The rodent attentional set-shifting task and the pharmaceutical industry
Submitting Institution
University of St AndrewsUnit of Assessment
Psychology, Psychiatry and NeuroscienceSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Neurosciences
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences: Psychology
Summary of the impact
The `rodent attentional set-shifting task' provides a novel method for
assessing cognitive impairments in rodents that are directly equivalent to
those seen in several psychiatric and neurological disorders. The research
has had significant and broad impact on commerce, as evidenced by:
i) commercial adoption of a new process across the pharmaceutical
industry through use of the task in pre-clinical testing of putative
therapeutic compounds and inclusion of the task in NIMH-sponsored
guidelines for schizophrenia clinical trials; and ii) demonstrable
collaborations with industry, including a Royal Society Industry
fellowship, CASE studentships and academic research contracts.
Underpinning research
The research described here was conducted in the laboratory of Prof.
Verity Brown, who has been employed in the School since 1993. The key
paper that presented the `rodent attentional set-shifting task' was
published in 2000 (Birrell and Brown, 2000) and has been cited over 490
Cognitive flexibility, including the ability to shift attention between
components of complex stimuli, is an important executive function. In
humans, areas of prefrontal cortex are important for executive functions,
which are impaired in disorders such as schizophrenia and Parkinson's
disease, causing considerable difficulties in everyday life. The research
in Brown's lab has shown that rats have some similar cognitive processes
and underlying neural architecture to humans (Brown and Bowman, 2002).
Cross-species similarities provide an opportunity for `translational
research', whereby an animal can be used to develop new pharmaceutical
therapies for humans.
Working with colleagues from the pharmaceutical industry from 1993
onwards, Brown saw that researchers in both academic and industry settings
needed a rodent behavioural task that could measure attentional
set-shifting in a manner that was directly comparable to human tasks. In
humans, tasks of attentional set-shifting involve focusing attention on
one aspect (`dimension') of a visual stimulus (e.g., its shape or colour)
and then shifting attention to the other. Given that rats rely more on
their senses of smell and touch than on vision, Brown devised a task that
avoided using visual stimuli, thereby providing a major breakthrough in
measuring attentional processes in rodents. This task offered a new
process in the form of a `translational tool' that was amenable to
pharmacological manipulation (Tait et al., 2007) and that could be
used in the development of drugs for cognitive impairments.
Rats are foraging animals so Birrell and Brown (2000) buried food in
digging bowls, distinguishable by the digging media (e.g., sand versus
grit) and odour (e.g., ginger versus cinnamon). Rats were trained to find
food on the basis of one of these dimensions (e.g., the digging media),
while the other dimension (e.g., the odour) was irrelevant. The stimuli
were then replaced with novel exemplars in several acquisition stages,
but, crucially, at one stage — the extra-dimensional (ED) shift — the
relevant characteristic was changed. Rats, like humans, required a larger
number of trials to make an ED shift than an intra-dimensional (ID) shift.
Importantly, Brown and her group showed that experimental lesions of
areas of prefrontal cortex were associated with precisely the same pattern
of set-shifting impairments as in humans with neurocognitive disorders
(McAlonan and Brown, 2003), confirming the translational value of the
task. Working with Merck scientists, the researchers also showed that rats
could be tested multiple times on the task with good test-retest
reliability (Tait et al., 2009), enabling within-subjects designs,
so improving statistical power and significantly reducing the number of
animals used.
The pharmaceutical industry has been involved in supporting the
development of the task from the beginning: for example, a BBSRC CASE PhD
studentship sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline (1999-2002) resulted in the first
publication from an industry laboratory using the task (Hatcher et al.,
2005). Brown's links with the pharmaceutical industry were enhanced by a
Royal Society Industry Fellowship, sponsored by Organon (2007-2009) and
extended by Merck (2009-2012), and by extensive collaborative research
ventures. In total, 10 different pharmaceutical companies have supported 6
CASE PhD studentships and provided research funding or materials to
Brown's lab since 1994. Brown was awarded Fellowship of the Royal Society
of Edinburgh in 2012.
References to the research
Researchers at the University of St Andrews are in bold; industry
collaborators are in italics. IF = currrent impact factor;
citations are from Scopus.
Brown, V. J. and Bowman, E. M. (2002). Rodent models of
prefrontal cortical function. Trends in Neurosciences, 25:
340-343. IF = 14.5; citations = 140, doi:10.1016/S0166-2236(02)02164-1.
