The Conservation of Tropical Rainforests in Papua New Guinea and Ecuador
Submitting Institution
University of SussexUnit of Assessment
Biological SciencesSummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology, Genetics
Summary of the impact
Drs Peck and Stewart are actively engaged in conservation projects in
Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Ecuador and have established conservation areas
that are now protected from logging and which provide a sustainable income
for local communities. These impacts are:
- The preservation of more than 10,000ha of priority forest habitat in
NW Ecuador and PNG, for forest conservation.
- Engagement with indigenous and forest communities through
`para-biologist' networks, providing well-paid local employment, social
and economic support within the region, and scientific credibility and
sustainability for conservation policies.
- The generation of sustainable livelihoods for forest conservation
through `ecotourism' and the establishment of local non-governmental
conservation organisations (NGOs) for mammal conservation.
Underpinning research
The research from Drs Peck and Stewart that has resulted in this impact
is described below.
- Ecuador has the highest density of mammalian species worldwide.
Unfortunately, it also suffers from the highest rate of deforestation in
South America and, consequently, has the highest number of species at
risk of global extinction (IUCN Red list 2010). In response, since 2005,
Dr Peck has created an international team to generate the scientific
information needed to conserve Ecuador's threatened wildlife, including
the brown-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps) now recognised
as one of the top 25 most-endangered primates. Identifying remaining
populations of a rare primate and determining their habitat requirements
in large areas of rainforest is a real challenge. His group used a
combination of satellite imagery, computer modelling and the mapping of
threats to identify forest likely to still harbour the primate. Having
narrowed down the search for this elusive species, the team then applied
an innovative rapid- assessment method (based on audio response) to
confirm the presence and numbers of primates still remaining in the
wild. This combination of field and satellite analysis has allowed his
team to identify priority areas that needed urgent conservation action
(see R1, R2 and R3 in the next section).
- Similarly, since 2001, Dr Stewart has been part of an international
collaboration of ecologists working with teams of para-biologists (R7)
on patterns of insect diversity and host-plant specificity (R4, R5) in
the tropical forests of PNG and Fiji. The group has discovered that the
species composition of rainforest insect communities changes much less
than expected across large areas (>500km) of tropical lowland
rainforest (Novotny et al. 2007) (R6). This enables the
calculation of how many insect species are estimated to exist at a
regional and, ultimately, global scale. It also has important
implications for strategic conservation planning and, in particular, the
optimal size and geographical distribution of protected areas such as
national parks.
Key researchers and dates:
- Dr Alan Stewart (University of Sussex: 1993-present)
- Dr Mika Peck (University of Sussex: 2005-present)
References to the research
R1 Peck, M.R., Tirira, D., Thorne, J., Baird, A. and Kniveton, D.
(2011) `Focusing conservation efforts for the critically endangered
brown-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps) using remote sensing,
modelling and playback survey methods', International Journal of
Primatology, 32(1): 134-148.
R2 Peck, M.R., Mariscal, A., Cane, T., Padbury, M. and Kniveton,
D. (2012) `Identifying tropical Ecuadorian Andean trees from inter-crown
pixel distributions in hyperspatial aerial imagery', Applied
Vegetation Science, 15(4):
R3 Shanee, S. and Peck, M.R. (2008) `Elevational changes
in a neotropical Fig (Ficus spp.) community in North Western Ecuador', iForest,
1: 104-106.
R4 Novotny, V., Miller, S.E., Hrcek, J., Baje, L., Basset, Y.,
Lewis, O.T., Stewart. A.J.A. and Weiblen, G.D. (2012) `Insects on
plants: explaining the paradox of low diversity within specialist
herbivore guilds', American Naturalist,179(3): 351-362.
R5 Novotny, V., Miller, S.E., Baje, L., Balagawi, S., Basset, Y.,
Cizek, L., Craft, K., Dem, F., Drew, R.A.I., Hulcr, J., Leps, J., Lewis,
O.T., Pokon, R., Stewart. A.J.A. and Weiblen, G.D. (2010)
`Guild-specific patterns of species richness and host specialization in
plant-herbivore food webs from a tropical forest, Journal of Animal
Ecology, 79(6): 1193-1203.
R6 Novotny, V., Miller, S.E., Hulcr, J., Drew, R.A.I., Basset, Y.,
Janda, M., Setliff, G.P., Darrow, K., Stewart, A.J.A., Auga, J.,
Isua, B., Molem, K., Manumbor, M., Tamtiai, E., Mogia, M. and Weiblen,
G.D. (2007) `Low beta diversity of herbivorous insects in tropical
forests', Nature 448(7154): 692-696.
R7 Bassett, Y., Novotny, V., Miller, S.E., Weiblen, G.D., Missa,
O. and Stewart, A.J.A. (2004) `Conservation and biological
monitoring of tropical forests: the role of parataxonomists', Journal
of Applied Ecology, 41(1): 163-174.
