1. Informing qualifications-led reforms
Submitting Institution
University of EdinburghUnit of Assessment
EducationSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration, Sociology
Summary of the impact
Research conducted between 1997 and 2013 at the University of Edinburgh
has examined
qualifications reforms designed to make education and training systems
more coherent, unified
and flexible. This research has influenced policy developments in Scotland
and internationally,
and especially the development of National Qualifications Frameworks
(NQFs). It has achieved
three types of impact: i) analytical tools and conceptual frameworks
developed in the research
have informed and guided policy development; ii) it has encouraged greater
realism in the aims
and objectives of qualifications-led reforms; and iii) it has encouraged
policy designs and
implementation strategies based on a better understanding of the processes
of qualifications-led
change. The reach of the impact has extended to policy-makers, education
providers, learners
and other stakeholders in Scotland, the UK and elsewhere, especially in
countries introducing or
considering NQFs.
Underpinning research
The underpinning research consists of three overlapping strands:
- Research on the conceptualisation, implementation and impact of
reforms to `unify' education
and training systems, with a particular (and increasing) focus on
qualification frameworks. This
research exploited Scotland's pioneering role in many of these policy
initiatives, but variously
had a UK, European or international focus. It included projects funded
by the ESRC (1996-98,
2000-03, 2010-11), EU-Leonardo (1995-97) and the Scottish Government
(2004), as well as
participation in international projects, eg International Labour
Organization (ILO) (2009-10).
- Studies of aspects of qualifications such as unitisation, records of
achievement, credit
systems, baccalaureates, work-related awards and the articulation of
sub-degree and degree-level
qualifications, funded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
and other Scottish
and European policy organisations (eg the European Centre for
Development of Vocational
Training (CEDEFOP) and the German Institute for Vocational Training
- Longitudinal analyses of youth transitions, including ESRC projects
(1997-2000, 2003-06),
which have tested hypotheses arising from the first strand above.
The research has been conducted primarily by Linda Croxford, Cathy
Howieson and David Raffe,
Senior Research Fellows and Professor respectively, employed in the
University of Edinburgh's
Centre for Educational Sociology continuously from 1993, and by Stephanie
Allais (ESRC-funded
postdoctoral fellow Jan-Dec 2010) and John Hart, CES Associate since 2003.
It includes
collaborations with the University of London Institute of Education,
Glasgow Caledonian University
and international organisations and projects as described in details of
the impact below.
The key message of the research is the importance of the social and
political aspects of
qualifications and qualification systems, and the need to understand
their design,
implementation and impact in these terms. Reform approaches that
treat qualifications and
NQFs merely as technical instruments are inadequate. The research draws
attention to the
institutions and relationships which underpin qualifications: reforms need
to maintain relations of
trust and to respect the `institutional logics' of the educational,
labour-market and social contexts
which determine the ways in which qualifications are used and valued.
Research thus challenges inappropriate expectations about the
capacity of qualifications
reforms to transform an education system. It encourages more
sophisticated models of
change: an NQF may have radical aims but the process of introducing one
needs to start from the
existing system and proceed slowly, incrementally and iteratively. A
comprehensive NQF may
need to include different sub-frameworks in order to accommodate diverse
types of learning and
the varying dynamics of change in different sectors of education and
training. The research also
points to the need for `policy breadth', ie for qualifications policies to
be part of a wider reform
The research has shown that a `flexible' education and training system is
neither easy to achieve
in practice nor a panacea for problems of access, progression and
relevance. A learning system
can achieve greater permeability by designing bridges and pathways between
programmes or
sectors, but a fully flexible or seamless system in which qualifications
provide a perfectly
convertible currency is not attainable. `Parity of esteem' between
different types of learning may,
similarly, be an unrealistic and inappropriate aim of policy. A `unified
system' of education and
training, which brings different types and modes of learning into a single
framework, needs to be
conceived and designed as a means for coordinating diversity rather
than for imposing
uniformity. The research also shows how the role of qualification
systems varies across national
contexts; cross-national `policy borrowing' should be rejected in favour
of `policy learning'
approaches which recognise national distinctiveness.
References to the research
Allais, S. (2011) The impact and implementation of National
Qualifications Frameworks: a
comparison of 16 countries. Journal of Education and Work 24: 3-4,
Howieson, C. & Raffe, D. (2013) The paradox of Scotland: limited
credit transfer in a credit-based
lifelong learning system. Oxford Review of Education 39: 3,
366-384. In REF2 (Howieson).
