Pleistocene River Deposits, Quaternary Science and the Aggregates Industry
Submitting Institution
Royal Holloway, University of LondonUnit of Assessment
Geography, Environmental Studies and ArchaeologySummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Earth Sciences: Geology
Biological Sciences: Ecology
History and Archaeology: Archaeology
Summary of the impact
Quaternary Science research undertaken at Royal Holloway examined the
environmental archives provided by ancient rivers, now preserved in part
as extensive sand and gravel deposits. In so doing, the research
identified the former courses of major Pleistocene river systems in
England, in particular the now-extinct Bytham river, the largest in
England until its obliteration by the ice sheets of the Anglian glaciation
c. 450,000 years ago. The research concerned the geographical extent and
quality of these Pleistocene river deposits, as well as their
palaeo-environmental context, age and archaeology. The interlinked impacts
of the research have been: a) economic, via the identification of
resources of economic value to the aggregates industry; and b) cultural,
via enhancing heritage preservation in England's sand and gravel quarries.
Firstly, then, the research has a direct economic benefit for the UK
aggregates industry, which has used the results on Bytham river deposits
to predict the location and viability of aggregates resources. This has
resulted in new quarries, and in the extension of existing quarries, with
a value of aggregate production circa £50m in the assessment period. These
impacts were facilitated in part by the Department's close working
relationships with a number of quarrying companies. A wider economic
impact on the aggregates industry was also delivered through significant
changes to the British Geological Survey maps that form an important basis
for quarry development.
A second impact of the research has been the enhancing of heritage
preservation. The Department's relationship with the quarrying industry
has had a direct effect on the archaeological and geodiversity policy that
regulates its economic activity. Royal Holloway took a leading role in the
English Heritage supported National Ice Age Network (NIAN) which engaged
the aggregate industry, quarry workers and members of the public in the
task of recognising, recording and preserving Pleistocene remains in
England's sand and gravel quarries. During the assessment period, NIAN,
expert advice from Royal Holloway staff and other dissemination of
research has shaped ongoing heritage policy in relation to quarrying and
Pleistocene and Palaeolithic remains.
Underpinning research
The investigation of the environmental archives provided by ancient
rivers has been a major research focus of the Centre for Quaternary
Research (CQR) at Royal Holloway — particularly in the work of Rose (Royal
Holloway Professor to 2007, Emeritus Professor 2007-present), Schreve
(Royal Society Research Fellow 2000-4, Lecturer 2004-7, Reader 2007-2010,
Professor 2010- present), Candy (Lecturer 2006-9, Senior Lecturer 2009-12,
Reader 2012-present), Gamble (Professor 2004-11) and Matthews (Lecturer
2009-present). Collaboration and knowledge exchange with the aggregates
industry has been an important part of this research.
CQR's research has been of great value to the aggregates industry through
improved understanding of Pleistocene sand and gravel deposits.
Specifically, Rose's work was central to the `discovery' of the Bytham
River, identifying the river system and presenting the first mapping of
its main channel's probable course (Section 3, Reference 1). Having been
asked by Bullimores Sand and Gravel Ltd. to identify new sources of red
building sand, Rose recognised that the red sands found at the Witham on
the Hill quarry in south Lincolnshire were of the type of material found
in the West Midlands. Initial analysis of structures indicated
transportation to Lincolnshire by a large, eastward flowing braided river.
Fieldwork was carried out at natural exposures and quarry sections across
Midland and Eastern England (>25 sites), including: section logging,
altitudinal levelling, clast fabric analysis, palaeocurrent analysis,
Munsell Color analysis and Kubiena Tin sampling. Laboratory analyses of
samples from these sites and from borehole cores (>74) was undertaken,
including: particle size analysis, clast lithology, heavy mineral
analysis, micromorphology, geochemistry, pollen analysis, macro-floral and
macro-faunal analysis. This was used to identify and reconstruct the main
channel of the Bytham, and to analyse its channel deposits (sand and
gravel) and its overbank deposits (silty clay loams). Subsequent research
improved understanding of glaciations, and of the pre-existing river
systems, and thus developed the mapping of the Bytham River and its
sediments, and thereby increased their potential for aggregate extraction
(References 2, 3, 4).
