1a. Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP), a newly recognised disease of calves, is caused by colostral transfer of cross-reactive alloantibodies induced in dams by PregSure Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) vaccine
Submitting Institutions
University of Edinburgh,
SRUCUnit of Assessment
Agriculture, Veterinary and Food ScienceSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Immunology
Summary of the impact
Impact: Animal Health and Welfare, Economics: The BVD vaccine
associated with emergence of BNP was withdrawn from sale.
Significance: BNP cases have been reported worldwide. On affected
farms, the case fatality rate is very high, with losses of up to 5% of
calves in a herd being reported. Despite the vaccine being withdrawn,
cases continue to be found in some calves born to dams that have been
historically vaccinated. In addition, reporting has increased due to
increased awareness and Zoetis subsidising post-mortem examinations.
However, as an indirect measure, the number of cases being diagnosed at
post-mortem at SRUC fell by 42% between 2012 and 2013.
Beneficiaries: Livestock Industry, Animal Health Company, Farmers.
Attribution: Work performed by University of Edinburgh (Penny,
Morrison, Sargison, Bell) and SRUC (Hosie, Howie, Kerr, Caldow) identified
BNP as a new disease entity, elucidated the cause, and developed
strategies to reduce the incidence. This also involved a collaboration
with the Moredun Research Institute (Willoughby)
Reach: BNP is recognised world-wide (a peak of 4500 cases in 2011)
including France, Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium,
Luxembourg, Italy, and Spain. The disease is unknown in countries which do
not vaccinate against BVD (Denmark, Austria, and Switzerland)
Underpinning research
In 2009, the University of Edinburgh and SRUC (UoE employment dates:
Penny (Senior Lecturer employed 1990-2010), Morrison (Professor of
Immunology and Group leader employed 2002-onwards), Sargison (Professor of
Farm Animal Medicine, employed 1999-onwards), Bell (Postgraduate
2007-2013)) (SRUC employment dates: Hosie (Group Manager — Veterinary
Services employed 1983-onwards), Howie (Veterinary Investigation Officer
employed 1993-onwards), Kerr (Veterinary Investigation Officer employed
2006-onwards), Caldow (Veterinary Centre Manager employed 1987-onwards)
were the first to describe an unexplained haemorrhagic disease of calves,
characterised by profound depletion of blood leukocytes and platelets and
named Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP) [3.1]. To date BNP has been
reported across Europe and in New Zealand, and between March 2009 and
February 2011 more than 4,500 confirmed cases of BNP had been reported in
Europe. Our subsequent research enabled recognition of this disease as
truly novel and characterised the clinical, haematological and
pathological findings [3.2]. We contributed to a symposium on the
condition held at the European Buiatrics Forum in Marseille in 2009, where
it was agreed with European colleagues that the disease was truly novel
and that the presentation appeared the same in all countries reporting
Early observations suggested a role for colostrum in the pathogenesis of
BNP, and our research at Edinburgh demonstrated that the disease could be
prevented by colostrum substitution [3.3]. These findings were
subsequently confirmed by an experimental feeding trial conducted in
collaboration with the Moredun Research Institute [3.4]. Recent research
has demonstrated that serum from cows that have produced BNP calves
contains alloreactive antibodies, including high titres against MHC
proteins [3.5].
Our demonstration of a link between BNP and administration of a bovine
viral diarrhoea vaccine, PregSure, led to withdrawal of this product from
the European market in June 2010, on a precautionary basis, and subsequent
retraction of marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Authority.
An association between BNP and the vaccine was subsequently confirmed by a
Defra (SRUC and AHVLA) epidemiological study with input from the
University of Edinburgh [3.6]. Our on-going work has demonstrated that
colostral alloantibodies in serum of vaccinated cows that have produced
BNP cases react with the cell line used to grow virus for production of
this vaccine.
References to the research
3.1 Penny, C.D., Bell, C., Morrison, L., Howie, F. & Willoughby, K.
(2009). Pancytopenia and haemorrhage in young beef calves. The Veterinary
Record 164, 762. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.164.24.762
3.2 Bell, C.R., Scott, P.R., Sargison, N.D., Wilson, D.J., Morrison, L.,
Howie, F., Willoughby, K., Penny, C.D., (2010a). Idiopathic bovine
neonatal pancytopenia in a Scottish beef herd. Veterinary Record, 167,
938-940. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.c4004
3.3 Bell, C.R., Scott, P.R, Kerr, M.G, Willoughby, K., (2010b). Possible
preventive strategy for bovine neonatal pancytopenia. Veterinary Record,
167, 758. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.c6209
3.4 Bell, C.R., Rocchi, M.S., Dagleish, M.P., Melzi, E., Ballingall,
K.T., Connelly, M., Kerr, M.G., Scholes, S.F.E., Willoughby, K., (2013).