Raffe, D. (2003) Simplicity itself: the creation of the Scottish Credit
and Qualifications Framework.
Journal of Education and Work 16: 3, 239-257. (Reprinted at the
editor's request in Scottish
Educational Review, 2003.) DOI: 10.1080/1363908032000099421
Raffe, D. (2013) What is the evidence for the impact of National
Qualifications Frameworks?
Comparative Education 49: 2, 143-162. In REF2 (Raffe).
Raffe, D., Howieson, C. & Tinklin, T. (2007) The impact of a unified
curriculum and qualifications
system: the Higher Still reform of post-16 education in Scotland. British
Educational Research
Journal 33: 4, 479-508. DOI: 10.1080/01411920701434029
The quality of the research is evidenced by outputs in respected
peer-reviewed journals,
exemplified by the above, and by the sources of funding (such as ESRC,
Scottish Government,
EU) indicated in section 2.
Details of the impact
The beneficiaries have been policy-makers, providers, learners and other
stakeholders in
education and training in Scotland, the UK and elsewhere, especially in
countries introducing or
considering NQFs. Currently 142 countries have an NQF, are introducing one
or are considering
doing so. The research has:
- provided analytical tools and conceptual frameworks which have been
used to inform
policy strategy and development;
- encouraged greater realism in the aims and objectives of such reforms;
- supported policy designs and implementation strategies based on a
better understanding
of the processes of qualifications-led change.
Analytical tools developed by the University of Edinburgh for
analysing qualifications-led reforms
have been widely cited in influential policy documents such as the ILO's Introductory
Guide to
NQFs [5.1], the most influential guide for policy-makers available
throughout the REF period.
These tools, and examples of citations, include:
- a typology of unified, linked and tracked education/training systems
- the distinction between the intrinsic logic of a qualifications reform
and the intrinsic logic of
the system in which it is embedded [5.1]
- a typology of communications, reforming and transformational
frameworks [5.1, 5.2, 5.3,
5.4, 5.5]
- the analysis of policy breadth, that is the coherence of
qualifications reforms with other
policies which may affect their implementation and impact [5.1, 5.3]
- an incremental, contextual model of NQF development [5.4, 5.6, 5.7]
- the distinction between outcomes-led and outcomes-referenced
frameworks, which
respectively incorporate radical and pragmatic approaches to the role of
learning outcomes
[5.4, 5.5]
- the distinction between policy learning and policy borrowing [5.2,
These analytical tools accompany more substantive messages from the
research, including the
need to set realistic aims for qualifications reforms and to
design and implement them in the
light of the change processes they can stimulate. The impact of
these messages is reflected in
recent developments among NQFs; for example most European NQFs follow an
model of change, starting as modest communications frameworks but adopting
more reforming
aims over time and in specific sub-frameworks, are coordinated with other
policy measures, and
incorporate a pragmatic aproach to learning outcomes [5.4]. Individual
countries, such as Turkey,
have used the conceptual frameworks arising from the research in
developing their frameworks
[5.8]. The impact of the research is also reflected in the encouragement
from international bodies
(ILO, CEDEFOP and European Training Foundation) for rigorous monitoring
and evaluation to
assess the impact of reforms, and in their support for `policy learning'
rather than `policy borrowing'
approaches to cross-national diffusion. The impact is strengthened by the
objectivity and
independence of the team's research, especially as most information about
NQFs is provided by
qualifications bodies and agencies with a vested interest in their
diffusion and perceived success.
Within Scotland the research showed that earlier reforms (eg Higher
Still) had extended
opportunities for all learners, but it also revealed their limitations. It
identified the problems of
applying a common template to diverse qualifications, the difficulties of
constructing a progression
`climbing frame' and the obstacles to achieving `parity of esteem'. New
Scottish secondary-level
qualifications designed during the REF period apply these lessons,
for example by adopting
desigh principles based on fitness-for-purpose and a higher priority for
progression [5.9].
These impacts have been achieved, in part, through conventional written
and oral dissemination.
The research has informed guides and briefings for international
policy-makers which have been
influential during the REF period (see citations above). The Centre for
Educational Sociology has
published three Briefings on National Qualifications Frameworks
since 2008, one of which was
posted on a CEDEFOP discussion web site, and a fourth on credit systems.
