Submitting Institutions
Robert Gordon University,
University of the Highlands & IslandsUnit of Assessment
Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and PharmacySummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
The Counterweight Programme (CW) is a structured model for obesity
management in primary care settings. CW has made substantial changes to
clinical and public health guidelines and to practice nationally and
internationally: the Programme has since been adopted in Primary Care
Galway, Ireland and for a government funded trial in Ontario, Canada. The
creation of a spin out company, Counterweight Ltd, in 2011 resulted in
concomitant job creation and significant commercial activity, with CW now
being used in private healthcare, pharmacies, fitness clubs, and by
freelance healthcare professionals. Moreover, the programme has
significantly benefited the health and welfare of obese patients and
improved care practice by increasing quality, accessibility and cost
effectiveness of weight management services in the UK.
Underpinning research
CW started as a collaborative project, led by Professor John (Iain) Broom
at Robert Gordon University and involved collaborators from: the
University of Bath; Cambridge; Glasgow; Imperial College London; Leeds and
Warwick. Professor Broom was Principal Investigator on a 5-year
educational grant-in-aid from Roche (2000-2005) and subsequently on a
2-year grant from Sanofi-Aventis (2006-2007). Both grants supported
research to assess the need for, the development and evaluation of a model
for obesity management.
Needs assessment: A review of the current approaches to obesity
management in UK primary care highlighted gaps in care, and identified
both that obesity is under-recorded as diagnosis in primary care and that
weight management appears to be based on brief opportunistic interventions
mainly implemented by practice nurses. Moreover, an analysis of the major
cost factors of primary care, showed that the cost of the number of visits
made by obese individuals to general practitioners, practice nurses and
outpatients departments, and the total volume of drug prescriptions (and
thus drug costs) were significantly higher (in the region of two- to
four-fold) in obese patients compared to normal weight patients [1, 2].
Development: The CW programme is based on the theoretical model of
Evidence-Based Quality Assessment consisting of: setting goals for a
realistic weight change; assessing factors which may have contributed to
weight gain, and subsequently supporting the individual in selecting
methods to achieve and maintain weight loss. CW differs from other weight
loss programmes as it draws on theory and evidence relating to changes in
both the behaviour of health professionals and how they deliver clinical
care, as well as using evidence-based pathways for obesity management and
employing multifaceted interventions to target different barriers to
change, which together are more effective than single interventions [3].
Evaluation: Several parameters were considered during the
evaluation phase of the programme including the impact upon both the
health and welfare of obese individuals and on health economics.
The CW project achieved a target weight loss of ≥5% at 12 and 24 months
in one third of the total 1906 patients attending the programme. These
results compared favourably with weight loss resulting from
heavily-resourced RCTs conducted in specialist clinical settings as
reviewed by the US National Institutes of Health [4]. Additionally, based
on a large cross-sectional study (comprising over 6000 obese individuals
and more than 1000 age- and sex-matched overweight and normal-weight
patients) and through theoretical modelling, the CW research team showed
that: i) obese patients develop more cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk
factors compared to normal-weight controls and exhibit increased
prevalence of type 2 diabetes (odds ratio: 6.16 and 7.82 in men and women,
respectively) and ii) a 10% weight loss from the mean Body Mass Index
(BMI) (32.5 kg/m2) resulted in a reduced risk of developing
diabetes and CVD (30% and 20% reduction, respectively) [5]. Furthermore,
the attributable cost of managing overweight and obese individuals
(currently 23% of spending on all drugs in the UK) was assessed for 3400
randomly selected adult patients stratified by BMI from 23 different care
practices, and the weight loss outcomes achieved by CW were used to model
potential effects of weigh change on drugs cost. This showed the CW
programme could reduce the prescribing costs and lead to substantial cost
avoidance; since at least 8% of the programme delivery cost would be
recouped from prescribing savings alone in the first year [6].
In summary, the CW project has produced an evidence based model for
obesity management in primary care which significantly benefits the health
and welfare of obese patients and improves care practice by increasing
quality, accessibility and cost effectiveness of weight management
services. The research produced a variety of outputs including: 17 peer
reviewed papers; 41 conference papers and presentations; comprehensive
training manuals for practitioners and educational support materials for
patients. In addition there was the creation of a spin out company,
Counterweight Ltd, in 2011.
