Research into Creativity, Education and Professional Practice
Submitting Institution
University of ChesterUnit of Assessment
EducationSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Education: Specialist Studies In Education
Studies In Creative Arts and Writing: Art Theory and Criticism, Performing Arts and Creative Writing
Summary of the impact
The focus on creativity in educational practices at Chester is through
the Centre for Research into
Education, Creativity and Arts through Practice (RECAP), directed by Adams
(since 2010) and
Owens (since 1993). They have worked worldwide to bring creativity
into educational and
professional practices by developing innovative approaches to teaching and
learning. Their research
has brought about extensive international partnerships between HE, arts
and professional and
business institutions and groups, which has informed policy development on
creative education
worldwide. Their contemporary creative pedagogies have impacted on teacher
education and the
professional development of teachers, arts groups, communities and
businesses throughout this
international community.
Underpinning research
2.1 For many years research into creativity through practice has
been undertaken at Chester
through the work of Allan Owens (Professor, University of Chester, 1988 —
present) into process
drama. In 2010 Owens was joined by Jeff Adams (Professor, University of
Chester, 2010 — present),
who had been carrying out similar work at Goldsmiths College into
contemporary art practices in
education. Owens has developed an artistic form that has impacted in a
wide range of contexts
including the social sector, in education, health, and public service, and
also in private business; the
trajectory of his research and practice has been concerned with pioneering
the use of Pre-text
process drama as a form of artistic initiative beyond mainstream
education, which allows people and
organisations to rehearse and work through processes that can lead to
change in working practices,
behaviours and values. Adams leads the field in contemporary international
visual arts education,
and is principal editor of the leading international journal iJADE
(International Journal of Art and
Design Education); through his work on contemporary arts pedagogies
education at Chester has led
to a research partnership with TATE (Tate Liverpool); Adams critical work
on creative curriculum
and pedagogy has been influential on schools and colleges in many
countries. Owens' and Adams'
written and performance-based outputs have enabled key professionals in
seven countries to apply
creative pre-texts and contemporary pedagogies to their professional
2.2 The strong international profile of Owen's work in this field,
combined with Adams' scholarly
activities enabled the foundation of the new international centre for
Research into Education,
Creativity and Arts through Practice (RECAP, 2013). The focus on
creativity and the arts through
practice is a defining feature of the Centre's work, which is a neglected
area of research in
education and professional practice, despite the expansion of the creative
industries worldwide.
Practice-based research means that research is conducted through the
medium of the practice itself
— from making artworks through performance, film, art, creative writing,
dance or music, to
conducting research through professional educational practices such as
teaching, coaching and
2.3 Adams' and Owens' research, combined through RECAP, has a
portfolio across the disciplines
of the arts in education, performance arts, applied drama and theatre,
popular cultural forms such as
comics and street theatre, and in professions such as health, justice,
heritage, social work, arts-based
organisations and businesses. In each of these areas their work has had —
and is having — significant
impact. The work has attracted major grants, detailed below, which have
collaborative research with their networked and partner institutions. The
work on creativity builds on
the extensive international and theoretical work in this field over many
decades, and adds a
practice-based, intercultural and contemporary dimension to the body of
2.4 The main findings of their research into creativity are
concerned with:
- The introduction of (often unorthodox) contemporary creative practices
into strategies for
teaching and learning;
- The significance of contemporary creative pedagogies for intercultural
understanding and
conflict transformation;
- The incorporation of creativity into education policies and curricula
References to the research
3.1 Adams, J. (2010) Risky Choices: The dilemmas of introducing
contemporary art practices into
schools, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 31 (6),
683-702. DOI:
-Journal's 2012 Impact Factor: 0.976;
- Highly respected international journal
- 446 article full text views and downloads,
- cited by Atkinson, Watermeyer & Delamont, (2013)in BJSE 34:4
- Associated with the funded research: `Investigation into State
Guidance and Policy on
Creativity' for Esmée Fairbairn funded in collaboration with Liverpool
John Moores University,
Liverpool Hope University, Edge Hill University and Cumbria University.
2010-2013. (£62,000)
Jeff Adams, co-investigator.
- Associated with impacts 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.8
3.2 Adams, J. (2013) The Artful Dodger: Creative Resistance to
Neo-liberalism in Education, The
Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, 35 (4): 242-255.
- High status international (American) education and cultural studies
- Principal editor Henry Giroux;
- Associated with the funded research: `Investigation into State
Guidance and Policy on
Creativity' for Esmée Fairbairn funded in collaboration with Liverpool
John Moores University,
Liverpool Hope University, Edge Hill University and Cumbria University.
