Evidence based imaging – Impact of Body CT and MRI in clinical practice-Dixon
Submitting Institution
University of CambridgeUnit of Assessment
Clinical MedicineSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Engineering: Biomedical Engineering
Medical and Health Sciences: Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology, Clinical Sciences
Summary of the impact
Computed tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) have
revolutionised the practice of medicine by providing improved diagnostic
accuracy resulting in improved clinical management and outcome. The
evidence-based medicine approach developed by Professor Dixon and his team
contributed to the timely evaluation of these technologies. Several of his
studies proved improved outcome measures, including reduced mortality,
shorter in-patient stay and enhanced diagnostic confidence. Examples
include: CT of patients with acute abdominal problems and possible large
bowel disease; CT for suspected pulmonary embolism; MRI for lumbar spine
disease; MRI for knee and shoulder problems. These informed radiological
guidelines adopted across Europe.
Underpinning research
Professor Adrian K Dixon (Department of Radiology, University of
Cambridge, UGC Funded, tenured since 1979, Professor since 1994) and his
team have been at the forefront of introducing new Body CT and MRI
techniques into the UK for the last three decades. His main research
contribution has been to pioneer the rigorous evaluation of evolving
imaging techniques in patients, wherever possible by randomised trials
comparing the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the novel imaging
against the existing conventional management pathway. He also pioneered
the development of image guided interventional techniques.
Technology Assessment
In 1995 Dixon developed templates for assessing technical efficacy,
diagnostic impact, clinical impact, therapeutic impact and impact on
health outcome of imaging technology using MRI of the knee as the exemplar
(1). This framework facilitated further work by Dixon into the cost
effectiveness of CT and MRI in 1997 (2). In 1998 Dixon reported a large
clinical trial demonstrating the superiority of CT over nuclear medicine
techniques for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (3). In the area of
abdominal pain, Dixons randomized controlled trials demonstrated the
effectiveness of early CT imaging in patients presenting with acute
abdominal pain (4) Working with W Hollingworth (Department of Public
Health and Primary Care, now at Bristol), an MRC funded research fellow,
Dixon showed that MRI improved diagnostic accuracy and confidence in
patients with knee, cervical and lumbar spine problems and multiple
sclerosis and then assessed the health outcomes for a variety of MRI
indications (in 2017 patients) (5).
Novel applications of CT
In 1993 with KA Miles (radiology trainee at Cambridge, now Professor of
Radiology, Brisbane and honorary appointment, UCL) he developed a dynamic
contrast CT method for quantifying arterial and portal blood perfusion of
the liver in 24 patients (some with cirrhosis); producing a high
resolution functional map of the liver (6). Rapidly acquired data using CT
allowed Dixon with his physics team to develop software to quantify
contrast enhancement in tissues. In 1993 Dixon pioneered the use of image
guided biopsies to replace open surgical biopsy in children, demonstrating
the importance of guided needle placement to accurately obtain diagnostic
specimens safely (7) leading onto development by Dixon of CT guided
drainage procedures. In 1994, in collaboration with M Fink (Radiology
trainee at Cambridge, now paediatric radiologist, University of Melbourne)
Dixon developed CT colonography and showed that this was a safe effective
technique in frail, elderly patients (8).
Both Siemens (CT) and General Electric (MRI) have collaborated
extensively with Dixon with regards to long-term provision of their most
modern research hardware and software on a rolling programme in
recognition of the pioneering work performed on their equipment in
Cambridge and there is on-going collaboration with regard to cardiac and
body MRI (Martin Graves, David Lomas, Fiona Gilbert).
References to the research
1. Mackenzie R, Dixon AK. Measuring the effects of imaging: an evaluative
framework. Clin Radiol 1995;50:513-8.
2. Dixon AK. Evidence based diagnostic radiology. Lancet 1997;350:509-512
4. Ng CS, Watson CJ, Palmer CR, See TC, Beharry NA, Housden BA, Bradley
JA, Dixon AK. Evaluation of early abdominopelvic computed tomography in
patients with acute abdominal pain of unknown cause: prospective
randomised study. British Medical Journal 2002; 14:325: 1387
5. Hollingworth W, Todd CJ, Bell MI, Arafat Q, Girling IS, Karia KR,
Dixon AK. The Diagnostic and Therapeutic Impact of MRI: an Observational
Multi-centre Study. Clin Radiol 2000:55:825-831
6. Miles KA, Hayball MP, Dixon AK. Functional images of hepatic perfusion
obtained with dynamic computed tomography. Radiology 1993;188:405-11.
