Children's spiritual development and its neglect in primary education
Submitting Institution
Bishop Grosseteste UniversityUnit of Assessment
EducationSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy
Language, Communication and Culture: Cultural Studies, Literary Studies
Summary of the impact
The impact relating to this case study is situated in three domains. The
first domain focuses on impacting policy on spiritual development in the
primary curriculum, achieved via membership of a Qualifications and
Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA) working party. The second element is
lay engagement with understandings of spirituality and its
contextualisation in primary schools, achieved primarily through media
coverage of research findings. The third area relates to informing
understanding about the processes and meaning making of dreaming (as a
specific area of spirituality) through expert comments in mass media
outlets and the hosting of events attended by the general public and
practitioners as well as academics. These achievements are complemented by
high profile roles in international professional associations.
Underpinning research
The research detailed in this case study focuses on children's
spirituality. In educational terms, it is contextualised in schools' legal
requirement to promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC)
development of children. The spiritual component is the least well
understood of the four elements, being sources of confusion for teachers,
Ofsted inspectors and the general public. Adams' research aims to advance
understanding of it from the child's viewpoint. Specifically, the work
offers original research into children's spiritual experiences,
underpinned by the overarching philosophical concept of the child's voice,
and in particular the notion of the child's spiritual voice(s).
Adams' research into children's spirituality began in 1999, initially
exploring spiritual dreams. Spiritual dreams have a long history in many
world religions' scriptures and practices, and experiences of adults have
been documented. However, children's spiritual dreams have rarely been
researched in a systematic manner. Over a five year period, her research
was funded by three grants totalling £38,000. The funding comprised £7,500
from the Farmington Institute of Christian Studies at Oxford University, a
£30,000 PhD scholarship from the University of Glasgow, and £500 from The
Keswick Hall Trust, University of East Anglia.
The research adopts an interdisciplinary approach. Elements of religion,
psychology and anthropology are synthesised together with original
empirical research with children in order to elicit dream reports and
explanations of children's understandings of the experience. The relevance
of the findings to primary education is explored, with a focus on
Religious Education and spiritual development. This focus on children's
dreams and their significance for children forms the first of two key
strands of this case study detailed in publications submitted to this
panel (i.e. Adams, Hyde and Woolley 2008; Adams 2008; Adams 2009).
The second strand relates to a key finding of the empirical studies,
which was that many children felt that their spiritual voice(s) often went
unheard. Drawing on a wider range of children's spiritual experiences, the
work (e.g. Adams 2009) argues that despite the contemporary educational
and sociological discourse on the importance of the child's voice, the
spiritual voice(s) are often silenced by wider cultural practices. In
turn, this silencing (combined with other factors) impacts negatively on
teachers' understanding of children's spirituality, particularly from
children's viewpoints, and hence hinders the promotion of spiritual
development in schools.
References to the research
Adams, K., Hyde, B., and Woolley, R. (2008) The Spiritual Dimension
of Childhood. London: Jessica Kingsley. ISBN: 978-1-84310-602-9
- `...excellent, very informative and concise study... some of the ideas
are truly inspiring' Implicit Religion (King 2012: 97-101)
- `This is a provocative book which challenges adults to think about the
way we live our lives, our value systems, our economic, political, health
and education systems, and the impact all these have on children's
spirituality'. Scottish Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy (Upton
2009: 34-35)
- `I challenge any reader of this volume not to have their horizons
expanded by this excellent study...This book deserves to be both widely
read and acted upon... There is knowledge, wisdom and challenge in the
text' (Woodward, no date). Available from:
Adams, K. (2008) The dreaming child: dreams, religion and religious
education. British Journal of Religious Education, 30:1, 59-67.
DOI: 10.1080/01416200701711725
- 120 article online views
Adams, K. (2009) The rise of the child's voice; the silencing of the
spiritual voice. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 30:2, 113-122.
DOI: 10.1080/13617670903174991
- 111 article online views
Adams, K. (2010) Unseen worlds: Looking through the lens of
childhood. London: Jessica Kingsley. ISBN: 978-1-84905-051-7
- `This is obviously a difficult field, but Adams brings to it a
creditable academic rigour'. The Good Book Stall Guide (Scott
- `This book is thought provoking and Kate Adams approaches each chapter
from an original and unique perspective'. Counselling Children and
Young People (2011)
- `This is a book which supports the incontestable case for... sufficient
time and opportunities to really get to know the children we teach and to
create an emotionally literate school....Kate Adams' book is warmly
commended to all who... think of progress as the development of the whole
child rather than the meeting of performance targets.' Primary First
(Coe 2010: 24)
- The book `adds to what we know about the inner life of
children...[which] can help validate and expand our understanding of what
this inner world is like.' International Journal of Children's
Spirituality (Hart 2011: 377)
Adams, K. (2010) Seeking and sharing the spiritual in the classroom, in:
M. de Souza, L. J. Francis, J. O'Higgins-Norman and D. Scott (eds) The
International Handbook of Education for Spirituality, Care and
Wellbeing. Dordrecht: Springer. ISBN 978-1-4020-9018-9
Details of the impact
Impact on national education policy
Adams' international research profile has led to a range of high profile
positions within professional associations and media attention as detailed
further below. The profile led to an invitation to join the then
Qualifications and Curriculum Development Authority's (QCDA) working group
on spiritual development in schools which impacted on national education
policy on spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC). The
outcome of the group was a statement of position and guidance for primary
teachers on the QCDA website. Particular influence was the argument that
spirituality cannot be defined (articulated in Adams, Hyde and Woolley
2008); a view that superseded the QCDA's previous stance of offering
definitions for teachers, which was a practice welcomed by teachers but
contested by some academics.
