Changes to Healthcare Practice within the NHS: Prehabilitation, Rehabilitation, and Perioperative Care Research for Patient Benefit
Submitting Institution
Teesside UniversityUnit of Assessment
Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and PharmacySummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
In this case study we describe an interrelated collection of impacts
on healthcare in the NHS; these are summarised in the Table below.
Research |
Research |
Reach and
Observational study of the difference in blood
pressure between arms in vascular surgical patients |
informed new care pathway for surgery to unblock a carotid artery
Patients across Durham Tees Valley and North Yorkshire;
eliminates risk of clinical error in blood pressure monitoring
during surgery thus reducing potential harm (stroke, heart attack) |
Validation of the 6-min walk test (6MWT) in
non-cardiac surgical patients |
6MWT now
included in the North East Care Pathway for Abdominal Aortic
Aneurysm (AAA) Repair |
Patients across the North East NHS; 6MWT is a useful low-cost
addition to the battery of pre-operative screening/ risk
stratification tests |
Randomised controlled trial (RCT) of exercise
prehabilitation in AAA patients |
training now recommended to AAA patients awaiting surgery using
brief negotiation in the clinical encounter |
Patients across Durham Tees Valley and North
Yorkshire; likely improved fitness for surgery |
RCT of exercise rehabilitation in intensive care unit
(ICU) survivors |
training now recommended in ICU follow-up clinics via brief
negotiation |
ICU patients in South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; likely
accelerated return to adequate functional fitness |
Diagnostic accuracy study of the STOP-BANG screening tool for
obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) in specialist weight management
patients |
informed new pathway for referral of bariatric and specialist
weight management patients into clinical Sleep Services
Patients across Durham Tees Valley and North Yorkshire; Improved
accuracy of diagnosis of OSA likely to require medical intervention |
Underpinning research
All of the research underpinning the impacts in this case study was
co-produced with clinicians in the Department of Academic Anaesthesia at
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. We have a well-established and
successful anaesthesia research collaboration focusing on prehabilitation
(before surgery), rehabilitation (following critical illness), and
perioperative care for patient benefit. Our research programme is aligned
with the highlighted topics identified by the National Institute of
Academic Anaesthesia (NIAA) in the first UK-wide research priority setting
exercise (British Journal of Anaesthesia, 108 (1): 42-52, 2012).
These topics included arrangements for preoperative assessment and the
role of exercise training to improve outcome. Danjoux (a
Visiting Professor at Teesside, REF Category C entrant, and co-author on
all of the research cited in this case study) was a member of the Expert
Panel for the NIAA research priority setting exercise.
Research and findings
The key researchers for all of the work presented herein are Batterham
(Professor at Teesside from June 2009, Principal Lecturer prior to this
from 2005-2009) and Danjoux (Visiting Fellowship conferred
September 2009 and Visiting Professorship from January 2012). All data
collection took place at James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough
and, for the RCT of exercise training in ICU survivors, also at Leeds
General Infirmary. Our observational study of the difference in
systolic blood pressure between arms in vascular surgical patients
was based on a retrospective review of clinical records for patients
attending the vascular pre-assessment clinic between 2004 and 2012. We
observed a high prevalence (26%) of a difference in systolic blood
pressure between arms of ≥ 15 mmHg. If an arm were to be selected at
random for monitoring blood pressure during a surgical operation then
a clinical error (using the lower-reading arm) would result once in
every 7-9 patients, increasing the risk of adverse events and harm
in this high-risk group. Our 6-min walk test (6MWT) validation study
was conducted from 2008-2010. We showed that the 6MWT was a cheap,
practical predictor of the anaerobic threshold (an objective measure of
fitness for surgery), useful for screening and risk stratification
pre-surgery and for tertiary referral for more precise tests if
appropriate. The headline finding was the robust derivation of threshold
6MWT performance (distances) to inform clinical decision-making. Patients
walking > 563 m do not require more sophisticated exercise testing,
whereas those walking < 427 m do. Patients walking a distance
in-between these cut-points are in a clinical `grey zone' requiring
further careful evaluation. Our two exercise training RCTs were
both pilot/ exploratory studies that happened to produce a clear positive
result for the primary outcome. Within the framework of the Medical
Research Council (MRC) guidance for developing and evaluating complex
interventions (BMJ 2008;337:a1655) these results must be confirmed
in a larger trial within a phased approach; however, here we present
interim impacts. Our RCT of exercise prehabilitation in abdominal
aortic aneurysm patients was carried out from 2007-2008. The
headline finding was that 6 weeks of supervised, moderate intensity cycle
ergometer exercise improved aerobic fitness by around 10%.
