Case Study 2 - Fire Prevention and Community Safety
Submitting Institution
Liverpool John Moores UniversityUnit of Assessment
Computer Science and InformaticsSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Mathematical Sciences: Statistics
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
This case study concerns research in the fields of fire prevention and
community safety. A novel causal factor model of accidental dwelling fire
risk was developed and incorporated into a geographical information system
for fire prevention management, which has been used by Merseyside Fire and
Rescue Service (MF&RS) to support delivery of fire prevention
activities within the region since 2010.
In addition, a novel customer segmentation approach was developed to
provide an enhanced understanding of at-risk social groups in terms of
combined fire risk, health risk, social care risk, and crime risk. This
formed the basis for further analysis of causal factors within the same
geographical area, enabling the deployment of yet more accurate targeting
of fire prevention resources.
The impact of the research has been the adoption of the approach as a
form of best practice to improve targeting of fire prevention activities,
which is a contributing factor to the observed reduction in fire
incidence. This was associated with a reduction in accidental dwelling
fires by approximately 12% (163 incidents) observed across Merseyside
between 2009/10 and 2012/13.
Underpinning research
The research methodology was to build multivariate linear regression
models to detect socio-economic associations that were then combined with
expert knowledge to identify causal factors linked to increased incidence
of unintentional dwelling fires. Further insights into the composition of
vulnerable groups and individuals within the community were modelled with
cluster analysis. This led to the development of a community safety model
incorporating combined fire, health, social care and crime risks.
The research focused on computational statistical models for accidental
dwelling fire risk and customer segmentation. This validated a methodology
for building risk models that are practically useful for identifying
at-risk individuals and social groups in terms of fire prevention [1],
[5], and the implementation of such models within geographical information
systems [2], [3], [4], [5]. Initially MF&RS provided contestable
research funds to investigate accidental dwelling fire anomalies (2007 -
2008) (grant awarded to M. Francis, H. Francis and M. Taylor) [6]. A
Knowledge Transfer Partnership funded by the UK Technology Strategy Board
and MF&RS (2009 - 2010) (grant awarded to M. Francis, H. Francis and
M. Taylor) [7] developed a novel causal factor model of accidental
dwelling fire risk that was incorporated into a geographical information
system for fire prevention management. Previous research in this area had
concentrated on descriptive analysis of historical fire incidents and
associations with generic measures such as indices of multiple
The novelty of the research was to combine data from a wide variety of
sources to develop a more accurate predictive model that could be used at
small-area level [1]. Moreover, the model also had to be sufficiently
interpretable to be explained in detail to non-expert users and for
validation of the tool as a decision support system.
The computational tool has been used by MF&RS to support delivery of
fire prevention activities in the region since the end of the KTP [1],
[2], [3], [4] in 2010. The statistical model devised was embedded into a
novel geographical information system that provided spatial fire risk
analysis using different social characteristics associated with fire risk
[2], [3], [4].
The development of a novel multiple linear regression model for
accidental dwelling fire incidence from population measures at the best
achievable spatial granularity was undertaken jointly by P. Lisboa, M.
Taylor and H. Francis in the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
between 2007 and 2010. The research involved MF&RS working in
partnership with local council departments and Merseyside Police, first to
identify appropriate population measures to form the main covariates for
the computational data analysis. Supporting information was also obtained
from the UK Department for Work and Pensions and the UK Office for
National Statistics. The novel small-area prediction model for accidental
dwelling fire risk was validated and shown to provide a more detailed fire
risk assessment from fire causal factors than existing models used by
other fire and rescue services [1], [2], [4]. This model also involved the
use of a novel geographical information system to provide a spatial
layered risk model [2], [3], [4] to support fire prevention management.
The research also produced a novel approach to the testing of geographical
information systems [3].
The research into accidental dwelling fire risk was extended to
incorporate associated risk factors within health care, social care and
crime using the previous analysis of fire risk as a basis for further
analysis of causal factors. This led to the development of a novel
customer segmentation model by P. Lisboa, M. Taylor and I. Jarman between
2010 and 2013 to provide novel analyses of at-risk social groups in terms
of combined fire risk, health risk, social care risk and crime risk [5].
