Control engineering applied to radiotherapy
Submitting Institution
Coventry UniversityUnit of Assessment
General EngineeringSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences
Medical and Health Sciences: Neurosciences, Oncology and Carcinogenesis
Summary of the impact
This case study presents the applied research work in systems modelling,
control and machine
vision led by Dr Haas and its impact on radiotherapy. The research
is linked to a series of
collaborative projects with industry and the NHS on control systems
development for clinical
equipment, and the evaluation of state of the art treatments. The main
impacts are:
Health impacts and impact on clinical technologies: i) the
realisation of the Total Skin
Electron Betatron Unit, which is a unique skin cancer treatment machine,
ii) the development of
methods and devices to evaluate the capabilities of medical equipment
for adaptive and image-guided
radiotherapy thereby contributing to its clinical deployment.
Impact on practitioners and professional services: the
initiation of a culture change by
encouraging the use of computer simulation tools and increased
application of control theory in
industry and the NHS.
Underpinning research
The underpinning research described in this case study is
multidisciplinary in nature but exploits
the control systems work of Dr Haas and Professor Burnham
over the last 20 years at Coventry
University. The research has focussed on the use of systems modelling,
control and optimisation
to deliver targeted radiotherapy treatments in collaboration with
University Hospitals Coventry and
Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW) and global medical technology companies.
The initial radiotherapy research led to the first UK demonstration of
intensity modulated radiation
therapy [1]. The focus of the research was then moved, through £43k
funding from UHCW to
finding a good but more importantly practical solution, from a clinical
perspective [2]. In parallel,
Coventry University took the lead in organising with UHCW the `Coventry
Cancer Challenge' and
turned the Total Skin Electron Betatron Unit (TSEBU) ´from an idea into
something real', see
Figure 1. Haas used simulation studies to identify the most
appropriate set up and then
implemented the control system. Haas and Burnham's ability
to undertake research which
delivered practical solutions attracted interest from Elekta, the second
largest manufacturer of
radiotherapy treatment devices in the world. This led to the highly
successful £90k TCS/KTP
3787, 2002-04 (awarded Grade 1 and KTP Prize in 2005) to model a patient
support system and
design of a new control system for the development of dynamic therapy.
These projects established Haas and Burnham's reputation
and expertise in control applied to
radiotherapy. The medical imaging research subsequently undertaken by Haas
created the
perfect blend of skills required for image guided and adaptive
radiotherapy. This led Haas to be
invited to take part in the 4.5 year €7M MAESTRO EU project involving 25
partners from 9
countries including 5 companies, 8 clinics and 12 research centres. Haas
coordinated work
package 1, entitled "Adaptive radiation delivery tracking and control for
radiotherapy". A control
engineering approach was used to develop a new integrated motion
prediction [3, 4] and model
predictive control system [5] to compensate patient and target motion
using a robotic patient
support system. Haas and Burnham's team developed an
artificial neural network [3], model
based Kalman filters and interactive multiple model [4] predictors to
anticipate tumour motion,
thereby cancelling out the inherent systems lags and delays. Rapid
prototyping and hardware in
the loop techniques were exploited to successfully implement the
controller on a clinical as well as
a research system [5]. A novel electromechanical anatomical radiotherapy
phantom was
developed to simulate concurrent tumour and chest motion and evaluate the
overall motion
compensation strategy [6], see Figures 2a,c overleaf.
