Conservation of pre-medieval sculptures on 6th century Christian site and regeneration of the surrounding area
Submitting Institution
University of GlasgowUnit of Assessment
Geography, Environmental Studies and ArchaeologySummary Impact Type
CulturalResearch Subject Area(s)
Built Environment and Design: Architecture
History and Archaeology: Archaeology, Curatorial and Related Studies
Summary of the impact
Stephen Driscoll's archaeological research has driven conservation and
regeneration campaigns in the Glasgow area of Govan, raising public
awareness of Govan's important cultural heritage resources and its status
as one of the earliest sites of Christian worship in Northern Britain. His
work has been instrumental in achieving Scheduled Ancient Monument status
for Govan Old Churchyard, has influenced urban regeneration efforts — in
particular the formal establishment of the Govan Conservation Area by
Glasgow City Council — and has helped to establish a sustainable future
for Govan Old Church as a museum housing significant early medieval
Underpinning research
Between 1994 and 1996, Stephen Driscoll, Professor of Historical
Archaeology at the University of Glasgow (1991-present), undertook three
excavations in and around the grounds of Govan Old Church, producing the
first radiocarbon dates of the site and establishing the extent and
character of the archaeological deposits in the heart of Govan. His
research showed that Christian activity had begun by the 6th century and
uncovered an internationally important collection of Early Medieval
sculpture — some 41 monuments dating from the 10th and 11th
centuries, including five `hogback' style sculptured stones, an
Anglo-Scandinavian style of tombstone thought to have originated in
Yorkshire. Not only is this collection of sculptured stones the largest in
Scotland but there are only four other sites in the UK with five surviving
hogbacks. Driscoll's excavations also revealed aspects of the Early
Medieval topography: in particular, dating a forgotten 9th-10th
century road established a connection with the site where an open air
court of justice was held in ancient times, known as the Doomsterhill.
Together these discoveries allowed the Govan area — and Partick on the
opposite bank of the Clyde — to be recognised as principal royal seats of
the lost British Kingdom of Strathclyde. (2003, 2004).
In 2007, in response to a proposal to redevelop the Water Row area of
Govan, Driscoll led an extensive examination of the heart of Govan on
behalf of Glasgow City Council. In addition to improving knowledge of the
late 1st century Doomsterhill site, these excavations exposed
key industrial features relating to the Govan shipyards, an earlier
textile dye works and a ferry slipway; they also exposed a sequence of
later medieval and early modern domestic buildings.
Taken together, these excavations established the cultural significance
of the archaeological resources in central Govan.
Between 2007 and 2009, Driscoll was commissioned by Historic Scotland to
evaluate the archaeological and architectural heritage of Govan as part of
the government's Burgh Survey programme. This study produced the first
comprehensive mapping of Govan's physical cultural heritage assets. The
Geographical Information System built for the study was adopted by the
West of Scotland Archaeology Service (2008) for use in evaluating planning
applications. The narrative account, resource evaluation and
recommendations were published as Historic Govan (2009) accompanied by a
suite of historical maps. Although part of a series aimed primarily at
planners, Driscoll and his team varied the format to make it more
attractive to a popular audience. The original print run of 700 sold out
within a year; a second print run of 500 copies sold out in 2010.
In his research Driscoll has sought to situate the Early Medieval
sculpture within its wider cultural and historical contexts. One study has
explored the so-called Govan School of sculpture which reflects the
cultural and political domination of the central Clyde valley by the kings
of Strathclyde (2005). Another examines the Norse influences in the Viking
Age component of the Govan sculpture (2011). Current research includes the
survey and study of the early modern monuments in the churchyard and their
relationship to the Early Medieval sculpture which was reused in
post-medieval times. This information is designed to contribute to the
conservation management plan for the churchyard. Another strand being
explored is the relationship between the ministry of Govan and the
restoration of Iona Abbey and the creation of the Iona Community, which is
an important chapter in the Govan story that has the potential to
contribute significantly to the tourist interest in Govan.