7. Somers JM, Lomas DJ, Hacking JC, Coleman N, Broadbent VA, Dixon AK.
Radiologically guided cutting needle biopsy for suspected malignancy in
childhood. Clin Radiol 1993;48:236-40.
8. Fink M, Freeman AH, Dixon AK, Coni NK. Computed tomography of the
colon in the elderly: computed tomography as the first investigation. Br
Med J 1994;308:1018
Dixon's intensive charitable fund raising, research grant income and
industrial support to the value of over £20M over the last 20 years has
allowed patients and research workers throughout the Cambridge University
Hospitals Biomedical Campus to benefit from the latest CT and MRI
technology. Research gained from industry included funding of the
Professorship of Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Nycomed Amersham) -
current holder Professor David J Lomas (£1M) and a programme of research
studentships in MRI funded by GE.
Details of the impact
Dixon's research has had a direct and major impact on how patients with a
variety of different common and life threatening conditions are
investigated radiologically throughout the UK and Europe. The evaluative
frameworks he developed, together with his clinical research, have
informed clinical guidelines. The resulting changes in clinical practice
have resulted in benefits regarding both health outcomes and
Impact on Health and Welfare
Outcomes for Patients have Improved & New Diagnostic Technologies
have been Adopted
His CT research, in particular his randomised controlled
trial (Ref 3 Section 2) is recognised by the Guidelines as having
contributed to a major change in the way that patients are now
investigated for suspected pulmonary embolus. Pulmonary angiography and
then ventilation/scintigraphy, a nuclear medicine technique were abandoned
in 2009 in favour of pulmonary CT angiography (1). Similarly his work is
still influential in the use of CT imaging in patients with acute
abdominal pain (2).
There are now numerous CT-based diagnostic and interventional procedures
in widespread use, whose introduction to clinical practice was pioneered
by Dixon and reported in medical journals. This includes the biopsy of
retroperitoneal lymph nodes, deep seated paediatric tumours and other
malignant lesions without the need for formal surgery and often under
simple local anaesthesia. Dixon developed CT drainage procedures that were
initially experimental but are now standard clinical procedures (4,5).
Such help to the surgical community has allowed considerable progress in
transplant, pancreatic and other complex surgery because postoperative
complications can be treated by interventional radiological procedures
(usually CT guided).
Impact on the Economy
The Costs of Treatment or Healthcare has Changed as a Result of
Research-Led Changes in Practice
Dixon's work has also made an important contribution to the health
economics of radiology. High cost diagnostic tools must be used
appropriately, ideally replacing existing less effective technologies,
rather than being additional. Dixon's studies, for example those on lumbar
spine MRI, the investigation of auditory canal tumours (acoustic
neurinomas), MRI knee and shoulder problems have all shown that
appropriate and prompt (e.g. immediately upon hospital admission) use of
high technology can save the patient numerous less effective and
cumulatively expensive investigations and subsequent outpatient
appointments. This is corroborated by independent health economic analyses
of the strategies pioneered by Dixon.(3,4)
Impact on Practitioners and Services
Professional Standards, guidelines or training have been influenced by
In 2001 Dixon was asked to develop the pan-European Referral Criteria
by the European Commission (3). This guidance document remains current and
continues to be extensively used by imaging departments around Europe.
Dixon chaired the highly successful Royal College of Radiologists "Making
the best use of the Department of Clinical Radiology: Clinical
Guidelines" (4) originally issued free-of-charge to all general
practitioners and now available online as iRefer (5). This gives
information on which imaging pathway to follow for different clinical
problems. The process that was used to create the guidance was accredited
by NHS Evidence-National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
(NICE) in June 2010 (6).