Hatcher, P. D., Brown, V. J., Tait, D. S., Bate, S.,
Overend, P., Hagan, J. J. and Jones, D. N. C. (2005). 5-HT6 receptor
antagonists improve performance in an attentional set shifting task in
rats. Psychopharmacology, 181: 253-259. IF = 4.3; citations =
71, doi: 10.1007/s00213-005-2261-z.
McAlonan, K. and Brown V. J. (2003). Orbital prefrontal
cortex mediates reversal learning and not attentional set shifting in the
rat. Behavioural Brain Res., 146: 7-103. IF = 3.7; citations =
239, doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2003.09.019.
Tait, D. S., Brown, V. J., Farovik, A., Theobald,
D. E., Dalley, J. W. and Robbins, T. W. (2007). Lesions of the dorsal
noradrenergic bundle impair attentional set-shifting in the rat.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 25: 3719-3724 IF = 3.6;
citations = 53, doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2007.05612.x.
Tait, D. S., Marston, H. M., Shahid, M. and Brown,
V. J. (2009). Asenapine restores cognitive flexibility in rats with
lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex. Psychopharmacology, 202:
295-306. IF = 4.3; citations = 27, doi: 10.1007/s00213-008-1364-8.
Details of the impact
The research has had significant and broad impact on commerce, as
evidenced by: i) commercial adoption of a new process — the
set-shifting task has been used by pharmaceutical companies in preclinical
drug development and has been included in the revised NIMH-sponsored
guidelines for schizophrenia clinical trials; and ii) demonstrable
collaborations with industry, including research contracts to
academic intermediaries in both the UK and USA.
i) Commercial adoption of a new process and change of practice within
the pharmaceutical industry The rodent attentional set-shifting task
is now used globally in the pharmaceutical industry to test drugs with
putative cognitive enhancement properties. Evidence of significance
and breadth of impact is provided by: a) direct confirmation
from the pharmaceutical companies that the task is used in-house for
drug development and published data showing broad use of the task
across the industry, and b) inclusion of the task in clinical
guidelines for schizophrenia.
a) Use of task by pharmaceutical companies We have direct
confirmation that the Birrell and Brown (2000) set-shifting task has been
used in-house by several pharmaceutical companies during the REF period.
For example, a Head of Department in Lundbeck confirms that the
Birrell and Brown task has been used as part of their preclinical drug
development since 2009:
`our company has employed the Birrell and Brown (2000) attentional
set-shifting taskas part of our ongoing research aiming at developing
new drugs for treatment of CNS diseases. The Birrell and Brown task is one
of our central assays when the executive domain of cognition is
among the target domains in question, and I can confirm that positive
data from this task have supported decisions to progress several of
our drug discovery projects' (S1).
The Head of Department also states that the Birrell and Brown (2000)
`has made a significant contribution to drug discovery in our
company. The back-translatability of your set-shifting task has
provided us with a crucial new methodology for addressing
cognition in a drug research setting.' (S1)
Organon (which was taken over by Merck in 2007) also made
extensive use of the Birrell and Brown (2000) set-shifting task, and data
from the task were included in the preclinical development of asenapine,
a second generation anti-psychotic that has been marketed by Merck since
2009 as a treatment for mania in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. As
evidence, data from the attention set-shifting task are referred to in the
European Medicines Agency (EMA) submission for approval of
asenapine (S6); asenapine has also been approved by the US Food
and Drug Administration (S6). In addition, a previous
employee of Organon has confirmed that the Birrell and Brown (2000) task
`a key behavioural assay used by Organon during the
development of asenapine. The task was specifically used during
preclinical testing of this compound' (S2).
A contact within the pharmaceutical industry, currently employed at TPP
Global Development and with access to industry databases, confirmed that
data from the Birrell and Brown (2000) task have also been used in the
preclinical drug development stages for other compounds that have reached
phase I and phase II clinical trials, and stated that the Birrell and
Brown (2000) task:
`is by far the most practical, validated, and translatable rodent
task currently available for exploring executive function within a
drug discovery setting and therefore forms a critical part of
behavioural test batteries across the whole pharmaceutical industry'
A literature search of published articles provides further evidence for
extensive use of the task within industry. During the REF period, employees
of 12 major pharmaceutical companies are listed as co-authors on
articles that include data from the Birrell and Brown (2000) task;
including GlaxoSmith-Klein, Johnson & Johnson, Lundbeck, Lilly, Pfizer
and Schering-Plough (S7).
