Linking Archaeological Data - enabling semantic infrastructure in the digital archaeology domain
Submitting Institution
University of South WalesUnit of Assessment
Computer Science and InformaticsSummary Impact Type
CulturalResearch Subject Area(s)
Information and Computing Sciences: Data Format, Information Systems
History and Archaeology: Archaeology
Summary of the impact
Our research has enabled archaeological professional and commercial
organisations to integrate diverse archaeology excavation datasets and
significantly develop working practices. Commercial archaeological
datasets are usually created on a per-site basis structured via differing
schema and vocabularies. These isolated information silos hinder
meaningful cross search and comparison. As the only record of unrepeatable
fieldwork, it is essential that these data are made available for re-use
and re-interpretation. As a result of the research, the Archaeology Data
Service, English Heritage, the Royal Commissions on the Ancient and
Historical Monuments of Scotland and Wales have published as Linked Data
important excavation datasets and national vocabularies that can act as
hubs in the web of archaeological data.
Underpinning research
Numerical references with prefix I, P refer to elements of Impact and
Publications in later sections of the case study.
Over the last 20 years, our research has investigated semantic
interoperability in cultural heritage and in particular archaeological
datasets. Commercial archaeological data depositors form a large group
with varied working practices. Datasets are often created on a per-site
basis structured according to differing schema and employing different
vocabularies. Cross searching, comparing or reusing the data in any
meaningful way remains difficult. This hinders the reassessment of
original archaeological findings and interpretations in the light of new
data or broader research questions.
The work on semantic metadata originated in a PhD project using a small
dataset from a local history museum, where the research prototype had
connections between items based on measures of semantic closeness rather
than explicitly authored links (P1). EPSRC funded research extended this
approach to the Science Museum`s collections database and the widely used
Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus. The Demonstrator's API facilitated
use of the thesaurus in dynamic user interface elements (P2). The
generalisation of this approach beyond a single organisation's collection
to multiple data schemas and thesauri required an integrating conceptual
framework and the CIDOC CRM (ISO 21127) was selected as a standard in the
cultural heritage domain. Diverse data structures and schemas are
integrated when datasets are mapped to the CRM. However the terminology
problem remains — different words can mean the same thing; the same word
can mean different things. Our work on terminology services and knowledge
organization systems was an early contributor of tools and applications
for the W3C SKOS standard for machine readable vocabularies (P4, I5). This
exploration of the complementary use of formal ontologies and information
science vocabularies (eg thesauri) for semantic interoperability has
underpinned subsequent research (P3, P6) and our contributions to the new
ISO 254964 thesaurus standard (I6).
Work on a major application of the approach to the archaeological domain
began in 2000 with the AHRC funded STAR project (P3). Data was mapped to
an English Heritage archaeological extension of the CRM, which was
expressed in the standard semantic representation RDF (I3). The resulting
STAR Demonstrator provides cross search at a conceptual level over diverse
archaeological datasets from different organisations and associated grey
literature excavation reports (P5). The second (STELLAR) phase of the
research extended this approach beyond the development team and to the
production of Linked Data. It produced tools and guidelines to streamline
the process of mapping/extracting data to the (CRM) ontology and reduce
the need for specialist knowledge of the particular ontology or semantic
techniques in general; mapping and extraction can be performed by
archaeological data curators or providers, rather than semantic web
developers (P5, I1, I4).
STELLAR tools are capable of delivering thesaurus identifiers (URIs) —
however, there was a lack of key thesauri published as Linked Data.
Building on the work with terminology services and SKOS/RDF, the SENESCHAL
AHRC funded knowledge exchange collaboration with major UK heritage
vocabulary providers has resulted in the publication of national
archaeological thesauri as Linked Data (I2). This allows concepts for
different kinds of monuments and time periods to be directly referenced
via identifiers and thus act as the much needed vocabulary hubs in the web
of archaeology data.
