Aviation, Policy and Climate Change
Submitting Institution
University of ManchesterUnit of Assessment
Aeronautical, Mechanical, Chemical and Manufacturing EngineeringSummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Economics: Applied Economics
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration
Summary of the impact
Tyndall-Manchester's research into UK aviation emissions was instrumental
in overturning the prevailing orthodoxy, which regarded aviation as an
unproblematic, small source of greenhouse gas emissions. Identifying
drivers of growth and key characteristics of aviation's emerging emissions
trajectory demonstrated that aviation could soon dominate national
emissions if left unchecked. Tyndall-Manchester's research contributed to
aviation's inclusion in sub-national, national and international climate
policies. Specifically, it was highly influential in debates leading to
including international aviation in the UK's 2050 emissions target;
bringing aviation into
the European Union's Emission Trading System. It
continues to inform debate around future UK airport expansion, and is used
to guide campaigning objectives of major environmental NGOs and lobby
Underpinning research
Key individuals in the aviation research:
Alice Bows (Research Associate `03-'08, Lecturer `08, Senior Lecturer
'11, Reader `13)
Kevin Anderson (Tyndall-Manchester Director `02 to present, Tyndall
Director '08-10)
Sarah Mander (Research Associate `03-'08, Research Fellow `08 to 2010 on
this topic)
Paul Upham (2004-11; Research Associate `04, Research Fellow '08 — now
University of Leeds)
Ruth Wood (Research Associate `08-'10 on this topic.
Analysing the potential future development of emissions from the
aviation industry (2002-2007)
The aim of the research was to understand implications of the growing
aviation sector to situate it within the broader energy system and climate
change policy. While aviation was widely taken to be an insignificant
contributor to global warming, Tyndall-Manchester's in-depth analysis of
the UK's emissions inventory and historical trends in aviation technology,
operations and activity, revealed the danger of overlooking emissions from
this growing sector. Coupling quantitative modelling with qualitative
interviews and workshops with industry and policy stakeholders, likely
drivers of current and future emissions growth were identified. Key
findings included: (1) Existing technology developments and improvements
in energy efficiency will take too long to deliver cuts to CO2 within
the timeframe necessary to meeting the UK's climate commitments. (2) That
rates of passenger/airport growth anticipated by the industry and
supported by transport and planning policy bring the sector into stark
conflict with UK and EU climate change objectives. (3) That only a
comprehensive measure to manage demand could enable the UK's aviation
sector to remain commensurate with the UK's own emissions targets [1, 2,
Placing aviation analysis in the context of the full energy system
A whole economy energy system model was developed which was the first of
its kind to include the emissions from international aviation and
shipping. By incorporating the aviation scenarios developed into a
quantitative analysis of the decarbonisation efforts required of the rest
of the economy, Tyndall-Manchester analysis prompted the startling
conclusion that, left unchecked, aviation could within a matter of decades
come to account for the large majority, if not all, of the future
CO2082 emissions generated in the UK and EU [1,3].
Assessing aviation within the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)
As debate around the inclusion of aviation within the EU ETS intensified,
Tyndall-Manchester assessed the economic and emissions implications of
including aviation within the EU ETS, finding only limited emissions
reductions were likely to flow from a moderate carbon price coupled with a
favoured `partial representation' of the aviation industry within the
scheme [4, 5].
Emission apportionment and sub-global policy interventions (2008-2010)
An investigation of the issue of policy influence and responsibility for
the production of aviation emissions yielded a novel method for
apportioning aviation emissions to sub-national regions, demonstrating the
significance of international aviation emissions at the local level, for
use within sub-national climate policy mechanisms [6].
References to the research
Explicit policy, media and stakeholder orientation, in the terms of the
Tyndall Centre grant and exemplified by this project, means that technical
reports and discursive impacts preceded publication in the academic
Three key research outputs
1. Bows, A., and Anderson K., 2007, Policy clash: Can projected aviation
growth be reconciled with the UK Government's 60% carbon reduction target?
Transport Policy, 14 (2), 103-110.
Article published in the official journal of the World Conference on
Transport Research Society Article cited 62 times Google Scholar. DOI:
2. Bows, A., Upham, P. and Anderson, K., 2005 Growth Scenarios for EU
& UK Aviation: contradictions with climate policy, report for
Friends of the Earth Trust Ltd. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
(North), The University of Manchester, UK.
First policy-relevant academic publication to question the on-going `predict
and provide' approach to aviation expansion, given climate change
objectives. Research groups in Germany and Australia copied the approach
in application to their own nations. Cited 47 times in Google Scholar.
