Submitting Institution
University of EdinburghUnit of Assessment
Modern Languages and LinguisticsSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences: Cognitive Sciences
Language, Communication and Culture: Linguistics
Summary of the impact
Bilingualism Matters (BM) was set up as a proactive public
engagement programme by Prof. Antonella Sorace in order to make the
results of her research, showing the benefits of bilingualism, accessible
and useful to the general public. BM offers advice and information
particularly on early bilingualism; it combats misconceptions about
bilingualism, especially regarding cognitive development in children. It
has made current research accessible, practically usable and of benefit to
different sections of society, including children, parents,
educationalists, health professionals, businesses and policy makers. In
consequence, it has changed public attitudes, and helped shape education
policy both in the UK and elsewhere in Europe.
Underpinning research
Changing patterns of migration and mobility have dramatically increased
the number of multilingual families in the UK and Europe, yet bilingualism
is still surrounded by misconceptions or ignorance. Research on language
and cognition in bilingual speakers over the last decade, involving
interdisciplinary collaboration among different fields, has opened up
broader perspectives on the bilingual brain. Sorace (professor) founded
Edinburgh's Developmental Linguistics research group in 2001 and, together
with Ota (reader, arrived 1999) Filiaci (postgraduate; researcher, arrived
2001), Bak (lecturer, arrived 2006) Della Sala (professor, arrived 2004)
and several internationally known external researchers, has made a
substantial and internationally-recognised contribution to the study of
bilingualism at all ages.
A combination of funded international projects and PhDs have led to a
unified model of bilingualism. Edinburgh is one of the few places globally
where research is carried out on simultaneous acquisition of two languages
from birth, consecutive bilingualism in children, adult second language
(L2) learning, and first language (L1) attrition in a comprehensive
framework. Researchers here have contributed important results on the role
played over the lifespan by factors such as age of first exposure to a
second language, quality and quantity of input received, and degree of
similarity between the two languages (e.g. grants 6 and 7 overleaf).
Further, Edinburgh is unique in bringing together two traditionally
separate strands of research—from linguistics and cognitive psychology—in
exploring the interaction of language and general cognition for the
development and use of particular language structures (e.g. grant 2).
Recent relevant projects have included: language and processing in
school-age children; simultaneous vs. consecutive early bilingualism;
effects of L2 learning by children and parents together; effects of
bilingualism on general cognition at different ages of exposure to L2;
implications of enhanced cognitive control in early and late bilinguals;
relationship between early bilingualism and cognitive ageing.
While bilinguals on average tend to have smaller vocabularies and slower
lexical access than monolinguals, Sorace's group has demonstrated that
older bilingual children, exposed to two languages from birth, achieve
similar levels of grammatical development in both languages as
monolinguals (Sorace & Serratrice 2009; Sorace et al. 2009), at the
same time showing processing inefficiency in particular language areas.
Their recent research comparing simultaneous and successive bilingualism
in childhood indicates selective differences for some aspects of language
depending on whether L2 exposure happens before or after age 4 (Unsworth
et al. 2012); this points to the importance and effectiveness of early L2
learning in pre-school years and motivates efforts to influence attitudes
and policies regarding bilingualism. This body of findings motivated the
establishment of Bilingualism Matters and, together with the
researchers' first-hand knowledge of the broader research background,
forms the basis for the dissemination and awareness-raising activities in
the community by Sorace and the other members of the BM team.
References to the research
Sorace, A. (2011). Pinning down the concept of "interface" in
bilingualism. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 1: 1-33. (DOI:
10.1075/lab.1.1.01sor) Output returned for REF.
Sorace, A. and F. Filiaci, (2006). Anaphora resolution in near-native
speakers of Italian. Second Language Research 22.3: 339-368. (DOI:
Sorace, A. and L Serratrice. (2009). Internal and external interfaces in
bilingual language development: Beyond structural overlap. International
Journal of Bilingualism 13: 195-210. (DOI: 10.1177/1367006909339810)
Sorace, A., L. Serratrice, F Filiaci and M. Baldo (2009). Discourse
conditions on subject pronoun realization: Testing the linguistic
intuitions of older bilingual children. Lingua 119: 460-477.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.lingua.2008.09.008) Output returned for REF.
Treccani, B., E. Argyri, A. Sorace and S. Della Sala. (2009). Spatial
negative priming in bilingualism. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
16: 320-327. (DOI: 10.3758/PBR.16.2.320) Output returned for REF.
Unsworth, S., F. Argyri, L. Cornips, A. Hulk, A. Sorace and I. Tsimpli
(2012). On the role of age of onset and input in early child bilingualism
in Greek and Dutch. Applied Psycholinguistics.
