2. THz detection from the distant universe to the international market
Submitting Institution
Cardiff UniversityUnit of Assessment
PhysicsSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Physical Sciences: Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Other Physical Sciences
Technology: Communications Technologies
Summary of the impact
Research and Development activity at Cardiff University's Astronomy
Instrumentation Group (AIG)
has been commercialised and made available to the international market.
Sales have been made
to fields including bio-molecular spectroscopy for health science, plasma
fusion diagnostics for
sustainable energy, and remote atmospheric sensing. This has resulted in
economic impact
- revenue generated by the Group's spin-out company, QMCI Ltd., which
has demonstrated
increased global sales of unique AIG technology through
commercialisation of the latest THz
detection systems and advancing product development and performance;
- exploitation by third parties in the alternative energy and security
Underpinning research
The AIG is a recognised world leader in the design, manufacture and
integration of THz technology
for astronomical instrumentation. This research has been key to the UK
involvement in virtually all
THz telescopes worldwide and has largely been supported through successive
rolling grants3.1 (>£10.5M in the last 13 years at Cardiff).
Prof. Matt Griffin (Deputy Head of School and Director of Research,
Cardiff 2001-) is Principal
Investigator for the SPIRE instrument on board the Herschel Space
Observatory, for which the AIG
designed and manufactured flight hardware [3.2]; Prof. Peter Ade (2001-)
is a Co-Investigator for
the High Frequency Instrument on board the Planck satellite for
which the AIG designed, built,
integrated and tested the focal plane unit [3.3, 3.4]. Two other
instruments on board Herschel also
relied on crucial AIG devices (provided via commercial contracts). Herschel
and Planck, launched
in 2009, have now completed their hugely successful operational
programmes. Already there have
been more than 1250 scientific publications resulting from the
unprecedented astronomy research
possible with these instruments.
The technological challenges of detecting astronomical THz radiation are
considerable; small
signals at long wavelengths must be detected in the presence of much
larger backgrounds. The
work of the AIG has been central to the success of astronomy in this
region of the spectrum over
the last 30 years. This has required the development of highly sensitive
detectors operating at
ultra-low temperatures (less than 1 K), specialised filters and optics to
block unwanted radiation
and heat, and innovative low-loss optical designs. These developments have
been applied to
instruments for ground-based facilities, balloon-borne experiments and
many satellite projects.
They have resulted in pioneering surveys of the remnant light from the Big
Bang and to significant
progress in our understanding of the early universe. Since 2001,
scientific and technological
publications of the academic members of the AIG number in excess of 600.
The AIG has capabilities unique in the world in quasi-optical devices and
meta-materials [3.5, 3.6],
so that within the THz astronomy community the AIG is the sole provider of
many innovative optical
devices and materials crucial to successful THz detection and imaging.
These devices include
band-defining filters [3.5] and thermal shaders to reduce unwanted
background radiation, meta-
material anti-reflection coatings [3.6] for vacuum windows, and
photolithographic polarizers — all of
which have seen either invention or significant development at Cardiff
since 2001, with much of
that development associated with the prototyping and provision of
components for Herschel and
Planck. The AIG continues to drive the state-of-the-art in these
areas, and this is evidenced by
continued STFC support of this activity [3.1].
The AIG also has a long track record of expertise with ultra-sensitive
THz detectors [3.4, 3.7],
including superconducting Transition Edge Sensor (TES) bolometers and
Lumped Element Kinetic
Inductance Detectors (LEKIDs) [3.7]. The latter were invented by Dr. Simon
Doyle (Cardiff PDRA
01.01.07 to 30.04.12, Lecturer 01.05.12 to present) and have most recently
been incorporated into
a Cardiff THz passive imaging camera [3.8], currently being developed
commercially by QMCI Ltd.
References to the research
(citation numbers: on Oct. 29 2013; from ADS unless otherwise
3.1 PPARC/STFC Grants held by AIG at Cardiff University, totalling over
£10.5M. (Refs: PI
Gear et al. PPA/G/S/2001/00422, PPA/G/0/2002/00015, PP/D001048/1,
ST/J001538/1; PI Griffin et al. PPA/G/R/1999/00060, PI Ade
et al. PPA/G/R/2001/00467).
3.2 Griffin, M. et al., The Herschel-SPIRE Instrument and its
In-flight performance, A&A, 518, L3
2010 [10.1051/0004-6361/201014519]
[Griffin-1; 563 citations]
3.3 Ade, P. A. R. et al., Planck Pre-Launch Status: The
Optical Architecture of the HFI, A&A,
520, A4 (2010) [10.1051/0004-6361/200913039];
11 citations.
