Highlighting youth transitions and processes: marginalisation and inclusion
Submitting Institution
University of GlasgowUnit of Assessment
EducationSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Economics: Applied Economics
Studies In Human Society: Sociology
Summary of the impact
Research carried out at the University of Glasgow directly resulted in an
increased understanding of the complexity of modern youth transitions,
helped to ensure that policy-makers understood the implications of their
focus on the NEET group (Not in Education, Employment or Training), drew
attention to the implications of precarious forms of work and highlighted
the potential for acute social withdrawal among young people who
experience difficult transitions in employment. This work has been widely
covered by the media, has informed the development of a European agenda on
vulnerable youth and was used as part of the response by the International
Trade Union Congress to the G20 summit in Mexico.
Underpinning research
The underpinning research was conducted at the University of Glasgow over
the course of five key projects (undertaken between 1999 and 2007), led by
Professor Andy Furlong (Professor of Social Inclusion and Education,
1995-present) and including contributions by Fred Cartmel (Lecturer,
1994-2006; Senior Lecturer 2007-present).
Furlong has a long-standing involvement in research into young people's
transitions to employment with a specific focus on those from less
advantaged families and those experiencing complex transitions involving
periods of unemployment. The focus of his research was to understand the
implications of the increasing length and complexity of young people's
transitions from education to work and their early labour market
experiences — particularly those young people from less advantaged
backgrounds. His work has also focused on the growth of precarious forms
of employment and he has highlighted the need to ensure that employment
policy provides for people in insecure jobs who are often denied
opportunities for training. The five projects are highlighted below:
- `Integration through Training', a European Commission project led by
Furlong (1999-2000) explored the extent to which the training programmes
targeting young unemployed in eight European countries were effective in
promoting labour market integration. The research focused on a wide
range of training programmes in each country and developed a model to
explain how schemes contributed to positive integration. It found that a
wide variety of types of provision is necessary so that all young people
can find forms of training to suit, and that compulsory programmes tend
not to be effective. Most programmes in the subject countries were
failing to supply employers with the types of skills they required and
the most disadvantaged trainees tended to benefit least.
- Commissioned by the Scottish Executive (2000-02), `Reconceptualising
Youth Transitions' was led by Furlong and examined the extent to which
transitions had become fragmented and the implications of unemployment
and interventions on labour market outcomes. The project involved
analysis of a longitudinal survey of 15- to 29-year-olds as well as a
series of biographical interviews and highlighted the ways in which
young people drew on various resources to bring about positive outcomes.
It provided the framework for targeting support at the most vulnerable
and highlighted the vulnerability of young people in jobs without
training. The report emphasised the importance of personal agency as a
resource though which other assets such as educational qualifications
were mobilised and showed that negative outcomes were common where weak
personal agency was combined with poor qualifications or weak family
- Furlong led a study (2002-03) of young men who had experienced
long-term unemployment soon after leaving school in order to better
understand the consequences of youth unemployment for patterns of
integration five years after being unemployed. The study showed that
around a third were unemployed five years on while another third had
been unable to move out of insecure forms of employment. The research
also highlighted the vulnerability of those in jobs without training.
- Furlong's study of acute social withdrawal in Japan (2007) examined
the link between the experience of complex transitions and social
withdrawal and found that a phenomenon that had tended to be regarded as
psychological could be understood as a sociological issue linked to
labour market, family and educational structures. His argument was that
social withdrawal cannot be seen as a single condition linked to
psychological problems, but that there are a range of different triggers
leading to different manifestations. Rapid change in the labour market
and the breakdown of the links between school and work are particularly
important — therefore framing the increase in withdrawal as a structural
issue linked to change.
