Improving Policy on Planning Obligations and the Community Infrastructure Levy
Submitting Institution
University of SheffieldUnit of Assessment
Architecture, Built Environment and PlanningSummary Impact Type
EconomicResearch Subject Area(s)
Economics: Applied Economics
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration
Summary of the impact
Planning obligations are used by local government to capture some of the
financial windfall that accrues to land owners and developers when
planning permissions are granted. University of Sheffield research into
the incidence of planning obligations, their financial value, and
variations in related local policy and practice has made a significant
contribution to national policy development. This includes the shaping of
the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and the improvement of obligations
policy implementation throughout the UK. The three main impacts of the
research have been: (i) to provide evidence that has resulted in a much
larger proportion of sites now contributing to infrastructure provision
than was initially intended in national policy; (ii) to provide evidence
that influenced the decision to restructure affordable housing grants,
resulting in better use of around £2.8bn per annum of public expenditure
and a greater supply of new housing for lower income households than would
otherwise have been possible; and (iii) to inform best practice within
local authorities, enabling many of them to use obligations to capture
increasingly large contributions to infrastructure provision.
Underpinning research
Planning obligations are used by local government to capture, through
negotiation, a share of the financial gain that accrues to land owners and
developers when planning permissions are granted. The income derived from
obligations is used to secure the delivery of new affordable homes and the
infrastructure required for new development, including schools and public
The use and design of planning obligations policies have been a
longstanding source of controversy and their scope, effectiveness and
impact on the operation of markets has been both under-researched and
poorly understood by policy-makers and practitioners. Staff at The
University of Sheffield (Professor Tony Crook [Emeritus since 2010],
Professor John Henneberry, and Professor Craig Watkins, with input from
Professor Heather Campbell, Dr Ed Ferrari, Dr Steven Rowley [Curtin since
2007], and Dr Malcolm Tait) have conducted a series of 12 externally
funded projects on the incidence, value and delivery of planning
obligations that have been highly significant in shaping planning
obligations policy nationally and in influencing the way in which policy
is implemented at the local level. Currently, we estimate that Planning
Obligations worth more £6bn per annum are agreed in England and Wales (R1).
This research commenced at Sheffield in 1993 and has, at times, involved
working with colleagues at Cambridge University and with planning
consultants Halcrow. Our research has extensively influenced the scope and
scale of the uniquely structured planning gain policy arrangements
operating in England and Wales.
Our initial research, undertaken by Henneberry for the Department of
Environment, explored the implications of the introduction of a
development impact fee system, including the likely effects on
practitioner behaviour. (Note: the current Community Infrastructure Levy
is technically a form of Impact Fee). These findings informed an
examination of how planning obligations mediate the relations between
planners and developers and highlighted the profound influence that the
increased use of obligations was having on policy and practice (funded by
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Land Development Trust and
the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) £32k,
1998-2000). This work led to high quality academic outputs (R2) and
helped shape the future research agenda.
The conceptual and practical insights provided a platform for detailed
studies of the use of obligations (known as section 106 agreements) and
related grant policy arrangements as a means of securing new affordable
housing. This work, which spanned 6 funded projects (all conducted with
Cambridge who led mainly on delivery issues, and shared the case study
work geographically), provided the basis from which to disentangle the
influence of agreements from other funding mechanisms and to explore the
efficiency and equity of the policy regime in its entirety. The research
outputs included contributions to conceptual debates about the
distributional effects of the policy arrangement (R3) and numerous
reports and briefings detailing specific findings, targeted at policy
makers and practitioners.
The key contributions include: (i) the first estimates of the additional
affordable housing secured through planning gain (2000, £181k funded by
Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), Housing Corporation, Countryside Agency,
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Royal Town
Planning Institute (RTPI)); (ii) a detailed exploration of the extent to
which new homes were funded through planning gain and/or grants (2003,
£42k JRF); (iii) an assessment of the value for money of using planning
gain compared with grant (2003, £60k Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
(ODPM)); (iv) analysis of the extent to which agreements for new homes
were delivered (2005, £36k JRF); (v) an exploration of how negotiations
could maximise the funds secured by planning gain (2007, £48k DCLG); and
(vi) an assessment of how CIL levies might reduce sums negotiated for
affordable homes through planning gain (2011, £10k National Housing
Federation (NHF)). R4 and R5 provide overviews of a large
part of this work. Crucially, as we discuss in section 4, when examined in
the round the findings of this research called into question the
effectiveness of affordable housing grants.