The theoretical challenge of the research was to identify those social
groups and individuals that were considered at risk by a number of public
sector agencies, resulting in a set of community profiles. The novelty of
the research was a customer segmentation approach that identified combined
fire, health, social care and crime risks to produce a set of community
profiles. The research was funded by the UK Department for Communities and
Local Government (2010 - 2012) (grant awarded to P. Lisboa, M. Taylor, and
I. Jarman) [8] and MF&RS (2012 - 2013) (grant awarded to P. Lisboa, M.
Taylor, and I. Jarman) [9]. The grants involved MF&RS, Wirral Council,
Wirral NHS PCT and Merseyside Police as project partners. The research
provided novel and original customer insight allowing the partner agencies
to work collaboratively by signposting individuals and households to
relevant partner agencies [5] as part of a multi-agency preventative
approach. Overall the staff involved in the project were Professor P.
Lisboa, Senior Lecturers M. Taylor and H. Frances, and Senior Researcher
I. Jarman.
References to the research
Peer-reviewed outputs
[1] Taylor MJ, Higgins E, Lisboa PJG, Kwasnica V (2012) "An Exploration
of Causal Factors in Unintentional Dwelling Fires", Risk Management,
vol. 14(2), 109-125, DOI 10.1057/rm.2011.9.
[2] Taylor MJ, Higgins E, Francis M, Lisboa PJG (2011) "Managing
Unintentional Dwelling Fire Risk", Journal of Risk Research, vol.
14(10), 1207-1218, DOI 10.1080/13669877.2011.587884.
[3] Taylor MJ, Higgins E, Lisboa PJG (2012) "Testing Geographical
Information Systems: A Case Study in A Fire Prevention Support System", Journal
of Systems and Information Technology, vol. 14(3), 184-199, DOI
[4] Higgins E, Taylor M, Francis H (2012) "A Systemic Approach to Fire
Prevention Support", Systemic Practice and Action Research, vol.
25(5), 393-406, DOI 10.1007/s11213-012-9229-9.
Note that the best three publications are [5], [1] and [2].
Grants awarded
[6] Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service contestable research funding for
Analysis of anomalous unintentional dwelling fires (2007-2008), Strategic
Planning Department, MF&RS Headquarters, Bridle Road, Bootle,
Merseyside, L30 4YD, Tel: 0151 296 4000. Grant awarded to M. Francis, H.
Francis and M. Taylor, Grant Value £16,000.
[7] Knowledge Transfer Partnership KTP007286 (2009-2010), Knowledge
Transfer Partnerships, Technology Strategy Board, North Star House, North
Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1UE. Tel: 0300 321 4357, Email:
Grant awarded to M. Francis, H. Francis and M. Taylor, Grant value
[8] UK Department of Communities and Local Government (2010 - 2012),
Customer led transformation programme. Grant awarded to P. Lisboa, M.
Taylor and I. Jarman, Grant value £77,716.
[9] Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service contestable research funding for
Customer Insight Project (2012-2013), Strategic Planning Department,
MF&RS Headquarters, Bridle Road, Bootle, Merseyside, L30 4YD, Tel:
0151 296 4000. Grant awarded P. Lisboa, M. Taylor and I. Jarman, Grant
value £44,000.
Details of the impact
In 2008 the economic cost of fire across the UK was estimated at £8.3
billion. As well as the economic cost, there is also the injury and loss
of life resulting from fire incidences. Between 2009/10 and 2012/13, there
was a reduction in accidental dwelling fires by approximately 12% (163
incidents) across Merseyside [A], [B], [D]. This reduction in accidental
dwelling fires is associated with improved delivery of fire prevention
activities resulting from the research. Based upon the knowledge gained
from causal factor analysis, the enhanced community safety model enabled
more accurate identification of vulnerable groups and individuals within
the community, for example those likely to have elderly falls. The
community safety model supports preventative measures that can save
considerable funds in the medium term for the different agencies involved.
For example, care for elderly individuals who may suffer from excess cold
costs £3.2m per local authority, whereas remedial work is estimated to
cost less than £1m, resulting in a significant saving if the vulnerable
people can be identified through the customer insight approach.
Fire Prevention:
A KTP in partnership with MF&RS developed a novel causal factor model
of accidental dwelling fire risk and incorporated it into a geographical
information system for fire prevention management. This has been used by
MF&RS to support the delivery of fire prevention within Merseyside
since the end of the KTP. The implementation of the enhanced risk
identification system was a major development for MF&RS, which is now
able to more effectively identify groups of individuals at increased risk
of experiencing an accidental dwelling fire. This allows greater
understanding of why groups of individuals are at risk for better
tailoring and targeting of services to the community. The adoption in 2010
of the approach as best practice for improved delivery of fire prevention
activities is associated with an observed reduction in accidental dwelling
fires between 2009/10 and 2012/13.