2010-2013. (£62,000)
Jeff Adams, co-investigator
- Associated with impacts 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.8
3.3 Holtham, C., Dove, A, and Owens, A. (2011) Building on
Cultural Spaces and Places for
enhancing the intuitive capabilities of students of business and
management, Art Design &
Communication in Higher Education, Vol.10 (2) pp. 163-178 ;
ISSN:1474-273X DOI:
- Well established and high status arts journal
- Associated with impacts 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.8
3.4 Owens, A. (2004). Generative Space: Skinship and Vulnerability
in Intercultural Applied Arts
Work. Drama Research Vol.3 National Drama, ISSN 1470 0484 p.55-65.
Associated with impacts 4.3, 4.6, 4.9
3.5 Owens, A. (2005) `Planning for the Possibilities of Dissensus
in Process Drama', Hyva
Hankaus: Teatterikorkeakoulun julaisusarja nro 38, eds. Korhonen
& Airraksinene, Helsinki,
Draamatyo. ISBN 952-9765-38-, pp.8-16 (can be supplied by the University
upon request)
- Associated with impacts 4.3, 4.4, 4.7, 4.9
The following research projects were informed by the research reported
in the publications
• `Creative Pedagogies in Palestinian (West Bank) and English (North
West) schools: A
Comparative Study in collaboration with Bethlehem University', British
Academy Award, 2012-2015.
£30,000, Jeff Adams, Principal investigator, Allan Owens,
co-investigator. Informed by 3.1
• Creative Pedagogy: Revitalising Palestinian Schools, World Bank
Quality Improvement Fund, in
collaboration with Bethlehem University, An-Najah National University,
Hebron University, Islamic
University-Gaza, Palestine; March 201Dec. 2012, US$150,000, Allan
Owens, director. Informed
by 3.4 and 3.5
• `The Gypsy Roma Traveller and Settled Community Situation': an arts
based research project,
Cheshire West and Chester Local Authority Race Hate Crime Fund, March
2011- 2013 £21,518,
Allan Owens, director. Informed by 3.5
• Intercultural Awareness and Competence: EU Erasmus Intensive
Programmes, Allan Owens
director, University of Chester lead institution, with partner
universities: PHVien, Austria,
Univ.Flensburg-Germany, Univ. Malaga-Spain, Linkopings University,
Sweden; June 2011-Sept.
2013; 122,000 euros. Informed by 3.5
• Manager 2.0 Investigating `New Leadership' through process drama as
a form of research based
theatre Tekes: Finnish National Agency for Innovation and Technology
Funding, Lapeenranta
Innovation Unit, Finland (2012-2014) 16,000 euros; Allan
Owens, Principal Investigator.
Informed by 3.5
• `The use of Process Drama Across disciplines and professions in
Higher Education and beyond'
HEFCE NTFS Project. 2003-2013. £50,000, Allan Owens,
Principal Investigator. Informed by
Details of the impact
The impact of the research is evidenced as follows, under the three
themes identified above.
The introduction of contemporary creative practices into strategies
for teaching and learning
4.1 A key partner and collaborator institution, Tate Liverpool,
the research into contemporary
creative education has brought about changes in the methods gallery staff
use to work with the
public. Their professional development and training is affected by
doctoral research at the gallery,
supervised by Adams, into participatory, learner-centred pedagogies. The
impact of these new
approaches is evidenced in the Tate's research and policy reviews (2013).
4.2 Room 13, the young children's `International Community of
Creatives' have collaborated with the
iJADE and RECAP conferences (2011) and Adams has carried out
extensive research into their
work over many years, influencing their unorthodox pedagogical approaches.
Adams was a
contributor delegate at Room 13's presentation to the Scottish
Parliament's symposium (Hollyrood,
Edinburgh, April 2013) on creativity. Adams's work and influence is cited
on the Room 13 website.
4.3 In Finland, with key collaborator Theatre Academy of Finland
(TAF), Owens' Master Courses at
TAF, spanning 17 years (1995-2013) for multi-professional groups, have
seen the establishment of
Pre-texts by professionals in theatres, prisons, education, health and
business. Owens' Pre-texts
publication has been translated into a joint edition with a new foreword
on impact in 2010, and is
required reading for drama pedagogues in Finnish universities. Owens has
also worked on 15 other
projects in the universities, prisons, city theatres and the Tampere
Theatre Festival, reaching
approximately 2,000 participants.
