Gaelic Language Policy in Scotland: Revitalising and Sustaining the Gaelic Language
Submitting Institution
University of EdinburghUnit of Assessment
Modern Languages and LinguisticsSummary Impact Type
CulturalResearch Subject Area(s)
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration
Language, Communication and Culture: Linguistics
Summary of the impact
Successive governments have emphasised the importance of Gaelic as a key
element in Scottish culture, even though it is spoken by a small minority.
Since 2001 the Department of Celtic and Scottish Studies (C&SS) at the
University of Edinburgh has played a leading role in research concerning
policies to revitalise and sustain Gaelic in Scotland. These policies have
fundamentally altered the role of Gaelic in Scottish public life. Our
research has made vital contributions to the work of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the
government body charged with promotion of the language, and other public
bodies, especially in relation to education, from pre-school to adult
learner provision, e.g. to date 1,500 pre-school pupils have benefitted
from the recommendations in the early years report we produced in
collaboration with the University of Stirling.
Underpinning research
C&SS at Edinburgh has since 2001 led research on the Gaelic language
in contemporary Scotland. Researchers in C&SS have made a particular
contribution to the evaluation of the strategic structures necessary for
successful maintenance, promotion and institutionalisation of the language
in order to halt its historic decline. Professor Wilson McLeod (appointed
Lecturer 2001, Professor 2013-) has studied and animated the policy
process leading to the adoption of legislative protection for Gaelic. His
research, and also his involvement in working groups and policy reports
for Gaelic agencies, played an important role in making the case for the
Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act that was passed in 2005.
The Act aims to "secure the status of Gaelic as an official language of
Scotland commanding equal respect to the English language". To this end,
it established a language planning board, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, which must
produce a National Gaelic Language Plan every five years. Since 2005,
McLeod's academic research has placed the new policy infrastructure for
Gaelic emerging in the mid-2000s in the longer historical context of
Gaelic development and in the international context of minority language
planning (3.1). He has also assessed the strategic opportunities presented
by the Gaelic Language Act, suggesting ways in which it might be most
effectively implemented, while analysing the strengths and weaknesses of
the first statutory Gaelic language plans developed by public bodies in
Scotland (3.2, 3.6).
Based on his outstanding record of research concerning the implementation
of language legislation, and also his involvement in policy-making, in
2010 the Bòrd commissioned McLeod to prepare a detailed evaluation of the
first nine statutory language plans adopted by Scottish public
authorities. This work dovetails with his academic publications on the
implementation of the Gaelic Language Act (e.g. 3.5), which uses theoretical
frameworks in language planning (e.g. Strubell's "Catherine wheel"
model) to analyse the strategic capacities of different kinds of bodies to
enhance their provision for Gaelic and contribute meaningfully to Gaelic
Another major strand of McLeod's research centres on Gaelic-language
education, from pre-school to adult learners, and involves collaboration
with Dr Fiona O'Hanlon (Research Fellow C&SS, appointed Sept. 2010),
Professor Lindsay Paterson (School of Social and Political Science,
appointed 1998), and partners from the Universities of Stirling and
Strathclyde (see e.g. 3.4). Most recently, O'Hanlon, Paterson and McLeod
have researched language models used in the delivery of Gaelic
education, discovering a significant degree of variation in practice
among schools, which was previously unrealised by providers and
policy-makers (
Led by O'Hanlon, this report builds on their research and resultant
co-authored journal article (2012) on the attainment levels of bilingual
pupils educated through Gaelic (3.3). Funded by the ESRC, the Scottish
Government and the Bòrd, O'Hanlon and Paterson have also conducted
research on public attitudes to the Gaelic language in Scotland;
O'Hanlon developed a special module of questions that were used in the
2012 Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, an authoritative study conducted
annually by ScotCen Social Research (
Her expertise in the field of Gaelic policy and Gaelic education (3.3)
enabled the creation of questions that inform academic and policy debate
about the place of Gaelic in Scotland.
As a result of this research expertise at the University of Edinburgh, in
2009-10 Bòrd na Gàidhlig and the Scottish Government commissioned
C&SS, following a competitive tendering process, to carry out three
reviews on 1) adult education, 2) Gaelic-medium primary and
secondary education and 3) Gaelic early years education
(this report was carried out with the University of Stirling; McLeod
contributed expertise on the Gaelic language in the education sector). The
results of these three reports have significantly impacted on the Bòrd's National
Plan for Gaelic 2012-17 (see section 4). Between 2008-13 we obtained
£235k research funding from the ESRC, the Scottish Government and the Bòrd
to finance the five reviews featured in this section.
