Quantifying biodiversity's role in REDD+
Submitting Institution
University of CambridgeUnit of Assessment
Biological SciencesSummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Other Biological Sciences
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
The UN Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
(REDD+) programme offers developing countries incentives to reduce carbon
emissions from forested lands. Work on carbon storage and sequestration
led by researchers in the Department of Zoology has had demonstrable
impacts on international development, via the REDD+ programme and two
associated UN Conventions; Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Biodiversity (UN
CBD), and on national level policy development in Tanzania and Brazil. It
has improved the quality of data collection and monitoring necessary for
successful implementation of REDD+, and has led to international
investment. The work has also had direct impacts in a number of developing
countries, through capacity building, employment generation, and enabling
local communities to better adapt to climate change.
Underpinning research
In recent years, a growing recognition of the value of the economic
benefits and services provided by ecosystems has strengthened the case for
long-term investment. For the past decade, members of the Conservation
Science Group (CSG), Department of Zoology, have made significant
contributions to the provision of spatially-explicit information on where
such services (including carbon sequestration, hydrological services and
biodiversity conservation) are generated, and how the benefits they
deliver can be maximised1. Given that tropical forest loss is
responsible for an estimated 15% of all human-caused greenhouse gas
emissions, the research has been of particular relevance to the UN
Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD)
programme (see section 4).
The work has been led by Professor Andrew Balmford (Professor since 2007)
and Dr Toby Gardner (PDRA, 2009-present), with significant contributions
from Dr Neil Burgess (2006-2012, Leverhulme Trust and WWF-US PDRA), Dr Ana
Rodrigues (2005-2008, EU Marie Curie Fellow and EC/ IEEP-funded PDRA), Dr
Ruth Swetnam (2007-2011, Leverhulme Trust PDRA), Dr Julian Bayliss
(2008-2011, Leverhulme Trust PDRA), and Phil Platts (2011-2012 Leverhulme
Trust RA).
In 2006, a five-year grant from the Leverhulme Trust enabled the CSG to
develop their conceptual approach to the study of ecosystem services and
to undertake a practical case study to demonstrate its workability.
`Valuing the Arc' (VTA), coordinated and led by the CSG, commenced in the
Eastern Arc Mountains (EAM) of Tanzania in January 2007 as a partnership
of five UK and two Tanzanian universities, the World Wildlife Fund
Tanzanian Office, and the Natural Capital Project (United States).
Quantification of carbon storage in the EAM formed a major part of the VTA
project. Analysis of existing global datasets of carbon sequestration,
carbon storage, grassland production of livestock and water provision by
the CSG and their VTA collaborators demonstrated that regions with high
levels of biodiversity generally provide no more ecosystem services than
regions chosen randomly2. However, the work also revealed that
more rigorous quantification and mapping of ecosystem services can
identify regions important for both, useful in reconciling potentially
competing conservation objectives. Further work3 on the degree
of co- location between biodiversity and carbon storage revealed a strong
but unevenly distributed synergy, suggesting that policies to mitigate
climate change could offer additional gains for biodiversity without
compromising their own effectiveness. The CSG and their VTA collaborators
also demonstrated that effective policy mechanisms to limit deforestation
and forest degradation are likely to cost more than typical estimates
suggest due to the costs of ensuring deforestation isn't just displaced to
other locations4, with obvious budgetary implications for the
design and effective delivery of such interventions.
In parallel to the VTA project, Toby Gardner co-founded the Sustainable
Amazon Network (RAS in Portuguese, 2009), with funding from NERC, the
Royal Society, the Brazilian Federal Government and The Nature
Conservancy. RAS has collected a globally unique database to quantify
changes in biodiversity, carbon storage, soil fertility as related to
different land-use activities in the Brazilian Amazon, and to identify
trade-offs and synergies between conservation and development. In 2012,
Gardner and RAS colleagues demonstrated how forest fires (both deliberate
and accidental) affect carbon payment schemes by compromising carbon
permanence, undermining reforestation activities and threatening
biodiversity5. At the same time, Gardner led an international
team to develop the first framework for integrating biodiversity concerns
into national level intervention programmes6. This set out how
biodiversity data could be incorporated into the strategic planning
process in order to identify priority areas and activities for investment
to deliver maximum returns for both carbon storage and biodiversity.