(DOI: 10.1017/S0142716412000574)
Numerous grants awarded to Sorace and collaborators from 2000 on
provide evidence of the quality of the underpinning research. These
include, but are not limited to, the following, all held by Sorace and
collaborators within and beyond the UK:
(1) First language attrition meets second language learning:
interaction of linguistic and executive control factors in late
bilinguals (with F. Keller and T. Bak: ESRC 2011-14, £418K), (2) School
and family together for the integration of immigrant children,
partner with 4 countries, EACEA Lifelong Learning 2012-15, £67K, (3) Let's
become a bilingual family (partner with 4 countries, EACEA Lifelong
Learning 2010-12, £42K), (4) Bilingualism and cognition retrospective
analysis (with M. Macleod, T. Bak, R. Collacott, G. Davies: SOILLSE:
2011), (5) Bilingualism and dementia in the Western Isles (with T.
Bak, S. Della Sala and G. Davies: RSE Research Liaison grant, 2010, £800),
(6) Understanding language comprehension in bilingual children
(with L. Serratrice: Leverhulme Trust 2009-10), (7) Early child
bilingualism (with A. Hulk, L. Cornips, S. Unsworth, and I. Tsimpli:
NWO bilateral UK-Netherlands project 2008-10, €100,000).
Details of the impact
Sorace established Bilingualism Matters (BM) in 2008 as a
public engagement project to use the results of the research in which she
was engaged, together with other relevant results and her expertise and
standing accrued as a researcher, to combat negative public perceptions of
bilingualism. The goal of BM is to change attitudes toward
multilingualism in all sectors of society by providing research-based
information in an engaging way. Working towards this challenging goal, BM's
outreach has had a significant and wide-reaching impact, changing
attitudes in individuals and strongly influencing educationalists, health
professionals and policy-makers, within and beyond the UK [5.STA]. BM
crucially draws on the research described above, but also on the
researchers' knowledge of the whole field; Sorace's reputation as a
research leader has given her the credibility to engage convincingly with
the public, from parents to policymakers.
BM has grown rapidly in the UK and across Europe, with events,
consultations with stakeholders, responses to 800+ requests for advice in
this period and substantial media coverage in British and European
national newspapers, radio, and television [5.MED]. Individuals have
confirmed the effect of BM events on their knowledge of and
attitudes to bilingualism. A questionnaire sent out in 2012 to 90
individuals representing a wide range of organisations that had hosted a BM
event achieved a 70% response rate. 89% of respondents "learnt things
about bilingualism [they] did not know before", 91% "discussed
bilingualism with colleagues as a result", 87% had become "more aware
[...] bilingualism is a resource", most "changed the way [they] relate to
bilingual children and families", 73% sought information on bilingualism,
80% visited the website [5.QUE].
In what follows we break down the range of impact according to the
targeted constituencies:
Families and teachers
Sorace and others involved in BM have given over 60 talks to
teachers, parents, children, community groups and cultural institutions,
which have raised awareness of the benefits of bilingualism among local
monolingual and immigrant parents. After a talk to 150 students from 5
Scottish schools, one Head of Modern Languages commented "Having some
solid evidence to support the hunch that the learning of languages is a
good thing can only help the cause of those seeking to promote the
learning and teaching of languages [...] The existence of BM and
its promotion of the research it undertakes seems to me essential"
[5.STA]. In 2010 Sorace was invited to Brussels by the European Commission
to give advice on setting up the Piccolingo campaign promoting
multilingualism. Later that year, BM organised two events in
Edinburgh with the City of Edinburgh Council, SCILT (Scotland's National
Centre for Languages), Edinburgh Beltane, and consulates [5.DOW]. Sorace
led the Scottish partnership in an EU-funded Lifelong Learning project
that supported children learning a language with their parents; a
follow-up project recently funded by the EU for three years will take the
message to schools and immigrant families.
As part of the University's global strategy, BM and "Edinburgh
City of Learning" also trialled second language learning for pre-school
and primary children in 9 schools, extending their reach to early second
language learners from monolingual families. Sending students into schools
changed those students' attitudes too. The whole project was evaluated
very positively by HMIe [5.ECL] and a new project run by BM in
collaboration with official agencies is specifically focused on
introducing Chinese to first year primary school children. According to
the convenor of the Scotland China Education Network (one of the partners)
"BM [...] makes accessible to practitioners in schools the
importance of early language exposure and learning and the underpinning
research. This is what we all hope for from the collaboration between
universities and schools [...] of which BM is a shining model"
Health professionals
If bilingual families are to be encouraged to bring up bilingual
children, it is crucial that they are not discouraged by contrary advice
from health professionals such as paediatricians and speech & language
therapists, who are often unaware of the latest research results on
bilingualism. In Scotland, BM has provided specific CPD training
for speech therapists (Murray Royal Hospital, Perth, 2009) and the
Scottish Childminding Association (2010), and for paediatricians, midwives
and other health professionals at the hospital of Palmanova del Friuli,
Italy (2013). Numbers of participants at each event ranged from 20 to 70.