References to the research
3.1 McLeod, Wilson (2010). `Leasachadh na Gàidhlig: paradaim ùr?' [=
Gaelic development policy: a new paradigm?]. Coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig
An-diugh/Gaelic Communities Today, ed. by Gillian Munro and Iain Mac
an Tàilleir. Edinburgh: Dunedin, 1-17. (Can be supplied by HEI on
3.2 McLeod, Wilson (2006). `Securing the Status of Gaelic? Implementing
the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005'. Scottish Affairs 57:
19-38. (Can be supplied by HEI on request).
3.3 O'Hanlon, Fiona, Lindsay Paterson and Wilson McLeod (2012). `The
Attainment of Pupils in Gaelic-medium Primary Education in Scotland'. International
Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 15: 1-23. Listed in
REF2 [DOI:10.1080/13670050.2012.711807]
3.4 Stephen, Christine, Joanna McPake and Wilson McLeod (2012). `Playing
and Learning in Another Language: Ensuring Good Quality Early Years
Education in a Language Revitalisation Programme'. European Early
Childhood Education Research Journal. 20 (1): 21-33. [DOI:
3.5 McLeod, Wilson (2006). `Leasachadh solarachadh sheirbhisean poblach
tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig: duilgheadasan idè-eòlach agus pragtaigeach' [=
Improving the provision of Gaelic-medium public services: ideological and
practical challenges], in Revitalising Gaelic in Scotland: Policy,
Planning and Public Discourse, ed. by Wilson McLeod. Edinburgh:
Dunedin, 25-47. (Can be supplied by HEI on request).
3.6 McLeod, Wilson (2011). `Planaichean reachdail Gàidhlig: cothroman is
cnapan-starra' [= Statutory Gaelic plans: opportunities and obstacles], in
A' Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig: Slatan-tomhais ann an Dìon Cànain sa
Choimhearsnachd, ed. by Richard A. V. Cox and Timothy Currie
Armstrong. Sleat: Clò Ostaig, 227-48. (Can be supplied by HEI on request).
Details of the impact
A key requirement of the Gaelic Language Act is the obligation on public
bodies to produce Gaelic language plans, when requested by Bòrd na
Gàidhlig. McLeod's report on these plans for the Bòrd, underpinned by
research outputs such as 3.6, has informed the process of plan design and
approval, establishing a framework to help the Bòrd analyse the structure
and implementation of other bodies' plans.
The three reports dealing with early years education and childcare,
attainment and choice in primary and secondary education and adult Gaelic
learning opportunities profoundly influenced the formation and
implementation of the National Plans for Gaelic for 2007-12 and 2012-17
(5.4). Iain Caimbeul, then Deputy Chair of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, wrote "to
confirm the importance that Bòrd na Gàidhlig places on the educational
research that has recently been completed by yourselves [O'Hanlon, McLeod
and Paterson]" and to "confirm that your educational research outputs have
impacted on policy discussion and development at the Bòrd" (5.5).
In the wake of the early years report (
initiatives to restructure Gaelic early years provision have been put in
place (5.2). The Bòrd is now implementing a new framework for provision,
with a more direct role for the Bòrd itself in place of other agencies,
and it organised three workshops in March 2011 to provide training in line
with the report's recommendations. The school inspectorate's recent
strategy document on Gaelic education noted the value of the 2010 report
in "map[ping] the way ahead in pre-school provision" (5.8). In 2010 alone,
the report affected 127 pre-school settings (851 pupils). To date the
total number of schoolchildren who have benefitted from the
recommendations we made in our report is ca. 1,500.
Following the publication of the adult education report (
the Bòrd gave a significant injection of funding to the course provider,
Deiseal Ltd., to improve the offer of Gaelic classes to adults across
Scotland. The Bòrd's media release concerning this injection of funding
referred specifically to the recommendations in this report (5.3). The
findings of the report have directly influenced Glasgow City Council's
Gaelic Language Development strategy for adult learners (5.9).
The report on choice and attainment (
has had a significant impact on official efforts to promote the uptake of
Gaelic-medium education. Cabinet Secretary for Education Michael Russell
"hoped [that] the report would encourage more families to opt for Gaelic
education" and that "this report should give parents reassurance that
choosing this path for their children will only benefit their educational
journey" (
The importance of the report has been noted in the school inspectorate's
Gaelic strategy document (5.8), in the Scottish Government's Curriculum
for Excellence Gaelic Excellence Group report (2011, 5.6) and in Bòrd na
Gàidhlig's website and publications, including the National Plan for
Gaelic 2012-2017 (5.4). In March 2011 O'Hanlon made a presentation
of the research findings to the Highland Council's Gaelic Committee: the
Council has quoted key findings from the report in its recent promotional
leaflet on Gaelic education (5.7), as has Western Isles Council. Comann
nam Pàrant, the organisation representing parents of children in Gaelic
education, has also flagged up the research in its promotional materials (
In 2011 O'Hanlon held eleven seminars in the schools that had taken part
in the research. The Bòrd funded these events as part of its effort to
maximise the impact of the research. The seminars provided discussion
forums in which people involved in Gaelic education debated how the
research might ratify or change their own understanding, experience or
practice. Those attending were senior managers of schools with Gaelic
streams, Gaelic advisers to local authorities, teachers in Gaelic- and
English-medium education, local office bearers of Comann nam Pàrant and
individual parents.
