Testing Functional Foods and Pharmaceutical Formulations using Dynamic Imaging of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Submitting Institution
University of NottinghamUnit of Assessment
PhysicsSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences
Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Neurosciences
Summary of the impact
New methods to study the biophysical action of the human digestive system
were developed in Nottingham using high speed magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) and have been used by: (i) the food and drug industry (Unilever,
Proctor & Gamble, Mitsubishi Chemicals, Reckitt Benckiser, Glaxo and
McNeil Pharmaceuticals) to develop new products; (ii) Plant Bioscience
Limited (PBL) to develop an artificial Dynamic Gut Model (DGM) which is
now being applied commercially to characterise drug and food ingestion;
(iii) the BBC and other media agencies in programmes related to the
promotion of better understanding of nutrition in an effort to combat
Underpinning research
Echo planar imaging (EPI), invented by Sir Peter Mansfield in Nottingham
in the 1970s, remains the fastest MRI technique, capable of generating
images in times as short as 10 ms, and is thus an excellent tool for
studying dynamic processes. Furthermore, EPI is the most robust magnetic
resonance (MR) imaging method for quantifying biophysical parameters. The
use of this technique to study the function of the gastrointestinal (GI)
tract has been pioneered by Gowland, a member of the Nottingham
MRI group, who, since 1993, has collaborated closely with Professor Robin
Spiller, a clinician specialising in gastroenterology at the University of
Nottingham. This collaboration has grown to encompass a large research
team including industry-sponsored research assistants and CASE-funded PhD
students, and, in particular, an interdisciplinary senior research fellow
(Dr Luca Marciani), a physicist who was a member of our MRI group until
2003, when he transferred to the University's Division of
Gastroenterology. Through this collaboration, we have used our unique
expertise in quantitative and high speed MRI to develop novel non-invasive
methods for measuring key physical parameters that characterise the
function of the GI system, including:
- the measurement of gastric emptying and intraluminal viscosity of
model meals (1997) [1,2], and the intragastric distribution of different
meal components (fat in 1999, foams in 2001 and gelation in 2004 [3]);
- methods for assessing intraluminal emulsification of fat (2001);
- GI motility measurements (using a locally-developed analysis algorithm
similar to m-mode ultrasound, 2001), intraluminal forces (studying the
breakdown of model particles that we designed and fabricated, 2001) [4];
- evaluation of intraluminal flow rates, from which shear rates can be
deduced (1997);
- transit time measurements (acquired using tailored pulse sequences in
combination with labelled tracer particles that were designed and
fabricated within the group, 2012);
- the only method available to measure small bowel water content (2007)
More recently, we have developed methods to study colonic volumes and the
characteristics of the colonic content, and we are currently developing
methods to assess colonic motility using MR tagging techniques.
We have also used these MR-based GI functional tests to make substantial
contributions to improving our understanding of the function of the GI
tract in health and disease. We characterised the interacting effects of
meal viscosities and nutrient contents on gastric emptying, gastric
accommodation and the sense of satiety [1,2], and also demonstrated the
effect of posture on the emptying of mixed fatty meals (1997), and how
this can be affected by meal formulation. We have also shown that many
meals mix more slowly than expected in the GI tract, which is important
for the design of drugs that are affected by the acidic environment of the
gastric lumen. We quantified the forces exerted by the stomach for the
first time (2001) [4] and have measured gastrointestinal motility and
intra-gastric flow rates.
This body of work led us to propose an MRI-based single diagnostic
examination for the comprehensive analysis of GI function; no other
modality can provide such a wide range of measurements in a single
examination and, for the vast majority of the measurements we make, no
alternative non-invasive assessment method is even available. The ability
to make repeated measurements has enabled the detailed study of the
response of the GI tract to meals in healthy volunteers and patients. Our
work has been published in the leading journals in the MR, nutrition and
GI fields and is highly cited. It has been strongly supported by UK
research councils (BBSRC, MRC) [i,ii] and by industry (Unilever,
Reckitt-Benckiser [6], McNeil Nutritionals, Scienta, McNeil Consumer
Healthcare, Dow Chemical Company, Proctor and Gamble and Norgine) [iii].
References to the research
(*denotes paper which best highlights the quality of the research)
1) L. Marciani, P. A. Gowland, R. C. Spiller, P. Manoj, R. J. Moore,
P. Young, S. Al-Sahab, D. Bush, J. Wright, A. J. Fillery-Travis, `Gastric
response to increased meal viscosity assessed by echo-planar magnetic
resonance imaging in humans', Journal of Nutrition 130,122
URL: http://jn.nutrition.org/content/130/1/122.full.pdf+html
*2) L. Marciani, P. A. Gowland, R. C. Spiller, P. Manoj, R. J. Moore,
P. Young, A. J. Fillery-Travis, `Effect of meal viscosity and
nutrients on satiety, intragastric dilution, and emptying assessed by
MRI', American Journal of Physiology — Gastrointestinal and liver
physiology 280, G1227 (2001).
