The ProtecT Trial and Associated Translational Research – Management of Localised Prostate Cancer -Neal
Submitting Institution
University of CambridgeUnit of Assessment
Clinical MedicineSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Oncology and Carcinogenesis, Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
ProtecT (Neal, Cambridge; Donovan, Bristol; Hamdy, Oxford), funded by
NIHR in 1999, is the largest randomised controlled trial in localised
prostate cancer; and compares a deferred conservative approach (Active
Monitoring — developed by the Trial PIs) with surgery and radiotherapy.
Avoiding "over-treatment" in low risk cancer is important and Active
Monitoring (AM) and Surveillance (AS) have now had a major impact on
patients and on national health policy through NICE guidance, which
recommends such management approaches. The linked bio-repository was
critical to characterising the genetic pre-disposition alleles (SNPs) in
prostate cancer, which are now being used to identify high risk
Underpinning research
Neal is Group Leader in the CRUK Cambridge Institute and Urologist (Chair
of Surgical Oncology, 2002, tenured). Prostate cancer is the most common
cancer in men and results in 41,000 new cases and 10,700 deaths in the UK
p.a.; it is predicted to increase to over 60,000 cases p.a.
in the coming two decades because of an ageing population. Early diagnosis
is based on measurement of prostate specific antigen (PSA), but this is of
low sensitivity and specificity. Neal and Donovan have for many years
highlighted the considerable controversy over screening, early detection
and treatment because of risks of "over-diagnosis" and "over-treatment"
(1). Most men with "low risk" localised disease do not die of prostate
cancer and radical treatments carry sexual, rectal and urinary morbidity.
In 1998, because of the long natural history and low rate of progression
of prostate cancer, the three ProtecT PIs (Neal, Cambridge; Donovan,
Bristol; Hamdy, Oxford) developed the novel concept of Active Monitoring
(AM) and comparing this with surgery and radiotherapy in a RCT (2). AM
aims to keep men in a "window of curability" whereby only those showing
progression on careful re-assessment triggered by PSA change and / or
change on rectal examination, are treated radically, this is very
different from "watchful waiting" (where there is no intervention till
advanced disease is present).
ProtecT approached 229,000 men in nine centres in the UK: 82,000 were
enrolled, 8,000 men had high PSA levels and underwent prostate biopsy.
Almost 3,000 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer and 62% of eligible
men were recruited (2). Current trials of screening and of treatment have
confirmed the continued international importance of ProtecT, because only
ProtecT has a "screen-detected" cohort treated by AM. ProtecT is due to
reach its primary clinical outcome in late 2015, but has already produced
over 100 papers.
Intermediate end-points
Firstly, we showed in ProtecT that novel collaborative methodologies
between Social Science and Clinical Researchers could ensure recruitment
to trials that were seen as difficult to recruit to (3), leading to the
adoption of such approaches to other trials via the NIHR.
Secondly, many high impact discoveries have been made. We developed an
internationally important clinically well-annotated bio-repository
of tissue, blood and serum from 82,000 randomly selected men.
Research involving Easton and Pharoah (Strangeways, Cambridge) and Eeles
(ICR, London) was funded by Cancer Research UK (£ 4M) in 2007 to carry out
genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Neal, Eeles and Easton reasoned
that the use of an extreme experiment (comparing very low risk and very
high risk men) would uncover significantly more single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) in prostate cancer (4). This proved to be the case.
This collaboration has led to almost 20 papers in high impact journals
leading to almost 1,000 cites since 2008. To date, 73 SNPs (4, 5) have
been found, accounting for around a third of the known genetic background
in prostate cancer; and this will be used to identify populations for
targeted screening.
Other important discoveries have included the observation that genetic
corrections for PSA can be made, improving sensitivity and specificity
(6); new biomarkers have been discovered (7) which are dependent on SNP
risk alleles; and that the known impact of diet on prostate cancer
development may be mediated by IGF family members (8).
References to the research
1. Frankel S, Smith GD, Donovan J, Neal D. 2013. Screening for
prostate cancer. Lancet. 2003 Mar;361(9363):1122-8. Impact Factor 38,
(Citations > 100).