Outputs can be supplied by the University on request
Key grants:
• PRIMENET Darwin Initiative, DEFRA, 2005-2008 (£236,000)
• Earthwatch `Climate Change, canopies and wildlife', 2008-2013
• Holly Hill Trust — SURVIVE Camera trapping project, 2008-2012 (£74,000)
• DEFRA, Darwin Initiative: 5 grants on building biodiversity research
and survey capacity to protect rainforest in PNG and Fiji, 2001-2015
(total: £891,458)
Details of the impact
Socio-economic impact:
Drs Stewart and Peck helped to pioneer the concept of teams of
`para-biologists' (Section 3, R7): locally recruited staff who receive
special training to carry out technical tasks ranging from the collection
of field data following a standard protocol, to the preparation, digital
imaging and preliminary identification of specimens, databasing and the
initial analyses of results. As an approach to the scientific study of
hyper-diverse ecological communities, this model is now being copied
widely around the world (see Section 5, C1). It has not only proved to be
a most efficient way to conduct conservation research but has also, in
itself, resulted in significant social and economic benefits within the
local community that are tangible and far-reaching. For example, as a
result of the parabiologist concept, Drs Stewart and Peck have established
the Binatang Research Center in Papua New Guinea — one of the
three top parabiologist teams in the world — and the Santa Lucia
Research Station in Ecuador, a community-owned reserve that hosts
the largest biodiversity database for plants and animals in North West
Ecuador (C2, C3). These centres provide a sustainable income stream for
conservation programmes for the local community by:
- Providing training in research and conservation within the local
community. For example, the parabiologist training scheme (C3) and the
Darwin Initiative projects have enabled Dr Stewart to bring 14 PNG
nationals (12 parabiologists and 2 MSc graduates) to the UK for
intensive training at major institutions such as The Natural History
Museum in London and the Royal Botanic Gardens Herbarium at Kew. On
return to PNG, most have taken up posts in biology-/conservation-related
employment, including several prestigious senior positions. Similarly,
through Dr Peck's PRIMENET project, 80 community-level `parabiologists'
from indigenous and forest communities were trained between 2008 and
2012, giving them a voice through direct links with NGOs, scientists,
and local and national government (
Participants in the PRIMENET project have also now established Neotropical
Primate Conservation (,
an NGO that addresses impacts on primates throughout South America.
- Encouraging other researchers — either international scientists or
volunteer researchers coming as ecotourists - to come to the centres.
Visiting scientists pay land fees for forest use, employ local research
assistants, as well as and pay subsistence. The Santa Lucia Research
Station provides a sustainable livelihood from the general public, who
engage via the Earthwatch Project. They pay to participate in and
support on-going research and for their food and accommodation during
their stay. Between 2008 and 2012, 350 volunteer scientists and 85
undergraduate students attended bespoke training courses contributing 25
per cent of the community-run reserve's annual income. These activities
provide a sustainable income to the local communities (C4, C5, C6, C7
and C8).
- Establishing conservation charities that manage outreach programmes
and attract additional income for conservation and infrastructure within
the local community, including from the private sector. For example,
staff employed on Dr Peck's PRIMENET research project founded two
Ecuadorian conservation charities, Fundación Mamíferos y Conservació
(Mammal conservation foundation) and the Cambugan Foundation.
These organisations have translated the scientific information generated
by research into educational outreach, have informed policy at local and
national levels, and have underpinned practical, grassroots conservation
action. In addition, Dr Stewart's projects in PNG have leveraged
additional finance for direct conservation action, including private
sources such as John Swire & Sons (PNG) Ltd. and Steamships Trading
Co. Ltd. (who provided US$200,000 for infrastructure, direct
conservation and research). This work has transformed the village social
structure in Wanang, including infrastructure support for a new school
(for 130 children in 5 classes from 7 local villages for whom there was
previously no school) and the development of a 50ha forest research plot
that is part of the global network of 42 such plots coordinated by the
Smithsonian Center for Tropical Forest Science (
Ecological/conservation impact:
By improving our knowledge and understanding of biological diversity in
the tropics, Drs Stewart and Peck have enabled non-governmental and
governmental organisations to plan conservation efforts more
strategically. For example, the Darwin Initiative projects in PNG were
instrumental in initiating the process whereby the Binatang Research
Center assisted one remote village community to set up 10,000ha of its
lowland rainforest as a legal entity (the Wanang Conservation Area, WCA)
thereby protecting it from logging. As a direct consequence of Dr
Stewart's work, a proposal has been submitted to the PNG Department of
Environment and Conservation for designating the WCA as a government
protected area (C9). This village lies within vast lowland rainforests on
the floodplain of the Ramu River, where concessions have been granted to
log 110,000ha of forest. Active logging started in 2006, has been
expanding ever since, and now completely surrounds the WCA. Similarly, Dr
Peck's research describing risks to spider-monkey habitats was sent to the
Ecuadorian government as part of an environmental impacts assessment. As a
result, in August 2008, an area of 18,000ha was declared the first
municipal protected area (C10, C11 and C12).
Sources to corroborate the impact
C1 Education and training para-biologists in the local community;
Simons, C. (2011) `Uncertain future for tropical ecology', Science
332(6027): 298-299. This paper (a News Focus item) refers to the Binatang
Research Center as one of the leading centres for pioneering the para-
biologist approach, and highlights the importance of Darwin funding on
tropical biology in general.
C2 Web site for Santa Lucia Field Station (;
link corroborates Dr Peck's involvement in this research station, which
creates a sustainable local economy and forest conservation by means of a
well-run ecotourism business.
C3 Web site for Binatang Research Center (
Web link corroborates Dr Stewart's involvement in this research station,
which is an NGO in PNG for training Papua New Guineans to advance local
biodiversity research and develop educational and nature conservation
programmes, targeting grassroots audiences.
C4 Centre records available for audit.
C5 Earthwatch project;
C6 Santa Lucia reserve (
C7 Peck evidence to the House of Lords House of Commons Joint
Committee on Human Rights First Report of Session 2009: 119-212.
C8 Letter from Director of Santa Lucia Cooperative.
C9 Copy of proposal available for audit.
C10 Laurance W. (2013) `Does research help to safeguard protected
areas?', TREE, 28(5): 261- 266.
C11 Press Web Report (2008)
C12 DECOIN Letters (2008 and 2011)