URL: http://ajpgi.physiology.org/content/280/6/G1227.full.pdf+html
3) C.L. Hoad, P. Rayment, R.C. Spiller, L. Marciani, B. de Celis
Alonso, C. Traynor, D.J. Mela, H.P.F. Peters, P.A. Gowland, `In
vivo imaging of intragastric gelation and its effect on satiety in
humans', Journal of Nutrition 134, 2293 (2004).
URL: http://jn.nutrition.org/content/134/9/2293.full.pdf+html
*4) L. Marciani, P. A. Gowland, A. Fillery-Travis, P. Manoj, J.
Wright, A. Smith, P. Young, R. Moore, R. C. Spiller, `Assessment
of antral grinding of a model solid meal with echo-planar imaging',
American Journal of Physiology — Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 280,
G844 (2001).
URL: http://ajpgi.physiology.org/content/280/5/G844.full.pdf+html
*5) L. Marciani, E.F. Cox, C. L. Hoad, S. Pritchard, J.J. Totman, S.
Foley, A. Mistry, S. Evans, P. A. Gowland, R. C. Spiller, `Postprandial
Changes in Small Bowel Water Content in Healthy Subjects and Patients
With Irritable Bowel Syndrome', Gastroenterology 138, 469
(2012). Listed in REF2; DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2009.10.055
6) L. Marciani, S.L. Little, J. Snee, N.S. Coleman, D.J. Tyler, J.
Sykes, I.G. Jolliffe, P.W. Dettmar, R.C. Spiller, P.A. Gowland, `Echo
planar magnetic resonance imaging of Gaviscon alginate rafts in-vivo'
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 54, 1351-1356 (2002). DOI:
Research council funding (6 projects, selection below, total value
i. `Targeted Validation of the IFR Model of Human Digestion', M.
Wickham, R Faulks and PA Gowland, BBSRC, (2005-2006) £56,108.
ii. Perception of flavour in fat emulsions: interactions in mouth, gut
and brain', RC Spiller, J Hort, ST Franics, W Taylor, PA Gowland,
BBSRC and Unilever, (2005-2008) £447,080.
Industrial funding related to GI function since 1993 (15 projects,
selection below, total £1,367,581) iii.`Investigation of Action
of Gaviscon', PA Gowland, L Marciani and RC Spiller, Reckitt and
Colman, (1999-2000) £23,000.
Educational Funding
iv. `The Truth about Food', BBC education grant, (2006) £6000.
Details of the impact
Functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorders affect a significant
proportion of the population. For instance gastro-oesophageal reflux
disease (GORD), the main symptom of which is heartburn, is experienced by
~40% of the population in Western countries. Chronic sufferers (10-15%)
can develop more serious conditions such as Barrett's oesophagus and
erosive oesophagitis. GI disorders cost the UK economy £7.2 billion/year
and the NHS > £2.2 billion/year [`Care of Patients with
Gastrointestinal Disorders in the United Kingdom', British Society
of Gastroenterology, March 2006]. Furthermore, the GI functional response
also modulates behavioural responses to food and, hence, is key to
designing meals and foodstuffs that increase satiation after a meal, which
can play a part in controlling the increasing rate of obesity in the
population. Health problems associated with being overweight cost the NHS
more than £5 billion/year [`Healthy Lives, Healthy People: A call to
action on obesity in England', HM Government, October 2011]. Despite
the importance of GI function in health and disease, until recently there
have been very few techniques available to investigate the physiology of
the GI tract repeatedly and non-invasively. The fast MRI methods that we
describe in Section 2 overcome the effects of movement in the human
abdomen, allowing the direct measurement of GI function in vivo.
Our work has influenced wider society through two principal routes:
product development in the food and drug industry; and the commercial
development of an in vitro model of the gut. In addition we have
contributed to television/online programmes related to public health and
nutrition. We now consider knowledge transfer into these areas in turn:
• Product development in the food and drug industry
Our demonstration that gastrointestinal motility and flow, together with
a range of digestive processes, could be monitored directly in human
subjects attracted the interest of companies who were seeking to optimise
meal and drug formulations, and has led to funding from major
multinational companies including Proctor and Gamble, Mitsubishi
Chemicals, Unilever, Reckitt Benckiser, Glaxo and McNeil Nutritionals.
Detailed information about how the data obtained in many of these trials
were used by the companies in product development remains confidential (in
most cases even to the Nottingham researchers involved). However, the
value of these studies to the relevant organisations can be gauged by the
rapid increase in the value of research contracts which they placed with
the Nottingham MRI group. In the period up to 2008 the commercial
contracts averaged ~£44.5k/annum; since 2008 this annual funding level has
more than trebled to £135k/annum, totalling £678k (2008-2013).
We consider two examples of how our research influenced companies and
products. Firstly, an investigation funded by Reckitt and Colman (now
Reckitt Benckiser) [iii; 1999-2000] showed that `Gaviscon Advance'
was more efficacious at forming an alginate raft within the stomach,
preventing oesophageal reflux with only half the dose of normal Gaviscon.
The visual detail (Fig. 1), which is taken from our paper [6], was
reproduced by Reckitt Benckiser in their "Gaviscon Advance 2006
campaign" to promote the medicine by informing general
practitioners, and to substantiate claims regarding the health benefits of
Gaviscon Advance (GA) ([A]; see also [6]).