b) Inclusion of the task in CNTRICS guidelines The Measurement
and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia
(MATRICS) initiative, funded by the US National Institute of Mental
Health (NIMH) in 2008, resulted in a set of criteria by which the
cognitive deficits of schizophrenia could be objectively evaluated for the
first time. On the back of MATRICS, a group of pharmaceutical industry
scientists and academics engaged in the NIMH-sponsored Cognitive
Neuroscience Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia
(CNTRICS) initiative, which devised guidelines for assessing these
cognitive deficits in preclinical trials. The attentional set-shifting
task was one of the core tasks adopted in new CNTRICS guidelines for
clinical trials in schizophrenia. Brown was an invited speaker at the 2011
CNTRICS workshop on `Selecting translational animal model paradigms'
(S8) and inclusion of appropriate animal models of schizophrenia
was key to the development of the guidelines. A CNTRICS steering group
member has confirmed that selection for inclusion is evidence that the
`has set the standard for translational research practice in
psychiatry' and that inclusion of the task in the guidelines `will
assure new higher standards for the measurement of executive function
in both preclinical research and clinical trials' (S3).
ii) Demonstrable collaborations with industry The impact has
resulted from sustained and significant collaboration with industry,
including a Royal Society Industry Fellowship to Brown, research
funding to Brown's research laboratory, and research contracts to other
academic intermediaries in the UK and USA. Evidence of significance
and breadth of impact:
a) Royal Society funding and support for collaborations with
industry Brown was awarded a Royal Society Industry
Fellowship, sponsored by Organon in 2006, which was extended
until 2012 via Merck sponsorship. The outcome of the fellowship included
training scientists within Merck both specifically on the set-shifting
task, as well as more generally in interactions in a knowledge transfer
partnership. Brown organised a 2011 Royal Society International
Scientific Seminar meeting on `Novel approaches to drug
development in the 21st Century' at the
Kavli Centre to which researchers from both academic and industrial
settings contributed. This meeting resulted in a short article in Nature,
written by the attendees (Insel, T., Sahakian, B., Voon, V., Nye, J.,
Brown, V. J., et al. 2012. Drug research: a plan for mental illness. Nature
483: 269).
b) Provision of research contracts and funding to Brown
During the REF period, Brown's laboratory has received research contracts
totalling £707k from 5 pharmaceutical companies (Lundbeck, Merck,
Organon, Schering Plough and TPP) and from the Scottish
Universities Life Sciences Alliance (SULSA) (S9). These
funds have supported postdoctoral researcher salary, CASE PhD studentships
and research costs. In addition, Lilly has sent investigational compounds
(e.g., mGLUR5s) to Brown, in order for the efficacy to be assessed on the
set-shifting task.
c) Provision of research contracts to contract research
organisations and other academics The Birrell and Brown (2000)
task is offered by international contract research organisations (e.g,
WuXi Apptec, China; S10), and academic researchers in the UK and
abroad have been awarded research contracts to conduct the set-shifting
task on behalf of pharmaceutical companies. For example, industry
contracts have been awarded to academic colleagues at the University of
Manchester, U.K. (S4) and the University of Texas, San Antonio,
U.S.A. (S5) to run the Birrell and Brown (2000) rodent attentional
set-shifting task.
Sources to corroborate the impact
S1 Letter from Head of Department, Synaptic Transmission I,
Lundbeck, confirming use of the task during drug development at this
S2 Letter from Head of Pharmacology, TPP Global Development,
confirming use of the task in the development of asenapine and more
generally across the pharmaceutical industry.
S3 Letter from CNTRICS Executive Committee member, Columbia
University, confirming inclusion of the task in CNTRICS and implications
for standards in preclinical and clinical trials.
S4 Email confirmation of research contract awards from colleague
at the University of Manchester.
S5 Email confirmation of research contract awards from colleague
at the University of Texas, USA.
S6 Organon's asenapine submission to the EU pharmaceutical
administrative body cites results derived from set-shifting during drug
development (EMA public assessment report; page 13;;
and asenapine has been approved by US FDA (
S7 Scopus literature search output held on record by University of
St Andrews demonstrates that set-shifting is widely employed in the
pharmaceutical industry.
confirms Brown spoke at CNTRICS Meeting 4.
S9 University records confirm details of funding for research
contracts and CASE studentships.
S10 WuXi website content and methods sheet
confirms commercial research use of the set-shifting task (page 3).