3.4 Ade, P. A. R. et al., Planck Early Results. IV. First
Assessment of the High Frequency
Instrument in-flight performance. A&A, 536, A4 (2011) [10.1051/0004-6361/201116487];
75 citations]
3.5 Ade, P. A. R., and Tucker, C. E., A Review of
Metal Mesh Filters, Proc. SPIE. 6275, 2006
[36 citations; this paper reviews the theory of metal mesh technology
and also contains much original material on the Cardiff devices
specifically, which is not
published elsewhere].
3.6 Zhang, J., Ade, P. A. R., Mauskopf, P., Moncelsi,
L., Savini, G., and Whitehouse, N., New
Artificial Dielectric Metamaterial and its Application as a Terahertz
Antireflection Coating,
Appl. Opt. 48, 35, 6635, 2010 [10.1364/AO.48.006635]
[5 citations]
3.7 Doyle, S., Mauskopf, P., Naylon, J., Porch, A, and Dunscombe,
C., Lumped Element
Kinetic Inductance Detectors, Journal of Low Temperature Physics,
151, 530, 2008
[68 citations in Google Scholar]
3.8 Wood, K., Doyle, S., Pascale, E., Rowe,
S., Hargrave, P., Dunscombe, C., Grainger, W.,
Papergeorgiou, A., Spencer, L., and Mauskopf, P.,
KIDCAM, A Passive THz Imager,
Proc. IRMMW, 2011 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/irmmw-THz.2011.6105184]
Details of the impact
As a result of the Cardiff AIG research outlined in section 2, high
sensitivity, ultra-cold (4 kelvin or
less) THz detection systems are now used in the fields of bio-medical
imaging and bio-molecular
spectroscopy for health science, plasma fusion diagnostics for sustainable
energy, remote
atmospheric sensing, synchrotron and free-electron laser diagnostics and
artwork analysis and
curation. These instruments all incorporate the enabling technologies
developed for astronomy by
the AIG: detectors and cryogenic systems, band selection filters and
quasi-optical components
described above.
Economic impact: Spin-out
This technology is made available to the global market via an SME
spin-out company, QMCI Ltd*.
QMCI is co-located with the AIG in the Cardiff School of Physics and
Astronomy and is a market
leader in many aspects of THz instrumentation, offering customised THz
systems for many
applications [5.1]. Its close collaboration with the AIG ensures that
technology is adapted swiftly
and appropriately for commercial, civil and governmental users, and that
knowledge transfer and
exchange between academia and industry is rapid.
According to QMCI Managing Director, Dr Richard Wylde [5.2], "Since 2008
the aggregate
business volume transacted by QMCI is in excess of £4 million, of which
more than 80% depends
directly on contributions made by the AIG". More than 90% of the activity
is exported (30%
Europe; 30% US; 30% Far East). The company employs five highly skilled
technical staff in Cardiff,
makes use of AIG academic consultants and utilises experienced local
representatives in Japan,
China, and Korea.
The interaction of QMCI with the Atacama Large Millimetre Array
(ALMA) project (2009-2012) is
a good example of the economic spin-out of AIG technology. ALMA, the
world's largest ground-based
telescope, a 66-antenna facility in Chile, required development of a
special filter to enable
the telescope to make unique solar observations, without saturation of the
sensitive detectors, or
UV damage to underlying optical components. The specification for this
solar attenuator was very
precise and could not be met by any technique which ALMA scientists had
investigated. Using their
metal mesh filter capabilities [3.5], AIG academics and QMCI technical
staff designed and
prototyped several devices which were tested on-site and approved by ALMA.
By March 2012,
ninety of these highly specialised devices had been delivered to the
project. During the same
period QMCI provided AIG anti-reflection coated quartz vacuum windows and
cooled THz
polarisers for more than half of the ALMA receivers, generating >£1M
business. Gie Han Tan, EU
Front End IPT Manager of the ALMA project states [5.3], "Only with these
innovative, high-quality
components developed and manufactured by QMC Instruments Ltd., the
exceptional sensitivity of
the ALMA sub-millimetre receivers could be fully exploited. The solar
attenuators provided by
QMCI Ltd to the ALMA Project enable a unique capability" (sic).
Further evidence of economic exploitation through sole-supplier status is
provided by the sale of
AIG polarizers and windows to the HIFI instrument [5.4] and quasi optical
filters to the PACS
instrument [5.5], both on the Herschel Space Observatory. These
bespoke components were
unavailable through any other source, met full flight quality assurance
specification and generated
sales to QMCI in excess of £0.5M.
Economic impact: third party exploitation
QMCI products are on the market to end users across a range of
industries, building on research
undertaken by the AIG for the Herschel and Planck
satellites [3.2, 3.3], and using the same
research-funded development skills and facilities. With exclusive access
to AIG technology, QMCI
is a supplier of ultra-high performance cryogenic detector systems. It is
the only commercial source
of the world's leading THz meta-material and filtering devices [3.5] and
has recently brought to the
market the only commercially available cryogen-free bolometric THz
detector system.
The three examples below illustrate how AIG research, commercialised
through QMCI, has
enabled technological and economic impact.
Fusion diagnostics for JET and ITER: The Joint European
Torus is the largest magnetic
confinement experimental nuclear fusion facility in the world, with the
primary focus on achieving
fusion as the sustainable world energy source. The International Thermonuclear
Reactor project is currently building the world's largest
experimental tokamak nuclear fusion
reactor with the aims to make the long-awaited transition from
experimental studies of plasma
physics to full-scale electricity-producing fusion power plants. QMCI
supplied AIG bolometric
detector technology to JET and now to ITER, representing, according to
Alan Costley, former Head
of the ITER Diagnostic Section, "a major breakthrough" in the creation of
a powerful diagnostic
technique to enable the "study and understanding of many important
physical phenomena that
occur in the plasmas, some of which limit plasma fusion performance"
[5.6]. The sustained
application of Cardiff research and continued collaboration with the
fusion industry has led to the
incorporation of the same AIG technology on every major tokamak device and
all major next-
generation nuclear fusion reactors around the world: including, within the
REF period, EAST in
China, KSTAR in Korea and a design contract for the future fast-scanning
Interferometer for ITER-India.
THz camera: In 2010 the giant Japanese corporation,
NEC commissioned QMCI to provide a filter, based on
unique AIG technology [3.5], in order to reject high
frequency radiation in a THz camera they were developing.
The inclusion of the filter solved the serious issue of ghost
image generation in the device and cleared the way for the
launch of the Soltec THz Imager instrument (see figure)
[5.7]. In 2011 the first successful use of the camera by
rescue workers in fire-scenes was reported and Naoki
Oda, Executive Engineer for NEC states [5.8] that, "This
world leading filter technology is very important for the
success of the THz imager". The AIG filter technology is now a standard
component (IRV-TF030)
in these cameras, with more than 40 units sold since 2011 at a total
revenue of ~ £1M.
The Soltec THz Imager (IRV-TF083) [5.7]. Product IRV-TF030, built and mounted by the AIG, can be seen as the front copper-coloured element of the camera.
A new generation of detector devices has been developed by the AIG
and has recently been
introduced to the commercial market by QMCI (2012). These offer
ultra-low noise, single pixel and
array detectors that operate in entirely mechanical cooled systems. Before
this innovation,
sensitive THz detectors were restricted to single pixel devices cooled by
scarce and expensive
liquid helium, dependent on specialised skills using a process that is
costly, time-consuming and
potentially dangerous. According to Masa Fukumuro (Sales Manager of
Japanese company
Infrared Limited), "QMCI offers the only commercially available,
cryogen-free THz bolometer
system. It has had a big effect in Japan, China and also in Asian
countries where supply of liquid
cryogens is a problem in the last two years" [5.9]. Richard Wylde,
Managing Director of QMCI [5.2]
states that, "To date, and in the period September 2012 — November 2013,
£800k sales of these
systems have been made", and is confident that sales figures will grow
with such a revolutionary
new product range, thus securing future revenue and jobs for this SME.
* Both the AIG and QMCI were formerly at Queen Mary, University
of London; however the
revenue and impact claimed here are as a result of technological research
and developments
made in the last 13 years at Cardiff. The whole AIG moved institution in
2001 and Queen Mary no
longer hosts an active research group in this field.
Sources to corroborate the impact
5.1 QMCI web site confirms QMCI's relationship with AIG (go to http://www.terahertz.co.uk/
take the `QMC Instruments' link on the top right).
5.2 Letter from Managing Director of QMCI Ltd. confirming the statement
attributed to him and
the impact of contribution of AIG technology on QMCI sales around the
5.3 Letter from the ALMA European Front End Project Manager at ESO,
confirming the
statement attributed to him and the impact of AIG components provided to
the ALMA project.
5.4 Contract close-out certificate for provision of Herschel-HIFI
LOU Windows Assembly
itemising delivery of AIG-manufactured components for the instrument.
5.5 Example end Item Data Package for delivery of components for the Herschel-PACS
itemising delivery of AIG-manufactured quasi-optical filters.
5.6 Letter from the (now retired) Head of the ITER Diagnostic section
(1994-2009) confirming the
statement attributed to him, the technological impact of AIG systems on
the fusion industry
and the sustained involvement of AIG technology provided by QMCI.
5.7 The NEC Soltec THz Imager website provides product brochures and
technical details for
IRV-T0831 and IRV-TF030 [http://www.solteccorp.com/uncooled-thz-imagers]
5.8 Letter from Executive Engineer, NEC Corporation, Japan, confirming
the statement attributed
to him and the impact that AIG filters have had on the sensitivity and
sales of Soltec THz
5.9 Letter from Sales Manager, Infrared Limited, Japan,
confirming the statement attributed to
him and the impact that AIG cryogen free technology has on industrial
researchers in Japan.
Copies of all webpages, documents and testimony are available from the
HEI on request.