3. Anderson, K., Bows, A., and Mander, S., 2008, From long-term targets
to cumulative emission pathways; reframing the climate policy debate, Energy
Policy, 36, pp. 3714-3722
Analysis of emissions accounting and the importance of including aviation
in national inventories published in Energy Policy, The International
Journal of the Political, Economic, Planning, Environmental and Social
Aspects of Energy. Cited 51 times in Google Scholar. DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2008.07.003
Three supplementary research outputs
4. Bows, A., Anderson, K., and Footitt, A., 2009 Aviation in a Low Carbon
EU, in Climate Change & Aviation: Issues, Challenges &
Solutions, Eds: Stefan Gossling and Paul Upham.
This chapter and its sister policy report reflected research exploring the
implications of including aviation within the EU's Emissions Trading
Scheme. Cited 10 times in Google Scholar.
5. Bows, A., Anderson, K., and Peeters, P., 2009, Air Transport, Climate
Change and Tourism, Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development,
6 (1), 7-20
International collaboration at the invitation of aviation `authority'
Professor Paul Peeters (Breda University of Applied Sciences in
Netherlands). Presented by Bows and Anderson at a high level policy
/ stakeholder meeting held at UNESCO Paris. Cited 29 times in Google
Scholar. DOI: 10.1080/14790530902847012
6. Wood, F.R., Bows, A., and Anderson, K., 2010, Apportioning
aviation CO2 emissions to regional administrations for monitoring and
target setting, Transport Policy, 17, (4), 206-215
Published in the official journal of the World Conference on Transport
Research Society, presenting a new method for apportioning international
aviation emissions to regions. This paper won an award at the European
Transport Conference in 2010. Cited 7 times in Google Scholar. DOI:
Details of the impact
Fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions are integral to modern
economies and societies. Climate policy is a relatively new area of
governance. Historically, international aviation has been overlooked at
the national level and widely regarded as a trivial source of greenhouse
gas emissions. For instance, the UK Aviation White Paper (2003) paid
little attention to emissions, and aviation was excluded from the
emissions reduction targets of international climate change agreements
such as the UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol.
Summary of pathway to impact
The impact is founded on Tyndall Centre research funded by
EPSRC/NERC/ESRC, from 2002 to 2010: researchers developed comprehensive
approaches to decarbonisation, from national and international energy
systems and policy frameworks through to personal energy behaviour.
Tyndall-Manchester's research had demonstrable impact in four key
policy areas:
1) Inclusion of aviation in the UK Climate Change Act & Climate
Change (Scotland) Act.
The research conducted within Tyndall Manchester has significantly
contributed to climate policies in the UK and EU through formal evidence
presented by its researchers to policymakers and statutory public bodies,
including the Environmental Audit Committee [A] and HM Treasury aviation
working group. Evidence from the research was also presented by invitation
to the Scottish Parliament during their consultation on the Climate Change
(Scotland) Bill [B]. These representations were highly influential in
securing the inclusion of aviation emissions in the UK Climate Change
Act's 2050 emissions reduction target as evidenced by statements from
David Milliband MP, former Secretary of State for Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs (2006-7), and author of Climate Change Bill [D]. Additional
corroboration is provided by statements from Tim Yeo MP [E], Chair of
House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Select Committee, Caroline
Lucas MP, Member of the Environmental Audit Committee and former Member of
the European Parliament and Colin Challen, former Member of Parliament and
Member of House of Commons Environmental Audit Select Committee. Tyndall
researchers are on-going participants in the Committee on Climate Change
and the Civil Aviation Authority's aviation stakeholder consultations -
with the Committee on Climate Change subsequently recommending inclusion
of aviation within the UK's legally binding emission reduction target for
2050 [F].
2) Inclusion of aviation in the EU ETS
Tyndall-Manchester research contributed to the inclusion of aviation in
the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, the EU's flagship mechanism for curbing
the continent's emissions [G]. Further corroboration is provided by
statements from Mike Childs, Head of Policy, Research and Science at
Friends of the Earth and Caroline Lucas, MP. Debate regarding the
inclusion of aviation within the EU's emissions trading system and in the
UK's own emission budgets intensified following the publication of early
Tyndall-Manchester research [1-5 above]. Tyndall-Manchester researchers
were active participants in this debate, with the public record containing
numerous instances of evidence provided by Tyndall-Manchester from 2005
onwards [H]. Whereas the decision on including aviation in the UK's
climate change budgets has yet to be taken, since Jan 2012 all
commercial airlines operating solely within the EU have to buy and
surrender emissions permits. Furthermore, the EU policy surprised many in
intending to incorporate more than the EU 50% `fair share' of emissions.
