Costly, problematic proposals for identity cards scrapped
Submitting Institution
London School of Economics & Political ScienceUnit of Assessment
Business and Management StudiesSummary Impact Type
PoliticalResearch Subject Area(s)
Economics: Applied Economics
Studies In Human Society: Sociology
Summary of the impact
LSE research played a key role in shaping the political and public debate
around unpopular and ill-founded plans to introduce identity cards in the
UK, showing the proposals to be unsafe, ineffective and costly. Plans for
national biometric identity cards were scrapped by the coalition
government in May 2010.
Former Home Secretary David Blunkett described the detailed,
cross-disciplinary report from academics at LSE as having "changed the
culture and atmosphere around, and attitudes towards, the scheme and its
intention". An alternative, privacy-friendly identity policy is being
developed in its place with LSE researchers playing a significant role in
its development. Lessons from the UK continue to influence government
identity policy in other countries including India, the Caribbean and
Latin America.
Underpinning research
Research Insights and Outputs: More than 15 years of research
developed across a number of publications on the complexities that arise
when technology drives developments in policy rather than responding to
them [1] provides the foundation for the work LSE undertook on identity
cards. The ongoing research challenge is to ensure the development of
effective technology-based policies by understanding how stakeholders
engage with the technologically specific details of those policies [2].
Our research has shown that public perceptions of privacy concerns are of
particular significance [3].
A distinctive feature of LSE research in this area has been the explicit
consideration of technological issues within the broader policy making
process [4]. For example, we have studied the privacy concerns about
electronic medical records of various stakeholder groups in health
research [5] and the technological, privacy and business issues arising
from the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000) [6] — which
regulates the powers of public bodies to intercept communications.
When the government introduced proposals for introducing biometric
identity cards based around a central database there was increasing
concern about the lack of informed debate about the complex interplay
between technological, organizational, business and societal implications
of this government policy [1, Chapter 5]. In response to that concern, in
January 2005 academics based at LSE drew on their existing research
expertise and initiated the LSE Identity Project to examine in detail the
potential impacts and benefits of the Identity Cards Bill [7].
The production of the LSE Identity Project report was co-ordinated by Dr
Edgar Whitley (reader in Information Systems), Simon Davies and Gus Hosein
(both Visiting Senior Fellows until 2011). It was overseen by an advisory
committee of 16 LSE professors. Numerous LSE staff members and an
international team of over 60 researchers contributed to, and reviewed,
the reports. The research drew on the policy expertise of academics in
information systems, government, law, media, economics and social policy
as well as practical concerns from industry and regulators.
At the time of the research, no identity scheme on the proposed scale had
been undertaken anywhere in the world. The LSE research noted that smaller
and less ambitious schemes had encountered substantial technological and
operational problems. It questioned whether the proposal to use
fingerprint biometrics in a large-scale national system would be workable.
Other issues raised by the LSE research included the risk of unauthorized
access, hacking or malfunctions associated with the proposal for a
centralized database of all identity information. It also noted the UK
government's poor record of implementing large IT projects successfully.
The LSE Identity Project report questioned whether the scheme would be
well accepted by citizens and queried the proposed business benefits of
the Identity Card Scheme, suggesting that technological infrastructure
requirements — smartcard readers for example — and administrative burdens
may limit the take-up of the scheme by industry.
The report presented research which demonstrated that other national
identity systems perform best when established for clear and focused
purposes. These were in contrast to the UK scheme which had multiple and
rather general rationales.
Finally, the report challenged Government estimates of the total cost of
the Scheme being limited to £5.86 billion over ten years. LSE estimated
the likely cost to the taxpayer would be £10.6 billion on the `low cost'
estimate, rising to £19.2 billion in the worst case [7].
Key Researchers: Edgar Whitley at LSE since 1989; Simon Davies and
Gus Hosein (both Visiting Senior Fellows at LSE until 2011).
References to the research
[1] Whitley EA and Hosein G (2010) Global challenges for identity
policies. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. (ISBN 978-0230542235) LSE
Research Online ID: 28991
[2] Pouloudi A and Whitley EA (1997) Stakeholder identification in
inter-organizational systems: Gaining insights for drug use management
systems. European journal of information systems 6(1), 1-14. (ISSN
0960-085X) DOI
[3] Whitley EA (2009) Perceptions of government technology, surveillance
and privacy: the UK identity cards scheme. In New Directions in
Privacy and Surveillance (Neyland D and Goold B, Eds), pp 133-156,
Willan, Cullompton.(ISBN 978-1-84392-363-3) LSE Research Online ID: 29036
[4] Pouloudi A and Whitley EA (2000) Representing human and non-human
stakeholders: On speaking with authority. In Organizational and social
perspectives on information technology (Baskerville R, Stage J and
Gross JID, Eds), pp 339-354, Kluwer, Aalborg, Denmark.(ISBN
978-0792378365) LSE Research Online ID: 10743
[5] Pouloudi A and Whitley EA (1996) Privacy of electronic medical
records: Understanding conflicting concerns. In EthiComp96: Values and
Social Responsibilities of the Computer Science (Barroso P, Bynum
TW, Rogerson S and Joyanes L, Eds), pp 307-327, Madrid, Spain.(ISBN
84-921675-1-3) LSE Research Online ID: 29234
Evidence of quality: peer-reviewed books and journal articles.