- A comparative study of the impact of changing labour market conditions
on young people in the UK and Australia (2007-08), in collaboration from
the University of Melbourne (Prof Johanna Wyn), found that the tendency
to focus on unemployment or NEET is mistaken, as the rise in precarious
forms of employment is something that will shape the post-recession
economy in western societies. Under these new conditions young people
are denied basic securities and increasingly lack control over their
lives. This study laid the foundations for a new ESRC project 'The
Making of the Precariat' (2013-2014; joint with University of
References to the research
• Furlong, A. (2006) `Not a Very NEET Solution: Representing Problematic
Labour Market Transitions Among Early School-Leavers', Work,
Employment and Society, Vol. 20 (3) pp.553-569 (an official journal
of the British Sociological Association with an impact factor of 1.255)
• Furlong, A. (2008) `The Japanese hikikomori phenomenon: acute social
withdrawal among young people', The Sociological Review, 56 (2) (A
leading peer-reviewed UK sociology journal with an impact factor of 1.220)
• Furlong, A., Woodman, D. and Wyn, J. (2011) `Changing times, changing
perspectives: reconciling `transition' and `cultural' perspectives on
youth and young adulthood' Journal of Sociology, 47, pp.355-370
(winner of the best paper in the Journal of Sociology for 2011/12) (doi:10.1177/1440783311420787)
• Furlong, A. and Cartmel, F. (2004) Vulnerable young men in fragile
labour markets: Employment, unemployment and the search for long-term
security, York Publishing, York. ISBN 9781859351796 [available from
• Furlong, A., Cartmel, F., Biggart, A., Sweeting, H., and West, P.
(2003) Youth Transitions: Patterns of Vulnerability and Processes of
Social Inclusion, Central Research Unit, Scottish Executive,
Edinburgh, p.99 (Link)
• Furlong, A. and Cartmel, F. (2003) 'Unemployment, integration and
marginalisation: a comparative perspective on 18-24 year-olds in Finland,
Sweden, Scotland and Spain', in Hammer, T. (ed) Youth Unemployment and
Social Exclusion in Europe, Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 186134368
[available from HEI]
Relevant grants:
• `Integration through training', European Commission grant, 12/99-12/00
• `Reconceptualising youth transitions', Scottish Executive grant,
01/00-06/02 (£120,000)
• `Breaking the cycle: Overcoming the impact of long-term youth
unemployment', Joseph Rowntree Foundation grant, 06/02-06/03 (£42,928)
• `Economic and social change and the hikikomori phenomenon in Japan', GB
Sasakawa Foundation 02/07-12/07 (£1,500)
• 'New perspectives on life and work in the UK and Australia', British
Academy, 2007-08 (£4,000).
Details of the impact
In the UK, there are currently 7.2 million young people aged 18-25,
representing 12% of the population. Among the 16-24 age group, 1.09
million are currently not in education, employment or training (NEET).
Around half experience complex, non-linear transitions in their pathway to
employment. The economic and social impact of young people in these
situations is becoming increasingly visible in the UK and worldwide.
At one time labour market dynamics were understood simply in terms of a
dichotomy between employment and unemployment and framed in policy terms
by an emphasis on activation measures that aimed to move people quickly
into jobs. Over the past decade, University of Glasgow research has
contributed to increasing awareness among policy-makers of the limitations
of such activation programmes and the complexity of young people's
pathways into and within the labour market. Furlong has helped to
highlight (in international fora) the limitations of policies that focus
on the NEET group, has drawn attention to those people churned between a
series of poor-quality and insecure jobs and shown how non-linear pathways
from education to work increase long-term vulnerability among all groups
of young people (from early leavers to graduates). His research has also
led to the recognition that acute social withdrawal among young people can
be a consequence of negative labour market experiences.
Furlong's work has contributed to policy debate and influenced policy
change and service provision by agencies supporting young people in a
number of countries. Specifically, the Glasgow research has:
Contributed to recognition of the limitations of a focus on the
NEET group and highlighted the extent to which such an approach risks
neglecting the needs of other vulnerable groups. Furlong was
invited to act as an expert adviser to a 2011-12 EUROFOUND (a tripartite
EU Agency, providing knowledge for social and work-related policies)
project on NEETs in Europe. At the request of the project leader, he
helped the team understand the implications of his own work for European
policy, specifically promoting a broad focus which included those who
were not NEET but who nevertheless occupied vulnerable positions in the
labour market while also advising on the problems of NEET as a category.