Similarly, our RCT of exercise rehabilitation in ICU survivors
(conducted 2008-2011) showed that an 8-week supervised exercise training
programme resulted in a clinically relevant improvement in fitness at
9 weeks, accelerating the natural recovery process. Finally, in our
diagnostic accuracy study in bariatric and specialist weight management
patients (conducted in 2012) we derived robust cut-points for the
0-8-point STOP-BANG screening tool for `ruling in' and `ruling out'
moderate-severe obstructive sleep apnoea.
References to the research
1. Durrand, J. W., Batterham, A. M., O'Neill, B. R. and Danjoux,
G. R. (2013). Prevalence and implications of a difference in systolic
blood pressure between one arm and the other in vascular surgical
patients. Anaesthesia. 68 (12): 1247-1252.
This article is submitted in REF2 (Danjoux; Category C).
2. Sinclair, R.C.F., Batterham, A.M., Davies, S., Cawthorn, L., Danjoux,
G.R. (2012). Validity of the 6-min walk test in prediction of the
anaerobic threshold before major non-cardiac surgery. British Journal
of Anaesthesia, 108 (1): 30-35.
This article is submitted in REF2 (Batterham), and has been cited
7 times (Scopus) placing it in the top 10% for papers published in
the same year in the Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine All Journal Science
Classification (AJSC) code. The paper was also selected as the `Editor's
Choice' in that edition of the journal. The study was supported by a small
grant (£11,750) from the South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Grants
competition, awarded to Sinclair, Danjoux, and Batterham
(1 September 2008 to 31 August 2010; no allocated reference number).
3. Kothmann, E., Batterham, A.M., Owen, S.J., Turley, A.J.,
Cheesman, M., Parry, A., Danjoux, G. (2009). Effect of short-term
exercise training on aerobic fitness in patients with abdominal aortic
aneurysms: A pilot study. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 103 (4):
This article is submitted in REF2 (Danjoux), and has been cited
8 times on Scopus — above the mean for 2009 papers in the
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine AJSC code. The work was supported by The
Departmental Grant from the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain
and Ireland; £21,500 awarded in December 2006 to Danjoux (no
reference number provided).
4. Goodman, B.A, Bonner, S., Batterham, A.M. Wright, J. Hugill,
K., Howard, P., Howell, S., Danjoux, G. (2012). Impact of an
aerobic rehabilitation programme on fitness and QoL in ICU survivors. Intensive
Care Medicine, 38 (1 Suppl) S90.
This was a peer-reviewed conference communication at the European Society
of Intensive Care Medicine 25th annual congress. The full paper
— "The effect of supervised aerobic exercise rehabilitation on physical
fitness and quality of life in survivors of critical illness: an
exploratory minimised controlled trial (PIX study)" — has been accepted
for publication in the British Journal of Anaesthesia (No DOI
available yet). The work was supported by funding from the National
Institute for Health Research, Research for Patient Benefit Programme:
£206,965, PB-PG-0407-13274, 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2011.
This was a peer-reviewed conference communication presented at the
prestigious 25th Anniversary Scientific Meeting of the British
Sleep Society in October 2013. We have only very recently completed
this project and the full manuscript is in preparation.
Details of the impact
This case study describes a collection of impacts on healthcare practice
within the NHS, resulting directly from our successful programme of
research for patient benefit.
Process of research ⇒ impact
A central plank of our impact strategy is the co-production of
knowledge, with an emphasis on practice-based evidence
(of real-world problems faced by clinicians) to evidence-based
practice (knowledge translation leading to rapid changes in
policy and practice in healthcare based on robust research findings). All
of the research cited herein could be translated very rapidly, as the
clinicians co-creating the evidence were either the decision makers for
policy/practice enhancements or were key players in influencing those
decisions. Consequently, in all cases the evidence produced by the cited
underpinning research led directly to the impact reported.
Three of our five impacts are evidenced by documented
changes to clinical guidelines in the regional NHS.
1. A new care pathway was established in February 2013 for the
Carotid Endarterectomy surgical procedure (unblocking a carotid
artery), providing pre-operative guidelines for ward, medical, and nursing
staff. Based on our research on inter-arm differences in blood
pressure, medical and nursing personnel are now required to check
and record blood pressure in both arms. All subsequent measures should
then be taken from the higher-reading arm. At least 1 hour before the
patient is due to go to theatre the nursing staff must clearly mark the
arm to be used for blood pressure measurement. The anaesthetic team will
place the arterial blood pressure line into this arm to monitor and guide
patient management in surgery. The Carotid Endarterectomy pathway applies
initially to NHS surgical patients across the Durham Tees Valley and North
Yorkshire, but we envisage that post-publication it will be adopted widely
given the clinical readership of the journal. Our data indicate that a
clinical error — selecting at random an arm with a clinically significant
lower (false) blood pressure reading — would result for one in every 7-9
patients. Carotid endarterectomy is performed to reduce the risk of
stroke. Selecting a lower-reading arm for blood pressure monitoring would
misguide patient management during surgery potentially leading to
inadequate blood flow to heart and brain. The potential harm is therefore
stroke or heart complications during surgery. Therefore, the impact is
significant, as this simple, inexpensive change to the care pathway
eliminates the risk of this clinical error in blood pressure monitoring
during surgery, and thus substantially reduces the potential for
2. From August 2011, the 6-min walk test (6MWT) was included in
the battery of preoperative screening tests in the North East Care
Pathway for abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, based on the evidence
produced in our validation study. This pathway applies to NHS patients
across the North East of England. The impact is significant, as in a
cash-strapped NHS the 6-min walk test is a robust practical alternative
where more sophisticated cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) resources
are unavailable. Moreover, the 6MWT can now be used as a simple
initial test within a tertiary referral model; those patients
walking > 563 m are not referred for CPET, whereas those walking <
427 m are.
