Influencing national and international health policies on early life nutrition.
Submitting Institution
University of NottinghamUnit of Assessment
Agriculture, Veterinary and Food ScienceSummary Impact Type
PoliticalResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine, Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
Research at the University of Nottingham (UoN) has had influence on
development of health policy in the UK and internationally. It is
recognised that the risk of diseases related to obesity and insulin
resistance, is partly determined by the nutritional environment
experienced during early life. Against a background of scepticism
researchers at the UoN have generated data that has been critical in
demonstrating the biological plausibility of such associations. This has
influenced expert panels and non-governmental organisations in framing
their current recommendations for nutrition in pregnancy and infancy,
which benefit women and children worldwide.
Underpinning research
Key researchers:
Professor Simon Langley-Evans; Professor of Human Nutrition (UoN
Dr David Gardner; Associate Professor of Developmental Physiology (UoN
Dr Sarah McMullen; Lecturer in Human Nutrition (UoN 2002-present)
Professor Kevin Sinclair; Professor of Developmental Biology
Two decades of epidemiological and experimental research has shown that
risk of disease in adulthood is partly determined by maternal diet during
pregnancy and nutrition during early infancy. Investigators based at UoN
are world-leaders in this field of the Developmental Origins of Health and
Disease (DOHaD). They initiated and subsequently developed the
experimental research that confirmed the biological plausibility of DOHaD
and offered insight into a mechanistic pathway. The output and impact of
their research programme has contributed toward high-profile reviews for
dissemination to obstetricians and general practitioners (e.g. in the
British Medical Journal, Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine), and
also to Government and non-governmental organisations (e.g. WHO) in order
to provide nutritional advice offered to women of reproductive age.
Initially, epidemiological studies led by the University of Southampton
identified birth weight as an important contributing factor toward an
individual's overall health as an adult. An individual born relatively
small or relatively large (each a proxy for challenged intrauterine
development) has a two- to eight-fold greater risk of dying due to
ischaemic heart disease or type 2 diabetes in middle- age. The DOHaD
phenomenon therefore has broad implications for public health and the
national economic spend on health-related morbidity for generations to
come. The epidemiological studies in human populations and their
conclusions received heavy criticism for ascribing cause-and-effect by
association and inappropriate adjustment for potential confounding factors
such as current diet, current weight and ethnicity. Hence, suitable animal
models had to be developed to test DOHaD prospectively and in a controlled
laboratory environment [c,d]. Prof. Langley-Evans developed the
first nutrition-related animal model of DOHaD in which pregnant rats fed a
low protein diet (commonly associated with low birth weight in populations
with a high prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition) gave birth to
smaller offspring that developed high blood pressure and an increased
propensity to other such non-communicable diseases (e.g. chronic kidney
disease, premature aging, glucose intolerance; [1, 2]). This rat
model represented a paradigm-shift in the nutritional causation of disease
and was well-received by the scientific community. Many other groups have
since repeated the study and replicated the results around the world and
now use the same approach to drive mechanistic studies of DOHaD.
UoN investigators also established large animal models of DOHaD, such as
the nutrient restricted sheep [a, b, e], to allow more detailed
investigation of the perturbed intrauterine environment arising from
maternal nutritional imbalance [3,4]. Such work identified the
early embryo as being particularly susceptible to low methyl-group
availability — one of a number of effects of maternal protein-energy
malnutrition. This and related work using rodent models identified a
plausible epigenetic mechanism operating during early embryogenesis that
may underpin DOHaD. More recent work has moved the research to consider
the impact of nutrition in the early postnatal period, in both animals and
humans, upon health in adult life. These studies, which have included a
new human pregnancy cohort study and a series of systematic review papers
[5,6] have demonstrated that the `window' during which nutritional
programming of disease risk occurs is wider than originally suspected.
In summary, Nottingham investigators have generated research that has
provided the initial evidence to support a role for nutrition during early
life predisposing to a greater susceptibility toward non-communicable
disease in adulthood. Having defined the problem and provided insight into
the mechanistic basis of DOHaD, their research continues in order to
provide novel solutions to the multifactorial paradigm of the early life
origins of adult disease.
References to the research
1. Bellinger L, Lilley C, Langley-Evans, SC. (2004) Prenatal
exposure to a maternal low protein diet programmes a preference for high
fat foods in the young adult rat. British Journal of Nutrition 92:
513-520. DOI: 10.1079/BJN20041224.
2. Jackson, AA; Dunn, RL; Marchand, MC; Langley-Evans, S.C.
(2002). Increased systolic blood pressure in rats induced by a
maternal low-protein diet is reversed by dietary supplementation with
glycine. Clinical Science 103(6): pp633-639. Available on request. Referenced
in source 4, section 5 below.