Policy makers and influential organisations
Members of BM have organised over 100 information seminars for
organisations including the European Central Bank, Council of Europe,
European Commission, and ESRC. These have communicated the benefits of
bilingualism for businesses and the economy. Sorace has also been
consulted extensively by the Scottish Government. The Chair of the
Scottish Government's Working Group on Languages recognised the influence
of Sorace's input to the group's recommendations, now being implemented in
the Scottish Government's "1+2" plan to introduce two languages in primary
schools: "We were greatly impressed by [your work on bilingualism and
early language learning], which, together with your own research and other
related research which you pointed us towards, greatly informed the
thinking and work of the group." [5.EER; 5.STA]. Partnerships in Scotland
between BM and the English as an Additional Language (EAL) Service
of Edinburgh council, and Children in Scotland, have influenced public
policy on language learning, reinforcing the message that the home
languages of immigrant families should be treated as a rich resource; BM
seminars are often integrated in EAL and Children in Scotland's regular
provision for staff in-service training and parent workshops [5.EAL].
A successful event with the RSA at the Scottish Parliament, targeting the
private sector, led to a high-profile event jointly organised by the Financial
Times and BM in London in February 2013, reported in an
extended article on 14 March 2013 [5.FTI]. Attendees, including
high-ranking personnel from Shell, HSBC, Deloitte, Deutsche Bank and
McKinsey, reported afterwards on the new insights that they had gained
("presentation and discussions on multilingualism were thought provoking;
particularly in the part this plays in developing people, including
leaders, with more agile brains, rather than simply an ability to speak
particular languages"; "From my point of view it could not have been more
interesting, helpful and topical. As I explained, I am determined to find
a way of embedding language-learning in the development of young people"
Regional and global language communities:
BM reaches across Europe via a network of six branches, created
with other people—proof that BM is a model that inspires. Branches
operate in Tromsø, Norway; Western Isles, Scotland; Thessaloniki, Greece;
Trento, Sardinia and Siena, Italy. A seventh branch opens in Reading in
December 2013. Six more are planned for 2014 as a result of the EU/FP7
AThEME grant. As acknowledged publicly on their websites, BM was
also the acknowledged source of inspiration for the Cambridge Bilingualism
Network and the Ulster Centre for Multilingualism. Branches coordinate
with BM to provide advice to local communities, including
supporting bilingualism with regional minority languages.
Working together with Bòrd na Gàidhlig, BM has influenced Gaelic
policy in Scotland by providing the impetus for the Curriculum of
Excellence for Gaelic, a central component of the government's Gaelic
plan; the official report stresses the importance of BM and
Sorace's work on bilingualism in several places ("The research on the
attainment of [Gaelic Medium Education] pupils and the work of Prof.
Antonella Sorace, University of Edinburgh, with local authorities, are
fundamental to the continuing growth of GME and the message of the
benefits of bilingualism", and cites her extensively [5.GRE]; the Director
of Education, Culture and Sport at the Highland Council also recognised
the impact of the research ("The research carried out on bilingualism by
the University of Edinburgh has been enormously helpful for the Highland
Council in supporting [a] strong and positive message about the benefits
of bilingualism through [GME]" [5.STA]).
Sorace's presentations of her research results, together with the work of
the local branch of BM, has also led to notable changes in
Sardinian language policy (e.g. the setting up of training courses for
Sardinian teachers as preparation for the introduction of Sardinian as a
medium of instruction in bilingual schools) [5.COR].
Increasingly, having become aware of the relevance of the results of the
primary research, institutions are commissioning BM to carry out
further research on their language communities (e.g. Regione Sardegna;
Scotland China Education Network), a very welcome development.
Sources to corroborate the impact
Individuals who can provide corroboration of claims made in this
impact case study:
5.COR Impact in Sardinia: Director of Sardinian Language & Culture
Service, Sardinian Regional Government
5.DOW Importance of the events in Edinburgh, and BM's
contribution: Quality Improvement Officer, Edinburgh City Council, Early
5.EAL Impact on English as an Additional Language (EAL) Service:
Acting Head Teacher, EAL Service, City of Edinburgh Council
Other sources of corroboration:
5.ECL Impact of the "Edinburgh City of Learning": HMIe report on the
whole project Copy available from the University of Edinburgh.
5.EER Scope of Sorace's input to the European and External Relations
(EER) committee of the Scottish Parliament, 24 January 2014:
a. Copy of official transcript of the session available from the
University of Edinburgh;
b. EER Report on Foreign Language Learning in Primary Schools (June
2013): copy of the official report available from the University of
5.FTI Coverage of BM's presentations to business leaders: Financial
Times articles:
a. Initial article:,
archived as
b. Extended article covering FT roundtable:, archived as
5.GRE Report of the Curriculum for Excellence Gaelic Excellence Group:
Copy of the official report available from the University of Edinburgh
5.MED Media coverage for BM: See links from the media page of the Bilingualism
website: http:
archived as
5.QUE User responses to BM-organised events in Edinburgh:
Full details of questionnaire and responses available from the University
of Edinburgh.
5.STA Impact of BM on participants in events, educationalists and
Statements from individuals available from the University of Edinburgh.