The development of new coatings for Tata Steel Europe through collaborative research
Submitting Institution
Swansea UniversityUnit of Assessment
General EngineeringSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Chemical Sciences: Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry, Physical Chemistry (incl. Structural)
Engineering: Materials Engineering
Summary of the impact
Collaborative research with Tata Steel has delivered significant economic
impact, maintaining leading-edge business performance with new
functionally coated metal construction products carrying 40 year
warranties, and research contributing to global competitiveness for
Electrical Steels. In addition partner company performance through
skilled people has been improved through the delivery of 61
highly trained doctoral level coatings leaders and technologists,
the majority of whom are now running their own research groups or are
director level technologists.
Public interest and engagement activity has focussed on the
application of research techniques and in functional coatings for energy
through the `Buildings as Powerstations' concept and `Materials
Live' events.
Underpinning research
Swansea University has a track record of almost a century of world-class
research leading to new product development. The Corrosion and Coating
Group within the Materials Research Centre (MRC) was established with
industry support in 1996 built around three consecutive Materials for
Better Construction EPSRC grants. During this time, the group leaders,
Professor Dave Worsley (at Swansea since 1992) and Professor Neil
McMurray (at Swansea since 1994) were able to leverage further
support for research through the EPSRC EngD programme in steel technology
that still runs today. The national significance of the research cluster
was recognised in 2006 with the award of a Coatings Platform Grant that
provided underpinning science to further the understanding of new coated
metal systems used in construction. The key enabling technology was the
development of scanning electrochemical methods for examining corrosion
mechanisms designed and manufactured at Swansea (R1) which led to a full
understanding of new galvanising alloys electrochemistry (R2), the
influence of processing conditions (R3), chromium free corrosion
resistance (R4) and photo-degradation mechanisms (R5). The work initiated
in the late 1990s has directly led to impact with the lead industry
partner Tata (the UK's largest manufacturer) now offering 40 year full
warranties on coated steels for construction. Without this underpinning
science it would not have been possible for the industrial partners to
implement and optimise new coatings with confidence.
In 2007 the research group was expanded to include new lecturing staff (Geraint
Williams (at Swansea since 1993, first as Research Officer, academic
staff since 2007, now Associate Professor) and James Sullivan (at
Swansea since 2004, first as Research Officer, academic staff since 2007,
now Associate Professor)). A series of industry-led workshops identified
that building functionality will be a major feature of architecture of the
future. As such in 2007 a new initiative lead by Swansea to examine low
cost photovoltaics on steel was started with Imperial College and Bath.
This work has led to a number of enabling research outputs (e.g. R6) and
the industry partners are now (2013) commencing the next phase of
industrial scale up through the Innovation and Knowledge Centre. This is
supported by additional 3 academic staff appointments to the MRC and a
substantial increase in the research group and substantial collaboration
with Imperial College London and Oxford University through the £7m Welsh
Government sponsored Sêr Solar Programme.
The importance of the scale up of functional coating manufacturing in
Wales is recognised through the creation of the new Innovation and
Knowledge Centre established in 2011 with a £10m EPSRC/TSB grant and over
£4m (to date) from Welsh Government and £6m industrial investment. The SPECIFIC
IKC is working with multiple partners to bring forward both
existing anti corrosion and new photovoltaic coatings together with new
functional coatings that are at this stage only at the laboratory bench
Critical to the impact of the programme have been the teams of research
associates, fellows and students and the active involvement of partner
industries and universities. The majority of the team have come through
the EPSRC funded EngD programme working on coatings development with
industry partners and have subsequently maintained that as a career path.
26 Research Leaders have their roots in the corrosion mechanisms on steel
detailed below (R1 to R5). The four key related impacts all build on key
scientific and mechanistic understanding developed from the enabling work
conducted in the early part of the new millennium and published after full
References to the research
The research outputs described are in leading journals and have been
instrumental in creating both further research and development and are
leading contributors to the impacts described in section 4. Papers prior
to 2008 included in the last RAE. The outputs R2, R4 and R6 are those that
best cover the spread of the impact.
[R1] Determination of localised corrosion mechanisms using a scanning
vibrating electrode technique, D.A. Worsley, A. Belghazi and H.N.
McMurray, Chemical Communications, 1997, 2369-70 (IF 6.4, citations 20)
[R2] The kinetics and mechanism of cathodic oxygen reduction on zinc and
zinc aluminium galvanised alloy coatings. H. Dafydd, H.N. McMurray and
D.A. Worsley, Corrosion Science, 47, 2005, 3006-18 (DOI:
10.1016/j.corsci.2005.05.036) (IF 4.0, citations 38)
[R3] Microstructural changes in zinc aluminium alloy galvanising as a
function of processing parameters and their influence on corrosion J.
Elvins, J.A. Spittle and D.A. Worsley, Corrosion Science, 47, 2005,
10.1016/j.corsci.2004.11.011) (IF 4.0, citations 26)
[R4] Cerium (III) inhibition of corrosion driven organic coating
delamination studied using a scanning Kelvin microprobe, Journal of
the Electrochemistry Society, H.N. McMurray, G. Williams and D.A.
Worsley, 149, 2002, 154-162 (DOI 10.1149/1.1457983) (IF 2.6, citations 40)
[R5] A novel flat panel reactor for monitoring photodegradation A.J.