Analysis of these fluvial archives has been of enormous value in
understanding Britain's changing Quaternary palaeogeography, re-dating
major episodes of lowland glaciation, reconstructing past environments
(including episodes of exceptional warmth) and, ultimately, leading to the
recognition of one of Britain's oldest early human occupation sites at
Pakefield, Suffolk, at the seaward end of the Bytham. This focus on
fluvial archives has led CQR to play a key role in developing the
relationship between Quaternary Science, archaeology and the aggregates
industry. Commercial sand and gravel quarrying has enormous potential
scientific and heritage benefit. But it is also a necessarily destructive
process, so the positive impacts of aggregates quarrying for
reconstructing the history of the last several million years cannot be
realised unless remains are adequately recorded, recovered and
interpreted. As part of its research strategy, the Department has
therefore worked to ensure that the significance of these discoveries are
recognised by the industry, and that the industry responds to wider public
and scientific need for the responsible management of extraction.
References to the research
1) Rose, J. 1994. Major river systems of central and southern Britain
during the Early and Middle Pleistocene. Terra Nova, 6, 435-443
2) Rose, J., Lee, J.A., Candy, I and Lewis, S.G. 1999. Early and Middle
Pleistocene river systems in eastern England: evidence from Leet Hill,
southern Norfolk. Journal of Quaternary Science, 14, 347-360
3) Rose, J., Moorlock, B.S.P. and Hamblin, R.J.O. 2001. Pre-Anglian
fluvial and coastal deposits in Eastern England: lithostratigraphy and
palaeoenvironments. Quaternary International, 79, 5-22
4) Rose, J. 2009. Early and Middle Pleistocene landscapes of eastern
England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 120, 3-33
Details of the impact
a) Economic impacts: context
The primary impact of this research is wealth creation and the stimulation
of economic activity in Central and Eastern England. Mapping of Bytham
River deposits through examination of sand and gravel exposures and
borehole data, combined with geochronological advances, provided not only
a primary archive for Quaternary and Archaeological research but a major
source of information for the aggregates industry seeking new mineral
resources to extract for national priority developments in housing,
business and infrastructure. The Bytham Sands and Gravels produce both
un-washed (as raised) and washed products of commercial value, including:
i) building sand; ii) sharp sand for screeds, rendering, and other such
coatings; iii) asphalt sand; iv) mixed ballast for concrete; and v) `20 mm
down' and `40 mm down' gravel mainly used for drainage. The ability to
derive building sand and asphalt sand from an unwashed product makes the
deposit of especially high value. The typical Bytham river aggregate is
either a distinctive red sand or a very durable quartzite-rich sand and
gravel; both are high-quality `clean' products with minimal clay. The
durable composition and good condition of the sands and gravels deposits
is a reflection of the course of the river, eroding through the West
Midlands. The purity of the aggregate is due to burial beneath glacial
deposits and protection from soil-forming processes that cause the
production of clay. As well as being valuable for their quality, the
Bytham Sands and Gravels are also notable for their quantity. The Bytham
River was very large, with an extensive catchment reaching from the West
Midlands and southern Pennines through East Anglia to the North Sea. It
thus provides an unparalleled potential aggregates resource in the UK.
Importantly, it is located close to major urban and development areas
across the Midlands and East Anglia, thus reducing transportation costs.
b) Economic impacts: new quarries (Red Barn and Brooksby)
The initial work on the identification of the Bytham River course led
directly to an extension of Bullimores' quarry at Witham on the Hill, the
opening of a new quarry to the north of the original site in the
mid-1990s, and then a totally new quarry on the Bytham deposits at Red
Barn, Castle Bytham, South Lincolnshire. Rose has served as a
non-executive director for Bullimores since 1995, providing the Company
with scientific advice on the location and viability of deposits. In
relation to the REF2014 impact period (January 2008 to July 2013), Red
Barn quarry has remained in full production through the period and has
subsequently been extended. For all quarry companies, detailed information
about the productivity and profitability of individual quarries is
commercially sensitive information, but broad estimates of the value of
the deposits during the REF assessment period are possible. Bullimores
were limited by planning control to the extraction of 90,000 tonnes a
year; this figure was achieved in all years except 2012 when the workings
were severely affected by both the recession in the building industry and
extreme weather which increased the level of the water-table and hence
running costs. Factoring this in, production over the REF2014 period (5.58
years) can be conservatively estimated at 450,000 tonnes. Prices for
asphalt sand, building sand and sand and gravel in 2013 are in the order
of £30 per tonne. A conservative average price of £25 per tonne 2008-13,
suggests a commercial value of c. £11.25m for the Bytham Sands and Gravels
production at Red Barn over the REF2014 assessment period.