References to the research
2003 Driscoll, S. T., `Govan: an early medieval royal centre on the
Clyde', in The Stone of Destiny Artefact and Icon, R. Welander, D.
Breeze and T. O. Clancy (eds) Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of
Scotland Monograph 22, 77-83. (ISBN 0903903229). [PDF link]
2004 Driscoll, S. T., The Archaeological Context of Assembly in Early
Medieval Scotland — Scone and its Comparanda, in Assembly
Places and Practices in Medieval Europe, A. Pantos and S.
Semple (eds) Dublin: Four Courts Press, 73-94. (ISBN 1-85182-665-3).
[available from HEI]
2005 Driscoll, S. T., Grady, O. O., Forsyth, K. The Govan School
revisited; searching for meaning in the early medieval sculpture of
Strathclyde, in Able Minds and Practiced Hands, S. Foster and M.
Cross (eds) Leeds: Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph, 135-58.
(ISBN 9781904350743). [available from HEI]
2009 Dalglish, C., Driscoll, S.T., Maver, I., and Shearer, I. Historic
Govan: Archaeology and Development, York: Council for British
Archaeology & Historic Scotland. (ISBN 9781902771625 / 1902771621).
[available from HEI]
2011 Driscoll, S. T., Owen, O., Norse Influence at Govan on the Firth of
Clyde, Scotland, in Viking
Settlements & Viking Society, S. Sigmundsson (ed.).
Reykjavik: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Viking Congress, 333-46. (ISBN
9789979549239). [available from HEI]
Details of the impact
Contribution to improved social, cultural and environmental
Historically, Govan Old Church served as the spiritual and social
cornerstone of the area, but, over time, the shrinking congregation has
diminished its strength. In 2007, a parish reorganisation resulted in
making Govan Old Church redundant as an active place of worship. During
the 1960s and 1970s, shipbuilding — the main employer in Govan — went into
a near terminal decline. Today only one shipyard is still active, large
areas of central Govan are derelict, unemployment levels exceed 50% and
the population has declined significantly. In 1912 Govan was until an
independent burgh with an estimated population of 100,000; it is now one
of the most deprived districts in the city of Glasgow with a population
estimated at 66,100 in 2008 (Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics).
As a result of his extensive research in the area, in 2005, Driscoll was
approached by Govan Workspace Ltd, a not-for-profit community-based
regeneration group, to contribute to its proposed Conservation Plan for
Govan. This plan led directly to the formulation of the Govan Conservation
Area Proposal — that led, in 2008, to the area being given conservation
area status by Glasgow City Council. The group assembled by Govan
Workspace was formalised into the Govan Heritage Advisory Group, which
includes Driscoll. This group actively promotes urban regeneration
initiatives in the area, chiefly through the adaptive reuse of historic
Enhancements to heritage preservation, conservation and presentation
The most significant contribution made by Driscoll concerns Govan Old
Church, which was made redundant by the Church of Scotland in 2007. This
development caused considerable concern to those interested in the future
of Govan because it was the oldest and most distinguished element of the
historic fabric of the area. The church itself is A-listed and, as a
consequence of the University of Glasgow excavations, the churchyard was
designated as a Scheduled Ancient Monument in 2003. Driscoll subsequently
contributed to the Govan Workspace Options Appraisal (2008-10), which
sought to identify a sustainable future for the church and its collection
of medieval sculpture. The proposal was to transform the church into a
museum/cultural resource centre capable of providing impetus to the
regeneration of Govan. The first stage aimed at improved access and
interpretative resources to make the church site attractive to tourists;
the second stage included a major refurbishment to combine commercial
rental space (in the basement of the old church) with state-of-the-art
displays in the main body of the church.