Gardner also helped lead a Global Expert Panel review on Biodiversity,
Carbon, Forests and People convened by the International Union of Forest
Research Organizations (IUFRO). The main findings included that
biodiversity is a key determinant of a forest's capacity to provide
ecosystem services; that REDD+ programmes need to be regionally tailored
due to variable impacts and trade-offs; and that impacts on people should
be considered early on7.
References to the research
1. Balmford, A., A. Bruner, P. Cooper, R. Costanza, S. Farber, R.
E. Green, M. Jenkins, P. Jefferiss, V. Jessamy, J. Madden, K.
Munro, N. Myers, S. Naeem, J. Paavola, M. Rayment, S. Rosendo, J.
Roughgarden, K. Trumper & R. K. Turner. 2002. Economic reasons
for conserving wild nature. Science 297: 950-953. DOI:
2. Naidoo, R., A. Balmford, R. Costanza, B. Fisher, R. Green,
T. Malcolm & T. Ricketts. 2008. Global mapping of ecosystem services
and conservation priorities. PNAS 105: 9495-9500. doi:
3. Strassburg, B.B.N., A. Kelly, A. Balmford, R.G. Davies, H.K.
Gibbs, A. Lovett, L. Miles, C.D.L. Orme, J. Price, R.K. Turner & A.S.L.
Rodrigues. 2010. Global congruence of carbon storage and
biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems. Conserv. Lett.3:
98-105. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2009.00092.x
4. Fisher, B., Lewis, S. L., Burgess, N. D., Malimbwi, R. E.,
Munishi, P. K., Swetnam, R. D., Willcock, S., Balmford, A.
2011. Implementation and opportunity costs of reducing deforestation and
forest degradation in Tanzania. 2011. Nature Climate Change, 1:
161-164. doi:10.1038/nclimate1119
5. Barlow, J., Parry, L., Gardner, T.A., Ferreira, J., Aragao,
L.E.O.C., Carmenta, R., Berenguer, E., Vieira, I.C.G., Souza, C., and
Cochrane, M.A. (2012). The critical importance of considering fire in
REDD+ programs. Biological Conservation, 154, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2012.03.034
6. Gardner, T.A., Burgess, N.D., Aguiar-Amuschastegui,
N., Barlow, J., Berenguer, E., Clements, T., Danielsen, F., Ferreira, J.,
Foden, W., Kapos, V., Khan, S.M., Lees, A.C., Parry, L., Roman-Cuesta,
R.M., Schmitt, C.B., Strange, N., Theilade, I., Vieira, I.C.G. (2012). A
framework for integrating biodiversity concerns into national REDD+
programmes. Biological Conservation, 154, 61-71. Distributed as an
official Information Document in English, French and Spanish to parties
of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
7. Understanding relationships between biodiversity, carbon, forests and
people: the key to achieving REDD+ objectives, pp 13-20, eds Parrotta,
J.A., Wildburger, C., and Mansourian, S. A Global Assessment Report.
Prepared by the Global Forest Expert Panel on Biodiversity, Forest
Management, and REDD+. IUFRO World Series Volume 31. Vienna. 161 p. Toby
Gardner — Coordinating Lead Author for Chapter 3, and Lead
Author for Chapters 1, 2 and 6.
Details of the impact
The CSG's work on carbon sequestration and storage and the links between
carbon conservation, biodiversity and other ecosystem services has
underpinned high-level guidance on improving the assessment and reporting
mechanisms that are necessary to ensure REDD+ programs are environmentally
and socially sustainable. REDD assists developing countries prepare and
implement REDD strategies, and is central to two of the three `Rio
Conventions' adopted at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the UN Convention on Biological
Diversity (UN CBD). However, it depends on knowing where carbon is stored,
robust estimates of likely losses in the absence of REDD payments, and the
capacity to track carbon storage through time. The research has also
therefore had impact on the work of the UNFCCC and the UN CBD, and on
international development in the countries in which it works, and beyond.
Impacts on international development: International agencies or
institutions have been influenced by research
With approximately 40% of its land covered by forest and woodland,
Tanzania is one of the UN's pilot countries for REDD implementation. The
spatially explicit maps of carbon storage in Tanzania produced by the
CSG-led VTA project were used by the Tanzanian Government's
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) delegation at the 2009
Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC1. This led
directly to the Norwegian Government granting $1.86 million to the World
Wildlife Fund to expand the carbon mapping project across all of Tanzania2,
with a significant local training component (see below).