References to the research
[1] The Counterweight Project Team. Obesity impacts on general practice
appointments. 2005. Obesity Research, 13: 1442-1449. doi:
[3]* The Counterweight Project Team. A new evidence-based model for
weight management in primary care: the Counterweight Programme. 2004.
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 17: 191-208. doi:
[5] The Counterweight Project Team. Prevalence of CVD risk factors by
body mass index and the impact of 10% weight change. 2008. Obesity
Research & Clinical Practice, 2: 15-27.
[6]* The Counterweight Project Team. Influence of body mass index on
prescribing costs and potential cost savings of a weight management
programme in primary care. 2008. Journal of Health Services Research &
Policy, 13: 158-166. doi: 10.1258/jhsrp.2008.007140
Funding received to support research:
Educational grant-in-aid, Roche, £ 2.77 M for 2000-2004, £1 M for
2004-05; Sanofi Aventis, 2006-2007, £570,000.
Details of the impact
Obesity has become a global epidemic with over 50% of both men and women
in World Health Organisation (WHO) European Regions being overweight, and
approximately 23% of women and 20% of men being classified as obese (WHO
2008). Moreover, in the UK alone, the cost to the NHS for the management
of obesity and obesity-associated diseases has been estimated to reach
more than £ 45bn/year by 2050. Government policy has, therefore,
identified an urgent need for the design and development of alternative
management strategies and treatment protocols. The CW programme was
developed in response to this need and aimed to address the key barriers
to, and facilitators of, practice and patient engagement for the wider
implementation in a UK primary care setting. As such, the CW programme
provides an evidence based and effective approach for weight management in
routine primary care. The positive impacts of CW are manifest in several
Improved Health and Welfare: Continuous evaluation of the CW
programme has demonstrated consistency in the characteristics of the
patients enrolled into the programme. Of the total 6715 patients enrolled
via 184 general practices, 16 pharmacies and one centralised
community-based service, across 13 Health Boards throughout Scotland, and
of the over 14,000 patients further reported to the Scottish Government,
28% of patients attended for the entire 12 month programme. Of these,
35.2% of patients maintained a weight loss of >5%, compared to 30.7% in
the original evaluation [4]. This provides evidence for engagement within
areas of higher social deprivation where obesity is a more significant
problems (over 1/4 of the patients had BMI >40 kg/m2 and 30%
more patients had a BMI >50 kg/m2 compared with enrolment in
the original evaluation), and of greater weight losses among those who
attended [a].
Improved Service Delivery: Based on policy and political drive to
tackle obesity through central commissioning, the Scottish Government
commissioned the implementation of the CW programme in Scotland via 3
phases. The first 2 phases were implemented alongside "Keep Well", a
targeted primary prevention programme aimed at reducing the incidence of
cardiovascular disease in areas of high social deprivation in Scotland.
Following the positive outcome of the CW Programme on weight management in
6 Health Boards, in 2008 the Scottish Government commissioned phase 3,
which rolled out the programme (this time as a stand-alone programme) to a
further 7 Health Boards [b, c]. As a result of continual evaluation and
reporting of outcomes, the Scottish Government continued to support the
implementation of the CW programme in each Health Board until 2012.
Following central funding being devolved to each health board, the
majority (10 of 13) Health Boards have continued with the CW programme
through direct licensing with the Counterweight spin out company.
Over the last 10 years, CW has been widely adopted by the health care
sector. As described above, it was rolled out in Scotland by the Health
Department, and in England the Department of Health has implemented it in
20 Primary Care Trusts, demonstrating a step change in practice and
delivery of care for the obese. Despite a lack of incentives within
general practices in the UK to deliver weight management programmes, the
uptake of the CW programme has been high, illustrating the effectiveness
of both the Scottish Government commissioning services and the support
offered by the established implementation process of CW. Thus CW has
allowed available resources to be used for direct patient intervention
rather than the cumbersome, time-consuming and expensive alternative to
develop local programmes in individual areas.
