Molecular genetic characterisation of the causes of familial hypercholesterolaemia has led to improved diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
Submitting Institution
University College LondonUnit of Assessment
Clinical MedicineSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology, Clinical Sciences, Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
Basic molecular genetic research undertaken over the last 20 years by UCL
Cardiovascular Genetics has had a significant impact on the identification
and treatment of patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). We
have developed DNA testing methods in the three genes currently known to
cause FH and have established DNA diagnostic protocols which are now in
wide use throughout the UK. As a direct consequence of our work, we
estimate that up to 3,000 FH patients in the UK have had their diagnosis
of FH confirmed by a DNA test. Our work led to the National Institute of
Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in 2008 strongly recommending DNA
and cascade testing and early treatment with high intensity statins, and
furthermore, the inclusion of FH checks in the NHS's Vascular Checks
Underpinning research
The impacts reported below are the result of basic molecular genetic
research undertaken over the last 20 years that have had a significant
impact on the identification and treatment of patients with familial
hypercholesterolaemia (FH). This work led to the establishment of a DNA
diagnostic service at the Great Ormond Street Hospital in 1997 and the
establishment of the UCL LDLR mutation database, curated by the UCL
Cardiovascular Genetics Group, which is regularly updated [1].
We initially developed high-throughput screening methods — necessary
because FH is so common — which have been adapted for use in the DNA
diagnostic laboratory setting. Until recently, detecting all possible
mutations that predispose a patient to FH would be expensive, labour
intensive, and difficult to implement in clinical practice. We developed a
kit which, by examining 20 different mutations would rapidly and cheaply
identify the defect in roughly 50% of all patients where a mutation could
be identified by a complete gene screen [2]. We further reported
that c.5% of patients with FH have a large deletion/rearrangement of the
LDLR gene and proposed a diagnostic algorithm that tests for the 20 most
common mutations, followed by sequencing of LDLR in those with no detected
mutation and finally using a commercially available MLPA kit to screen for
deletions or rearrangements [2]. Using these approaches, mutations
can be found in up to 80% of FH patients with the strongest clinical
diagnosis, but in those were no mutation can be detected we recently
demonstrated that a polygenic (not a single gene) cause is most likely [3].
In 2000 we reported on the under-diagnosis of FH patients in the
Oxfordshire area, particularly in young adults (who would benefit most
from statin treatment) and confirmed this in a UK national survey.
Together with colleagues at the LSHTM, we then carried out a modelling
exercise to determine the efficacy of cascade testing vs. other screening
approaches, and showed that cascade testing was likely to be the most cost
effective method and was within NICE costing requirements [4].
Our work in 2006-9 demonstrated the feasibility and acceptability of
cascade testing through a pilot study, in a Department of Health-funded
project involving five sites throughout the UK [5]. We also
analysed the ethical issues involved and proposed appropriate ways of
dealing with them. With colleagues at Kings College London we demonstrated
that DNA testing was not associated with significantly greater levels of
anxiety than measuring plasma cholesterol levels and that it was
associated with a number of favourable effects [6].
For patients where the causative mutation cannot be identified, we
developed age and gender specific LDL cholesterol cut-offs that would
allow a clear distinction between those with a high probability of not
having FH versus a high probability of definitely having FH. We defined
the area of uncertainty where further testing and follow up will be
required [7].
In collaboration with Andrew Neil at the University of Oxford and the
Simon Broome Register Group, we analysed data from the Simon Broome FH
register (a computerised research register of FH patients, used to track
the progression of the disease in the UK) to demonstrate a significant
increase in life expectancy in treated FH patients, firstly with the
initially available low potency statins, and subsequently with high
potency statins which have become available in the last ten years.
Although FH patients on the register who already have heart disease still
have a roughly two-fold higher future risk of a fatal CHD event even if
well treated, those who do not have evidence of heart disease can, when
treated with high intensity statins, expect to have a life expectancy
which is not significantly lower than the general population [8].
References to the research
[1] Usifo E, Leigh SE, Whittall RA, Lench N, Taylor A, Yeats C, Orengo
CA, Martin AC, Celli J, Humphries SE. Low-density lipoprotein receptor
gene familial hypercholesterolemia variant database: update and
pathological assessment. Ann Hum Genet. 2012 Sep;76(5):387-401.