Figure 1: From a Betatron on a scaffolding (1997) to a clinical treatment machine at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire (2013)
References to the research
1. Haas, O.C.L., Burnham, K.J., Mills, J.A. (1998)
`Optimization of beam orientation in
radiotherapy using planar geometry', Physics in Medicine and Biology, 43
(8), pp. 2179-2193
(Cited by 74, impact factor: 2.701)
2. Meyer, J., Mills, J.A., Haas, O.C.L., Burnham, K.J.,
Parvin, E.M. (2001) `Accommodation of
couch constraints for coplanar intensity modulated radiation therapy',
Radiotherapy and
Oncology 61 (1), pp. 23-32 (Cited by 17, impact factor: 4.520)
3. Goodband, J. H., Haas, O. C. L., and Mills, J. A. (2008) 'A
Comparison of Neural Network
Approaches for on-Line Prediction in IGRT.'. Medical Physics , 35 (3),
1113-1122 (Cited by 9,
impact factor: 2.84)
4. Putra, D., Haas, O. C. L., Mills, J. A., and Burnham,
K. J. (2008) 'A Multiple Model Approach
to Respiratory Motion Prediction for Real-Time IGRT'. Physics in Medicine
and Biology, 53 (6),
1651-1663 (Cited by 18, impact factor: 2.701)
5. Haas, O. C. L., Skworcow, P., Paluszczyszyn, D., Sahih, A.,
Ruta, M., and Mills, J. A. (2012)
'Couch-Based Motion Compensation: Modelling, Simulation and Real-Time
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (18), 5787-5807 (Cited by 1, impact
factor: 2.701)
6. Depuydt, T., Verellen, D., Haas, O., Gevaert, T., Linthout,
N., Duchateau, M., Tournel, K.,
Reynders, T., Leysen, K., Hoogeman, M., Storme, G., and Ridder, M. D.
(2011) 'Geometric
Accuracy of a Novel Gimbals Based Radiation Therapy Tumor Tracking
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 98 (3), 365-372 (Cited by 31, impact factor:
Key Funding
Burnham and Haas, (1998 - 2002), £43k funding from
University Hospitals Coventry and
Warwickshire to develop practical clinical implementation of intensity
modulated radiation therapy.
Burnham and Haas, (1999-2002), £50k funding for EPSRC Case
studentship in collaboration with
Park Medical Ltd and UHCW to develop medical image analysis incorporating
knowledge and
feedback.Burnham and Haas, (2002-04), £90k Elekta Ltd
TCS/KTP 3787, (awarded GRADE 1
and KTP Prize in 2005) to model patient support system and design of new
control system for the
development of dynamic therapy.
Burnham and Haas, (2002-2005), £54k funding from
Industrial Case EPSRC Training Award no.
02303507 to Research into the use of plastic to develop new compensating
devices to modulate
radiotherapy treatment beams
Haas and Burnham (2005 - 2009) with 25 partners €7M
MAESTRO EU project
(FP6/CE/LSHC/CT/2004/503564). Funding to Coventry University €394k to
develop work package
1 and adaptive radiation delivery tracking and control for radiotherapy.
Details of the impact
Haas and Burnham's research has underpinned the
development of equipment which delivers
treatments for rare skin cancers and optimises the targeting of treatments
to kill cancer cells within
the body by minimising collateral damage to healthy cells caused by the
breathing of the patient
during treatment. In addition, Haas has created a phantom and
associated evaluation
methodologies which have been used to validate the potential for the use
of control methodologies
to focus the targeting of radiotherapy treatment in commercially available
clinical systems.
Health impacts and impact on clinical technologies
The health and clinical technologies impacts stem from research to develop
and evaluate the
clinical use of control theory and its application to develop niche cancer
treatment machines.
The Total Skin Electron Betatron Unit (TSEBU), was jointly developed by
Coventry University and
the University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW), between 1997 and
2004 has treated
with positive clinical outcomes 29 (including 15 between 2008 and 2013)
patients suffering from
rare forms of skin cancer such as Mycosis Fungoides or Sezary syndrome. Haas
and Burnham
provided a vital contribution to the TSEBU design and with their student
implemented the control
system on an industrial controller. The device proved effective and the
initial simulation study led to
the current clinical machine. Adrian Wilson, Director of Clinical Physics,
University Hospitals
Coventry and Warwickshire stated `Undoubtedly the Coventry TSEBU
facility has been a great
success to many patients in the UK ... the impact of the treatment on
the patient is phenomenal' ...
a great success to many patients in the UK.´ Coventry University `turned
it from an idea to
something that was real, it has created a unique device ... a tool
in our armoury' [a].