In 2000, Lafarge Aggregates drew directly upon established knowledge of
Bytham Sands and Gravels made available to the landowners to apply for
planning permission for a major new quarry at Brooksby, Leicestershire.
Their analysis drew upon earlier research in association with Rose, funded
by Bullimores. Brooksby came into production in 2006 with sales starting
the following year. Annual production in the REF2014 assessment period has
been around 300,000 tonnes per annum, with remaining reserves of around 4m
tonnes. If again we factor in a reduction in production in 2012, and use a
cautious estimate of average production at 250,000 tonnes per annum, then
at £25 per tonne for 5.58 years a conservative estimate of the gross value
of material extracted from Brooksby in the period is c. £35m. From these
two quarries, then, where Rose has provided direct scientific advice on
aggregate locations, an estimate of the value of production is in excess
of £45m for the REF2014 assessment period.
c) Economic impacts: quarries sustained and extended on Bytham
Along the course of the `river', knowledge of its existence has
facilitated the development of the aggregates industry. The Bytham river
research crucially altered the British Geological Survey maps, indicating
the potential existence of extensive, high quality aggregates. BGS maps
were altered as follows to show the Bytham Sands and Gravels: i) 1:50,000
Series — Map 142 Melton Mowbray, 2002; Map 155 Coalville, 2010; Map 156,
Leicester, 2007; Map 174, Thetford, 2010; Map 176; Lowestoft 1996; ii)
1:200,000 series — East Anglia, Sheet 52N 00, Quaternary (n.b. on East
Anglian sheets the formation related to the Bytham river is sometimes
shown as the Ingham Sands and Gravels). There has also been further direct
contact by Rose with aggregates companies on these deposits. Significant
clusters of quarries already existed on Bytham deposits but, even where
the deposits were already known and being exploited, the Bytham work
indicated the likely viability of extensions to quarries. In these cases,
the Bytham research and the BGS maps have been one factor in development
decisions. For example, at Leet Hill / Kirby Cane Rose was directly
consulted, and the extensions made delivered production at c. 50,000
tonnes p.a. for the REF period (@ £25 per tonne = c. £7m over the period).
More generally, production figures for key East Anglian quarries on Bytham
deposits such as Timworth (c. 500,000 tonnes per annum in the REF2014
period), Norton Subcourse (c. 100,000 tonnes per annum) and Flixton (c.
180,000 tonnes per annum) give a sense of the scale of the economic
turnover that the Bytham river mapping supports (@ £25 per tonne = c.
£108m in the REF period).
d) Impacts on heritage preservation
The research has had a further impact in developing the relationship
between Quaternary Science, archaeology and the aggregates industry, with
changes to industry practice and protocols, and to public awareness of the
significance of quarries as heritage sites. The relationship between
science and the aggregates industry is double-sided. The very process of
mechanised aggregates extraction can destroy both sites and material
unseen, but many significant sites are only uncovered through the work of
the industry. In the absence of statutory protection, it is clear that the
challenge of monitoring these quarries for significant finds must be
achieved through partnership, between geologists, palaeontologists and
archaeologists, between professionals and amateurs, but most of all
partnership with the aggregates industry. This is of crucial importance
within UK archaeological heritage policy, given the limited opportunities
for Pleistocene archaeological mitigation in comparison to the traditional
`surface' archaeology of the Holocene.
