Submitting Institution
University of KentUnit of Assessment
Anthropology and Development StudiesSummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Mathematical Sciences: Statistics
Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Summary of the impact
This case study describes how innovative new survey protocols for amphibians and reptiles in the
UK are already changing conservation and planning practice in the UK. The new protocols,
developed by a team led by Professor Richard Griffiths at the University of Kent, make surveys
more effective and provide guidance for obtaining better data on trends for these species. Thanks
to a series of engagement workshops held in 2011-12, the team's research has already informed
best practice amongst ecologists, consultants and fieldworkers involved in professional practice
and national recording schemes. Moreover, the revised and science-based survey protocols,
published in March 2013, are in the process of being adopted within policy, best practice and
statutory guidance in England, Wales and Scotland.
Prior to this research, survey protocols for amphibians and reptiles had changed little for some 20
years, and were not science-based. Consequently, the amount of survey effort required to reliably
determine population status was controversial. With developers forced to spend up to £125 million
per year to mitigate impacts on some species, this issue was particularly pressing within the
commercial sector. Using statistical models, Griffiths' team derived recommendations that resolved
how much effort was required to reliably detect whether a species was present or absent from a
site. If it were not for this research, these important protocols would not have changed, and
surveys would not have been as cost-effective or as reliable. Indeed, despite several decades of
intensive recording activity, there were insufficient data to provide a meaningful statement on long-
term trends of UK species for the recent National Ecosystem Assessment.
Underpinning research
The aim of the underpinning research was to use recent developments in statistical modelling to
improve the design and analysis of surveys carried out within both professional practice and
voluntary sectors, including the National Amphibian and Reptile Recording Scheme (NARRS). The
results of this research are now being adopted within guidance provided by the government
conservation agencies, and subsequently by professional consultants and NGOs involved with
survey and monitoring.
All species of amphibian and reptile in Britain have some degree of legal protection. Work by
Griffiths' team showed that up to £125 million is being spent annually on efforts to mitigate the
impacts of development on just one of these, the great crested newt. However, previous survey
protocols have been largely unable to provide the evidence needed to show that such expensive
efforts are effective in conserving populations. The underpinning research focused on two
fundamental issues. Firstly, conservation assessments usually use simple counts of animals.
These do not take into account variation in detectability, and can lead to `false absences'. This
means that the counts may actually be a better reflection of factors influencing detection (e.g
weather conditions, vegetation, surveyor expertise) than they are of the number of animals
present. The research used capture-mark-recapture and occupancy models to estimate levels of
detectability using different survey methods. Secondly, the amount of survey effort required to
reliably detect animals or populations has been largely based on anecdotal evidence. The research
used statistical models to determine the optimal combination of survey visits and survey methods
for a given survey goal. The project has therefore resolved long-running debates about how much
survey effort was needed to obtain data on population status that was statistically defensible.
The research was funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation via two 2-year grants (2007-8:
amphibians; 2009-10: reptiles; details in section 3, points a, b). These were channelled through the
University of Sussex with Co-PIs at Sussex (Beebee) and Kent (Griffiths, employed at Kent 1995 to
present), and with the project officer (Dr David Sewell) based at Kent (2007-2011 employed by
Sussex but based at Kent; 2011-present employed by and based at Kent). A NERC Knowledge
Exchange grant (2010-12) followed these grants and provided the vehicle for discussion and
dissemination of the findings; it involved the same partnership with colleagues at the University of
Sussex but was administered through Kent. All stages of the research have involved close
collaboration with the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science at Kent. Therefore,
the contribution of leading researchers at Kent (notably Griffiths) was substantial. Professor
Griffiths is a leading authority on amphibian and reptile conservation, as evidenced by his election
as President of the British Herpetological Society and his membership of several influential trusts
and committees within the field.
Since 2008 this research has resulted in two papers (one published in Biological Conservation, the
other in PLoS ONE) which built on Griffiths' earlier research in the same area. The first paper
evaluated amphibian survey protocols for the National Amphibian and Reptile Recording Scheme
(NARRS) in Britain, which aims to assess the status of five widespread amphibian species.
Surveys were undertaken by trained volunteers and researchers in contrasting landscapes over
two years, and occupancy modelling was used to determine covariates of detection, and to
optimise the number of surveys and number of methods required. In the second study the team
used the same occupancy modelling approach on all six native reptile species in the UK to
determine: (i) occupancy and detectability of all the species across a range of sites; (ii) the optimal
number of survey visits to carry out per site; and (iii) the required sampling effort to detect
population declines at different power levels. The approach described in the studies has been
instrumental in finding the best compromises between rigor and simplicity when volunteers are
used in large-scale surveys.
It became clear that the results of this research were of considerable interest to statutory
conservation agencies, professional ecologists, planners, policy makers and reserve managers, all
of whom carry out amphibian and reptile surveys as part of their work.