Figure 1: Hogbacks display
Figure 2: The unique Govan sarcophagus
Funding for the first phase (£120,000) was secured in 2011 from the
Heritage Lottery Fund, Historic Scotland, the Church of Scotland and other
sponsors. Driscoll has applied his expertise to interpret the history and
meaning behind the sculptures and was a primary contributor to the new
display, known as the Govan Stones project (, installed
and launched in 2012. Prior to Driscoll's research and the collaboration
with Govan Workspace, there was little public awareness of the importance
of the stones and the church and the stones were poorly displayed, with
limited access. This initial phase of work is addressing these issues. As
well as managing the displays and information in the new museum, Driscoll
has contributed to a display in Glasgow's Riverside Museum which draws
particular attention to Govan Old Church, which sits just across the
river. As part of the groundwork to establish the viability of Govan Old
Church as a tourist attraction, the Govan Heritage Advisory Group
successfully lobbied for the reinstatement of the Govan ferry to link
Govan with the newly reopened and heavily visited Riverside Museum. The
Govan Stones project is now fully open to the public, with free admission
for the first three years. It has a schools outreach programme and is a
venue for events as part of its income generation strategy — the Jimmy
Reid Foundation hosted Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond, in January
2013, in the first of series of public talks which will be held in the
Govan Old Church space. Govan Workspace has reported early progress in the
drive to increase the number of visitors to Govan Old and the Govan
Stones, with an increase of 146% between 2010 and 2011, largely owing to
extended opening hours. Visitor numbers between 2012 and 2013 more than
doubled, with 2,477 visitors in 2012 and 5,379 in between January and
September 2013. The Managing Director of Govan Workspace stated:
Professor Driscoll has played a leading role as part of a local group
which has been drawing attention to Govan's special heritage and the
potential contribution it could make to local regeneration. His
professional input — in particular his knowledge of the history of the
Govan Burgh and his archaeological expertise on the Govan Stones — helped
bring early credibility to the work and has been instrumental in the
success of various funding applications.
The activity associated with the regeneration of the church building
prompted Glasgow City Council Land and Environmental Services in 2012 to
initiate a £200,000 conservation programme for the churchyard, the first
phase of which is the development of a conservation management plan, to
which Professor Driscoll is contributing. The conservation and
regeneration work on Govan Old Church has contributed significantly to the
aims of the Govan regeneration initiative (Central Govan Action Plan) and
also forms part of Glasgow's ambitious Clyde Waterfront regeneration
Over the course of the Glasgow involvement in the Govan Old Church site,
significant effort has been devoted to publicising and interpreting the
discoveries at Govan. Much of this has been accomplished through local
media, but there are two noteworthy TV events. During the initial
archaeological dig, an entire episode of Channel 4's Time Team
programme was dedicated to Govan. Although this occurred prior to the
eligibility timeframe for impact, it did encourage Glasgow City Council to
fund an additional season of excavation. Most recently, in May 2012, Govan
featured prominently in the opening episode (`Britannia') of The Great
British Story series presented by Michael Woods for BBC 2, which aired to
an estimated 1.66million. The site has also been written up in a 2011 book
by Nick Mayhew-Smith entitled Britain's Holiest Places, which was
featured on Radio 4's Excess Baggage programme and BBC Two's Countryfile
Sources to corroborate the impact
Evidencing the importance of the Glasgow University research in the
campaign to gain conservation area status for Govan:
Corroborative statement from Govan Workspace (2013) [available from HEI]
Workspace Annual Report 2012, referencing archaeological research
findings and Prof
Stephen Driscoll in reports of the successful funding for Govan Stones
Conservation Area Appraisal 2008 (Glasgow City Council)
Workspace Annual Report 2005, citing the research findings as one of
the main reasons for
a conservation plan
Evidencing links of Govan Old Church to wider Govan and Clydeside
information Riverside Museum opening 2011
Evidencing increased recognition of historical significance of Govan
Old Church site:
`Britannia' episode
of The Great British Story, BBC2 (2012)
from Britain's Holiest Places, by Nick Mayhew-Smith (2011)
`Govan's Rich History Revealed': Historic Scotland press release on Launch
of Historic Govan book by Scottish Culture Minister Fiona Hyslop