3) Cancellation / deferment of airport expansion at Heathrow and
Tyndall-Manchester's aviation research has generated considerable impact
indirectly through raising the public profile of the potential damage
aviation does to the environment, and the importance of passenger or
airport growth as a facilitator of such damage. This profile raising has
in large part been through the research findings being taken up by
high-profile campaigning groups in lobbying government to halt UK airport
expansion on the basis of climate change concerns [G, I]. Groups including
Friends of the Earth (corroborating statement available [L]), WWF, Plane
Stupid and Climate Camp used Tyndall-Manchester aviation work as the
scientific underpinning of a number of their campaign tactics [C], for
which there is also photographic evidence. For instance, as the BAA
chairman and chief executive were preparing to give evidence on airport
problems, protesters chanted "no third runway at Heathrow" and handed out
copies of a Tyndall report [2, above] to MPs and members of the public.
Plane Stupid also used the research in their campaign against airport
expansion on the grounds of damage to the climate — activists strapped
copies of Tyndall research papers and reports to their bodies and created
a banner, "Armed only with peer reviewed science". The stunt was reported
widely in the media, and the research report presented to aviation sector
representatives on Newsnight. Dr Bows was later called to give formal
evidence at trial for the defence of airport expansion protesters.
Such exposure unquestionably heightened the public profile of
Tyndall-Manchester's aviation research, prompting stakeholders such as
Airbus, Easyjet and the Civil Aviation Authority to contact
Tyndall-Manchester, wishing to engage (see statement from the Secretary
General of the European Low Fares Airline Association [G]). This kept
Tyndall-Manchester's work at the forefront of the airport expansion
debate. The impacts of the Tyndall contribution to this debate and public
profile raising finally manifest in the formal withdrawal by BAA of its
planning application for a second Stansted runway on 24 May 2010 and in
the coalition government abolishing the policy to develop a third runway
at Heathrow. This latter retraction followed the ruling by Lord Justice
Carnwarth that the planned expansion did not properly take into account
the social costs of increased carbon emissions from aviation expansion
4) Local authority emissions accounting
Manchester City Council's climate change strategy adopted a new method for
emissions accounting [J] developed during Tyndall-Manchester's aviation
work accounting for aviation emissions in 2009 [6, above].
Tyndall-Manchester work informed the debate around the expansion of
individual regional airports, which in the Northwest have either been
overturned or delayed (corroborated by a confidential report from the
Association of Greater Manchester Authorities [K]).
Sources to corroborate the impact
A. Invited to give oral evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee on
the Committee on Climate Change's report on cumulative budgets and the
inclusion of all sectors. November 2008 (http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200708/cmselect/cmenvaud/uc1117-iii/uc111702.htm)
and June 2009 (http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmenvaud/228/228ii.pdf)
B. Invited to give oral evidence on the Climate Change (Scotland) Bill,
Scottish Parliament Transport, Infrastructure & Climate Change
Committee , Feb 2009
C. Aviation and Climate Change, House of Commons Research Paper 08/08,
January 2008, http://www.parliament.uk/briefing-papers/RP08-08.pdf
D. Statement of corroboration from: David Miliband MP, former Secretary
of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (2006-7), author of
Climate Change Bill.
E. Statement of corroboration from: Tim Yeo MP, chair of House of Commons
Energy and Climate Change Select Committee.
F. Statement of corroboration from: Neil Golborne (May 2013), team leader
of the transport and agriculture team at the Committee on Climate Change
G. Statement of corroboration from: Secretary General, European Low Fares
Airline Association
H. Hansard record of the discussion of including aviation in the EU ETS,
8 Mar 2007: Column 421, http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200607/ldhansrd/text/70308-0015.htm
I. Hayden, Anders (2011). The UK's Decision to Stop Heathrow Airport
Expansion: Sufficiency, Ecology Modernization and Core Political
Imperatives, http://www.cpsa-acsp.ca/papers-2011/Hayden.pdf.
J. Manchester City Council climate change action plan (2009) `A Certain
Future', http://www.manchesterclimate.com/actionplan.pdf
K. Confidential report from: Director of Environment for the Association
of GM Authorities
L. Statement of corroboration from: Head of Science, Policy &
Research, Friends of the Earth