Improved Guidelines: The implementation of CW throughout the UK
has resulted in changes to clinical and healthcare guidelines, and the
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) [c, d] recommend CW
among the available Weight Management and support for weight loss
maintenance programmes in adults.
Improved Cost-effectiveness: The economic benefit of CW to both
the private and public sector is supported by the demonstrated link
between successful weight loss and weight loss maintenance at 12 months,
achieved via CW, and the reduction in numbers of patients requiring to be
started on medication for cardiovascular risk factors associated with
obesity. Moreover, health economic analysis (using the cost effectiveness
model from NICE Guidelines; 2006) of CW delivery in UK primary care has
shown the programme to be a dominant intervention in that it improves
clinical benefit (Quality-adjusted Life-Years) and offers an overall cost
saving to the NHS [e]. If outcomes obtained in CW intervention patients
were projected onto the whole UK population, the anticipated drug cost
saving would be £40.3 M. In recognition of this success and its major
implication for UK health spending, in 2010 CW was awarded a PraxisUnico
Impact Award for Public Policy and Service Impact which recognised the
impact of innovation [f].
Increased Commerce: Through the creation of Counterweight Ltd ( the role
of health professionals in the management of obesity has shifted from tier
1-2 level to community workers, pharmacy assistants, lifestyle advisers,
dietetic assistants, long term condition staff, freelance healthcare
professionals and leisure groups. The creation of the company in 2011,
which employs 6 full-time members of staff, has therefore had a positive
impact on job creation and on commerce by creating a diversified product
for not only the public and private health sectors, but also in the
occupational health sector. In addition, a new product, Counterweight
Plus, has been developed for non surgical weight management intervention
to treat severe and complicated obesity and is supporting a major Diabetes
UK grant awarded to the Universities of Glasgow and Newcastle. Since the
creation of the company, 22 Public Health licences have been contracted
(12 licences to Scottish Health Boards, 7 English Health Trusts, 1
University Hospital in Ireland, and 2 in a Canadian Nurse Led Clinic) [g].
Private health contracts have also been secured, with 4 licences
contracted to private hospitals (2 in Scotland, 1 in England, 1 in
Ireland) 1 to a community based pharmacy in Ontario, Canada [h] and 55 to
freelance dietitians. In the occupational health sector, 1 licence has
been contracted to a UK's leading workplace fitness provider specialised
in setting up and managing corporate fitness and wellbeing centres to
improve the employee health and wellbeing. Contracts with 2 Occupational
Health service providers in the oil and gas sector are under negotiation
to provide a bespoke service to fully maximise employee wellness and
financial return on investment.
Finally, the programme has influenced clinical and public health
guidelines not only in Scotland and England but also at international
level. In particular, the Centre for Health Care and Equity in Australia
use CW as a basis for their lifestyle intervention program in Primary
Health Care [i], with Professor Broom being part of a collaborative
research programme funded by the Australian Government and also partnered
by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta.
Sources to corroborate the impact
[a] The Counterweight Project Team. The
implementation of the Counterweight Programme in Scotland, UK.
Family Practice 2012; 29: i139-i144.
[b] Scottish Government News; Health Board Funding 04/09/2008
[c] Scottish Government Publication: Preventing Overweight and Obesity in
Scotland: A Route Map Towards Healthy Weight. Scotland Obesity Strategy,
February 22, 2010. ISBN 978 0 7559 8183 0
[d] Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network: 115 Management of
obesity: A national clinical guideline. February 2010, 9.4 Weight
Management programmes and support for weight loss maintenance in adults,
diet plus physical activity plus behavioural therapy page 20.
[e] The Counterweight Project Team and P.Trueman. 2010 Long term
cost-effectiveness of weight management in primary care. The International
Journal of Clinical Practice, 64: 775-783. doi:
[f] Public Policy and Service Impact Award presented to Counterweight
programme at The Impact Awards ceremony held at the PraxisUnico
Conference gala, Nottingham, June 2010.
[g] Correspondence from a University Hospital in Ireland and a Nurse Led
Clinic in Ontario, Canada.
[i] Correspondence from Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity,
Sydney, Australia.