Gardner et al.'s 2012 Framework (ref 6, section 3) was distributed as an
Official Information Document for the Sixteenth meeting of the Subsidiary
Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice for the UN CBD in
May 2012, ahead of the 11th COP to the CBD3. The impact on the
CBD Secretariat has been stated by a number of third party stakeholders.
For example:
- The World Wildlife Fund: `WWF welcomes that the CBD Secretariat
considered the findings [of Gardner et al.]. This approach does allow
the integration of biodiversity safeguards into national REDD+
programs allowing a step-wise approach which can be improved over time
regarding the strategic planning and assessment of biodiversity
safeguards on a national level. COP should encourage REDD+ countries
to apply a gradual, phased approach for integrating biodiversity
concerns into REDD+ programs as proposed by Gardner, T.A. et al.'4
Impacts on international development: provision of international
financial support and training, impacting on quality of life
The training provided by both the VTA project (two Tanzanian
universities, the University of Dar es Salaam and Sokoine University of
Agriculture are project partners) and the follow-on country-wide mapping
project has significantly enhanced Tanzania's in-country capacity to
monitor the effectiveness of future REDD payments. For example:
`The inception phase planned recruitment and trainings at village and
district level. The project [is building] the capacity of 20 district
staff in respective districts, and 10 Tanzanian research and training
institutions, to carry out field carbon assessment, data analysis and
monitoring. The pilot aimed to demonstrate that civil society
participation in REDD+ readiness contributes to an effective and
equitable national programme, and this has been achieved.'5
VTA also underpinned the foundation of other investments in sustainable
development in Tanzania. For example, in an address to Rio+20 (the UN
Conference on Sustainable Development, 2012), the Tanzanian Minister of
State in the Vice President's Office (Environment) stated: `these
results [from Valuing the Arc] gave us a better understanding of
ecosystems and natural capital, and are used for natural capital
management initiatives, such as the Southern Agricultural Growth
Corridor of Tanzania, which is a public-private partnership to benefit
domestic food supply, smallholder farmers, and local communities.'6
SAGCOT covers approximately one third of mainland Tanzania, and is
fostering inclusive, commercially successful agribusinesses, whilst
improving food security, reducing rural poverty and ensuring environmental
The work of RAS has contributed directly, through Gardner's official
advisory capacity, to the development of the Brazilian state government of
Para's Green County (Municipio Verde) program. This is a flagship
initiative to shift land-management strategies in the eastern Amazon to a
more sustainable trajectory and data and findings from RAS are
contributing towards guidance on the management of secondary forests, fire
management and the development of responsible agriculture programs.
Impacts on practitioners and services: practitioners/professional have
used research findings in conducting their work
Based on his research above, Gardner has published `Monitoring Forest
Biodiversity'7, which has become a primary reference guide for
the monitoring of forest degradation and biodiversity by international
forestry and REDD+ practitioners. For example:
- The UN-REDD `Annotated Guide to useful resources for monitoring the
impacts of REDD+ on biodiversity and ecosystem services'8
(p13): "a comprehensive `textbook' on monitoring forest biodiversity.
This book ... could therefore be of particular use for monitoring
biodiversity under REDD+."
- UN Food and Agriculture Organisation9: "This book is a
timely and accessible guide for biodiversity researchers,
policy-makers and forest managers."
The IUFRO report that Gardner co-led (section 3, ref 7) has received
widespread and positive coverage from the conservation community10.
It was formally launched at COP 18 of the UNFCCC (December 2012) where a
senior figure at the Global Environment Facility (GEF) noted that it
provided a unique trans-disciplinary assessment of the environmental,
social, economic and policy issues associated with REDD+11.
Based on the strength of the report's reception, the lead editor was
invited to advise the GEF on the formulation of their 2014-2018
Sustainable Forest Management strategy, and to ensure that it reflects the
report's key conclusions11,12.
Sources to corroborate the impact
(archived article available as .mht file and financial agreement as .pdf
- www.cbd.int/sbstta16/documents/
- http://awsassets.panda.org/downloads/wwf_cop11_redd__1.pdf
(archived article available as .mht file)
- Speech by Tanzanian Minister of State, Vice President's Office for
Gardner, T.A. (2010) Monitoring Forest Biodiversity: improving
conservation through ecologically responsible management. Earthscan,
- www.fao.org/docrep/013/i2015e/i2015e10.pdf
- Personal communication to TG from the Global Forest Expert Panel on
Biodiversity team leader
- Draft GEF-6 Programming Directions. (Global Environment Facility
Secretariat). GEF/R.6/07, March 2013