Research Team
Professor Douglas Tudhope 1993 —
RA Ceri Binding 2000 - 2005; 2007 —
RS/RA (gained PhD) Andreas Vlachidis 2007 —
References to the research
* references selected as best indicating the quality of the
underpinning research
P1*. Tudhope D., Taylor C. 1997. Navigation via Similarity:
automatic linking based on semantic closeness. Information Processing and
Management, 33(2), 233-242. Elsevier Science.
P4. Binding C., Tudhope D. 2010. Terminology web services.
Knowledge Organization, 37(4), 287- 298. (REF output)
P5*. Tudhope D, May K, Binding C, Vlachidis A. 2011. Connecting
archaeological data and grey literature via semantic cross search. Internet
Archaeology, 30, Open
(REF output) Early work published in ECDL 2008 (Springer LNCS, 28%
acceptance full papers). The hypertext format of Internet Archeology
(published by Council for British Archaeology and dating to 1996)
permitted an extended treatment (>14,000 words) and the linking of
use scenario discussions to a live demonstrator of archaeological cross
P6. Souza R, Tudhope D, Almeida M. 2012. Towards a taxonomy of
KOS: dimensions for classifying knowledge organization systems, Knowledge
Organization, 39(3), 179-192.
Selection of Relevant Research Funding, with grant values as awarded
to University of South Wales (Glamorgan)
EPSRC. Thesaurus-based access to multimedia collections: faceted
retrieval tools (FACET), Tudhope PI, 3 years, 2000-2003, £121k.
AHRC. Semantic Tools for Archaeological Resources (STAR). Tudhope
PI, 3 years, 2007-2010, £222k
AHRC. Semantic Technologies Enhancing Links and Linked data for
Archaeological Resources (STELLAR), with co-investigators ADS. Tudhope PI,
1 year, 2010-2011, £73k.
AHRC. Semantic ENrichment Enabling Sustainability of
arCHAeological Links (SENESCHAL). Tudhope PI, 1 year, 2013-2014, £50k.
IMSL/JISC/AHRC/ESRC Digging into Data Challenge (transatlantic).
Digging into Metadata, Tudhope Co-I, 2 years, 2012-2014, £75k.
FP7 Infrastructures Grant. Advanced Research Infrastructure for
Archaeological Dataset Networking in Europe (ARIADNE), Tudhope WP Leader,
4 years, 2013 - 2017, €205k.
5 JISC Projects between 2006 and 2010 in collaboration with UKOLN
(University of Bath) and MIMAS (University of Manchester), Tudhope PI or
Co-I, over £155k to USW/Glamorgan. Terminology Services review, semantic
interoperability demonstrator, (semantic) tag suggestion service, etc.
Details of the impact
There are two primary and four secondary impact items.
I1. 2011. The research on semantic data integration
(STELLAR) provided tools and techniques that enabled the Archaeology Data
Service (ADS
to extract and publish Linked Data from major commercial archaeology
units' excavation datasets, integrated semantically via mapping to the
CIDOC CRM ontology. It is envisaged this will serve as a catalyst for
further production of archaeological Linked Data by ADS and others.
Building on this work, we are leading the FP7 ARIADNE archaeology
e-infrastructure Work Package, Linking Archaeology Data.