[2] Taylor A, Patel K, Tsedeke J, Humphries SE, Norbury G. Mutation
screening in patients for familial hypercholesterolaemia (ADH). Clin
Genet. 2010 Jan;77(1):97-9.
[3] Talmud PJ, Shah S, Whittall R, Futema M, Howard P, Cooper JA,
Harrison SC, Li K, Drenos F, Karpe F, Neil HA, Descamps OS, Langenberg C,
Lench N, Kivimaki M, Whittaker J, Hingorani AD, Kumari M, Humphries SE.
Use of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol gene score to distinguish
patients with polygenic and monogenic familial hypercholesterolaemia: a
case-control study. Lancet. 2013 Apr 13;381(9874):1293-301.
[4] Marks D, Wonderling D, Thorogood M, Lambert H, Humphries SE, Neil AW.
Cost effectiveness analysis of different approaches of screening for
familial hypercholesterolaemia. BMJ. 2002 Jun 1;324(7349):1303.
[5] Hadfield SG, Horara S, Starr BJ, Yazdgerdi S, Marks D, Bhatnagar D,
Cramb R, Egan S, Everdell R, Ferns G, Jones A, Marenah CB, Marples J,
Prinsloo P, Sneyd A, Stewart MF, Sandle L, Wang T, Watson MS, Humphries
SE; Steering Group for the Department of Health Familial
Hypercholesterolaemia Cascade Testing Audit Project. Family tracing to
identify patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia: the second audit of
the Department of Health Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Cascade Testing
Project. Ann Clin Biochem. 2009 Jan;46(Pt 1):24-32.
[6] Marteau T, Senior V, Humphries SE, Bobrow M, Cranston T, Crook MA,
Day L, Fernandez M, Horne R, Iversen A, Jackson Z, Lynas J,
Middleton-Price H, Savine R, Sikorski J, Watson M, Weinman J, Wierzbicki
AS, Wray R. Genetic Risk Assessment for FH Trial Study Group.
Psychological impact of genetic testing for familial hypercholesterolemia
within a previously aware population: a randomized controlled trial. Am J
Med Genet A. 2004 Jul 30;128A(3):285-93.
[7] Starr B, Hadfield SG, Hutten BA, Lansberg PJ, Leren TP, Damgaard D,
Neil HA, Humphries SE. Development of sensitive and specific age- and
gender-specific low-density lipoprotein cholesterol cutoffs for diagnosis
of first-degree relatives with familial hypercholesterolaemia in cascade
testing. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2008;46(6):791-803.
[8] Neil A, Cooper J, Betteridge J, Capps N, McDowell I, Durrington P,
Seed M, Humphries SE. Reductions in all-cause, cancer, and coronary
mortality in statin-treated patients with heterozygous familial
hypercholesterolaemia: a prospective registry study. Eur Heart J. 2008
Peer-reviewed funding
Over the period 1993-2013, Humphries received peer-reviewed research
funding from the British Heart Foundation of > £6.6m, of which 25-30%
is dedicated to FH work (ie £1.6-2.0 million). He received three grants
from the Department of Health, for the London Genetic Knowledge Park of
£3.4m of which 10% was for FH, of £1.2m for the Cascade-Audit FH project
(100% FH) and for communication risk of £158,000 (50% FH). He received two
FH grants from the UCL Biomedical Research Centre, in total £185,000, a
CASE studentship from the MRC of £84,000, and peer-reviewed funding from
two small charities, in total £188,000.
Details of the impact
The underpinning research described above has had a major impact in
transforming the management and identification of patients with FH. The
three specific impacts described below are: (1) development and validation
of screening methods which are now in use throughout the UK; (2)
contribution of research to the development of NICE guidelines (CG71); (3)
impact on the design of the NHS's Vascular Checks programme to increase
the reach of our work.
FH is one of the most common Mendelian disorders, affecting 1 in 500
members of the general population — or approximately 120,000 people in the
UK. People with FH have very high levels of low density lipoprotein
cholesterol (LDL-C) from birth and are at extremely high risk of
developing early heart disease. This can be prevented by early treatment
with a high intensity lipid-lowering therapy such as statins.
Unfortunately, only 15,000 FH patients have been identified to date and
are being adequately treated. Since FH is a monogenic disorder, the best
way to find new FH patients is by identifying the genetic mutation in the
proband and "cascade testing" all their first degree relatives, 50% of
whom will also be carriers.