2. Lane JA, Hamdy FC, Martin RM, Turner EL, Neal DE, Donovan JL.
Latest results from the UK trials evaluating prostate cancer screening and
treatment: the CAP and ProtecT studies. Eur J Cancer. 2010
Nov;46(17):3095-101.(Cited > 50)
T., FRANKEL, S., NEAL, D. & HAMDY, F. 2002. Quality
improvement report — Improving design and conduct of randomised trials by
embedding them in qualitative research: ProtecT (prostate testing for
cancer and treatment) study. British Medical Journal, 325,
766-769. Impact factor 14. (Citations >190).
4. EELES, R. A., KOTE-JARAI, Z., GILES, G. G., ......., NEAL, D. E.
& EASTON, D. F. 2008. Multiple newly identified loci associated with
prostate cancer susceptibility. Nat Genet, 40, 316-21. Impact
factor 35. (Citations > 350).
5. Ghoussaini M, Song H, Koessler T,..... Neal DE, Pharoah PD,
Ponder BA, Eeles RA, Easton DF, Dunning AM. Multiple loci with different
cancer specificities within the 8q24 gene desert. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2008
Jul 2;100(13):962-6. (Cited > 150)
6. Gudmundsson J, Besenbacher S, Sulem P,et al .....Neal DE,
Thorsteinsdottir U, Rafnar T, Stefansson K. Genetic correction of PSA
values using sequence variants associated with PSA levels. Sci Transl Med.
2010 Dec 15;2(62):62ra92. (Cited > 35)
7. WHITAKER, H. C., KOTE-JARAI, Z., ROSS-ADAMS, H, .................,
EASTON, D., COOPER, C., EELES, R. & NEAL, D. E. 2010. The
rs10993994 Risk Allele for Prostate Cancer Results in Clinically Relevant
Changes in Microseminoprotein-Beta Expression in Tissue and Urine. PLoS
One, 5.
8. Gunnell D, Oliver SE, Peters TJ, et al, ......... Neal DE,
Holly JM. Are diet-prostate cancer associations mediated by the IGF axis?
A cross-sectional analysis of diet, IGF-I and IGFBP-3 in healthy
middle-aged men. Br J Cancer. 2003 Jun 2;88(11):1682-6.
Associated Funding
Hamdy FC, Donovan J, Neal DE. NIHR funding for ProteCT. £36M.;
Neal DE, Hamdy FC, Maitland NJ, Donovan JL, Clarke N. The Northern (and
Bristol) Prostate Cancer Collaborative. MRC £5M.; Neal DE. CRUK £3M;
Neal DE CRUK: £0.9M; Donovan JL, Hamdy FC, Neal DE, Martin R. CRUK
£2.4M; Eeles R, Easton D, and Neal DE. CR UK £ 4M; Eeles R,
Cooper C, Neal DE and Stratton M. Next generation sequencing for prostate
cancer (CRUK: ICR, Sanger and Cambridge) £4M
Details of the impact
Although not due to complete until 2015, the importance of AM and the
critical role of the final outcome of ProtecT have already had major
impact on National Health Policy through developing the role of
conservative approaches that underpin NICE Guidance, and decisions on
Active monitoring (AM) was developed in late 1998 within ProtecT as a
method for deferring radical treatment in men with low risk prostate
cancer, whilst keeping them in a "window of curability". Over-treatment is
clearly identified world-wide as the major problem of early detection of
prostate cancer. AM has been adopted and adapted internationally through
the use of additional biopsies into a management protocol known as active
surveillance (AS). Critically, these conservative approaches have been
incorporated into the NICE Guidance published in 2008 (1) and later
clarified through a joint statement with the British Association of
Urology (led by Neal) (2). The guidelines stated that men with low risk
prostate cancer should be offered conservative approaches such as Active
The trial underpinned the hugely important medico-political decision not
to introduce screening for prostate cancer in 2010. Screening would only
be introduced if it was known what the best treatment was for
screen-detected cancers, and that this was cost-effective. A recent
overview for the Department of Health by ScHARR (3) has explicitly and
extensively referred to knowing the outcome of ProtecT as being a key
benchmark. A reference from ProtecT (4) was one of only five quoted in the
expert review for the main national screening document (5) and the
requirement for ProtecT to report was by one leading international opinion
leader (Wilt) as being of critical importance to national health policy on
prostate cancer screening (6). A recent independent review; published in
the Lancet confirmed that "ProtecT has affected clinical practice, even