3. Sinclair K.D., Allegrucci C., Singh R., Gardner D.S.,
Sebastian S., Bispham J., Thurston A., Huntley J.F., Rees W.D., Maloney
C.A., Lea R.G., Craigon J., McEvoy T.G. and Young L.E. (2007). DNA
methylation, insulin resistance, and blood pressure in offspring
determined by maternal periconceptional B vitamin and methionine status
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(49):
p19351-56. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0707258104. Referenced in source 3,
section 5 below.
4. Gardner, D.S., Van Bon, B.W.M., Dandrea, J., Goddard, P., May,
S.F., Wilson, V., Stephenson, T. & Symonds, M.E. (2006) Effect of
periconceptional undernutrition and gender on
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function in young adult sheep.
Journal of Endocrinology 190(2): 203-12. DOI: 10.1677/joe.1.06751.
Referenced in source 1,2; section 5 below.
5. Pearce, J. and Langley-Evans, S.C. (2013). The types of food
used in complementary feeding and childhood obesity: a systematic review.
International Journal of Obesity 37: 477-485. DOI:
6. Lloyd, L.J., Langley-Evans, S.C. and McMullen, S.
2010, `Childhood obesity and adults cardiovascular disease risk:
systematic review', International Journal of Obesity, 34:
18-28. DOI: 10.1038/ijo.2009.61. Referenced in source 1,2; section
5 below.
These papers are a selection of 6 from a total of 120 published by this
group since 2007. Evidence of the international quality of this body of
work is indicated by the publication of all these papers in
intermediate-to-high impact peer-reviewed journals and invitations of the
researchers to present the work at international conferences and
workshops. The work has received continuous funding since 1994 (UoN since
Underpinning research projects:
The key researchers have held continuous funding (total value approx.
£5m) in this area since 2002, with grants from the BBSRC, MRC, US National
Institutes of Health, US Department of Agriculture, British Heart
Foundation and other UK health charities:
a. 2005-2010: Animal studies to investigate early nutrition programming.
Project title: Farm animal studies to determine the mechanisms of early
nutritional programming. Co-P.I.s Prof Langley-Evans, Dr David Gardner
(UoN). Funder: European Commission `EARNEST' programme grant £336,866.
b. 2003-2008: Fetal programming of blood pressure control. Project title:
The effects of nutritional manipulation during fetal and/or postnatal
development in the sheep on the dynamics of cardiovascular control P.I. Dr
David Gardner (UoN). Funder: The British Heart Foundation. £245,475
c. 2008-2011: Mechanisms for nutritional programming of hypertension:
identification of gatekeeper genes and proteins. PI Prof Simon
Langley-Evans, CoI Dr Sarah McMullen (UoN). BBSRC, £449,713
d. 2009-2012: Progression of renal injury in developmentally programmed
hypertension. PI Dr Sarah McMullen. CoI Prof Simon Langley-Evans (UoN).
British Heart Foundation, £269,339.
e. 2009-2010: Cardiovascular health of aged adult offspring derived from
mothers deficient in B- vitamins during the periconceptional period. PIs
Dr David Gardner, Prof. Kevin Sinclair (UoN). British Heart Foundation.
f. 2002-2007 Oocyte quality and female health — DNA programming by oocyte
environment (U01 HD044638-03) P.I. KD Sinclair (UoN), NIH £650,000.
Details of the impact
A sustained body of work by the named key researchers spanning 20 years
(of which 12 have been at UoN) provided the initial, and strengthened the
current, evidence base in favour of developmental programming effects upon
adult health and disease. The UoN researchers are among a number of
prominent UK groups that take a lead role in studying the early life
programming phenomenon and shaping the positions and policies of public
health bodies (also Universities of Cambridge, Southampton- where Prof.
Langley-Evans initiated this work- and Kings College London). The total
body of UK and international work has prompted several expert committees,
global organisations and high impact journals (e.g. The New England
Journal of Medicine, Source 1) to make specific recommendations
about maternal and infant health. The British Medical Association
published `Early Life Nutrition and Lifelong Health' in 2009 as a
point of reference with key messages about maternal, fetal and infant
nutrition for healthcare professionals to disseminate to the wider public.
The approach of the BMA Board of Science is to provide a clear synthesis
of the available research, and to develop evidence-based conclusions and
recommendations for policy. The BMA report was commissioned after a 2007
debate that called upon the BMA's Board of Science to recognise and
promote the importance of fetal and early life nutrition and its
relationship to lifelong health. The report stated that, "compelling
evidence supports a role for early life nutrition in setting the risk of
other conditions including osteoporosis, asthma, lung disease and some
forms of cancer and that evidence is growing that early life nutrition
can play a role in behavioural and cognitive problems in children and
adolescents, and possibly even in cognitive decline and other aspects of
ageing". UoN research [4] contributed evidence to support
these assertions (Source 2).
The global company, Nestlé produced a White Paper `Harnessing the
power of epigenetics for targeted nutrition' (Source 3) in
which they outlined how they should consider novel approaches for
harnessing personalised nutrition for use by their end-users, the general
public. The paper referenced the work of UoN researchers [3] in
order to support their novel, potential nutraceutical epigenetic approach.