This complemented a further series of Sheffield-led studies that, like
the early impact fees studies, re-focused on the wider role of obligations
and related policy instruments as mechanisms to secure not just affordable
homes but also the infrastructure needed for all types of new development.
These projects were designed to provide an input into the design of CIL
and established a robust method for measuring the value of obligations in
England (see above; and 2005, with Halcrow, £93k for ODPM; 2007, £51k
DCLG; & 2007/08, with Cambridge, £123k DCLG) and Wales (R6,
2007/08, £35k, Welsh Assembly Government). The research also provided
unique insights into local experience and demonstrated that, contrary to
the popular views held by policy and professional communities, variations
in the value and number of obligations secured more often arose from
differences in local practice than from more commonly cited drivers such
market conditions, with land and property values tending to be of
secondary importance. This evidence has had important implications for
local policy-makers and practitioners and the way in which policy has been
References to the research
R1. Burgess, G., ADH Crook, R Dunning, E.T Ferrari, F. Lyall-Grant, J.M
Henneberry, S. Monk, S. Rowley, CA Watkins, & CME Whitehead (2010), `The
incidence value and delivery of planning obligations in England',
London, Department of Communities & Local Government
R2. Campbell H., H. Ellis, C. Gladwell & J. Henneberry J (2000)
`Planning obligations, planning practice and land-use outcomes', Environment
& Planning B, 27(5): 759-775 doi: 10.1068/b2683
[submitted to RAE2001]
R3. Crook, ADH and CME Whitehead (2002) `Social housing and planning
gain: is this an appropriate way of providing affordable housing?', Environment
& Planning A, 34(7): 1259- 1279 doi: 10.1068/a34135
[submitted to RAE 2008]
R4. Crook ADH, S. Monk, S Rowley & C Whitehead (2006) `Planning Gain
and the Supply of New Affordable Housing in England: Understanding the
Numbers', Town Planning Review, 77, 353-373 [submitted to RAE
R6. Crook, ADH, JM. Henneberry, S. Rowley, & C.A. Watkins (2007) The
use and value of planning obligations in Wales, Cardiff, Welsh
Assembly Government
Details of the impact
The evolution of planning obligations policies in the UK since 2008 has
been shaped by the research undertaken at Sheffield on the incidence of
obligations, their value and the way they have been delivered. The
research team developed a strategy to maximise the impact of their
findings that was based on three sets of complementary activities:
(i) Co-production of the research agenda and research design: a
range of stakeholders (including policy makers and researchers within
DCLG, Welsh Assembly Government, Countryside Agency, Housing and
Communities Agency (then Housing Corporation), the National Housing
Federation, Halcrow Consultants and local planning and housing
practitioners) were involved at various stages in establishing
policy-relevant research questions, co-designing research methods, and
analysing and interpreting results in partnership with our team. These
stakeholders played different roles in different projects. They acted
variously as commissioners of research, members of the research teams,
research subjects and steering/advisory group members; and assisted in
distilling the key messages from the research. This ensured that the
research was robust, relevant to the challenges faced by policy makers and
practitioners, and that the findings were accessible to different user
(ii) Dissemination of Best Practice: the team has engaged in an
extensive UK-wide programme of dissemination of findings to
housing/property, legal and planning practitioners involved in policy
implementation. This includes the publication of articles in the
professional press (e.g. Planning), Continuing Professional
Development activities and contributions to around 20 best practice
briefings. The events programme included numerous national symposia
reaching around 400 members of the planning profession (e.g. the RTPI
Planning Convention (2009), the RTPI S106 and CIL Seminars (2008x2, 2009,
2010; 2011 and 2012 [latter two chaired by Crook]); a series of local
events including workshops on the value and incidence of obligations in
London, Leeds and Bristol attended by representatives of 57 different
local planning authorities; and presentations to around 100 property
industry leaders at the British Property Federation Seminar (2010), to
House- builders' Heads of Legal Forum hosted by lawyers Nabarro LLP (2010)
and to the planning partners and their teams at lawyers DLA Piper LLP
(2008, 2010).
(iii) National Policy Engagement: ongoing engagement with
national policy makers involved in new policy formation, including invited
seminars at the Treasury, Welsh Assembly Government, and DCLG (2009);
presentations to meetings of the UK and Irish Chief Planners; and the
provision of evidence to Select Committees (for example S1).