Reproduction of bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP) by feeding of pooled
colostrum reveals variable alloantibody damage to different haematopoietic
lineages. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 151(3-4), 303-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.vetimm.2012.12.002
3.5. Bell, C.R., MacHugh, N.D, Connelley, T.K, Degnan, K., and Morrison
W.I. The specificity of alloantibody in Bovine Neonatal Pancytopaenia
(BNP). Accepted abstract at British Society of Immunology Congress (2nd-5th
Dec 2013) (Document available on request.)
3.6 Lambton, S. L., Colloff, A. D., Smith, R. P., Caldow, G.L., Scholes,
S. F. E., Willoughby K., Howie, F., Ellis-Iversen, J., David, G., Cook, A.
J., Holliman, A., (2012). Factors associated with bovine neonatal
pancytopenia (BNP) in calves: a case-control study. PLoS One 7(5):e34183.
Details of the impact
The immediate impact of the research was the acknowledgment by Pfizer
Animal Health (now Zoetis) of the connection of BNP to the use of the
PregSure BVD vaccine in the dam, which led to the withdrawal of the
vaccine from sale in Europe and elsewhere in the world (5.1).
Despite the vaccine being withdrawn, cases of bleeding calf syndrome
continue to be found in some calves born to dams that have been
historically vaccinated. In addition, reporting has increased due to
increased awareness of disease and Zoetis subsidising post-mortem
examinations. However, as an indirect measure the number of cases being
diagnosed at post-mortem at SRUC fell by 42% between 2012 and 2013 (SRUC
post mortem figures).
The Recognition of BNP as a truly novel disease and characterisation of
the disease was translated into impact through the following means:
- Dissemination of our findings through publication in the veterinary
press (5.2,5.3,5.4), delivery of talks (Association for Veterinary
Teaching and Research Work Congress 2010, British Cattle Veterinary
Association Congress 2011, Vet Trust Conference 2013) and widespread
press coverage (5.5, 5.6) allowed rapid transfer of information to the
veterinary profession and farming community allowing prompt recognition
of cases.
- Findings contributed to the Defra BNP working group. That group
generated a case definition for the disease which was used in further
large-scale epidemiological studies (5.7, 5.8)
- Findings contributed to recognition and characterisation of the
disease at a European level (5.9)
- Cases of BNP were reported by the veterinary profession through the
pharmacovigilance system.
The demonstration that cases of BNP can be prevented by colostrum
substitution allowed dissemination of practical advice through the
veterinary press that enabled farmers to prevent many further cases of the
disease (5.10)
Sources to corroborate the impact
5.1. European Medicines Agency, (2010). Pregsure BVD — Article 78 referal —
Annexes I, II. http://tinyurl.com/nv6usqk
5.2. Bell, C.R. (2011). Bovine Neonatal Pancytopaenia or bleeding calf
syndrome. UK Vet: Livestock, 16(1), 24-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.2044-3870.2010.00004.x
5.3. SAC Emerging Diseases Reports. Vigilance urged for `bleeding calf
syndrome'. Veterinary Record 2009;165:515 http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.165.18.515-a
5.4. Bell, C.R. (2011). Bleeding disorders in cattle. BVA In Practice,
33(3), 106-115. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/inp.d1194
5.5. BBC news report, 21st September 2009. Calves dying from
mystery disease. http://tinyurl.com/p2bdr2k
5.6. Farmers Weekly report 21st September 2009, Bleeding calf
syndrome on the rise. http://tinyurl.com/nsesh6g
5.7. Defra Scanning Surveillance Report: Investigation of the emergence of
a novel bleeding disorder of calves (bovine neonatal pancytopenia) in
Great Britain. 2010. http://tinyurl.com/p4v63dz
5.8. Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK) (2011).
Investigation of an emerging syndrome of bovine neonatal pancytopenia in
calves http://tinyurl.com/on9abg7
5.9. Proceedings of the European Buiatrics forum satellite symposium on
haemorrhagic diathesis in calves, Marseilles, France, 1-3 Dec 2009. http://tinyurl.com/prcu3t6
5.10. Bell, C.R., Scott, P.R, Kerr, M.G, Willoughby, K., (2010b). Possible
preventive strategy for bovine neonatal pancytopenia. Vet.Rec.167, 758.