before announcement of its results, by allowing the UK to reaffirm its
policy of no routine screening". (7) Also we recognised within the ProtecT
Trial the critical importance of presenting men with information in a
neutral way to allow them to make an informed decision, so that they
understood the uncertainty behind the requirement for a RCT. Our
experience of developing such information was recognised through the
appointment of Neal to a group tasked by the Department of Health to
produce an "informed decision making aid". This involved collaboration
with health service researchers in Boston and Ontario and the urological
input to the final document was led by Neal. This decision aid was then
rolled out within the NHS via NHS Direct (8). The work on shared decision
making between patients and their advisors is now part of Health Policy:
"no decision about me without me" and the Urological Decision Aid has been
used as an exemplar in documents produced for the Health Foundation by
Coulter (9). Neal also led the Clinical Advisory Group for the Department
of Health on the development of a new patient website where the role of
conservative approaches to the management of localised prostate cancer is
fully explained (10).
Advice about prostate cancer and the pros and cons of early detection has
been sent out by the Department of Health to all General Practitioners
under the government's Prostate Cancer Risk Management Programme, which
builds on quoted evidence that has already come out of ProtecT (11, 12).
The report noted: "The Prostate Cancer Risk Management Programme ....
will be piloting a recent finding from the ProtecT study which showed
that two PSA tests performed 7 weeks apart allowed more accurate risk
prediction and may assist in decision-making as to whether or not to
proceed with referral...
ProtecT has made a major difference to the quality of care for men with
prostate cancer in that more men nationally and internationally with low
risk disease are now being offered conservative approaches such as AM to
keep them "in a window of curability", which will have reduced
significantly the impact of morbidity associated with unnecessary radical
treatments: an approach supported by the US NIH (13). The concept of
strategies to keep men in a window of curability so that those who
progress are offered radical treatments, is the principle within the
active monitoring arm within ProtecT and other active surveillance
protocols being developed.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- NICE. Prostate Cancer, diagnosis and treatment. 2008.
- BAUS and NICE. Joint Implementation Statement. 2009.
- Chilcott J, Hummel S, Mildred M. SCHARR. 2010. Option appraisal:
screening for prostate cancer. Report to the UK National Screening
Committee. May 2010. Version 2.0. Option appraisal: screening for
prostate cancer [ScHARR] (PDF document, 1.11MB, 02/08/10):
D. C., BROWN, C. H., DONOVAN, J. L., HAMDY, F. C., MARTIN, R. M. &
NEAL, D. E. 2009. Population-based prostate-specific antigen testing in
the UK leads to a stage migration of prostate cancer. BJU Int, 104,
- UK National Screening Committee. Prostate Cancer. 2010. The UK NSC
policy on Prostate cancer screening/PSA testing in men over the age of
50. Accessed in 2012. Expert Review from 2010.
- Wilt TJ. 2008. SPCG-4: a needed START to PIVOTal data to promote and
protect evidence-based prostate cancer care. J Natl Cancer Inst.
100(16):1123-5. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djn259. Epub 2008 Aug 11.
- Raftery J, and Powell J. Health Technology Assessment in the UK.
Lancet. 2013. 382: 1278-85.
- NHS Direct. Localised Prostate Cancer: Decision Aid (accessed 2012):
- Coulter A. Implementing shared decision making in the UK. A report for
the Health Foundation. Produced as a scoping paper for the Health
Foundation in 2009.
- Burford DC, Kirby M, Austoker J.
Prostate Cancer Risk Management Programme information for primary care.
PSA testing in asymptomatic men. 2009.
- Burford DC, Kirby M, Austoker J. Prostate Cancer Risk Management
Programme information for primary care. PSA testing in asymptomatic men.
Evidence document. January 2010. (