The UK and European guidelines are greatly influenced by Dixons research
(Ref 1-8, Section 3) in two areas 1) The early evaluation of CT and/or MRI
compared to established imaging strategies in a wide variety of common and
life threatening conditions led to increased appropriate use of these
sophisticated techniques in secondary care. 2) The increased use of CT or
MRI to extend the remit of imaging to assist with diagnosis and treatment
of patients with clinical problems where previous imaging techniques were
unable to make significant contributions. As evidenced by numerous
citations in the Guidelines, the studies undertaken by Dixon made major
contributions to CT becoming the preferred investigative tool in the
evaluation of: an abdominal mass, the acute abdomen, the adrenal gland,
aortic aneurysms and dissection, appendicitis and large bowel problems,
particularly in the elderly (3,4,5).
Dixon also realised the potential applications of CT technology to
radiotherapy planning and to quantify functional aspects of tissues. For
example his pioneering work with Professor Ken Miles on perfusion CT was
the proof of concept demonstrating that in vivo clinical imaging could
measure changes dynamically, resulting in this technique being tested as a
potential biomarker in clinical trials in 2010 (7). Intriguingly the
industrial partners did not originally see the need for such detailed
analysis and thus the software for this technique, pioneered in Cambridge,
was made freely available to the research community and healthcare
systems; it can now be incorporated on most clinical CT and MR systems.
The research collaboration in Cambridge with industry provided extremely
valuable feedback on their prototypes which was essential for both Siemens
and GE leading to significant improvements in their MR and CT machines.
The Government became extremely concerned about cancer waiting times in
2000. Dixon worked with the Department of Health (DH) to advise on CT
specifications in a national scheme which oversaw the installation of £1.5
billion of CT equipment (personal work with the National Cancer Tsar, Sir
Michael Richards and others in the DH). When the Government's scheme for
outsourcing MRI services ran into early problems in 2003, the DH again
turned to Dixon to provide leadership and quality control. The technical
lead for Imaging in the Department of Health states that Dixon was
responsible for implementing increased CT availability and MR for NHS
England (8). On part-time secondment to the DH (2004-2007) as MR Clinical
Guardian, he helped introduce audit and dual reporting for remote
teleradiological sites to raise standards and ensure a high quality
service from external providers (9). Dixon showed that the standard of
routine NHS reporting was high but the turnaround time was slow; this led
to increased government funding to allow NHS machines to be used for an
extended working day- the forerunner of the now imminent 7 day working for
Radiology Departments (see letter from the Minister of State for Health),
High cost diagnostic tools must be used appropriately, ideally replacing
existing less effective technologies, rather than being additional.
Dixon's studies on Lumbar spine MRI, the investigation of auditory canal
tumours (acoustic neurinomas), MRI knee and shoulder problems have all
shown that appropriate and prompt (e.g. immediately upon hospital
admission) use of high technology can save the patient numerous less
effective investigations and subsequent outpatient appointments. Dixon's
work has also shown that these novel uses of CT and MRI can save costs for
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Henzler T, Schoenberg SO, Schoepf UJ, Fink C. Diagnosing acute
pulmonary embolism: systematic review of evidence base and
cost-effectiveness of imaging tests. J Thorac Imaging. 2012
Sep;27(5):304-14. doi: 10.1097/RTI.0b013e31825da2bc.
- Stoker J, van Randen A, Laméris W, Boermeester MA. Imaging patients
with acute abdominal pain. Radiology. 2009 Oct;253(1):31-46. doi:
- European Commission. Referral guidelines for imaging. Radiation
Protection 118. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the
European Communities. 2001-125pp. ISBN 92-828-9454-1. These guidelines
remain current to date.
- Remedios D, Barter S, Dixon AK et al. Making the best use of clinical
radiology services (Referral Guidelines). The Royal College of
Radiologists 2007; Sixth Edition.
- iRefer, 2012 see http://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/
- https://www.evidence.nhs.uk/documents/accreditation/reports/nice-data-users-profilefolders-mderry-desktop-maggie-rcr-final-accreditation-report-1.3.pdf
- Padhani AR & Miles KA. Multiparametric imaging of tumour response
to therapy. Radiology 2010 256:348-364
- Letter from Imaging technical lead, NHS contracting, Department of
AK, FitzGerald
R. Outsourcing and teleradiology: potential benefits, risks and
solutions from a UK/European perspective J
Am Coll Radiol. 2008; 5(1):12-8.
- Letter from, Minister of State for Health, Department of Health