Furthermore, the geographical information system and the learning gained
from the KTP contributed to the Community Safety strategy at MF&RS
[A]. The financial impact of our research on MF&RS was measured by the
reduced cost of responding to accidental dwelling fires. Response to fire
is estimated at £3,100 per incident, therefore reducing the number of
incidents amounted to an estimated saving of over £500,000 over the period
2009/10 to 2012/13 [D].
MF&RS has been a pioneer of preventative initiatives in the
community, reducing accidental dwelling fires and driving down related
deaths in Merseyside over several years. The sophisticated geographical
information system developed through the KTP assisted with further
reductions by better targeting fire prevention activities using a spatial
analysis of known accidental dwelling fire risk factors. As this
methodology is based on risk factors that are also of relevance to other
partners, it has enhanced collaboration with other public service
agencies, as listed in Section 2, for more accurate targeting of
preventative measures to the most vulnerable communities. This will have
significant economic value in the region but most importantly will reduce
human suffering. The system has the potential to be adopted by Fire &
Rescue Services across the UK and possibly beyond [B].
Community Safety:
We extended our fire safety approach to other aspects of assessing risk
to the community through a customer insight project funded by the UK
Department of Communities and Local Government and MF&RS. This
extended the analysis of fire risk to incorporate associated health,
social care and crime risks that used the previous analysis of fire risk
as a basis for further analysis of causal factors. The research provided
an objective means to identify households most at risk in the community in
order to support more targeted use of fire prevention resources [5]. The
approach has been disseminated as a model good practice approach by the UK
Department of Communities and Local Government [C]. This supports the
joined-up public sector provision approach advocated by the UK Government
The results of a pilot of customer insight found that over 70% of
residents identified by the approach and visited during the customer
insight pilot had some factors present that could result in them becoming
at risk from fire. In addition, 50% of residents visited were signposted
or referred onto another agency because additional risks or needs were
identified [C]. This evidences the value of more accurate targeting of
fire prevention activities as part of a multi-agency preventative
approach, by allowing officers to signpost or refer onto other agencies if
additional risks are identified. This methodology has the potential to
significantly reduce costs for MF&RS and its partners. For example,
due to more accurate identification of vulnerable individuals through the
customer insight project, elderly falls and problems related to excess
cold will be reduced. An elderly person falling at home will cost the NHS
approximately £2,500, whereas preventative remedial work carried out at
the home of an elderly person would result in a potential avoided cost of
approximately £2,000 per person (there are approximately 5000 elderly
falls in Merseyside each year). Another currently important concern is
that of problems relating to excess cold, which cost £3.2m per local
authority, whereas remedial work is estimated to cost less than £1m,
giving a significant saving if the vulnerable people can be identified
through the customer insight approach.
The community of Merseyside has benefited from more co-ordinated
community safety which supports elderly, disabled and other at-risk
individuals to live independently via co-ordinated support from the fire
and rescue service, national health service, local council and police
service. The Community Profiles developed by the research are used by the
six MF&RS Service District Prevention Teams and the Home Safety
Coordinator at headquarters when developing new fire safety campaigns. The
Vulnerable Person Index (VPI) developed by the research is used by
Operational Crews at the sixteen fire stations in Wirral and Liverpool on
a daily basis. This index enables Operational Crews to better target Home
Fire Safety Checks based on known risk factors, for example a person known
to adult social care, over 65, living alone etc. The Community Profiles
have also allowed for a greater understanding of communities. For example,
an analysis of kitchen fires identified that over 80% occurred in three
out of the ten Community Profile groups. This enabled greater targeting of
safer cooking messages towards those most at risk. The VPI has enhanced
the identification of vulnerable individuals. Typically, some of these
vulnerable individuals may not have been identified using previous
methodologies as they live within `low risk' areas. Utilising this
methodology has resulted in a 5% increase in Home Fire Safety Check visits
within areas previously defined as `low risk'. In addition, over 70% of
these individuals were found to have some fire risks present that could
lead to death or injury.
Sources to corroborate the impact
[A] Knowledge Transfer Partnership KTP007286 Final report, Knowledge
Transfer Partnerships, Technology Strategy Board, North Star House, North
Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1UE. Tel: 0300 321 4357, Email:
[B] KTP Advisor for Knowledge Transfer Partnership KTP007286, Knowledge
Transfer Partnerships, Technology Strategy Board, North Star House, North
Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1UE.
[C] UK Department of Communities and Local Government, Customer Led
Transformation Programme Case study: Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service
[D] Business Intelligence Manager, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service,
MF&RS Headquarters, Bridle Road, Bootle, Merseyside L30 4YD.