To quantify the on-going impact of the development of this product
through the assessment period (2008 onwards) we estimate that NHS patients
benefitted from 14.6M prescriptions of GA (2008-2012 [B]; these figures do
not include over-the-counter sales). We present this as a prime example of
how our expertise and facilities are being used to understand and improve
the mode of action of products, and to substantiate claims about foods or
drugs, with the ultimate beneficiaries being patient groups world-wide.
Secondly, we highlight a long-term collaboration with Unilever aimed at
developing functional foods. This collaboration was built on the
application of our methods to: studies of the fate of different components
of a meal in the GI tract; the testing of prototype Unilever products; and
an investigation of GI physiology relevant to Unilever's current and
future product range. This relationship has led to support for 2 BBSRC
CASE studentship awards and contract research funding worth £273k to our
group since 2008. In describing this work, the Strategic Science Group
Director Advanced Measurement in Unilever has stated [C]:
"One particular example that was critical to a full product
development cycle included the collaboration with, Dr Harry Peters'
(R&D Manager, Unilever, Vlaardingen) and included research findings
from a c£250k Unilever commission project (2004-2007). The quality of
the MRI data and expert interpretation greatly increased prototype
efficiency whilst reducing related costs. The obvious benefit to the
company has been quicker time to market with reduced overheads, stronger
data package in support of claims and authority whilst maintaining
product quality and excellence for our customers.
This success catalysed 5 further studies with Nottingham between
2008-2013, including two CASE studentships. It is worth noting new
mechanistic and hence scientific insights into gastric processing were
delivered in the stomach, and both the small and large colon as a result
of aspects of these studies. In this particular field alone Dr Pip
Rayment (Unilever Colworth) has generated 6 patents.......".
These successes in MRI were instrumental in the decision by Unilever to
enter into a strategic partnership with the University of Nottingham
across all subject areas. The relationship with Unilever provides clear
evidence of a multinational organisation making changes in its strategies
for research and product development as a consequence of our research.
• Commercial development of an in vitro model
of the gut
The costs, difficulties and lengthy time-scales associated with in
vivo studies of the gut have motivated the development of an in
vitro model. Researchers from the Institute of Food Research (IFR)
in Norwich worked with us on a project funded by joint BBSRC grants
(2005-06) [i], in which our research provided comparative data for the
development and certification of the Dynamic Gut Model (DGM) [D]. This in
vitro model is a machine which replicates the grinding forces and
the slow rate of intra-gastric mixing of viscous meals that we measured in
vivo, which is important since it determines the rate at which a
product is exposed to the low pH of the gastric secretions.
Plant Bioscience Limited (PBL; a technology management company), the
owners of the DGM intellectual property, successfully patented the machine
in the EU (EP1907108B1), USA (US8092222) and Australia (AU2006271423). The
role of Nottingham research, including in the protection of intellectual
property, is confirmed by the PBL Business Development Manager [E],
"Nottingham's MRI group provided world leading research facilities and
expertise that provided critical underpinning to the design and
development of the DGM, and played a significant role both in
establishing IP protection and marketing evidence."
The DGM has proven to be an ideal vehicle to study the dynamics of oral
drug release, and has been widely applied in the pharmaceutical industry
to help develop and refine new formulations without the risk and expense
of human trials. PBL initially (Nov 2006) offered a fee-for-service from
their established business unit Model Gut. More recently (Feb
2013) they have licenced the technology and contract research business to
Bioneer Farma, a Danish company. In parallel, PBL have also secured over
£900k follow-on funding from BBSRC for further development of the DGM [F].
•Public Health and Nutrition
Our research results have been used in health education television
programmes about human nutrition, "The Truth about Food" (BBC and
SBS (Australia)) [G]. This work was funded by the BBC (iv), and also
included in an associated book [H]. The programmes were first broadcast in
Jan 2007 and have been available online [G] throughout the assessment
period (2008 onwards). The book was published in 2007 and is still
available. Through their continuing availability, the programmes and book
provide information that is intended to educate and inform the public
about optimum food choices in an effort to combat obesity.
Sources to corroborate the impact
A. "The science of alginates", Pulse, June 2006.
B. Data reported by the Health & Social Care Information Centre, http://www.hscic.gov.uk; the
information for Gaviscon Advance can be found under the `Prescribing' tab;
then under `Prescription Cost Analysis'. A summary document is available
on request.
C. Letter from Strategic Science Group Director: Advanced Measurement at
D. Model Gut Marketing presentation (contains direct reference to our
research [2,3] on pages 7 & 9 respectively and extensive further
reference to in vivo results).
E. Letter from PBL Business Development Manager.
F. PBL press release (25th January 2013) & "BBSRC
Business" (Spring 2013) [page 7].
G. Weblinks: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/humanbody/truthaboutfood/
Truth-About-Chicken-Soup; electronic copies are
available on request.
H. "The Truth About Food", Jill Fullerton-Smith, Bloomsbury Publishing
Plc, London 2007 ISBN 9780747586852. (Please see page 232 and credits to
Prof Gowland and Dr Marciani).