The cumulative effect of this extensive approach to user engagement with
the planning obligations research programme can be seen most clearly
through three important, demonstrable impacts.
(i) The research has been influential in informing government
thinking about policy reform on the role of planning obligations and
its relationship to other forms of funding of affordable housing. Our
evidence on the way in which state subsidies from the Homes and
Communities Agency were used (with little impact on the level of
provision) contributed to the restructuring of grants for affordable
housing on sites subject to planning obligations (now formalised in the
Homes & Communities Agency's National Affordable Housing Programme for
the years 2012 to 2016) and thus to a more efficient use of £2.8bn per
annum of public expenditure on affordable homes (S2).
(ii) Our evidence on the value of obligations has had a direct impact
on the development of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
influencing the reach of the levy and leading to a larger proportion of
sites contributing to infrastructure funding and provision. This influence
can be tracked from the Barker Review of Land Use Planning (S3)
through debates about the nature and shape of post-Barker Reforms
including the subsequently abandoned Planning Gain Supplement proposal and
its successor, the CIL (S4). Our work was a central
component of the evidence base for the development of CIL, being the only
research quoted in the series of DCLG consultations on the policy and
regulations (e.g. DCLG, `CIL', August 2008, p13) (S5). Our work on
`Common starting points for S106 negotiations' indicated that proposals
for statutory guidance on negotiations would prove to be ineffective. This
proposal was dropped. Furthermore, our estimates of obligations' value and
incidence also had a prominent role in the official regulatory impact
assessments (DCLG `CIL Impact Assessment', p 8 & 16) because they shed
light on how the previous framework has been operating, and specifically
evidenced the limited incidence of obligations and supplied unique
estimates of the additional revenue to be raised via the Levy (S6).
(iii) the findings influenced local authority and private sector
(including legal) policy and practice by showing how specific
approaches to negotiations and to monitoring were strongly related to the
number and value of obligations secured. Our first study of the Value of
Obligations for ODPM provided the basis for the Planning Obligations:
Practice Guide (DCLG, 2006) and our updates (supported by the
dissemination and CPD certificated contributions outlined above) have
continued to be influential throughout this REF period with, for example,
the 2010 study (R1 above) used extensively in the impact assessment
concerned with renegotiating S106 Planning Obligations (S7) which
has sought to steer local practice in response to the market downturn.
More generally, our research has been credited by many, including the
former Director of Policy at the RTPI, with providing a rationale for
greater formalisation of policy, better preparation for - and structuring
of - negotiations, and much improved monitoring of policy delivery (S8).
These changes in practice have been associated with improved levels of
value capture.
In sum, the programme of research led by The University of Sheffield on
planning obligations has influenced the design and development of policies
in ways that have helped to secure additional homes for low-income
households and to ensure that public infrastructure provision is better
resourced at local and national levels. The research team has influenced
the behaviour of practitioners and contributed to improvements in the way
in which planning obligations policies have been implemented by local
government. As the former specialist adviser to House of Commons Select
Committee on Communities and Local Government has commented "[this
research] has added considerably to the capacity of local authorities to
deliver affordable homes and infrastructure for new development" (S8).
This has led to improvements in access to housing, the provision of public
goods and physical neighbourhood quality in a great many local communities
throughout the UK.
Sources to corroborate the impact
S1. Burgess, G., ADH Crook, E. Ferrari, S. Monk & C.M.E. Whitehead
(2012), `Funding affordable housing through planning obligations',
in House of Commons Communities & Local Government Committee,
Session 2010-12, Eleventh Report: Financing New Housing Supply,
House of Commons Paper HC 1652, London, The Stationery Office
S2. Assistant Chief Executive, Homes & Communities Agency; letter to
the research team
S3. Barker, K (2006) Barker Review of Land Use Planning, Interim
Report, HM Treasury, July 2006, cites Sheffield research on numerous
S4. DCLG (2011) Community Infrastructure Levy: An Overview, May
S5. DCLG (2008) Community Infrastructure Levy, August, p13
S6. DCLG (2010) CIL: Final impact Assessment, February, see pages
8 and 16.
S7. DCLG (2012) Renegotiation of Section 106 Planning Obligations,
DCLG, London, August, page 3
S8. Former specialist adviser, House of Commons Select Committee on
Communities & Local Government and RTPI Director of Policy and
Research; letter to the research team.