Directing policy interventions around local food markets and challenging assumptions around food localisation agendas
Submitting Institution
Northumbria University NewcastleUnit of Assessment
Business and Management StudiesSummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Economics: Applied Economics
Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services: Business and Management
Summary of the impact
Research from Northumbria University's Business School into environmental
issues surrounding food supply chains has informed national policy in
relation to local food systems. Research showed that the argument for
supporting local food systems to achieve greater environmental benefits
through reduced "food miles" was misconceived particularly in light of an
almost uncontested notion that the more "local" food produce is, the
better it must be for the environment. Our research has challenged this
notion, showing that deliberately localising the supply of any product
when economies of scale are available defies basic theories of comparative
advantage and creates greater, not less, environmental burden. This
informed the Department for Food and Rural Affairs' (Defra) decision in
2010 not to implement policy interventions that would promote a more local
food supply.
Underpinning research
The UoA has a history of research in logistics and supply chain
management dating back to 2006 that placed it in a strong position to
respond to Defra's call for bids to conduct a study into potential
unintended consequences of food localisation. The notion of food miles had
led to many initiatives to localise food networks (instead of large-scale
distribution) in the belief that there would be environmental benefit
arising from a reduction in transport miles. This call followed several
national reports where the carbon footprint of imported produce to the UK
from overseas was shown to be lower than that of similar domestic
produce (e.g. Kenyan flowers, New Zealand lamb).
The critical research underpinning the impact of this work included
research that secured the initial funding together with research that was
carried out during the project as a result of the data gathered. The
project was led by David Oglethorpe (Professor of Logistics and Supply
Chain Management 2006-2012) together with Graeme Heron (Senior Lecturer in
Logistics and Supply Chain Management 2007- date) who was research
manager. This project (2007-2009) gathered extensive
geographically-representative evidence through their analysis of 27
different case studies. The research explored where the benefits of local
produce lie and which policy interventions may be needed to correct any
market failure in delivering these benefits. Key research insights and
findings included:
- Our operational and economic analyses of natural resources, food
production and associated environmental externalities, helped us
understand the theoretical underpinnings of why producers and consumers
may require the environmental credentials of food products to be known
(Oglethorpe, 2010).
- Policy intervention would normally be supported in line with the
economic concept of market failure. Counter intuitively to the
perceptions of the time, the food miles debate was misplaced as there
was no underlying market failure. These findings had the impact of
preventing further directly supported policy interventions to promote
local food supply by the Government.
- Evaluations of relationships, influences and power within the surveyed
supply chains allowed for an appreciation in different contexts as to
how the theories of environmental economics may be played out by actors
at different parts of supply hierarchies (Heron & Oglethorpe, 2013).
In other words, businesses make choices that affect other businesses in
ways which are not readily reflected or accounted for in price. Thus the
small businesses and their customer bases taken together create
pollution but do not consider that pollution impact upon others as they
only "see" their part of the chain. With less environmental management
in "local" systems, the total pollution exceeds that produced by
larger scale, more efficient systems.
- Oglethorpe (2010) and Oglethorpe & Heron (2011) explained how
economies of scale prevailed through large scale operations and how
resource intensity matched scale economy flows; transporting goods
through scale distribution networks used lower levels of fuel per unit
of produce. Simply put, our research demonstrated that HGVs, although
less fuel efficient than a car, can transport up to 35 tonnes of goods
between nodes in a food supply network. Thus, fuel consumption per unit
of produce is much less in large scale supply networks, suggesting that
larger vehicles and home deliveries can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- The Defra work also informed logistics management research in the food
sector as reported in Oglethorpe and Heron (2011) - they mapped the
functional linkages that enabled discrete parts of the supply chain to
operate. This provided a context for how data relating to transport use
and performance metrics should be interpreted. Thus by understanding the
economies of scale and associated environmental benefits of national
transport networks and large operations, we were able to design more
effective routing that would result in resource efficiency and greater
An important final area of this cost-benefit research acknowledged the
existence of trade-offs between both the social and economic dimensions of
food localisation when consideration is also given to knowledge about
local produce networks, health factors and impact on employment. Re-
connection with food and community vibrancy was enhanced through the
existence of local food networks; additional evidence suggested that
margins per product and sales volumes for local suppliers were also
improved. However, set against this in some instances, the health impacts
of local food were found to be negative, particularly with respect to
sugar and fat content of products. These were often higher in local food
products where they were produced in response to more indulgent and
luxurious food tastes rather than merely reflecting the availability of
local, seasonal food. This paper (Oglethorpe, 2010) developed a
mathematical model that was applicable in the economic, environmental and
social (EES) spheres, the triple bottom line of sustainable production.