The anthropomorphic thorax phantom was designed jointly with UHCW and its
control system
implemented by Haas, PhD and MRes students under joint supervision
with UHCW was one of the
first applications of LabVIEW to control a 4 axis medical device using low
cost hardware. The
research "demonstrated that one can produce an anatomically accurate
phantom with anatomically
realistic movements to help quantify advantages and disadvantages of
different approaches to
delivering radiotherapy". The phantom was used extensively during the
evaluation of the couch
motion compensation system developed during the MAESTRO project.
"Elekta decided to work with Coventry University to improve our
knowledge of control systems, and
to apply additional academic know-how to our development. Following the
KTP, the Synergy
product was released onto to the radiotherapy market with widespread
acclaim." John Allen, Chief
Engineer, Oncology Systems Technology, Elekta [b]. The model predictive
control system
implemented on the Elekta Precise Table™ demonstrated that this particular
idea was feasible.
The original TCS/KTP with Coventry University had a positive influence on
the future direction of
Elekta's business. The former TCS/KTP associate supervised by Haas
has become an expert in
the control systems part of Elekta's product and a key player in the
development of the Agility
multileaf collimator, a new cancer treatment product which `enables
significantly faster and more
precise target-guided treatment for patients' Kevin Brown, Global VP
Scientific Research, Elekta
The research expertise gained through the MAESTRO project led UZ Brussels
to ask Haas to
advise on methods to evaluate the tracking ability of the VERO from
Brainlab/Mitsubishi [6], see
Figures 2b,c. The VERO stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT)
is a niche cancer treatment machine that is able to deliver high dosage to
the tumour thanks to its
ability to track the tumour motion thereby reducing the impact of
radiation on healthy tissues.
Wohlgemuth (Project Manager, Brainlab) said "Tests with the MAESTRO
Phantom were performed
at an early stage provided a starting point for deciding on focus of
further development. These
tests especially were helpful for the development of dedicated imaging
procedures and implant
detection for dynamic tracking" [d]. The VERO platform
characterisation experiments were
published in a journal paper co-authored by staff from UZ Brussels,
Brainlab and Haas.
Wohlgemuth noted that these cited publications were used for the
validation of real-time tumour
tracking. This validation was required to "release tumour tracking for
clinical use". Wohlgemuth
added that the system has been in clinical use since 2011. Currently there
are ten VERO
installations worldwide with five more installations in progress. The VERO
based in Brussels has
treated 15 patients since 2011.
Figure 2: Evaluating the performance of motion tracking and compensation exploited by UZ
Brussels, Belgium and Brainlab, Germany to assess and subsequently deploy clinically the VERO.
Impact on practitioners and professional services stems from the
introduction of control tools
and research methods to radiotherapy practitioners and changed the view of
companies about the value of working with universities. John Mills,
Radiotherapy Manager,
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire indicated that "Haas
brought a broader and much
more open approach to the Radiotherapy Department at the hospital which
had traditionally been
very academic and gave a boost to the research culture in the Hospital"
[e]. Adrian Wilson
highlighted that Haas' primary contribution in terms of changing
practices within UHCW was "the
introduction of a kind of 'rigour' of looking at how one can control
things, putting the problem into a
framework and then mathematically describing the control" [a]. Kevin Brown
stated that computer
simulations such as MATLAB/Simulink have increased together with the
applications of control
theory at Elekta and that the experience with the collaborative research
project with Haas led to
Elekta becoming more comfortable with collaborative approaches with
Sources to corroborate the impact
a) Director of Clinical Physics, University Hospitals Coventry and
b) Chief Engineer, Elekta Oncology Systems Technology Limited
c) Global VP Scientific Research, Eleka Limited
d) Senior Project Manager, Brainlab AG
e) Radiotherapy Manager, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire