UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme
Submitting Institution
Institute of Zoology, LondonUnit of Assessment
Earth Systems and Environmental SciencesSummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Earth Sciences: Oceanography
Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology
Summary of the impact
The UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP), led by the
Institute of Zoology, first
identified accidental entrapment in commercial fisheries (by-catch) as the
cause of mass mortality
of UK common dolphins. Those by-catch diagnostic criteria are still widely
used (UK and
overseas). CSIP cetacean mass stranding investigations led to a successful
ban on naval
exercises around the Canary Islands and modification of Royal Navy
exercises to reduce harm to
cetaceans. CSIP research on brominated flame retardants in porpoises led
to an EU-wide ban;
follow-up work during the REF period verified the success of the ban by
demonstrating declining
chemical concentrations.
Underpinning research
The publication in 1994 of a study that identified accidental entrapment
in commercial fisheries (by-
catch) as the cause of mass mortality of common dolphins (Delphinus
delphis) provided the first
evidence of cetacean by-catch in UK (and European) waters [1]. The
investigation was led by Dr
Thijs Kuiken of the Institute of Zoology (IOZ).
The discovery of "gas and fat embolism" in stranded cetaceans in UK and
Spain [2] -
analogous to decompression sickness (DCS) or "the bends" in human divers -
identified a
condition that marine mammals were previously thought not to suffer. The
findings helped to
renew scientific interest in marine mammal diving physiology. The
determination of DCS pathology
in a beaked whale mass stranding event (MSE) in Spain provided critical
insight into the potential
underpinning mechanisms of beaked whale MSEs linked to high-intensity
naval sonars globally
and continues to inform their mitigation. The work was conducted jointly
by Dr Paul Jepson (IOZ)
and Professor Antonio Fernandez (University of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria,
Spain). Eight gas
embolism cases were reported stranded in the UK between 1993 and 2002 and
another 10 cases
in a mass stranding of beaked whales in September 2002 in Canary Islands,
Other underpinning science includes the investigation into the UK's
largest common dolphin
(Delphinus delphis) MSE in 2008 in which at least 26 dolphins died
coincident with an international
naval exercise [3]. This is one of the very first dolphin (i.e.
non-beaked whale) MSEs to be causally
linked to naval activities. The CSIP investigation and subsequent
peer-reviewed paper was led by
Dr Paul Jepson (IOZ) and conducted during 2008-2013.
The UK CSIP has a longstanding collaboration with Robin Law at the Centre
for Environmental,
Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) that has generated probably the
largest dataset
globally for bio-accumulative chemical contaminants in a marine mammal
sentinel species - the
UK-stranded harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) [4]. The
data enable analysis of trends in a
range of pollutants over time, thus assessing compliance with EU bans or
on-going EU risk
assessments. This underpinning research has shown consistent declines in
tissue concentrations
of organochlorine pesticides (such as DDTs and dieldrin), brominated
diphenyl ethers (BDEs) [4]
and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) [4,5] since EU bans were
imposed. PCBs levels have,
however, remained stable from 1997/8 in UK-stranded harbour porpoises (Law
et al 2012) where
case-control epidemiological studies have found strong links between
elevated PCBs levels and
infectious disease mortality [6], thus verifying proposed
thresholds for toxicity in a free-living
marine mammal. Even greater PCB concentrations have been found in apex
predators like killer
whales (Orcinus orca) and coastal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus) [4].
References to the research
[1] Kuiken, T., Simpson, V. R., Allchin, C. R., Bennett, P. M.,
Codd, G. A., Harris, E. A., Howes, G.
J., Kennedy, S., Kirkwood, J. K., Merrett, N. R. & Phillips, S. (1994)
Mass mortality of common
dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in south west England due to
incidental capture in fishing gear.
Veterinary Record 134, 81-89. Citations: 69 (Google
Scholar) or 52 (Web of Science).
[2] Jepson, P.D., Arbelo, M., Deaville, R., Patterson, I.A.R.,
Castro, P., Baker, J.R., Degollada, E.,
Ross, H.M., Herráez, P., Pocknell, A.M., Rodriguez, E., Howie, F.E.,
Espinosa, A., Reid, R.J.,
Jaber, J.R., Martin, V., Cunningham, A.A., and Fernandez, A. (2003)
Gas-bubble lesions in
stranded cetaceans. Nature, 425, 575-576. Already cited 247 (Google
Scholar) or 128 (Web of
Science) times.
[3] Jepson P.D., Deaville R., Acevedo-Whitehouse K., Barnett, J.,
Brownlow A., Brownell Jr, R.L.,
Clare F.C, Davison N.C., Law R.J., Loveridge J., Macgregor S.K., Morris
S., Murphy S.,
Penrose R., Perkins M.W., Pinn E., Seibel, H., Siebert, U., Sierra E.,
Simpson V., Tasker M.L.,
Tregenza N., Cunningham A.A. and Fernández A. What caused the UK's largest
dolphin (Delphinus delphis) mass stranding event? PLoS ONE 8(4): e60953.
[4] Law, R.J., Barry J., Barber J.L., Bersuder, P., Deaville, R.,
Reid, R.J., Brownlow, A., Penrose,
R., Barnett, J., Loveridge, J., Smith, B., Jepson, P.D. (2012)
Contaminants in cetaceans from
UK waters: status as assessed within the Cetacean Strandings Investigation
Programme from
1990 to 2008. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64: 1485-1494.
[5] Law, R.J., Bersuder, P., Barry, J., Wilford, B.H., Allchin,
C.R. and Jepson, P.D. (2008) A
significant downturn in levels of HBCD in the blubber of harbour porpoises
phocoena) stranded or bycaught in the UK: an update to 2006 Environmental
Science &
Technology 42, 9104-9109. Already cited: 43 (Google Scholar).
Citations: 24 (Web of Science).
[6] Jepson, P.D., Bennett, P.M., Deaville, R., Allchin, C.R.,
Baker J.R. & Law, R.J. (2005)
Relationships between PCBs and health status in UK-stranded harbour
porpoises (Phocoena
phocoena). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24,
238-248. Already cited 108 (Google
Scholar)or 73 (Web of Science) times.
Details of the CSIP (formerly UK Marine Mammal Strandings Programme)
grants that funded this
underpinning research:
• Grant holder: Professor James Kirkwood; Grant title:
Marine mammal strandings
investigation (England and Wales); Funder: Department of the
Environment Grant period:
September 1990-September 1993; Grant value: £276,500
• Grant holder: Dr Paul Jepson; Grant title: Marine
Mammal Strandings Investigation (England
and Wales); Funder: Department for the Environment, Transport and
the Regions; Grant
period: October 2000 - December 2003; Grant value: £470,036
• Grant holder: Dr Paul Jepson; Grant title: Cetacean
Strandings Investigation and Co-
ordination in the United Kingdom; Funder: Department for
Environment, Fisheries and Rural
Affairs (Defra); Grant period: December 2003 - March 2005; Grant
value: £219,450
• Grant holder: Dr Paul Jepson; Grant title: UK Cetacean
Strandings Surveillance and
Investigation; Funder: Defra; Grant period: April 2006 -
March 2007; Grant value: £352,500
• Grant holder: Dr Paul Jepson; Grant title: UK Cetacean
Strandings Surveillance and
Investigation; Funder: Defra, Scottish Government and the Welsh
Assembly Government;
Grant period: April 2007 - July 2011; Grant value:
• Grant holder: Dr Paul Jepson; Grant title: Emergency
funding to investigate a cetacean mass
stranding in Cornwall; Funder: Defra; Grant period: June
2008 - June 2009; Grant value:
• Grant holder: Dr Paul Jepson; Grant title: One-year
extension of UK Cetacean Strandings
Investigation Programme (CSIP) with several optional extra modules for
stranded cetacean
toxicology; Funder: Defra; Grant period: March 2010 -
March 2011; Grant value: £327,308
• Grant holder: Dr Paul Jepson; Grant title: Cetacean
Strandings around the UK coasts: UK
Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP); Funder: Defra,
Scottish Government
and the Welsh Assembly Government; Grant period: April 2011 - July
2014; Grant value:
Details of the impact
The UK CSIP is coordinated by IOZ and primarily funded by the UK
Government to comply with
specific national and international conservation agreements (e.g. ASCOBANS
and OSPAR) and
European legislation (including EC Habitats Directives and the Marine
Strategy Framework
Directive). The first identification of by-catch in UK-stranded common
dolphins led to realisation of
the need among scientists and policy makers better to understand and
quantify the population level
impact of the phenomenon in exposed species in UK and European waters. For
example, it
resulted in numerous UK Government and EU-funded independent
observer-based studies to
quantify cetacean by-catch in commercial fisheries and develop mitigation
measures to reduce
unsustainable cetacean by-catch rates in specific European fisheries [a].
Diagnostic criteria for
cetacean by-catch developed by CSIP are still widely used today in UK [b]
and overseas [c,d].
As a result of our work on gas embolism, the Spanish Government imposed a
ban on high
powered naval sonars in the vicinity of the Canary Islands. This ban was
recently hailed as a major
conservation success since no further mass stranding events (MSEs)
occurred since the ban was
imposed (including 2008-2013 period) [e]. The Canary Islands were
formerly a "global hotspot" for
beaked whale MSEs so the ban is likely to have prevented several MSEs
during the REF period.
The European Parliament also issued a non-binding resolution to stop the
deployment of high-
intensity sonars within the EU until the completion of a global assessment
of its cumulative effects
on marine life following initial publication of our gas embolism findings
The IOZ-led CSIP investigation into the 2008 common dolphin mass
stranding event (MSE) in
Cornwall concluded that concurrent naval exercises in the area were the
most probable cause, led
to specific revisions to the mitigation of Royal Navy activities including
a direct role for CSIP
scientists in early reporting of near-shore groups of pelagic cetaceans to
Royal Naval Command in
Portsmouth [f,g]. The 2008 MSE investigation also led to the
establishment of the Marine
Underwater Sound Stakeholders Forum (MUSSF) convened by the UK Government
(Defra and
Ministry of Defence) to specifically discuss and improve the environmental
mitigation of naval
activities and of which IOZ continues to form an integral part. The MUSSF
was later subsumed into
the Underwater Sound Forum with additional input from the oil and gas
industry [g].
In relation to chemical contaminants, the CSIP and CEFAS (under Robin
Law) were specifically
funded to monitor long-trends trends in chemical contaminant exposure in
direct compliance with
several conservation agreements/legislation. This CSIP-CEFAS underpinning
research utilises a
sentinel marine mammal apex predator - the UK-stranded harbour porpoise (Phocoena
phocoena). CSIP-CEFAS data on accumulating levels of brominated
flame retardants in UK-
stranded porpoise blubber in the 1990s contributed directly to the EU-wide
ban of the commercial
penta- and octa-mix polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) products in 2004
[h]. Following that
PBDE ban, CSIP underpinning science showed statistically significant and
consistent declines in
porpoise tissue concentrations of brominated diphenyl ethers (BDEs)
including the 2008-2012
period [h]. For organochlorine pesticides, CSIP-CEFAS data shows
statistically significant and
consistent declines in organochlorine pesticide concentrations (such as
DDTs and dieldrin)
including 2008-2012 [h]. CSIP-CEFAS underpinning studies again
show a decline in HBCD
concentrations in UK-stranded porpoises including the 2008-2012 period [h].
Collectively, these
long-term studies show that the EU bans (or ongoing risk assessment for
HCBD) resulting from
CSIP underpinning science have been highly effective in reducing the
bioaccumulation of several
classes of chemical pollutants (including organochlorine pesticides and
brominated flame
retardants) in a sentinel marine top predator and in the wider European
marine environment [h].
In contrast, and despite being banned for over three decades,
underpinning scientific studies for
PCBs have shown that concentrations in UK-stranded harbour porpoises have
remained stable
since 1997 and regularly exceed established thresholds for mammalian
toxicity including the REF
period [i]. The impact of our research on PCBs in marine top
predators is that urgent scientific,
policy and management steps are urgently needed to try to reduce their
concentrations and
associated impacts [h,i].