4.4 RECAP is supervising four doctoral students (drama and theatre
practitioner educators) from
Sweden with a visiting research fellow from the University of Stockholm.
Practice-based research
here (2007-2013) has lead to the widespread reconceptualisation and use of
creative approaches
with young people and other client groups, emanating from the four groups
and Swedish arts
institutions in which our students are based.
The significance of contemporary creative pedagogies for intercultural
understanding and
conflict resolution
4.5 In Palestine (1996- 2013) Adams' and Owens' research into the
comparative intercultural use of
creative pedagogies, with key collaborators the University of Bethlehem
and An Najah University,
with 20 primary school beginning teachers in the British Academy funded
research (2012-15).
Owens has been researching with Palestinian institutions and cultural
groups since 1995, including
all 11 universities in the West Bank and Gaza, including the World Bank
project (2011/2012), see
World Bank report). New artistic forms have brought about change in
educational practices in arts
and community groups (e.g. creative pedagogy at Al Rowwad Children's
Theatre in the Aida
Refugee Camp), and in West Bank institutions (e.g. the introduction of
creative pedagogies in West
Bank primary schools in partnership with Bethlehem Univeristy) and in
colleges (new creative
practices and resource room at Alrowwda Technical College, Nablus). The
number of colleagues
participating in workshops between 1996 and 2013 is approximately 1,400.
4.6 For education professionals in Cheshire Local Government, the
impact has been around the
means of creating spaces for dialogue about tensions between Gypsy, Roma
Traveller and settled
communities; Owens has held 21 research based workshops and performances
with 350 young
people, 254 teachers and members of the wider education workforce
including governors councillors
and local government officers (2010-2013).
The incorporation of creativity into education policies and curricula
4.7 The creativity research in Japan (2000-2013), with key
collaborators Taichi Kikaku Theatre
Company Tokyo, Japan, NEC, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan, and
National Children's
Theatre Association, Japan, has seen the application of Pre-text workshops
incorporated into the
training of voice actors, including NEC (the largest training course in
Japan), children's theatre
practitioner training (NJCTA). Owen's 22 performances and workshops in
Japan and the UK, over
13 years, have involved approximately 2,500 participants and included
three reviews in the
Japanese National Children's Theatre Association's publication.
4.8 Adams has twice been invited to the Korean Art Education
Association (KoSEA), 2012-13, to
deliver keynotes and publish papers in the Association's annual
international conference publication.
The 150 delegates represent schools and colleges across the Republic.
Practitioner contributors
(submitted to iJADE and iJADE conferences, 2010-13) from
Korea cite Adams' work and use his
critical methodology in their pedagogical development.
4.9 Eighteen executive managers and business consultants engaged
in the Tekes National Finnish
funded research project Manager 2.0 Investigating `New
Leadership'.(2012/2013).They have
employed arts based initiative methods in their own organisations and
consultancies; they range
from small to medium enterprises employing between 100-150 people; A
leading feature article in
the leading Finnish business journal FAKTA ( No 20, 2013 (3) pp.18-23)
reported on the project.
NB: Owens' and Adams' combined body of practice-based research has
attracted more than
£270,000 of funding.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Foreword to 2nd Edition of `Drama Kompassi', Pekka
Korhonen, Finland (2010); supports 4.3.
- Seis, E-R. (2013). Draamatyopaja kasvattaa esimiehia, Fakta, Business
Journal, Finland
(Review of the two year research based project Manager 2.0. pp 18-23);
supports 4.9, 4.3
- Preface to Forcas, J. (2011). `Mapas Teatrales'. Written by Artistic
Director, Theatre
Pa'tothom, Barcelona; supports 2.1, 2.2
- Grünbaum, A. (2009). Resande I process drama — Allan Owens på
Vasterberg, RAD Drama
Forum, 2009, ISSN 1652-9286, RAD, the Swedish National Drama
Association; supports 4.4
- Foreword to Kobayashi, Y. (Tokyo City University) & Neelands, J.
(University of Warwick).
Applied drama: communication through pre-texts. Tokyo: Tosho Bunka
Press; supports 4.7
- World Bank Project Report (2012). `Reviving Palestinian Schools:
Creative Pedagogies
(2011-2012); supports 4.5
In addition, the University holds on file correspondence from a range of
users/beneficiaries of
Adams' and Owens' research and practice which includes statements from the
Korean Art
Education Association, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
(Korea), Theatre
Academy Helsinki, Theatre Patothom, La Neveva Theatre Company, Bethlehem
University, Lahti
School of Innovation, Tate Liverpool and Room 13 International.