UOA05-11: BEAST and Phylogenetic inference in viral disease epidemiology
Submitting Institution
University of OxfordUnit of Assessment
Biological SciencesSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Mathematical Sciences: Statistics
Biological Sciences: Genetics
Medical and Health Sciences: Medical Microbiology
Summary of the impact
Research at the University of Oxford into molecular evolution led to the
development of BEAST, a powerful suite of computer programs for
evolutionary analysis. Viral genome sequences from infected populations
can be analysed to infer both viral population history and epidemiological
parameters. This approach has been used to track and predict the
transmission and evolution of pathogens, particularly viral infections of
humans such as influenza and HIV. BEAST was used alongside
traditional epidemiological methods by the World Health Organization to
rapidly assess and identify the origins of the 2009 H1N1 `Swine Flu'
pandemic; immediate recommendations for necessary international action
followed. This approach is now widely adopted by health protection
agencies and health ministries around the world and is being applied to
understand viral diseases of both humans and animals.
Underpinning research
Phylogenetic trees are used to represent the evolutionary relationships
among organisms, based upon similarities and differences in their physical
and/or genetic characteristics. By the early 1990s, phylogenetic trees
also began to play a role in molecular epidemiology, where they were used
to understand the forces that shape patterns of viral genetic diversity.
In 1995 Professor Eddie Holmes and colleagues in the Department of
Zoology at the University of Oxford showed for the first time that
phylogenetic trees could be used to do more than simply map the genetic
relationships and evolutionary history of viruses. They could also trace
the dynamics of viral transmission within populations, and show whether
transmission rates were constant, declining or increasing. Prior to this,
the transmission rates were identified using conventional epidemiological
techniques. Using the fact that different rates of viral population growth
leave different genetic `signatures', this new research used computer and
graphical analyses to investigate the growth of HIV-1 and HCV (hepatitis C
virus) populations. In particular, the analyses suggested that HCV had
coexisted with human populations far longer than HIV-1 and had undergone
an explosion in transmission within the previous 50 years, probably
marking a transition from endemic to epidemic state1.
Since 1995, the Oxford Virus Evolution Group in the Department of Zoology
has made a unique contribution to developing and applying methods of
phylogenetic analysis, fuelled by the exponential increase both in the
availability of pathogen genome sequence data and in computing capability.
In 2000, Professor Oliver Pybus and colleagues developed a more formal and
mathematically rigorous approach to interpreting genome information by
introducing the `skyline plot', a non-parametric estimate of demographic
history (in essence, a plot of how many infections there are through time)2.
The approach quantified a wide range of epidemic scenarios, and using this
technique it became possible to see, for example, that populations of some
HIV strains increased more rapidly than others (including prior to the
date of the virus' discovery). As a result the work began to attract
serious interest from epidemiologists.
Crucially, a 2001 paper showed that it was possible to estimate R0,
a key parameter used by epidemiologists to characterise the
transmissibility of a virus or disease, from genome data. This provided a
completely independent source of information to estimate R0that
was distinct from the traditional but resource-intensive methods of
tracing cases in the field. Using these new methods, the research found
significant differences in epidemic behaviour among HCV subtypes, and
suggested that these were largely the result of subtype-specific
transmission routes. The methods were especially suitable for rapidly
evolving viruses that do not induce lifelong immunity, since the R0
values of such viruses cannot be estimated from the average age at first
In 2003, three pieces of software (GENIE, TipDate and MEPI)
written individually by Oliver Pybus, Andrew Rambaut, and Alexei Drummond
were combined by the Oxford Virus Evolution Group into the single
framework of BEAST (`Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis by Sampling
Trees'), a ground-breaking piece of software which used Bayesian Markov
chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling procedures to analyse molecular
sequences. BEAST was released in June 2003 and is now open-access
and in worldwide use; the website supporting this software has been
accessed >500,000 times. BEAST was used to create the Bayesian
Skyline Plot, an improved version of the plot described in2
that now included credibility intervals for the estimated effective
population size at every point in time. Pybus and colleagues used the new
plot to analyse two datasets previously investigated using alternative
methods (HCV in Egypt and mitochondrial DNA of Beringian bison). The new
method revealed previously undetected demographic signatures,
demonstrating its ability to uncover demographic trends over ecological,
paleontological and evolutionary time spans4. Subsequent
applications have been made in a broad range of fields, from molecular
anthropology and ancient DNA to conservation genetics and epidemiology.