Robinson, J.R. Searle and D.A. Worsley, Materials Science and Technology,
20, 1041-1048, 2004. (DOI
10.1179/026708304225019885) (IF 0.8, citations 18)
[R6] Ultrafast near infrared sintering of TiO2 layers on metal
substrates for dye sensitised solar cells, T.M. Watson, I. Mabbett, H
Wang, L.M. Peter and D.A Worsley, Progress in Photovoltaics, 2010, 19(4),
482. (DOI: 10.1002/pip.1041) (IF 7.7, citations 7)
Four major research grants have supported this work within the REF
[G1] 2006-11: EPSRC Platform Award, Understanding and
Improving Corrosion-Resistance in Structural Coated Steels, HN
McMurray (PI), V Randle and DA Worsley. EPD05284X (£426,685)
[G2] 2007-10: EPSRC consortium bid on Photovoltaics with Swansea
the lead RO, Metal substrate mounted flexible dye sensitised
semiconductor solar cells, DA Worsley (PI) and J.C. Arnold,
EPE035205/1 Total bid value £1.52 million
[G3] 2009-2015*: D Worsley PI, J H Sullivan Steel Training
Research and Innovation Partnership (STRIP) ESF/Industry funding £7
[G4] 2011-present D Worsley (PI) HN McMurray, G Williams, JH
Sullivan, T Claypole, SPECIFIC: £9.6M EPSRC and TSB (EP/L010372, K000292
and I019278)
Details of the impact
Impact 1: Economic impact new products: high durability
construction products (Outputs R1-4): Tata Steels Shotton Steel
works (employing 690 staff) premium product for construction is
now a 5% Aluminium containing galvanised steel for construction (18,000
tonnes per week) with a high-performance UV stable organic coating
underwritten by a full consequential loss warranty of up to 40 years.
These high performance products are only possible through understanding
of the critical links between microstructure and corrosion resistance
from underpinning mechanistic studies (R1-R3) and photodegradation
stability measurement (R5). The new techniques to visualise and quantify
corrosion (R1 and R4) are now sold commercially by Swansea with
customers including General Electric, Tata and Tokyo Electric Power. Partner
comment: "Our 40 year corrosion warranties are at the heart of or
premium products success.... this comes directly from an
understanding of corrosion and photodegradation led by Swansea"
(Technology and Innovation Director Tata)
Impact 2: Economic impact new products: chromium free corrosion
treatments Cogent Power manufacture 75,000 tonnes per annum of a
high quality grain oriented electrical steel used for devices such as
transformers, motors and other electrical devices. Traditionally a
chromate wash was used to prevent corrosion; hexavalent chromium is now
banned from electrical goods in the European Union Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment Directive, which became European law in 2003, and
as such has to be removed. After two years research with their suppliers
Cogent Power had not succeeded and prime production had dropped to 10%.
Using the techniques developed (R4) a method was developed to look at
the chemical species during the treatment (the research being carried
out by authors of refs R1 to R5). In 2012, a £250,000 investment in a
new coater resulted in an increase to 60% prime output (consistent with
the chromate performance). This translates to a 37,500 tonne increase in
prime product annually which retails for £1300 per tonne giving the
plant world leading productivity essential for business competitiveness.
Partner comment: "We had been unable to solve the chromium free
treatment of our electrical steels. We invested £250k on a new
coater solution and we are now producing ~60% grade 1 appearance
standard compared to ~10% prior to the work with SPECIFIC" (Technical
Manager, Cogent Power)
Impact 3: Economic impact Investment Induced from UK; the creation
of a national innovation centre The underpinning understanding of
coatings behaviour initiated by R1 directly led to the cluster of
research excellence at Swansea growing and the SPECIFIC Innovation and
Knowledge Centre has continued a successful partnership with Tata, NSG
and BASF to develop functional coatings. New process technologies (e.g.
R6) have converted what was a batch process to a continuous process and
has resulted in a £2.2m investment in production line capability in
Wales in 2013. Typical lab methods are all based on typically 30 minute
oven heating that is inconsistent with line speeds of 100 m min-1.
The near infrared heating methods have solved the three main bottlenecks
in cell manufacture. In 2013 an additional £7m has been invested to
create a strategic project with Imperial College leading to a national
centre for scaling solar energy advanced manufacturing. Partner
Comment: "New products in the construction require lifetime and
function; already work on pigmentation at Swansea has improved the
efficiency of our transpired solar collectors being fitted to
buildings in the UK. This basic function is driving development work
of our next generation of coatings at the SPECIFIC IKC" (Innovation
Manager Tata Colors)
Impact 4: Economic Activity Jobs Created. Continued support
from EPSRC and WG for the Engineering Doctorate programme has allowed
for both technical impacts detailed above but also critically provided a
talent flow from the university to industry. The Swansea led EngD has
now produced 204 EngD graduates of whom 90% are working with or for
industry and two thirds with the metals sector in which their research
activity was initiated. Specifically 26 of the doctorates work directly
on coatings development. This provides a sustainable positive impact on
industrial partners as well as supporting a more diverse set of research
interactions. Seven of the co-authors of the six outputs are EngD
graduates who took leading roles upon graduation and all remain working
closely with the industry sponsors to-date. Partner comment: "The
graduates that come from our EngD partnership are the life blood of
our technical and management sections. Their research outputs
directly affect our business competitiveness and the large number
that work in our supply chain continue to add value after they have
left the University. I should know as I was one of the first batch
of graduates in 1996!" (Technical Director Tata Steel
Strip Products)
Sources to corroborate the impact
Impact 1: Technology and Innovation Director, Tata Steel Colors,
Shotton, Deeside, CH2 4NL.
Senior Projects Officer, Major Projects, BASF Industrial Coatings,
Deeside Industrial Park, Chester, CH2 4NH.
Impact 2: Technical Manager, Orb Electrical Steels, Cogent Power,
Newport, NP19 0RB.
Impact 3: Innovation Manager, Tata Steel Colors, Baglan Bay Innovation
Centre, Central Avenue, SA12 7AX.
Impact 4: Technical Director, Tata Steel Europe, Port Talbot Works,
SA13 2NG.