Royal Holloway geographers have sought to effect such partnerships in a
number of ways. As noted above, staff have worked directly with quarrying
companies, as with Rose's non-executive directorship at Bullimores which
has fostered good practice with regard to Palaeolithic and Pleistocene
materials in their quarries. Another important strand has been the work of
Rose, Schreve and Candy in the high-profile Ancient Human Occupation
of Britain (AHOB) project, funded by the Leverhulme Trust (£3.3m)
from 2001-2013, and led by Professor Christopher Stringer (Natural History
Museum and Visiting Professor in the Department of Geography at Royal
Holloway). Science in quarry sites has been central to the work of AHOB,
which has provided high profile evidence of the earliest known sites of
human occupation in Britain. Thirdly, Schreve was Primary Contact, and
Royal Holloway one of four hubs, for the National Ice Age Network
(NIAN), funded from the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (2005-7) and
supported by English Heritage. The other HE partners were the University
of Leicester and the University of Birmingham. The fundamental aim of the
NIAN project was to raise awareness of the importance of Ice Age materials
uncovered during commercial aggregate extraction and to get a `better
deal', long term, for these remains. Royal Holloway's work within NIAN has
had lasting impacts into the REF period through: i) site visits to every
significant quarry in SE England and the Home Counties, to assess for
scientific interest and raise industry awareness of good practice; ii)
widespread public engagement activities to encourage local enthusiast
groups to visit and to work with the aggregates industry (lectures, site
visits, travelling displays, 140,000 leaflets distributed to the public on
the scientific significance of quarries); iv) work with the industry body,
the Quarry Products Association (now Mineral Products Association) to
attempt to establish protocols for the industry in relation to
Palaeolithic and Pleistocene materials. Building on this work, Royal
Holloway geographers made central contributions to the development of
English Heritage's national Research and Conservation Framework for the
British Palaeolithic (2008), as Chair (Gamble, then at Royal Holloway) and
as representatives of NIAN and AHOB (Schreve) and of the Geologists'
Association (Rose). This input was particularly significant in shaping the
Framework's collaborative approach to `dealing with development' and the
aggregates industry (p.16 of source 6). The Framework explicitly
recognises the role played by NIAN saying it had `done much to raise the
profile of Pleistocene remains discovered during quarrying' and initiated
an `effective and systematic approach towards the recognition, reporting,
recovery and recording of such materials' (pp.4-5 of source 6). English
Heritage confirm that the `industry has now formally acknowledged the need
for the archaeological treatment of Palaeolithic archaeological remains
within the sediment body by its adoption of practice guidance on mineral
extraction and archaeology which explicitly refers to the need for
appropriate monitoring and mitigation of Pleistocene remains in such
contexts' (source 4, 2013).
The impact on the relationship between the industry and heritage also
works through individual quarries and officials. At Brooksby, for example,
the Leicestershire County Archaeologist's awareness of research on the
Bytham (e.g. Rose, 1994) led directly to a requirement for there to be
Palaeolithic and Pleistocene archaeological mitigation as part of the
formal planning consent for extraction in 2000 (source 5). This has been
enacted in the assessment period and, since 2009, CQR staff have been
collaborating with the University of Leicester Archaeological Services
unit for the Pleistocene mitigation at Brooksby.
Sources to corroborate the impact
1) On the role of the underpinning research for the development of Red
Barn quarry and in shaping company mitigation practices: Bullimores Sand
and Gravel Ltd.
2) On the aggregates production and mitigation at Brooksby quarry:
National Mineral Development Manager, Lafarge Tarmac.
3) On the significance of the Bytham River research for the mapping of
British Pleistocene deposits by the British Geological Survey: Quaternary
Geologist, British Geological Survey.
4) On the role of NIAN in initiating discussion with the aggregates
industry regarding protocols for recording and monitoring the Palaeolithic
and Pleistocene resource in quarries: Inspector of Ancient Monuments and
Senior National Minerals and Environmental Adviser, English Heritage.
5) On the role of the underpinning research in the mitigation strategy at
Brooksby quarry: County Planning Archaeologist for Leicestershire
6) Pettitt, P., Gamble, C. & Last, J. (eds) (2008) Research and
Conservation Framework for the British Palaeolithic (English Heritage).
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