The research enabled ADS (non-specialists in semantic technologies) first
foray into Linked Data and represents a major development in practice and
capability by ADS and in UK archaeological data publication. It has
generated considerable attention — from June 2012 over roughly 12 months,
41,110 requests were made to the SPARQL endpoint to the Linked Data which
averages approximately 3425 requests per month. Lee (2012) positively
refers to non-specialist STELLAR tools in an English Heritage Practitioner
article. The significance also derives from the importance
of the published datasets and the exemplar. The Linked Data includes
datasets drawn the Channel Tunnel Rail Link and the Aggregates Levy
Sustainability Fund, major archaeological programmes with excavations
undertaken by two of the largest commercial units in England (Oxford
Archaeology Ltd and Wessex Archaeology Ltd). Other datasets included an
excavation database with details of the earliest ironworking yet known in
Britain. As the only record of unrepeatable fieldwork, it is essential
that these data are preserved and made available for re-use and
Commercial archaeology units benefit from wider exposure of their data
and the ability to cross search across different datasets from different
units and for reuse of data (with potential economic benefit). The reach
is amplified by the key strategic role played by the ADS nationally and
internationally. The ADS is a national repository for digital data from
the UK historic environment sector, crosscutting the academic and public
and private sectors. It provides online access to over one million
metadata records on behalf of national government agencies, local
government Historic Environment Records, and amenity and period societies
and other specialist databases. The ADS user community includes national
and local government archaeologists and cultural heritage managers,
museums and commercial archaeologists and members of the public.
I2. July 2013. We (and the vocabulary partners in
the SENESCHAL project) published as (SKOS) Linked Data the nationally
recognised cultural heritage thesauri standards from English Heritage, the
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland and
the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales.
This includes concepts widely used for indexing relating to monument
types, archaeological events and time periods.
The significance is that previously the vocabulary
providers lacked the ability to facilitate uniquely identified semantic
indexing of data. Major thesauri can act as vocabulary hubs for the Web of
Data (as suggested by W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group). For
example, the availability of the Thesaurus of Monument Terms in this way
is seen as a major development for the ADS archive metadata Linked
Data (ADS Blog). This Linked Data publication of the English Heritage
thesauri is a significant development in their vocabulary standards
practice and their information access strategy.
The potential reach is wide since it is a core activity of
ADS, English Heritage, The Royal Commissions on the Ancient and Historical
Monuments of Scotland/Wales to promote and disseminate best practice to
the heritage sectors, as well as providing guidance on appropriate data
standards including thesauri. The linked data vocabularies and web
services will be integrated into the widely used ADS reporting/archiving
tool, OASIS, which is in near universal use by commercial and local
government archaeologists. Adoption of linked data based vocabulary
management in this tool will immediately affect how all sectors engage in
archaeological field practice and development control planning.
I3. 2010. We represented the English Heritage
archaeological extension to the CRM ontology in RDF and as Linked Data.
This allowed it to be a key ontology hub in the ADS archaeology Linked
Data [I1]. This is another important step in English Heritage's strategic
plans for information standards.
I4. 2012. The Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
have used STELLAR research tools to make a SKOS version of the DAI
Archaeological Thesaurus (German language).
I5. 2011. We supplied the UK Data Archive (Essex)
with their first SKOS version of HASSET, the pre-eminent social science
thesaurus. This was very helpful for their development of HASSET.
I6. March 2013. ISO 25964-2 published — Tudhope was
a member of the ISO Working Group. Building on previous work for the
British Thesaurus Standard BS 8723, the research focus on complementary
use of thesauri and ontologies has contributed to the chapter on thesaurus
— ontology interoperability for the new thesaurus standard, ISO 25964
(part 2). The ISO thesaurus standard has been widely influential and the
potential audience includes all commercial information system designers
and developers making of thesauri or related vocabularies.
Sources to corroborate the impact
I1. Archaeology Data Service Linked Data
I1 and I2 Corroborator: ADS Lead Applications Developer.
English Heritage Practitioner article. Everything We Know Informs
Everything We Do: A Vision for Historic Environment Sector Knowledge and
Information Management.
I2. SENESCHAL Archaeological Vocabulary Linked Data
ADS blog
I2 and I3 Corroborator: English Heritage, Head of
Heritage Data Management
I3. CRM-EH archaeological extension of CIDOC CRM ontology
(follow link to RDF document).
I4. DAI blog
I5. Corroborator: UK Data Archive, Management
Information Manager
I6. ISO 25964. Thesauri and interoperability with other
vocabularies: Part 2: Interoperability with other vocabularies (Ch21