The first demonstration that the technique could be applied to human
influenza was published in 2008 in a collaboration between Pybus at the
University of Oxford and researchers at five other universities and
laboratories. An analysis of 1,302 complete viral genomes using the BEAST
software suggested that new influenza lineages were seeded from a
persistent influenza reservoir, possibly in the tropics, to sink
populations in temperate regions5.
References to the research
1. Holmes EC, Nee S, Rambaut A, Garnett G, Harvey PH. (1995) Revealing
the history of infectious disease epidemics through phylogenetic trees.
Phil Trans R Soc Lond B 349: 33-40. Available from: http://www.jstor.org/stable/56121
First paper to use phylogenetic trees to investigate rates of
virus population growth.
2. Pybus OG, Rambaut A, Harvey PH. (2000) An integrated framework for the
inference of viral population history from reconstructed genealogies.
Genetics 155: 1429-1437. Available from: http://www.genetics.org/content/155/3/1429.full
Paper introducing the concept of skyline plots to display the
demographic information contained in reconstructed genealogies.
3. Pybus OG, Charleston M, Gupta S, Rambaut A, Holmes EC, Harvey PH.
(2001) The epidemic behaviour of the hepatitis C virus. Science 292:
2323-2325. doi: 10.1126/science.1058321 First estimate of R0
from pathogen gene sequences.
4. Drummond AJ, Rambaut A, Shapiro B, Pybus OG. (2005) Bayesian
coalescent inference of past population dynamics from molecular sequences.
Molecular Biology & Evolution 22: 1185-1192. doi:
10.1093/molbev/msi103 Paper introducing the Bayesian Skyline Plot,
a new method for estimating past population dynamics through time from
a sample of molecular sequences.
5. Rambaut A, Pybus OG, Nelson MI, Viboud C, Taubenberger JK, Holmes EC.
(2008) The genomic and epidemiological dynamics of human influenza A
virus. Nature 453: 615-619. doi: 10.1038/nature06945 First paper
applying the new phylogenetic methods to the evolution of human
Funding for research: This research was supported from 1997-2002
by grants totalling ~ £1.3M from the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society.
Details of the impact
The `phylodynamic' techniques created and developed by the Oxford Virus
Evolution Group provided a completely new source of information about the
transmission parameters of diseases, independent of traditional
epidemiological methods of information-gathering through personal
interviews, clinical diagnosis and mathematical analysis. The technique
has had a significant impact on the way that current pandemics are
assessed and dealt with, particularly in relation to influenza and HIV. In
addition the BEAST software that originated at Oxford University
has become a standard tool worldwide for the study of virus evolution and
is increasingly applied to understand viral (and now also bacterial)
disease in humans and animals.
In 2009, on the basis of the reputation established through the research
described above, Christophe Fraser (the lead author of WHO's Rapid
Pandemic Assessment report) invited Oliver Pybus (Oxford) and Andrew
Rambaut (Edinburgh; formerly part of the Oxford Virus group) to lead the
evolutionary phylogenetic component of WHO's urgent investigation into the
arrival of influenza A (H1N1) — `Swine Flu'. The new technique of
determining transmission rates using genome data was used in parallel with
established epidemiological methods, and the transmissibility parameter R0
was estimated by both methods; notably the confidence limits for the
results obtained by the two methods overlapped. The team was able to show
within a week that the virus had been circulating in humans for months,
and within 30 days had produced a comprehensive report about the potential
effects of the pandemic6. A further analysis used BEAST
to investigate the origins of the new strain of influenza in more detail
(in terms of both geography and timescales)7. WHO used these
reports to help inform its ongoing recommendations for international
precautions and preparations. This was the first time that phylogenetic
estimates of R0 had been derived concurrently
with traditional methods, and the fact that WHO used the new approach as a
key part of their official response to Swine Flu is a clear indication
that they considered it to be as valuable and informative as conventional
Subsequent take-up of the phylodynamic approach to understanding the
epidemiology of human and animal viral disease has been wide-reaching8-12.