This model allows for the use of decision variables in relation to supply
chain strategies, water consumption, health impacts such as fat content,
sales, jobs etc. by allowing the user to prioritise through the
"weighting" of variables in relation to EES factors.
It should also be noted that other researchers within the UoA have
extended this work into a different context by examining consumer
attitudes towards food labelling more generally in relation to non-market
environmental and social attributes which found that carbon labelling did
not affect purchasing behaviour (Gadema and Oglethorpe, 2011). Indeed,
carbon labelling is less evident, despite the introduction of mandatory
carbon reporting within annual reports from October 1 this year for all UK
quoted companies.
References to the research
Heron, G. and Oglethorpe, D. (2013) `Testing the Theory of Constraints in
UK Local Food Supply Chains', International Journal of Operations
& Production Management, 33 (10). DOI:
Oglethorpe, D. and Heron, G. (2011) `Sensible operational choices for the
climate change agenda' International Journal of Logistics Management,
21(3) pp538-557. DOI: 10.1108/09574091011089844. Available at:
Heron, G. and Oglethorpe, D. (2011) `Standing At The Crossroads: A
Comparative Analysis of Logistics, Supply Chain Mechanisms, Collaboration
and Customer Fulfillment Strategies at Farmers Markets in the North-East
Of England and the State Of Delaware Between May and October 2011', CILT
Seed Corn Research Grant Report, ISBN 978-1-904564-39-3 Report
available at:
Gadema, Z. and Oglethorpe, D. (2011) `Consumer attitudes to environmental
labelling', Food Policy, 36 (6) pp815-822. DOI:
10.1016/j.foodpol.2011.08.00. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2011.08.001
Oglethorpe, D. (2010) Optimising economic, environmental and social
objectives: A goal programming approach in the food sector, Environment
& Planning A 42(5) pp1239-1254. Available at:
Title: "Investigating the Practicalities and Benefits of Local Food
Production", Project FO0104. Awarded to University of Northumbria,
PI Professor David Oglethorpe, lead researcher Graeme Heron, Sponsor:
Defra, June 2007-June 2009, Total grant value: £179,259
Title: "Standing at the crossroads: A comparative analysis of
logistics, supply chain mechanisms, collaboration and customer
fulfilment strategies at farmers' markets in the North East of England
& the State of Delaware". Awarded to University of Northumbria,
PI Dr Graeme Heron. Sponsor: The Chartered Institute of Logistics &
Transport, November 2010-December 2011
Details of the impact
The purpose of the research was to inform the debate on the localisation
of food supply and specifically to challenge the notion that localisation
would reduce the environmental burden of food supply. It had previously
been believed that large-scale food networks were creating market failure
in the form of negative environmental externalities. Defra was considering
making market or policy interventions to correct the perceived market
failure represented by the food miles debate that would positively promote
local food production. Before it did this, it required evidence to ensure
this was indeed the right course of action. The research undertaken within
the UoA clearly demonstrated that the greater "food miles" attributed to
nationally- or internationally-sourced products in comparison to local
food products did not correlate with negative environmental externalities.
