Influencing European environmental policy by demonstrating the value of the ecosystem approach
Submitting Institution
University of NottinghamUnit of Assessment
Geography, Environmental Studies and ArchaeologySummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Economics: Applied Economics
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration
Summary of the impact
The ecosystem approach has been advocated as a way of moving
consideration of biodiversity and the environment closer to the centre of
decision-making. A conceptual `cascade model', developed by Haines-Young
and Potschin, has successfully overcome the challenge of the ecosystem
approach by showing how it can be used in practice. The cascade model
forms the basis of the Common International Classification of Ecosystem
Services (CICES), recently introduced by the European Environment Agency
(EEA), and has changed how UK and European policy-makers define the
relationship between nature and the economy.
Underpinning research
Recent debates about the relationship between nature and the economy have
been framed around the idea of ecosystem services, defined as the
contributions that ecosystems make to human well-being. If ecosystem
services are to be managed sustainably, the value of ecosystem services,
need to be understood and properly taken into account. As a result,
policy-makers have argued that we need to embed the ecosystem approach
into decision-making.
The adoption of the ecosystem approach has posed a major challenge to the
science and policy communities because it involves working across a number
of different knowledge domains and coordinating policy development and
implementation across different sectors. We need to understand, for
example, how ecosystem structures and processes lead to benefits for
people, how societies value these benefits, and how this information feeds
back into decisions. By clarifying the relationship between key concepts
by means of a cascade model (Fig. 1), Haines-Young (Professor of
Environmental Management) and Potschin (Senior Research Fellow)
demonstrate how the production chain linking nature and society can be
described and used by decision-makers (1, 2 & 4).
The research began in 2005/6 with a review for Defra of current
approaches to defining environmental limits (Grant a). This identified the
importance of ecosystem services and proposed an initial framework for
understanding how they function. The conceptual framework was refined by
further research commissioned by Defra on the status of ecosystem services
associated with England's terrestrial ecosystems (Grant b). The model
identifies how ecological structures and processes are linked to societal
values. It also shows how these linkages can be used to understand the
notion of environmental limits and the general implications that follow
for the sustainability debate. Critically, it shows how these concepts can
be applied in policy and practice.
The cascade model provided the conceptual basis for the development of
international environmental accounting and mapping initiatives led by the
EEA and others (3). The model was used to design CICES because it enabled
the concept of final ecosystem services to be defined and linked to
internal standards to classify economic products and activities. CICES
forms part of current proposals by the UN to revise the System of
Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounts (SEEA). The ability of
CICES and the cascade model to support mapping activities has recently
been recognised at EU level.
References to the research
1. DeGroot, R., Fisher, B., Christie, M., Haines-Young, R. et
al. (2010) Integrating the ecological and economic dimensions in
biodiversity and ecosystem service valuation, in Kumar, P. (ed.) The
Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Ecological and Economic
Foundations (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity), pp.
9-40. Available at:
2. Haines-Young, R. and Potschin, M. (2010) The links
between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being, in
Raffaelli, D. G. and Frid, C. L. J. (eds) Ecosystem Ecology: A New
Synthesis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press/British Ecological
Society), pp. 110-139. Available at:
4. Potschin, M. and Haines-Young, R. (2011) Ecosystem
services: exploring a geographical perspective, Progress in Physical
Geography 35: 575-594. DOI: 10.1177/0309133311423172
Copies of all of the above are also available from HEI on request.
a) Defra (£91,000) to Haines-Young (P-I) and Potschin (Co-I) for
`Defining and Identifying Environmental Limits for Sustainable
Development: Scoping Study (Thresholds)' (September 2005 to February 2006)
b) Defra (£157,000) to Haines-Young (P-I) and Potschin (Co-I) for
`England's Terrestrial Ecosystem Services and the Rationale for an
Ecosystem Approach' (September 2006 to September 2007) (NR0107).
Details of the impact
Haines-Young and Potschin's cascade model (Fig. 1) was used by Defra in
the 2010 revision of its Action Plan for Embedding the Ecosystems
Approach. Alongside a version of the model, the report stated that:
"We are beginning to understand better in a number of areas how
these services also relate to the structure and function of our
ecosystems" (a, p. 4). The same report also states that the
cascade model allows "different groups of experts to communicate
with each other — ecologists and earth scientists looking at the first
two steps need to put their work through the "translation" of
ecosystem services, to help them explain issues of concern to them
[and] to the economists and social scientists who might be studying
the last steps of the process" (a, p. 6). The revised Action
Plan has underpinned Defra's application of the ecosystem approach
since 2010 and the cascade model has been used to disseminate these ideas
more widely. Natural England, for example, has used the model to explain "understanding
of the flow of ecosystem services from the environment" and to
specify an Ecosystem Service Transfer Tool for the organisation (f).