The approach was used by the (former) UK Health Protection Agency (UKHPA)
as part of their evaluation of the spread of Swine Flu both to, and
within, the UK in 20098. Pybus and others were able to map the
spread and persistence of the H1N1 virus in the UK and show that multiple
independent invasions had taken place; some of these had occurred before
the invasion date inferred by traditional epidemiological methods. Since
phylogenetics has the ability to distinguish the ancestry of viruses, the
study was also able to show that geographically-linked outbreaks did not
necessarily share the same origin. Subsequently, UKHPA's successor, Public
Health England, has used phylodynamics approaches in a real time
assessment of the origins, spread and transmission potential of MERS
BEAST software, and the phylodynamic approach is also used by many
non-UK based government agencies investigating the spread of disease in
humans. For example:
(i) The Chinese government's Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
has used it to assess and aid in the control of the current HIV epidemic
in China. Studies using this approach have enabled a clearer delineation
of the origins, timescales, spatial spread and risk population structure
of HIV in China, and revealed that the origins of the HIV epidemic are
much more complex than previously thought. These studies have thereby
informed public health decisions about how the virus can be tackled9.
(ii) The Japanese National Institute of Infectious Disease has used the
phylodynamic approach to track the transmission and spread of HIV and
influenza in Japan and neighbouring Asian countries10.
(iii) The Brazilian Ministry of Health, attracted by the improved
resolution the methods offer for immunological surveillance, has used BEAST
and related analytical approaches to study the spread of a range of viral
diseases including dengue fever, oropouche fever and rabies11.
Finally, the analytical methods developed at Oxford and the BEAST
software have been applied by the UK's Animal Health and Veterinary
Laboratories Agency (AHVLA) to study the epidemiology, at a European-wide
scale, of a number of viral diseases of economic importance in animals.
These include avian and swine influenza, and most recently, the
Schmallenberg virus which is an emerging vector-born virus infecting a
range of livestock species12.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Fraser C, et al. (The WHO Rapid Pandemic Assessment Collaboration)
(2009) Pandemic potential of a novel strain of influenza A (H1N1): early
findings. Science 324: 1557-1561. doi: 10.1126/science.1176062 Initial
report on the potential transmission of the 2009 swine flu virus.
- Smith GJD, Vijaykrishna D, Bahl J, Lycett SJ, Worobey M, Pybus OG, Ma
SK, Cheung CM, Raghwani J, Bhatt S, Peiris JS, Guan Y, Rambaut A. (2009)
Origins and evolutionary genomics of the 2009 swine-origin H1N1
influenza A epidemic. Nature 459: 1122-1125. doi: 10.1038/nature08182 Investigation
into the origins of the 2009 H1N1 swine flu virus.
- Supporting letter from Director, Public Health England Reference
Microbiology Services (held on file). Confirming the use of
phylodynamic methods implemented in BEAST to inform analyses of 2009
swine flu pandemic in the UK, and 2012-13 outbreak of MERS
- Supporting letter from Chief Expert on AIDS, Chinese Centre for
Disease Control and Prevention (held on file). Confirming the use
of BEAST in analyses and control of Chinese HIV epidemic.
- Supporting letter from Senior Investigator, AIDS Research Centre,
National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan (held on file).
- Supporting letter from Director of the National Reference Laboratory
for Arboviruses, Brazilian Ministry of Health, and the Head of the
Centre for Technological Innovation, Brazilian Ministry of Health (held
on file).
- Supporting letter from Head of Virology Department, Animal Health and
Veterinary Laboratories Agency, UK (held on file).