3. A new clinical pathway was established in June 2013 for the referral
of Bariatric and Specialist Weight Management patients into clinical
Sleep Services. There is a known strong association between morbid
obesity and risk of developing Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS),
but OSAS remains undiagnosed in the majority of patients presenting for
bariatric surgery. Untreated OSAS is associated with increased prevalence
of cardiovascular disease, type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and memory and
cognitive dysfunction, with life expectancy decreased by up to 20 years.
Untreated OSAS is also associated with a significantly increased risk of
adverse outcome and increased length of hospital stay in patients
undergoing surgery. Based directly on the evidence from our diagnostic
accuracy study, robust cut-points for the STOP-BANG screening tool
(an 8-item questionnaire with yes/no answers) are built in to the referral
pathway. Patients complete the STOP-BANG questionnaire at the point of
referral, that is, bariatric surgical or specialist weight management
evaluation clinics. Further actions depend on the patient's score between
0 and 8:
0-2 = no referral required; 3-4 = refer to Sleep Clinic
for review — history and sleep oximetry will be assessed prior to a
decision on any requirement for sleep consultation; ≥ 5 = refer
directly to Sleep Clinic for further assessment.
Our research revealed that a score of ≤2 effectively rules out OSAS,
whereas 7/10 patients with a score of ≥ 5 will have OSAS. James Cook
University Hospital Sleep Services (Danjoux is Head of Sleep
Medicine, since 2011) is a tertiary referral centre covering bariatric and
specialist weight management programme patients from Durham Tees Valley
and North Yorkshire. The impact is significant; the new referral
pathway streamlines referrals by identifying individuals at high
likelihood of having OSAS, whilst excluding those at low risk. Prior
to the implementation of the new pathway, the Sleep Services department
was inundated with referrals of patients for sleep consultation and
assessment — an inefficient model for utilisation of valuable resources.
Exercise training advice to patients
Our two exercise training RCTs have resulted in interim impacts on the
clinical encounter. These impacts were put in place further to the
analysis of the trial data, before any subsequent research output
(December 2008 for AAA patients and December 2011 for survivors of
critical illness). Both research studies revealed a clear increase in
fitness after the exercise intervention. Although these findings must be
confirmed in a larger multicentre RCT, on the premise that the probability
of benefit substantially outweighs the risk of harm, recommendations are
now made to patients to engage in exercise of the same frequency,
intensity, and duration adopted in the trials. These recommendations are
made within a brief negotiation model; a patient-centred
counselling method for enhancing motivation for health behaviour change in
brief clinical encounters. In the vascular pre-operative assessment clinic
at James Cook University Hospital Middlesbrough, exercise is recommended
for every patient being considered for repair of an AAA to improve fitness
for surgery. Physiotherapists in the ICU follow up clinic make the same
exercise recommendations for survivors of critical illness. Both impacts
apply to NHS patients seen at James Cook University Hospital, which
provides a tertiary care service for Durham Tees Valley and North
Yorkshire NHS. These interim impacts are significant, as they are
likely to result in increased fitness for surgery (AAA) and accelerated
recovery from critical illness. In addition, the clear positive effect on
the primary outcome in both RCTs is impact in and of itself. Indeed, Main
Panel A recognise that it takes a long time for trialled interventions to
be fully rolled out, and the demonstration of clear efficacy of an
intervention in a patient population is an interim impact, within the
spirit of the MRC guidance on developing and evaluating complex
Sources to corroborate the impact
All impacts detailed above may be corroborated by the Research and
Development Director and the Research and Development Manager at the South
Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, The James Cook University Hospital,
The North East Care Pathway for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Repair
may be found at
The documents describing the carotid endarterectomy care pathway and the
referral pathway for bariatric and specialist weight management patients
into clinical Sleep Services are stored on the Trust intranet and are
available from the South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Research and
Development Manager on request.