Sources to corroborate the impact
Corroborating references
[a] Dawson, S, Northridge, SP, Waples, D & Read, A (2013) To
ping or not to ping: the use of
active acoustic devices in mitigating interactions between small cetaceans
and gillnet
fisheries. Endangered Species Research 19: 201-221.
— verify that cetacean by-catch is still a very important
conservation issue in UK and Europe.
[b] Deaville, R. & Jepson, P.D. (compilers) (2011) CSIP Final
Report for the period 1st Jan. 2005-
31st Dec. 2010.[1].pdf
— verify CSIP-derived criteria for the diagnosis of cetacean
by-catch still used today in UK.
[c] Braulik, G., Savadkouhi, O.S., Fadakar, S., Mohammadi, H.,
Brownell, R.L.(Jr), Reeves, R.R.,
Bagher Nabavi, M., Fernandez, A. (2010) A retrospective investigation of
two dolphin mass
mortality events in Iran, Autumn 2007. Zoology in the Middle East
— verify CSIP-derived criteria for the diagnosis of cetacean
by-catch are still used to investigate
overseas cetacean mass mortality events.
[d] Wang Y. and We L. (2012) Strandings, bycatches and injuries of
aquatic mammals in China: a
review based on national official documents. Integrative Zoology doi:
— verify CSIP-derived criteria for the diagnosis of cetacean
by-catch still used today overseas.
[e] Fernandez, A., Arbelo M., Martin, V. (2013) No mass strandings
since sonar ban. Nature
— verify that the 2004 ban on high powered sonars in the Canary
Islands following the 2002
beaked whale MSE reported in Jepson et al (Nature 425, 575-576;
2003) was a conservation
success and also led to a non-binding European parliament resolution to
stop the deployment of
high-intensity sonar until the completion of a global assessment of its
cumulative effects on
marine life.
[f] JNCC (2013) 3rd UK Report on Implementation of the Habitats
— verify that the IoZ-led CSIP investigation into the 2008 common
dolphin mass stranding event in
Cornwall led to specific revisions to the mitigation of Royal Navy
activities including a direct role
for CSIP scientists in early reporting of near-shore groups of pelagic
cetaceans to Royal Naval
Command in Portsmouth.
[g] Can be verified by a contact at Navy Command, SO2
Environmental Protection (maritime),
Chief Environment and Safety Officer (Royal Navy), Navy Command
Headquarters, MP4-3,
Leach Building, Whale Island, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, PO2 8BY, UK
— verify that the IoZ-led CSIP investigation into the 2008 common
dolphin mass stranding event in
Cornwall led to specific revisions to the mitigation of Royal Navy
activities including a direct role
for CSIP scientists in early reporting of near-shore groups of pelagic
cetaceans to Royal Naval
Command in Portsmouth. Also verify that the 2008 MSE investigation
led to the UK
Government (Defra and Ministry of Defence) establishing the Marine
Underwater Sound
Stakeholders Forum (later subsumed into the Underwater Sound
Forum) to specifically discuss
the environmental mitigation of naval activities, of which IoZ still forms
an integral part.
[h] Law RJ, Barry J; Barber JL; Bersuder P; Deaville R; Reid RJ;
Brownlow A; Penrose R; Barnett
J; Loveridge J; Smith B; Jepson PD. (2012) Contaminants in cetaceans from
UK waters: status
as assessed within the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme from
1990 to 2008.
Marine Pollution Bulletin 64: 1485-1494
— verify declines in BDEs, OCs declines but show that PCBs remain
stable in UK-stranded
harbour porpoises.
[i] International Council for Exploration of the Seas (ICES)(2010)
Report of the Working Group on
Marine Mammal Ecology 12-15 April 2010, Horta, The Azores. ICES CM
— verify that UK CSIP-CEFAS contaminant data and research fed into
large ICES scientific review
of contaminants in marine mammals within the NE Atlantic region in 2010.
Report also verifies
that many banned contaminants are declining in UK porpoises but PCBs are
stable and
regularly exceed proposed thresholds for mammalian toxicity in some highly
exposed cetacean
species — including killer whales and coastal bottlenose dolphins.