The influence of the cascade model in national policy debates is
evidenced by documents from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee
(JNCC), the agency that advises the UK Government and devolved
administrations on UK-wide and international nature conservation. In 2009,
the cascade model was presented as part of a Committee Briefing paper to
stimulate discussion of how to define the relationship between
biodiversity, ecosystem function and human well-being (b). This document
notes the simplicity of the model, adding that: "it provides a
template that can be used to identify the different elements that have
to be taken into account when making some kind of assessment or
analysis of ecosystem services. The model can be used to identify the
different categories or types of things that are useful for the
researcher or decision maker to consider" (b, para 3.3). The
cascade model has been especially useful as a means of demonstrating key
issues concerning the relationship between ecosystem services/functions
and products developed by JNCC (g).
Fig 1: The cascade model (after Potschin and Haines-Young, 2011)
The influence of the model is also highlighted by its use in a document
prepared for Members of Parliament by the Parliamentary Office for Science
and Technology (POST), Living Within Environmental Limits, and in
subsequent POST briefing notes (c). CICES and the cascade model were used
to explain both the need for natural capital accounting and how it could
be undertaken. In the international arena, the model has also been used to
communicate the essential elements of the ecosystem service paradigm,
especially within the EU (h, i).
In addition to its influence at a conceptual level, the cascade model has
had impact in terms of application through the development of a framework
for the classification of ecosystem services and the assistance it
provides for mapping ecosystem services (j). Since 2009, Haines-Young and
Potschin have led two rounds of consultation on the design for a CICES.
These proposals influenced the input of the EEA into the 2012 revision of
the System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA) led
by the United Nations Statistical Division (i). According to the Head of
Integrated Environmental Assessment Programme at the EEA, "the
cascade model was used to inform our proposals for a revised version
of CICES (Version 4.3) and to explain the logic for the revisions
during the recent consultation process" (h).
CICES forms part of the recommendations submitted by the UN Committee of
Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) to the 44th session
of the UN Statistical Commission in March 2013 (d, section 3.3).
Elsewhere, the influence of CICES on thinking and practice is evidenced by
its use by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment as a framework for
welfare-related environmental reporting (e, pp. 7-8) and the
classification of ecosystem services in Belgium, as well as proposals for
future initiatives in Germany and Finland. Most significantly, CICES has
been proposed as the basis for mapping ecosystem services by the EU in
support of its Biodiversity Strategy 2020 (e, p. 10). The model's impact
here is in enabling the standardisation of approaches and reporting
outcomes. In the context of CICES, a Eurostat officer notes the importance
of standardisation, adding that "The classification also divides up
the subject matter in a way that influences how data are collected,
integrated, organised and presented" (i).
Sources to corroborate the impact
Reports or documents
a) Defra (2010) Delivering a Healthy Natural Environment: An Update
to `Securing a Healthy Natural Environment: An Action Plan for Embedding
an Ecosystems Approach'. Available at:
This corroborates the claim about the national impact of the research on
environmental policy.
b) Joint Nature Conservation Committee (2009) Ecosystem Services: A
Tool for Nature Conservation. Available at:
This corroborates the claim about the international impact of the research
on environmental policy.
c) POST (2011) Natural Capital Accounting: POSTNOTE Number 376, May
2011. Houses of Parliament, Parliamentary Office of Science and
Technology. Available at:
This corroborates the claim about the national impact of the research on
policy debates.
d) European Commission, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development, United Nations and World Bank (2013) System of
Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 Experimental Ecosystem Accounting.
Available at:
This corroborates the claim about the international impact of the research
on environmental accounting.
e) Staub C. et al. (2011) Indicators for Ecosystem Goods and
Services: Framework, Methodology and Recommendations for a
Welfare-Related Environmental Reporting (Bern: Federal Office for
the Environment, Environmental Studies No. 1102, 17 S). Available at:
This corroborates the claim about the international impact of the
Copies of all of the above also available from HEI on request.
Individual beneficiaries
f) Responses from Head of Profession, Ecosystem Approach at Natural
England (details provided on submission system), 6 June 2013. This
corroborates the use of the cascade model in UK environment policy.
Available from HEI on request. The beneficiary can be contacted by the
panel if further testimony is required.
g) Responses from Non-Executive Chair of Committee and Support Company,
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) (details provided on submission
system), 19 May 2013. This corroborates the use of the cascade model in
national and international environment policy. Available from HEI on
request. The beneficiary can be contacted by the panel if further
testimony is required.
h) Responses from Head of Integrated Environmental Assessment Programme,
European Environment Agency (details provided on submission system), 5
June 2013. This corroborates the use of the cascade model in communicating
elements of the `ecosystem services' paradigm. Available from HEI on
request. The beneficiary can be contacted by the panel if further
testimony is required.
i) Responses from Team Leader, Monetary Environmental Accounts Team
(details provided on submission system), 5 June 2013. This corroborates
the international impact of CICES. Available from HEI on request. The
beneficiary can be contacted by the panel if further testimony is
j) Responses from Scientific Officer at Joint Research Centre, ISPRA
(details provided on submission system), 6 June 2013. This corroborates
the international impact of the cascade model and CICES. Available from
HEI on request. The beneficiary can be contacted by the panel if further
testimony is required.