He was asked to attend four meetings, and to produce and present at each
a briefing paper on an aspect of the work as well as providing general
advice and criticism. The Research Manager, Employment and Change, for
Given all the work Professor Furlong [has] carried out in the field of
youth and his expertise on NEET, it was a great pleasure for me when he
accepted to be part of our network of experts and his contribution was
essential for the success of the project... The direct impact of the
participation of Prof. Furlong in our project ranged from reviewing and
providing feedback and guidance to our research to contributing directly
to our report and illustrating new dimensions and problematic[s] of
using the concept of NEETs for policymaking.
Moreover, his previous publications in the field have been the starting
point of our desk research and literature review....As [a] main outcome of
the project, the report "NEETs — Young people Not in Employment,
Characteristics, Costs and policy responses" was published in October
2012. ...[T]his report is the most successful publication of Eurofound
since its foundation in 1975. The report had a huge media and policy
impact. The day of publication 330 newspapers in the world reported the
main messages of the research. Most importantly, the report shaped the
European policy debate...the report contributed to explain[ing] the
concept of NEETs to millions of European citizens and, especially, to
European policymakers. The contribution of Andy Furlong in achieving this
result was essential.
There is also strong policy interest in the NEET group and in young
people in precarious forms of employment in Japan (where the
classification of NEET extends from 16-34 years of age). Professor Furlong
has had several pieces of work published in Japanese to meet this interest
(e.g. a translation of Young People and Social Change published by
Otsuki Shoten, Tokyo in 2009), has been invited to present to the Japanese
Ministry of Labour's Institute for Labour Policy and Training (which
advises on policy planning and implementation) and the Institute for
Labour Policy and Training published his report to the Ministry of Labour.
From 2008-12 Furlong served as advisor to the Japanese Youth Cohort
survey, which is funded by the Japanese Department of Education and
Skills. The survey team adopted key aspects of the approach Furlong had
developed for the Scottish government report on transitions. He received a
'Furusato Award' from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in
2010 (the country's main research council) for 'excellent achievements
towards Japan-UK academic collaboration'.
Highlighted the growth of precarious work forms among young people
in influential world forums. Comparative work between the UK and
Australia and the UK and Japan was used as the basis for a briefing
paper commissioned by the International Trade Union Confederation to
inform the response of the international labour movement to the G20
summit in Mexico in 2012. The briefing was entitled 'Unemployment and
precarious work among young people' and aimed to draw attention to young
people in precarious forms of work who can be overlooked by
policymakers' focus on unemployment/NEET.
Raised public awareness of the psycho-social consequences of new
forms of working among young people in Japan where precarious
employment is much more common than in Europe. Acute social withdrawal
(the hikikomori phenomenon) has traditionally been treated as a
psychological problem. Glasgow research found that acute social
withdrawal was actually a sociological issue linked to labour market,
family and education structures in Japan. Furlong suggested that changes
taking place in Europe could trigger similar outcomes there. These
claims stimulated significant public debate, primarily through
widespread media coverage. On 14 May 2008, he discussed the issue on
Laurie Taylor's BBC show, Thinking
Allowed, triggering email exchanges from concerned parents and
journalists. More recently the findings were covered in a BBC
Magazine feature (5 July 2013) which received more hits than any
other on the day of publication, triggering numerous email exchanges
from parents and journalists in countries as far away as Columbia — plus
an exchange from a senior member of the UK Cabinet Office.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Research Manager, Employment and Change, European Foundation for the
Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND) (supporting
statement embedded in text; available from HEI, evidencing contribution
to European policy work on NEETs)
- Director, Workplace Research Centre, University of Sydney, Australia
[contact details provided] (can evidence Furlong influence on policy
debate around the education-work nexus and contribution to G20 summit
- Survey Team Leader, Japanese Youth Cohort Survey [contact details
provided] (can corroborate Furlong's role in work on youth unemployment
and youth transitions in Japan)
Media Coverage (evidencing contribution to public awareness):
- Hikikomori: Why are so many Japanese men refusing to leave their
rooms? (BBC News Magazine, 5 July 2013) (Link)
- Exposed: the myth of a `culture of worklessness', (The Guardian,
14 December 2012) (Link)
- Thinking Allowed — Hikikomori — Women's Anti-Suffrage, (BBC Radio 4,
14 May 2008) (Link)