The Department of Health (DoH) commissioned the Scientific Advisory
Committee on Nutrition (SACN) to review the evidence for an effect of
maternal, fetal and child nutrition, including growth and development in
utero and up to the age of 5 years, on the development of chronic
disease in later life in the offspring. Part of the SACN remit was to
identify opportunities for nutritional intervention that could influence
the risk of chronic disease in later life in the offspring. SACN published
their report, `The influence of maternal, fetal and child nutrition on the
development of chronic disease in later life' in 2011 (Source 4).
Nottingham researchers contributed evidence e.g. [1, 2] among the
wider body of evidence which informed this review. In their terms of
reference, SACN stated that, `the evidence associating early life
nutrition with later risk of chronic disease is variable in quality.
Most of the human evidence demonstrates associations that are
susceptible to confounding by environmental and behavioural factors at
different stages of the life course'. Hence, they also reviewed the
studies in animal models that had contributed invaluable evidence to
support the human prospective and retrospective data, stating; `Experimental
interventions, mainly in animal models, help to ascribe mechanisms that
may explain the associations observed. As with prospective observational
studies, the length of the human lifespan places limitations on most
existing intervention studies in humans, although markers of later risk,
particularly if validated in animal models, may be useful'. SACN
made 6 public health recommendations to the DoH. These included a
recommended strategy to promote, protect and support breastfeeding, to
optimise the diets and body composition of young women and a research
recommendation supporting the use of animal models as a means of
identifying predictive markers of future poor health in humans. In an
email to Dr Gardner (Source 5), a team leader for nutrition policy
and advice at the UK DoH stated that, "SACN's report confirmed that
maternal diet is an important aspect of fetal and longer term outcomes
of pregnancy. This reinforced the basis of current Government advice.
... This is current Government advice that has been taken as a result of
the SACN report".
Following the SACN recommendations and drawing upon the work of UoN
researchers, the UK DoH developed websites providing information on
healthy eating and on good nutrition before, during and after pregnancy (Source
6). Thus, the scientific context of DOHaD has been encapsulated in
advice Government is offering the general public — `optimising lifelong
health is a key element of national health education programmes' through
websites such as Change4Life and Start4Life (Source 6). The UK
Government is not alone in realising the potential health and economic
implications of DoHAD. The World Health Organisation (WHO) invited Prof.
Langley- Evans to a workshop event in 2004 (Source 7) considering
the impact of DOHaD on WHO global strategy and policy for maternal and
infant health. The outcomes from this workshop (fed-back to the WHO
officer in charge of their Collaborating Centre on Nutrition Changes and
Development, Dr Chizuru Nishida, Department of Nutrition, WHO Geneva) made
the WHO more aware of the impact of nutritional programming in early life
and subsequently in 2012, WHO proposed global targets and recommendations
for the nutrition of mothers, infants and young children in order to
reduce the prevalence of low birth weight (Source 8). In addition,
UoN researchers have contributed evidence [6] that has challenged
some of the prevalent views about childhood obesity and which has had an
international impact. For example, the Australian Government used this
evidence in an advisory paper for the Productivity Commission (Sep
2010; Source 9) on the likely longer-term impact of childhood
obesity. This document was used to inform their strategy for economic
spend on healthcare. The ultimate beneficiaries of the ongoing UoN
contribution to global research in this area, are therefore pregnant women
and their children throughout the world, as the research is a springboard
for policy changes that will benefit health across the generations.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Leading edge article in New England Journal of Medicine, "Effect of In
Utero and Early-life Conditions on Adult Health and Disease' referencing
work from UoN researchers
- British Medical Association Board of Science report on Early Life
Nutrition and Lifelong health referencing UoN researchers and being
highlighted by UNICEF:
Health.pdf) 2009.
- Nestle report on `Harnessing the Power of epigenetics for targeted
Nutrition' drawing on UoN work.
0paper%20Nutrigenomics%20FINAL.pdf) 2009.
- Scientific Advisory Committee for Nutrition report on the `Influence
of maternal, fetal and child nutrition on the development of chronic
disease in later life' for which UoN researchers contributed a
significant volume of evidence
- Corroboration of the impact of the SACN report upon the development of
maternal and infant diet components of the Change4Life and Start4Life
strategies can be provided by the Team Leader for Nutrition Policy and
Advice at the Department of Health.
- Government websites offering advice on healthy eating during pregnancy
and its importance on lifelong health, developed as a direct result of
commissioned reports on maternal nutrition, which drew upon the work of
UoN researchers 2012.
- Corroboration of the impact of this workshop, which led to the
following publication
) can be provided by Director of WHO Collaborating Centre on Nutrition
Changes and Development.
- World Health Organisation paper on proposed global targets and
recommendations for the nutrition of mothers, infants and young children
in order to reduce the prevalence of low birth weight, instigated after
a Workshop contributed to by Prof Simon Langley-Evans
- Australian Government report that identifies work from UoN researchers
as being opinion making