DNA screening methods we developed have been used commonly in DNA
diagnostic laboratories throughout the UK. The identification and
characterisation of the common mutations in LDLR, APOB and PCSK9 in FH
patients in the UK led to the development of a DNA test kit which was
commercialised by Tepnel (now Geneprobe) during the Department of
Health-funded London IDEAS Genetic Knowledge Park of which Professor
Humphries was CEO. Although now superseded by new technologies, the
availability of the Elucigene FH20 kit allowed labs to take on FH genetic
testing and offer it widely and therefore led to the identification of the
molecular cause of FH in a large number of patients. This information was
then used for testing their relatives. In 2008, Humphries also contributed
to the first UK Genetic Testing Network "Gene Dossier" for FH obtained by
the GOSH DNA laboratory [a].
The demonstration of the feasibility, acceptability and
cost-effectiveness of FH cascade testing carried out at UCL was a major
part of the evidence that was presented to the NICE Guideline Development
Group, which led to their recommendation that DNA testing should be
offered to all FH patients to confirm their diagnosis and to use the DNA
information for cascade testing in their relatives [b]. The NICE
guidelines (CG71) for the identification and management of FH patients
were published in 2008 and Humphries was the Lead Clinical Advisor for
these guidelines. Implementation guidelines and costing tools were also
part of the NICE work, along with further NICE Quality Standards,
published in August 2013.
Progress in implementing these guidelines was examined in a pilot audit,
again led by Humphries and run through the Royal College of Physicians,
which reported in 2009 [c]. This was followed by a national audit
of 140 Lipid Clinics in the UK which reported in December 2010. The audit
revealed that DNA and cascade testing had been implemented well in
Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales but almost not at all in England.
Nevertheless, 26% of patients seen over a 5-month period at the surveyed
clinics were offered a DNA test. At that time, only 21% of trusts reported
that they had access to a family cascade testing system for FH, but where
individuals had a DNA test, the process of cascade testing was initiated
in 72% of adults and 54% of paediatric cases [d]. According to the
Clinical Molecular Genetics Society Audit of Data for the year 2011-2012,
a total of 3,235 DNA tests for FH were performed in the laboratories of
its members (including all the Regional Genetic Laboratories) during that
period. The audit reported that this was an increase over previous years [e].
Humphries has continued public awareness work since the report was
published, with articles about cascade testing appearing, for example, in
the Daily Mail, on BBC News and in the Guardian [f].
In order to identify further FH patients as index cases for cascade
testing, Humphries has worked with the National Screening Committee to
include FH criteria in the NHS Vascular Checks programme [g].
Individuals with a total cholesterol level over 7.5mmol/l who, based on
the diagnostic criteria of the Simon Broome Register, are likely to have
FH, will be flagged and referred to their local lipid clinic [h].
Information on FH has been made available to all UK GPs through a 2009
BHF factfile prepared by Humphries [i]. Our research findings are
outlined (and directly referenced) in the information given, and cascade
screening is recommended. Information based on our research is also given
to patients through articles in the HEARTUK magazine and their website [j].
Sources to corroborate the impact
[a] UK Genetic Testing Network Gene Dossier for Familial
[b] Clinical Guidelines (CG71) — Familial hypercholesterolaemia.
(citing ref. 2 above, and other papers by the group)
[c] National Clinical Audit of the Management of Familial
Hypercholesterolaemia 2009: Pilot FULL REPORT June 2009
[d] Pedersen KMV, Humphries SE, Roughton M, Besford JS. National Clinical
Audit of the Management of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia 2010: Full
Report. Clinical Standards Department, Royal College of Physicians,
December 2010
[e] Clinical Molecular Genetics Society Audit of Data for years
(Number of tests, see p.11; increase in tests, see p.12
[f] Media articles:
[g] Advising the Nation Screening Committee FH Policy Review 2011
[h] NHS Health Check: Vascular Risk Assessment and Management Best
Practice Guidance.
[i] British Heart Foundation Fact File on FH published 2009
[j] HEARTUK web site on FH.
Further confirmation of the contribution of the underpinning research to
the development of cascade testing is available from the Chief Executive
of HEARTUK. Contact details provided.