The researchers have
given invited presentations at meetings and conferences on qualifications
reforms organised by
national and international policy organisations, including the European
Training Foundation
(2008), Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership (2008),
German Government
(2008), ILO (2009, 2012), CEDEFOP (2009), European Commission (2010, 2011,
2012), BIBB
(2010), SQA (2008, 2010), UK Qualifications Frameworks (2010), German
European Meeting (2012), Quality and Qualifications Ireland (2012) and the
National Council on
Education of Chile (2013).
The research has had a multiplier effect as University of Edinburgh staff
have been invited to join
international projects led by policy-making bodies themselves; this has
helped both to disseminate
the Centre for Educational Sociology knowledge base and to add to it.
Allais and Raffe, with
Michael Young (IoE), formed the core academic team and wrote the
conceptual starter papers for
the ILO's influential 16-country study of NQFs (2009-10); Allais wrote its
final report. Raffe was
international member of the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland's
study of the
implementation and impact of its NQF (2008-09), and participated in a
CEDEFOP study of
Changing Qualifications (2008-10). Howieson, with Raffe, conducted the
Scottish component of a
BIBB project on credit systems (2009-12).
The impact on Scottish qualifications is further attested by commissions
as consultants for the
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). These have drawn on Centre for
Educational Sociology
research to inform SQA policy in areas including unitisation (2004),
progression (2005), the design
of baccalaureates (2007-8), work-related qualifications (2007) and
upper-secondary qualifications
(2009-10), in all cases drawing on earlier research by the team to inform
policy developments
during the REF period.
Other channels of impact include invitations to comment on drafts of
international policy reports
(eg OECD 2007, ETF 2010, 2011); Raffe's membership of the SQA's
Qualifications Committee
(2003 onwards); being interviewed as `experts' by other research projects
on credit (2009),
transnational qualifications frameworks (2010), the European
Qualifications Framework (2011)
and modularisation (2012); and discussing NQFs with visiting policy-makers
and policy analysts
from Australia, China, Japan, Russia, South Africa and Spain.
John Hart, Associate of the Centre for Educational Sociology and former
SQA official, has
supported impact through his Scottish networks and international
consultancy work. During the
current REF period this has included presentations or consultancy on NQFs
in Albania, Croatia,
Germany, India, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Macedonia, Poland and Turkey, support
for referencing the
Dutch, Maltese, Scottish and Welsh Frameworks to the European
Qualifications Framework, and
support to NHS Education Scotland on competence-based frameworks. In
several of these
countries (especially India, Kosovo, Macedonia and Turkey) he has used the
analytical tools in the
development of policy papers and legislation which provide the basis for
the introduction of NQFs.
Sources to corroborate the impact
Sources to corroborate the impact are indicated in square brackets in the
text. Web pages have
been archived at https://www.wiki.ed.ac.uk/display/REF2014REF3B/UoA+25
[5.1] Tuck, R. (2007) An Introductory Guide to NQFs: conceptual and
practical issues for policy-makers.
Geneva: International Labour Office. http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_emp/---ifp_skills/documents/instructionalmaterial/wcms_103623.pdf
[5.2] Maguire, B. (2010) Issues arising from qualifications
frameworks in Europe. Issues paper for
conference on NQFs and the European Overarching Frameworks. Dublin: NQAI.
[5.3] European Centre for Development of Vocational Training working
paper (CEDEFOP) (2011).
National Qualifications Frameworks developments in Europe.
[5.4] CEDEFOP working paper (2013) Analysis and overview of NQF
developments in Europe.
Thessaloniki. http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/Files/6117_en.pdf
[5.5] European Parliament report (2012) State of play of the European
Qualifications Framework
Implementation. Brussels.
[5.6] Education Training Foundation report (2010) Trans-national
Qualifications Frameworks.
Turin: Education Training Foundation.
[5.7] Education Training Foundation report (2011) Implementation
arrangements for national
qualifications frameworks and the role of stakeholders and institutions.
Turin: Education Training
[5.8] Factual statement of 21 February 2013 on behalf of Vocational
Qualifications Authority of
Turkey, inviting Raffe to give keynote to conference launching Turkish
Qualifications Framework.
[5.9] Scottish Qualifications Authority (n.d.) New Qualifications:
Principles and Guidelines.