Reach beyond academia
Media attention has been a regular feature of research dissemination. In
2009, a paper on teachers neglecting children's spirituality in schools,
derived from an article submitted to this REF panel (Adams 2009), was
presented at the British Educational Research Association (BERA)
conference in Manchester, UK. The paper attracted a wide range of media
coverage. For example, articles based on the research were published in
the Daily Telegraph (3.9.09), The Tablet (5.9.09), The
Church Times (11.9.09), the Church of England News
(September 2009), the Times Education Supplement (one-page
feature, 11.9.09) and Metro (3.9.09). In addition I was invited to
discuss the research on BBC Radio Manchester (3.9.09), BBC Radio
Lincolnshire (9.9.09) and BBC Radio Sheffield (13.9.09).
Other audiences beyond academia have also been reached through
invitations to give keynotes on research findings to the Annual Conference
for Primary RE Co-ordinators, Lincoln Diocese (2007), the Annual
Conference of Catholic Headteachers, Nottingham Diocese, UK (2010) and a
Westhill Trust conference entitled Imagination, spiritual development
and the RE curriculum: informing better practice from new research,
Leeds, UK (2011). Radio Children invited me to create a Vodcast on
children's dreams, based on research findings on spiritual dreams, which
was first broadcast on the internet in November 2007.
Adams' expertise on children's spiritual experiences disseminated in the
doctoral work and subsequent publications (Adams, Hyde and Woolley 2008;
Adams 2008, 2009) has also been sought by journalists for a range of high
circulation publications. These included expert comments in articles on
dreams in Vogue (December 2008), Sainsbury's magazine
(October 2008) and Reader's Digest (March 2007). In addition, my
research on children's dreams was broadcast in interviews on Radio 4's Today
programme (14.7.07), BBC Radio Lincolnshire (9.9.09) and Dublin City FM
(23.1.08). In 2010, Adams was invited to blog for the US-based website Psychology
Today. Posts on the site, relating to a range of research outputs,
receive an average of 2504 hits per blog.
Further engagement with non-academic audiences including the general
public, artists, teachers, writers and psychoanalysts was achieved through
the hosting of an international, interdisciplinary conference at Bishop
Grosseteste entitled Dreams and Culture in 2007. The conference
attracted 67 people from seven countries. The academic audience moved
beyond education, also drawing in scholars from cognitive psychology,
English literature, anthropology and psychoanalysis. Further reach to
non-academic audiences was achieved via a journalist's report on the
conference on the BBC Lincolnshire website.
Informing understanding
Common understandings of the processes of dreaming and people's responses
to different types of dreams including the spiritual, have been influenced
by `New Age' teachings and wider popular culture, and are subject to a
range of misunderstandings and inaccuracies. In order to help counter
this, and to enhance cultural understanding of dreams from a
research-informed perspective, Adams initiated a new multidisciplinary
network called Dreams Network UK which aimed to engage lay members
of the public and practitioners in addition to academics from different
disciplines. The group followed on from the Dreams and Culture
conference and has involved considerable networking. It has met at a range
of venues including Bishop Grosseteste University, Durham University,
Leeds Metropolitan University, the Centre for Counselling and
Psychotherapy (London) and the Wellcome Trust to disseminate research
findings and participate in workshops.
Executive positions on international professional associations
The high profile accorded to Adams' research in the media and beyond has
also contributed to me gaining executive positions on international
professional associations. She currently holds the position
of executive member of the International Association for Children's
Spirituality, which promotes and supports research and practice in
relation to children's spirituality within education and wider contexts of
children's care and wellbeing.
In 2007, Adams was invited to stand for election onto the Board of
Directors of The International Association for the Study of Dreams, a
long-standing multidisciplinary organisation based in the US which has
members in 39 countries. She was elected to the Board and served from
2007-2010 before moving onto their Executive Committee in the role of
Secretary (2010-2011). Currently Adams holds the post of UK
representative. Through these roles she has been able to influence the
association's mission and direction with a particular focus on children's
dreams (rather than those of adults which comprise the majority of
interdisciplinary dream research) and how research can impact on schools'
Sources to corroborate the impact
Media sources available online
Adams, K. (2010-2013) Psychology Today research-informed blogs.
Available from:
Lamb, C. (2009) Children's spiritual needs neglected. The Tablet,
5.9.09. Available from:
Paton, G. (2009) Angel sightings 'should not be dismissed': Children who
believe they have seen angels often keep it quiet for fear of being
ridiculed by adults, according to research. Daily Telegraph,
3.9.09. Available from:
Other media sources
Invited expert comment in `What your dreams say about you'. Sainsbury's
magazine, October 2008
Invited expert comment in `New Research: What your dreams really mean'. Reader's
Digest, March 2007
Radio interview by John Humphreys on research into children's dreams. Today
Programme, BBC Radio 4, 14 July 2007
External research grants
£30,000 PhD scholarship from the University of Glasgow (2000-2003)
£500 from The Keswick Hall Trust, University of East Anglia (2003)
£7,500 from the Farmington Institute of Christian Studies at Oxford
University (1999)