The importance of our research on attainment and choice was recognised by
its inclusion in the Academy of Social Sciences' Making the Case for
the Social Sciences: Scotland (2012) booklet, where it is noted as a
case study that has contributed "knowledge and evidence to policy,
practice and public life" (5.1).
The report on language models in Gaelic-medium
( was discussed at meetings of Bòrd na
Gàidhlig's National Gaelic Education Steering Group and Early Years
Working Group in August 2012. O'Hanlon's subsequent invitation to lead
workshops in November 2012 in Uist and Stornoway and for new Gaelic
teachers from across Scotland (65 teachers participated) indicates the
impact of these discussions.
The research on public attitudes to Gaelic has been invoked by
Scottish Government ministers, including the First Minister Alex Salmond,
to explain and justify the Government's initiatives to promote Gaelic,
especially in relation to education. Salmond has said: "We should be
delighted by the indications from public opinion surveys that there is
widespread public support for Gaelic-medium education [...]. That is a
spectacular achievement, which should be celebrated by everyone in the
chamber". Salmond has also noted the decision (20 February 2013) of the
Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland's Languages, Alasdair Allan,
to grant £90k to fund, alongside other initiatives, further summer schools
in Gaelic communities for trainee teachers (
Sources to corroborate the impact
The following sources can be supplied by the HEI on request. All listed
weblinks are to an original page, but should they be unavailable a PDF can
be found at:
5.1 Academy of Social Sciences (2012). Making the Case for the Social
Sciences: No. 7, Scotland. London: Academy of Social Sciences (PDF
file). Corroborates the Academy of Social Sciences' assertion that our
research on attainment and choice has contributed to policy, practice and
public life.
5.2 Bòrd na Gàidhlig (2010a). `Bòrd na Gàidhlig welcomes Gaelic Medium
Early Years Education Report'. Press release, 25 June 2010 (PDF file).
Corroborates the role of the early years report in bringing about the
Bòrd's commitment to a new early years initiative as part of its new
Action Plan.
5.3 Bòrd na Gàidhlig (2010b). `Bòrd na Gàidhlig a' cuideachadh le taic is
cothroman dhan luchd-ionnsachaidh' [= `Bòrd na Gàidhlig helping with
support and opportunities for learners']. Press release, 12 October 2010
(PDF file). Corroborates the impact of the adult education report on the
Bòrd's funding for course provider, Deiseal Ltd.
5.4 Bòrd na Gàidhlig (2012). Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig 2012-2017:
Fàs & Feabhas / The National Gaelic Plan 2012-2017: Growth &
Improvement. Inverness: Bòrd na Gàidhlig, pp. 7, 13 (PDF file).
Corroborates that the three reports have profoundly influenced the
formation and implementation of the National Plans for Gaelic 2007-12.
5.5 Email from the Deputy Chair of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, 12 July 2012 (PDF
file). Corroborates the importance of educational research for the Bòrd's
plans, and also that educational research in C&SS at the University of
Edinburgh has impacted on policy discussion and development at the Bòrd.
5.6 Curriculum for Excellence Gaelic Excellence Group (2011). Curriculum
for Excellence Gaelic Excellence Report. Edinburgh: The Scottish
Government, pp. 17-19 (PDF file). Corroborates the importance of the
report on choice and attainment for Scottish educational planners.
Corroborates the importance of the report on choice and attainment for the
Highland Council's Gaelic Committee.
5.8 HMIe (2011). Gaelic Education: Building on the Successes,
Addressing the Barriers. Edinburgh: Her Majesty's Inspectors of
Education, p. 4 (PDF file). Corroborates the importance of the early years
report and the report on choice and attainment for the school
inspectorate's strategy document on Gaelic education.
5.9 Milligan, Lindsay, et al. (2011). Gaelic Language Development
Strategy. Glasgow: Glasgow City Council, pp. 8-9 (PDF file).
Corroborates the importance of the adult education report for Glasgow City
Council's Gaelic Language strategy.