Impact on formation of public policy
The impact of this research was the formulation of evidence-based public
policy, aligned to delivering appropriate benefits from any intervention
in local food supply chains. The research eschewed misconceptions about
"food miles", demonstrating that suspected market failure in large-scale
food networks did not necessarily exist, and that policy intervention to
promote more localised food supply was thus not required. The influence of
the research can be evidenced in the development of Defra's Food 2030
strategy, the UK's first food strategy in 50 years. The Economic Advisor
at Defra, recognises Northumbria's role in establishing the position taken
in the strategy not to promote local food systems as solution to the
challenge of reducing the environmental cost of food: "Whilst previous
work had been done by Defra to challenge some of these claims, the
Northumbria project was the first to look directly at the logistics of
domestic local supply chains and highlight the fallacies of the food
miles argument in a domestic context...Based on empirical research and
the expertise of economists, food industry and logistics experts, it
sent a clear message to Defra that the economic and environmental case
for Government intervention in this area was very weak. The Brown
Government's "Food 2030 Strategy" published in January 2010 did not seek
to promote local food systems as a solution to the more fundamental
challenges of carbon emissions, waste, resource efficiency, poor diet
and food chain resilience. Indeed the Strategy highlighted the flaws in
the food miles argument (pp. 47), drawing upon this and other research"
(Source 1).
Contribution to the development of international carbon labelling
Our work informed the development of international carbon labelling
policy and recommended mandatory policy interventions, whereby switching
from softer voluntary policies to a system which encourages uptake through
mandatory measures amongst food supply chain actors is necessary to ensure
a widespread and simultaneous uptake. This has led to a common position
where producers' claims of carbon consumption is commonplace, irrespective
of price or channel, giving the customer more opportunities to
differentiate meaningful carbon footprints within the same product
categories. This work was selected by a European Commission Policy Unit
and added to their case study bank at Case Study 10 within "Science for
Environmental Policy" (Source 5).
Impact on practitioners and professional services
We expunged the food miles myth so that sensible operational choices
could be made; the research reveals the joint positive relationship
between economic and environmental efficiency: lean is green. Indeed,
these arguments could be taken further to suggest that environmental
efficiency could be achieved wherever economies of scale are available in
food production, processing, manufacture, preparation, consumption and
disposal (Sources 2 and 7).
In accepting that the food miles debate is based on over-simplification,
we acknowledge that there will always be a local food agenda, and that its
benefits may extend beyond economic or financial advantage to the
producer, into areas such as skills, employment and reconnection with
farming by the general public. Nevertheless, we also identify that
intermediary organisations/businesses hold a key role for a more resource
efficient collection and distribution transport system, for the onwards
sale of local foods to reach a broader customer base, while allowing the
smaller producer to manage with only one point of contact for sale,
invoicing and shorter cash-to-cash cycles for their products.
It is also noted that the research has migrated in to other areas of
Defra research that acknowledges and reaffirms our findings. Research
project FO0430: Evidence to define the sustainability of a healthy
diet. This study also confirmed that evidence to support the role of
farmers' markets towards the sustainability of a healthy diet is "weak"
(Source 3).
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Defra Economic Adviser, Ecosystems, Strategy and Evidence, can be
contacted to corroborate claims concerning the impact on policy
- Principle public domain research report (Defra FO0104): "Investigating
the Practicalities and Benefits of Local Food Production". Principle
End-User for corroboration: Colin Smith, Defra. Report available at:
- Migration of research into further Defra researches: Making the food
and farming industry more competitive while protecting the environment.
Website and report available at:
- Defra FO0430: Evidence to define the sustainability of a healthy diet.
- International press interest (over 100 enquiries) in wake of Gadema
and Oglethorpe (2011) paper which has also been adapted as a research
summary (study reference 10) in the European Commission's publication, Science
for Environment Policy. Website available at:
- Media contribution to clarification of the purpose of carbon labelling
including trade and popular press, national radio, YouTube and internet
blogging sites - 499 hits (at 13 January 2013) on
- Food 2030: How we get there.
- Media outputs: Carbon — Does every label helps? The Environmentalist,
December 2008, pp. 22-23. Local Food — Miles Better? European Supply
Chain Management, 2008 (1) pp. 12-15.
Radio 4: Costing the Earth,
broadcast 24 January 2008; Reducing Carbon Footprint, Farmers Weekly
Interactive, 16 May 2008.
Radio 4: Farming today this week, broadcast 17
November 2007.