Details of the impact
Impacts: LSE research contributed significantly to the shaping of
parliamentary debates on identity cards, as well as to public perceptions
of ID card schemes in the UK and beyond.
A. The LSE Identity Project played a key role in shaping the
parliamentary debates about The Identity Cards Bill, by highlighting
that the scheme was technically unsafe, expensive, untested and lacked
public trust. These concerns were reflected in the election
manifestos of both the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, and, when
the coalition government came to power, the proposals were scrapped.
There were over 200 explicit mentions of LSE reports during the 56 days
of Parliamentary debate of the Bill. For example, in speech during the
House of Commons Committee stage, the then Shadow Minister for Home
Affairs, Conservative MP Edward Garnier, said:
"My hon[orable] Friend the Member for Newark has, quite properly,
referred on a number of occasions to the valuable work done by the team at
the London School of Economics. They have spent some time looking
carefully at the subject and have reached a number of conclusions. I make
no claims of originality; I am relying heavily on the findings of the LSE
report." [Hansard, 12 July 2005 Column 229]
The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee inquiry into
'Identity Card Technologies: Scientific Advice, Risk and Evidence' [8]
noted "the central role that the LSE reports have played in the debate
regarding identity cards" (§63) and shared the LSE's concerns about "the
validity of costs produced at this early stage [2006]" (§ 105).
Edgar Whitley was called to give oral evidence to the Science and
Technology Select Committee and to the Public Administration Select
Committee. The LSE Identity Project also submitted written evidence to a
number of parliamentary committees' inquiries [9-11].
B. LSE research influenced public and media perceptions of the
Identity Cards Scheme [3] and members of the LSE identity project
were in demand to comment in national print and broadcast media, including
the Financial Times, The Times, The Daily Mail,
Radio 4's Today Programme and The Economist. An
independent analysis [12] found that the Scheme was overwhelmingly
reported in a negative light, specifically in terms of the concerns raised
by the LSE report. Its unpopularity was reflected in the fact that by May
2010, after seven months of availability, only 14,670 cards had been
C. Direct influence on Government policy as first Bill introduced by
the Coalition government scrapped identity cards. The Conservative
party included its intention to scrap identity cards in its manifesto for
the 2010 election and the Liberal Democrats also reiterated their
longstanding opposition to identity cards in its manifesto. By the time of
the general election, almost every political party other than the Labour
party had included proposals to scrap identity cards as part of their
election manifestos.
As a result of this consensus, scrapping identity cards was probably one
of the less contentious parts of the coalition programme for government,
saving the country up to £20billion — twice the cost of the Olympics. More
controversial, however, was the decision to abandon plans to store
fingerprints on the next generation of chip — enabled passports. This was
a specific Liberal Democrat proposal that had emerged following discussion
about cost savings with members of the LSE research team. At the time of
the election, storing fingerprints was still part of the Conservative
D. Ongoing impact through close work with the Cabinet Office on its
Identity Assurance Programme. The challenge of identifying oneself
in online transactions did not disappear with the scrapping of the Scheme
in 2010 and the LSE researchers have been working closely with the Cabinet
Office to facilitate ways that people, businesses and devices will be able
to verify their identity online in order to better access and transact
with public services. In particular, Dr Whitley is a key member of the
Privacy and Consumer Group [13]. This group has developed an influential
set of privacy principles which were described by Francis Maude, Minister
for the Cabinet Office as being "all about putting the citizen in charge,
not the state" [14] and form a key part of the Government's Digital
Strategy [15, Action 11].
The ongoing influence of the LSE work is not limited to the UK. A recent
report about India's identity scheme (UID) proposals noted that as LSE's
research is "very much relevant and applicable to the UID scheme, they
should have been seriously considered" [16, Section 6].
Dr Whitley has also been working with the InterAmerican Development Bank
in facilitating a series of high level policy workshops for governments in
Latin America and the Caribbean including Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and
Why the Impact Matters: identity card schemes are costly and need
to command public consent. LSE research persuaded the UK government not to
spend up to £20 billion on an ill thought out scheme.
Sources to corroborate the impact
All Sources listed below can also be seen at:
[8] Science and Technology Select Committee (2006) Identity Card
Technologies: Scientific advice, risk and evidence House of Commons
Sixth report of Session 2005-06 Archived at
Source file:
[9] Whitley EA (2007) Submission to the House of Commons Home Affairs
Committee inquiry into "A surveillance society?" by the London School of
Economics and Political Science Identity Project (24 April) Archived at
Source file:
[10] Whitley EA (2007) Submission to the House of Lords Constitution
Committee inquiry into the "Impact of Surveillance & Data Collection"
(16 July) Archived at
Source file:
[11] Whitley EA (2011) Submission to the House of Commons Public
Administration Select Committee inquiry into "Government's use of IT" by
the London School of Economics and Political Science Identity Project (24
April) Archived at
[12] Pieri E (2009) ID cards: A snapshot of the debate in the UK press
ESRC National Centre for e- Social Science (23 April) Archived at
[13] Cabinet Office (2012) Less About Identity, More About Trust (4
October) Archived at
[14] Cabinet Office (2012) Digital public services: putting the citizen
in charge, not the state (25 April) Archived at
Source file:
[15] Cabinet Office (2012) Digital Strategy Archived at:
Source file:
[16] Standing committee on Finance (India) (2011) The national
identification authority of India Bill, 2010 Ministry of Planning
(13 December) Archived at