01/2009-01/2012), €878,926.
The University is confident that the research meets the 2* quality
threshold. Reference 2 was
returned by Worcester to UoA14 in RAE2001. References 4 and 5 were
returned to UoA12 in
RAE2008. Reference 6 is returned to UoA5 in REF2014 as "KennedyR3". Much
of the research
has been funded through the European grants outlined above which the
University believes is
indicative of its excellence.
Details of the impact
The impact of the research can be divided into four distinct areas,
although the overarching
benefits arising from the research are for those suffering from hay fever
and other allergies.
i) Public Health
NPARU produces and supplies the daily pollen forecasts for the UK (2-, 3-
and 5-day) using data
produced by the National Pollen Monitoring Network. It provides training
for those collecting these
data with regard to air sampling and pollen assay and quality assures the
data. It then collates the
data with geographical and meteorological information and applies
mathematical modelling
protocols developed through the research to make predictions of the amount
of pollen that will be
in the air. NPARU was the sole provider of the pollen forecast until 2011
when a collaborative
contract was formed with the Met Office (Source A). NPARU continues
to provide the forecasts
directly to Met Eireann, Irish Health, GlaxoSmithKline and media outlets
such as the Daily
Telegraph and MBC Netweather Ltd.
The Met Office website is in the top 150 most visited websites in the UK
according to the Alexa
Web Information Company. The Daily Telegraph has a circulation of over
500,000. A less detailed
forecast also forms part of, for example, BBC Weather forecasts which
regularly get upwards of 5
million viewers. This gives a sense of the sheer number of individuals who
have access to the
pollen forecast on a daily basis.
The pollen forecast is a vital tool in the prevention and treatment of
hay fever. The NHS provides
clear advice through, for example, its NHS Choices site on checking the
pollen forecast as part of
the recommended strategy for managing hay fever (Source B). The
`user experience' improves
lives as sufferers are better able to control their symptoms by adapting
their medication and
behaviour. An example of this in microcosm comes at the regional level. A
team from the allergy
clinics at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and NPARU utilise
Twitter (@Worcs_Allergy)
to provide information about the pollen count to patients to enable them
to use the appropriate
NPARU has also been effective in engaging the public with its research
and specifically raising
awareness of the health implications for hay fever sufferers. For example,
Emberlin was
commissioned by Kleenex to produce The Hay Fever Health Report 2010,
a public-facing review of
how lifestyle choices affect hay fever sufferers (Source C). NPARU
was also heavily involved in
the development of a Low Allergy Show Garden which won a Silver Medal at
Chelsea Flower
Show in 2010 receiving extensive TV coverage. More generally, staff
members in NPARU have
made 229 media appearances (TV, radio and press) focused on its research
during the period
ii) Public Policy
NPARU's research has contributed to policy debate on allergy services and
ultimately informed the
development of quality control measures for these services. Emberlin sat
on the Royal College of
Physicians Working Party that produced the report, Allergy: the unmet
need. A blueprint for better
patient care in 2003 (Source D). This report informed a 2007
report of the House of Lords' Science
& Technology Committee (Source E) which set out a series of
recommendations for the
enhancement of allergy services. It also underpinned the (similarly
titled) 2010 report by a joint
Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Pathologists Working
Party, Allergy services.
Still not meeting the unmet need (Source F) which assessed
progress against the Science &
Technology Committee's recommendations and itself made further
recommendations, one
outcome of which was the establishment of the Improving Quality in
Allergy Services (IQAS)
Registration Scheme in 2011 (Source G). The IQAS registration
scheme is a new project from the
Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and Royal College of Pathologists
(RCPath) Joint Committee
on Immunology and Allergy (JCIA), which aims to improve the quality of NHS
specialist allergy
iii) Practitioner services
NPARU's research has also underpinned training provided to health
professionals. Feedback from
these events states that this training has improved the quality of the
services these professionals
are able to provide. Examples of this training are: a general workshop on
Ocular, Perennial and
Seasonal Rhinitis April 2010 with attendees from 11 different businesses
including pharmacies,
surgeries and opticians; a Contact Lens seminar in February 2011 with 28
optometrists, dispensing
opticians and contact lens specialists attending; one day workshop in
March 2013 for optometrists,
dispensing opticians and contact lens specialists from 77 different
ophthalmology businesses
exploring the impact of allergies on contact lens wearers. Feedback showed
that 80% of the
attendees found the day very useful with 15% of attendees having no prior
knowledge and 74%
having little knowledge of the subject before attending. The seminar also
provided 11 points of
Continuing Education and Training (CET) for the attendees. Optometrists,
dispensing opticians and
contact lens specialists have to earn 36 points over the CET cycle
(Currently1 January 2013 to 31
December 2015) with 6 points in any one year (Source H).
iv) Commerce
NPARU has brought commercial benefits to a number of companies through
undertaking product
testing of devices, such as vacuum cleaners, floor washers, washing
machines, air purifiers. This
testing (the protocols for which were developed through research on the
immunochemical assay of
pollen) is undertaken under the agency of Allergy UK, which provides
accreditation of the products
through a seal of approval (Source I). NPARU also undertakes
clinical trials of seven anti-allergy
products, such as bedding and hay fever treatments. All seven products
have been
commercialised and are now in production. A good example is the product Nasaleze®.
to Paul Duxbury of that company, trial results from NPARU "provided
evidence that Nasaleze®
reduces the need to take rescue medication for the symptoms of hay
fever. The product now has
the clear competitive advantage in that it is the only remedy with no
adverse side effects (of
particular benefit to children, pregnancies and the elderly). As a
result of NPARU's work,
Nasaleze® has accessed mainstream marketing channels in the UK,
including Asda, Morrisons,
Holland & Barrett. In the US, Nasaleze is in CVS and Walgreen.
Nasaleze® is on sale in over 100
countries (which includes all EU countries, New Zealand, USA, Eastern
Europe, and Russia and
Ukraine)" (Source J).
Sources to corroborate the impact
A. Letter of support from the Met Office.
B. NHS Choices website:
C. The Hay Fever Report 2010:
D. Allergy: the unmet need. A blueprint for better patient care —
Report of the Royal College of
Physicians Working Party on the provision of allergy services in the UK
E. Allergy — Report of the House of Lords' Science &
Technology Committee (2007):
F. Allergy services. Still not meeting the unmet need — Report of
the Joint Royal College of
Physicians and Royal College of Pathologists Working Party (2010):
G. Improving Quality in Allergy Services (IQAS) Registration Scheme:
H. Feedback from training events.
I. Letter of Support from AllergyUK.
J. Letter of Support from Paul Duxbury at Nasaleze®.