References to the research
i. Sewell, D., G. Guilleria-Arroita, R.A. Griffiths and T.J.C. Beebee (2012). When is a species
declining? Optimising survey effort to detect population changes in reptiles. PLoS ONE 7:
e43387. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043387.
ii. Sewell, D., T.J.C. Beebee and R.A. Griffiths (2010). Optimising the efficiency of
biodiversity assessments by volunteers: the application of occupancy modelling to large-
scale amphibian surveys. Biological Conservation 143: 2102-2110. doi:
iii. Griffiths, R.A., D. Sewell and R. McRea (2010). Dynamics of a declining amphibian
metapopulation: survival, dispersal and the impact of climate. Biological Conservation 143:
485-491. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2009.11.017.
iv. Platenberg, R.J. and R.A. Griffiths (1999). Translocation of slow-worms as a mitigation
strategy: a case study from SE England. Biological Conservation 90: 125-132. doi:
a. £75,532 from Esmée Fairbairn Foundation: National Amphibian and Reptile Recording
Scheme — Research Support 1 2007-2008 (co-PI with Prof. T. Beebee — grant administered
through University of Sussex).
b. £102,942 from Esmée Fairbairn Foundation: National Amphibian and Reptile Recording
Scheme — Research Support 2 2008-2009 (co-PI with Prof. T. Beebee — grant administered
through University of Sussex).
c. £82,409 from NERC: Development of standardized protocols for assessing reptile and
amphibian populations. 2011-2012 (PI, grant administered through University of Kent)
Details of the impact
The work undertaken by Griffiths et al. has already had significant impact in informing debate
amongst practitioners and volunteers and in redefining best practice in the field.
In addition to the new research (see section 3, publications i, ii, iii, iv), a key element of this project
has been consultation and engagement between the academic team and professionals and
volunteers on the ground. The NERC Knowledge Exchange project had the support of all three
statutory agencies (Natural England, Countryside Council for Wales and Scottish Natural Heritage)
and the main NGO working in this area, Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust (ARC Trust), as
well as major environmental consultancies that carry out surveys on behalf of developer clients.
As part of the NERC project, four workshops were conducted (one each in Scotland and Wales
and two in England) to disseminate the results of the research and obtain input from the
professional and voluntary sector (section 5, points A, C, D, E). Griffiths was subsequently asked
to organise a further workshop (in South West England) that was funded externally. Ninety-one
personnel attended these workshops, with stakeholders from all sectors represented (i.e.
government and non-government organisations, consultants, scientists, planners and volunteers).
Feedback questionnaires from the workshops were overwhelmingly positive (e.g. `Very grateful to
the DICE team for sharing emerging best practice') and were used to identify future training needs
at a final workshop on 19 December 2012. This was aimed at professionals engaged with the
design and delivery of survey training courses and was attended by a further 16 personnel. In
addition to these stakeholder workshops, the project outputs and updates were presented annually
at the Herpetofauna Workers' Meetings from 2010-2013 (c.150-200 delegates per year, drawn
from professional, government and voluntary sectors). Through discussion and dissemination at
these events the new protocols have already informed practitioner debate and had a significant
impact on survey practice in Britain (see section 5, points A, D, E).
A project report summarising the research and workshop outputs was published in March 2013
(`Survey protocols for the British herpetofauna. Version 1.0'). It has been widely disseminated to
project partners and placed on the ARC Trust website. This document will be used by the ARC
Trust as the key reference document for guidance and consultation (see section 5, points B, C).
The results of the research are also now being adopted as policy guidance provided by the
government conservation agencies in Britain (Natural England, Countryside Council for Wales and
Scottish Natural Heritage), and subsequently by professional consultants and NGOs involved with
survey and monitoring (see section 5, points A, C, D, E for details, relevant quotes from those
statements are below).
For example the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) states: `The results from this project will be
used to inform standardised methods which can be applied at a range of scales to inform us better
of local site importance and statutory site management as well as providing a better basis for
licence application assessments. The development of further standardised guidance for both CCW
staff and other regulatory bodies in Wales (Environment Agency and Forestry Commission) will be
of great benefit to our current process of bringing other WAG agencies into line with protected
species licensing requirements.'
Jim Foster, Amphibian and Reptile Conservation: `The NERC KE project has also been helpful in
developing ARC's research and monitoring agenda. We work with a range of researchers and
students, and the work done under the NERC KE project has prompted us to re-assess which
areas are of key interest.'
John McKinnell of Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) states: `The development of better protocols
which better assess population size and sustainability is very important to our role.'
Paul Edgar of Natural England states: `The Amphibian and Reptile Survey Protocols produced by
DICE have made an immediate, vital and outstanding impact to our work and will greatly improve
our monitoring and surveillance efforts for these species.'
The impacts of this project are significant, wide-ranging and far-reaching. The research has
already informed debate and improved best practice amongst conservation professionals and
volunteers. The new protocols are being adopted into policy guidance in England, Wales and
Scotland. They will help improve the management and conservation of important amphibian and
reptile species; and they also have economic advantages for planners, developers and
environmental consultancies who will benefit from the more streamlined and science-based
approach to monitoring. Moreover, the protocols are likely to have a wider impact, for example in
informing initiatives such as the National Ecosystem Assessment, and with strong potential for
international adoption in future.
Sources to corroborate the impact
A. Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) detailing the adoption of standardised methods.
B. A new website is currently being developed by the ARC Trust, and this will include a
section on survey and monitoring protocols that will stem directly from the research. As two
members of the research team (Griffiths — Kent, Beebee — Sussex) are ARC Trustees, on-going
research outputs will be incorporated as they emerge. The website (still under
construction) can be found at
C. Guidance notes are currently being drafted by the ARC Trust that will be adopted by
government agencies. These guidance notes will incorporate the results of the research (to
follow when released). A statement from Jim Foster, Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
indicates the importance of the NERC KE project.
D. Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH): John McKinnell indicates the importance of the protocols
for SNH.
E. Natural England: Paul Edgar states that the protocols developed by Griffiths' team have
had an immediate and outstanding impact.